4 research outputs found

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    Differences in Herbaceous Plants Intraspecific Variability in the Distribution Range Margin and Centre

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    Magistritöö Vee ja maismaa ökosüsteemide rakendusbioloogia erialalFunktsionaalsete tunnuste varieerumise võrdlemine erinevate keskkondade ja liikide vahel võib anda esmase ülevaate sellest, kuidas taimeliigid reageerivad muutuvatele keskkonnatingimustele. Lisaks liikidevahelistele erinevustele on väga tähtis ka liigisisene varieeruvus, mis senimaani on küllaltki vähe tähelepanu saanud. Senistes liigisisese varieeruvuse uuringutes on küll sageli uuritud paljusid eri liike, kuid seda peaaegu alati ühes paigas. Kui taimede levikuareaalide eri osades võivad kasvada küllaltki erinevad isendid. Et saada aimu, kas funktsionaalsete tunnuste varieeruvus liigi sees on leviala eri osades (leviala keskel versus servas) sarnane või mitte, koguti antud töö jaoks uurimisliigid Teravmägedelt ning Eestist. Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks oli uurida taimede liigisisest funktsionaalsete tunnuste (taimede lehepikkuse näitel) varieerumist küsimustega a) kuidas ümbritsev taimestik mõjutab lehtede tunnuste varieeruvust; ja b) kuidas need suhted erinevad liigiti ning paiknemistest levialas. Saadud tulemused näitasid, et lehtede pikkuse ja selle varieeruvuse liigisisene varieeruvus sõltub isendi kasvukohast ning ümbritsevast taimestikust ehk nii abiootilistest kui ka biootilistest teguritest. Taimeruudu liigirikkus ja katvus mõjutasid uuritud liike erinevalt leviala piiril ning keskel. Neist tulemustest lähtuvalt on liigisisese varieeruvuse mustrid liigispetsiifilised ning suuresti mõjutatud uuritava populatsiooni asukohast levialas. Antud magistritöö on heaks aluseks järgnevatele põhjalikematel uuringutele liigisisesest varieeruvusest.Comparing phenotypic trait variation between different regions and species may give us the first insight into how plant species respond to the changes in the environment. Besides interspecific phenotypic trait variation, it is also important to consider intraspecific trait variation which has got so far less attention. Present studies have investigated many species but the focus of intraspecific variability has been mainly on the local scale, although there might be different specimens in the distribution range. To understand if the intraspecific variation differs in different parts of the distribution's range (margins versus center), in this study species were investigated from Estonia and Svalbard.The aim of this study was to investigate intraspecific trait variation ( by the length of the leaves) with the questions of a) how does the surrounding vegetation influence the variation of the traits of plant leaves; and b) how these interactions differ among species and from the location of the distribution range. The results showed that intraspecific variability of the leaves means length and its variability depend on the specimens’ habitat and surrounding vegetation, that is, both abiotic and biotic factors. The diversity of vegetation and cover affected the studied species differently on the distribution range margins and centers. Therefore, the patterns of intraspecific trait variation are species-specific and strongly affected by the location of species’ distribution range. This study is a useful base for the future to investigate intraspecific trait variation more precisely

    Negative relationship between woody species density and size of urban green spaces in seven European cities

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    Urban green spaces (UGSs) are important elements of urban landscapes. Woody vegetation is a key component of UGSs, providing many socio-ecological benefits such as habitat provision and human well-being. Knowing plant diversity and vegetation configuration that underpin urban ecosystem processes and functions is critical to maximize nature contributions to city dwellers. Here, we present a well-replicated multi-city study showing a detailed description of taxonomic and structural diversity of woody vegetation in 225 UGSs distributed across seven European cities along a NE-SW gradient. Our aim was to understand how UGSs attributes, including size and fragmentation, influence woody vegetation features. A total of 418 woody species belonging to 76 families were identified. UGS size displayed weak positive correlations with woody species richness, but a strong negative correlation with woody species density. Alien woody species were abundant in all cities (from 40% of all species recorded in Antwerp to 64% in Lisbon and Zurich). Among the native tree species we found a predominance of Pinus spp. in southern cities and Acer spp. in cooler climates. On average, tree canopies extent was 56% of UGSs. This paper provides insights on the plant diversity and woody vegetation composition in UGSs of different size, climate and urban planning history. Our results encourage and contribute to future urban ecology studies involving different taxa and ecosystem services as well as support effective urban planning and management practices.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio