6,065 research outputs found

    The inner kernel theorem for a certain Segal algebra

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    The Segal algebra S0(G){\textbf{S}}_{0}(G) is well defined for arbitrary locally compact Abelian Hausdorff (LCA) groups GG. Despite the fact that it is a Banach space it is possible to derive a kernel theorem similar to the Schwartz kernel theorem, of course without making use of the Schwartz kernel theorem. First we characterize the bounded linear operators from S0(G1){\textbf{S}}_{0}(G_1) to S0′(G2){\textbf{S}}_{0}'(G_2) by distributions in S0′(G1×G2){\textbf{S}}_{0}'(G_1 \times G_2). We call this the "outer kernel theorem". The "inner kernel theorem" is concerned with the characterization of those linear operators which have kernels in the subspace S0(G1×G2){\textbf{S}}_{0}(G_1 \times G_2), the main subject of this manuscript. We provide a description of such operators as regularizing operators in our context, mapping S0′(G1){\textbf{S}}_{0}'(G_1) into test functions in S0(G2){\textbf{S}}_{0}(G_2), in a w∗w^{*}-to norm continuous manner. The presentation provides a detailed functional analytic treatment of the situation and applies to the case of general LCA groups, without recurrence to the use of so-called Wilson bases, which have been used for the case of elementary LCA groups. The approach is then used in order to describe natural laws of composition which imitate the composition of linear mappings via matrix multiplications, now in a continuous setting. We use here that in a suitable (weak) form these operators approximate general operators. We also provide an explanation and mathematical justification used by engineers explaining in which sense pure frequencies "integrate" to a Dirac delta distribution

    Conservative and radiative dynamics of spinning bodies at third post-Minkowskian order using worldline quantum field theory

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    Using the spinning worldline quantum field theory formalism we calculate the quadratic-in-spin momentum impulse Δpiμ\Delta p_i^\mu and spin kick Δaiμ\Delta a_i^\mu from a scattering of two arbitrarily oriented spinning massive bodies (black holes or neutron stars) in a weak gravitational background up to third post-Minkowskian (PM) order (G3G^3). Two-loop Feynman integrals are performed in the potential region, yielding conservative results. For spins aligned to the orbital angular momentum we find a conservative scattering angle that is fully consistent with state-of-the-art post-Newtonian results. Using the 2PM radiated angular momentum previously obtained by Plefka, Steinhoff and the present authors we generalize the angle to include radiation-reaction effects, in which case it avoids divergences in the high-energy limit

    Indecomposable finite-dimensional representations of a class of Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras

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    In the article at hand, we sketch how, by utilizing nilpotency to its fullest extent (Engel, Super Engel) while using methods from the theory of universal enveloping algebras, a complete description of the indecomposable representations may be reached. In practice, the combinatorics is still formidable, though. It turns out that the method applies to both a class of ordinary Lie algebras and to a similar class of Lie superalgebras. Besides some examples, due to the level of complexity we will only describe a few precise results. One of these is a complete classification of which ideals can occur in the enveloping algebra of the translation subgroup of the Poincar\'e group. Equivalently, this determines all indecomposable representations with a single, 1-dimensional source. Another result is the construction of an infinite-dimensional family of inequivalent representations already in dimension 12. This is much lower than the 24-dimensional representations which were thought to be the lowest possible. The complexity increases considerably, though yet in a manageable fashion, in the supersymmetric setting. Besides a few examples, only a subclass of ideals of the enveloping algebra of the super Poincar\'e algebra will be determined in the present article.Comment: LaTeX 14 page

    Linear Response, Hamiltonian and Radiative Spinning Two-Body Dynamics

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    Using the spinning, supersymmetric Worldline Quantum Field Theory formalism we compute the momentum impulse and spin kick from a scattering of two spinning black holes or neutron stars up to quadratic order in spin at third post-Minkowskian (PM) order, including radiation-reaction effects and with arbitrarily mis-aligned spin directions. Parts of these observables, both conservative and radiative, are also inferred from lower-PM scattering data by extending Bini and Damour's linear response formula. By solving Hamilton's equations of motion we also use a conservative scattering angle to infer a complete 3PM two-body Hamiltonian including finite-size corrections and misaligned spin-spin interactions. Finally, we describe mappings to the bound two-body dynamics for aligned spin vectors: including a numerical plot of the binding energy for circular orbits compared with numerical relativity, analytic confirmation of the NNLO PN binding energy and the energy loss over successive orbits

    Covariant q-differential operators and unitary highest weight representations for U_q su(n,n)

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    We investigate a one-parameter family of quantum Harish-Chandra modules of U_q sl(2n). This family is an analog of the holomorphic discrete series of representations of the group SU(n,n) for the quantum group U_q su(n, n). We introduce a q-analog of "the wave" operator (a determinant-type differential operator) and prove certain covariance property of its powers. This result is applied to the study of some quotients of the above-mentioned quantum Harish-Chandra modules. We also prove an analog of a known result by J.Faraut and A.Koranyi on the expansion of reproducing kernels which determines the analytic continuation of the holomorphic discrete series.Comment: 26 page

    Frequency Dependent Specific Heat from Thermal Effusion in Spherical Geometry

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    We present a novel method of measuring the frequency dependent specific heat at the glass transition applied to 5-polyphenyl-4-ether. The method employs thermal waves effusing radially out from the surface of a spherical thermistor that acts as both a heat generator and thermometer. It is a merit of the method compared to planar effusion methods that the influence of the mechanical boundary conditions are analytically known. This implies that it is the longitudinal rather than the isobaric specific heat that is measured. As another merit the thermal conductivity and specific heat can be found independently. The method has highest sensitivity at a frequency where the thermal diffusion length is comparable to the radius of the heat generator. This limits in practise the frequency range to 2-3 decades. An account of the 3omega-technique used including higher order terms in the temperature dependency of the thermistor and in the power generated is furthermore given.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, Substantially revised versio

    SUSY in the Sky with Gravitons

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    Picture yourself in the wave zone of a gravitational scattering event of two massive, spinning compact bodies (black holes, neutron stars or stars). We show that this system of genuine astrophysical interest enjoys a hidden N=2\mathcal{N}=2 supersymmetry, at least to the order of spin-squared (quadrupole) interactions in arbitrary DD spacetime dimensions. Using the N=2{\mathcal N}=2 supersymmetric worldline action, augmented by finite-size corrections for the non-Kerr black hole case, we build a quadratic-in-spin extension to the worldline quantum field theory (WQFT) formalism introduced in our previous work, and calculate the two bodies' deflection and spin kick to sub-leading order in the post-Minkowskian expansion in Newton's constant GG. For spins aligned to the normal vector of the scattering plane we also obtain the scattering angle. All DD-dimensional observables are derived from an eikonal phase given as the free energy of the WQFT, that is invariant under the N=2\mathcal{N}=2 supersymmetry transformations

    Classical Gravitational Bremsstrahlung from a Worldline Quantum Field Theory

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    Using the recently established formalism of a worldline quantum field theory (WQFT) description of the classical scattering of two spinless black holes, we compute the far-field time-domain waveform of the gravitational waves produced in the encounter at leading order in the post-Minkowskian (weak field, but generic velocity) expansion. We reproduce previous results of Kovacs and Thorne in a highly economic way. Then using the waveform we extract the leading-order total radiated angular momentum, reproducing a recent result of Damour. Our work may enable crucial improvements of gravitational-wave predictions in the regime of large relative velocities

    All Things Retarded: Radiation-Reaction in Worldline Quantum Field Theory

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    We exhibit an initial-value formulation of the worldline quantum field theory (WQFT) approach to the classical two-body problem in general relativity. We show that the Schwinger-Keldysh (in-in) formalism leads to purely retarded propagators in the evaluation of observables in the WQFT. Integration technology for retarded master integrals is introduced at third post-Minkowskian (3PM) order. As an application we compute the complete radiation-reacted impulse and radiated four momentum for the scattering of two non-spinning neutron stars including tidal effects at 3PM order, as well as the leading (2PM) far-field gravitational waveform. <br

    Gravitational Bremsstrahlung and Hidden Supersymmetry of Spinning Bodies

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    The recently established formalism of a worldline quantum field theory, which describes the classical scattering of massive bodies in Einstein gravity, is generalized up to quadratic order in spin -- for a pair of Kerr black holes revealing a hidden N=2{\mathcal N}=2 supersymmetry. The far-field time-domain waveform of the gravitational waves produced in such a spinning encounter is computed at leading order in the post-Minkowskian (weak field, but generic velocity) expansion, and exhibits this supersymmetry. From the waveform we extract the leading-order total radiated angular momentum in a generic reference frame, and the total radiated energy in the center-of-mass frame to leading order in a low-velocity approximation
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