10 research outputs found

    Pacientų patiriamas nerimas ir jo priežastys priešoperaciniu laikotarpiu

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    Anxiety is usually caused by even minor surgery.  The necessity of the procedure, the high pre-operative emotional arousal, the post-operative pain, the difficult and lengthy recovery process, the hospital environment, the diagnostic and preparatory tests, the attending and nursing staff-these are all factors that can influence the pre-operative anxiety a patient feels. The aim of this study is to analyse the anxiety and its causes in the preoperative period. Methods. A quantitative study was conducted. Results and conclusions the sample was random. 110 respondents participated in the study. The respondents often felt anxiety in the preoperative period, which was caused by intrusive thoughts about the surgery, the length of the postoperative period and the pain of the disease. In contrast, factors such as possible drug allergy, lack of information and negative postoperative outcomes were seen as minor contributors to anxiety. It was observed that the respondents were less likely to experience physical symptoms of anxiety. In contrast, psychological symptoms were more frequent in the preoperative period. Although the vast majority of respondents stated that they did not need psychological support, the study showed that some respondents tended to communicate actively with both relatives and nurses.Dažniausiai net ir nedidelė operacija pacientui tampa nerimo priežastimi. Procedūros būtinumas, priešoperacinis emocinis susijaudinimas, skausmas po operacijos, sudėtingas ir ilgas sveikimo procesas, ligoninės aplinka, diagnostinių ir paruošiamųjų tyrimų atlikimas, gydantis ir slaugantis personalas – tai veiksniai, kurie gali turėti įtakos priešoperaciniam paciento nerimui. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti pacientų patiriamą nerimą ir jo atsiradimo priežastis priešoperaciniu laikotarpiu. Tyrimo metodai – atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, vykdyta apklausa raštu, duomenys pateikti procentine išraiška. Tyrimo imtis – atsitiktinė. Dalyvavo 110 savanoriškai sutikusių dalyvauti respondentų, kuriems buvo atlikta operacija. Tyrimo rezultatai ir išvados. Tyrime dalyvavę respondentai priešoperaciniu laikotarpiu dažnai jausdavo nerimą, kuris atsirasdavo dėl tokių priežasčių, kaip įkyrios mintys dėl operacijos, ilgai trunkantis pooperacinis gydymas ir dėl ligos jaučiamo skausmo. Tuo tarpu tokie veiksniai, kaip galima alergija vaistams, informacijos stoka ir neigiami rezultatai po operacijos buvo vertinami kaip nežymūs nerimo atsiradimo dirgikliai. Tyrimo metu pastebėta, kad psichologiniai simptomai pasireikšdavo dažniau priešoperaciniu laikotarpiu. Nors dauguma apklaustųjų teigė, kad jiems neprireikė psichologinės pagalbos, tačiau tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, jog dalis respondentų buvo linkę aktyviau bendrauti tiek su artimaisiais, tiek su slaugytojais

    Slaugos lyderystę skatinantys veiksniai sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose: teorinis aspektas

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    This article presents a theoretical study on the factors that promote nursing leadership in healthcare settings. Leadership in healthcare settings is significant because the success of an organisation depends to a large extent on the personal qualities of its leaders. Leadership is not only a managerial activity, but also a competency that can be important both in the management of the organisation and at all levels of the organisation.The aim of this paper is to review and present the factors that promote nursing leadership in healthcare settings. Methods – Systematic search of PubMed, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar. The systematic review included 14 articles on the topic. The results showed that leadership is associated with organisational success. The main factors for promoting nurses' leadership are: organizational leadership endorsement by managers, initiating change, organizing nurses around leadership issues, promoting communication, creating an environment conducive to leadership development, financial support and motivation, decision-making freedom, and creating opportunities to care for oneself and colleagues.Straipsnyje pateikiama teorinė studija apie slaugos lyderystę skatinančius veiksnius sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose. Sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose lyderystė yra reikšminga, nes organizacijos sėkmė̇ didžiąja dalimi priklauso nuo organizacijos lyderių asmeninių savybių. Lyderystė yra ne tik vadovo veikla, tačiau ir kompetencija, kuri gali būti svarbi tiek organizacijos valdyme, tiek ir visuose jos lygiuose. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti slaugos lyderystę skatinančius veiksnius sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose. Tyrimo metodai – atlikta mokslinių straipsnių paieška naudojantis elektroninėmis duomenų bazėmis „PubMed“, „Cochrane Library“ ir „Google Scholar“. Į sisteminę apžvalgą įtraukta 14 mokslinių darbų nagrinėjama tema. Rezultatai parodė, kad lyderystė siejama su organizacijos veiklos sėkme. Skiriami šie pagrindiniai slaugytojų lyderystės skatinimo veiksniai: organizacijos vadovų pritarimas slaugytojų lyderystei, pokyčių inicijavimas, slaugytojų veiklos organizavimas, paremtos lyderystės klausimais, komunikacijos skatinimas, lyderystės ugdymui palankios aplinkos kūrimas, finansinė pagalba ir motyvavimas, sprendimų priėmimo laisvė, galimybių rūpintis savimi ir kolegomis sudarymas

    The Relationship of cognitive and physical functions of elderly patients with nursing needs in supportive treatment and nursing hospital

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    [...]. The aim of the work. The aim of the work was to analize the relationship of cognitive and physical functions of elderly patients with their nursing needs in supportive treatment and nursing hospital. Goals: 1. To assess the rate of impairement of cognitive and physical functions amongst elderly patients who are being care for at supportive treatment and nursing hospital. 2. To establish the predictive value of used scales to predict patient care outcomes. 3. To identify the relationship of nursing needs with cognitive and physical functions of elderly patients. 4. To establish polypharmacy and its links with care outcomes, impairement of cognitive and physical functions at supportive treatment and nursing hospital. [...]

    Factors promoting nursing leadership in health care settings: a theoretical perspective

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    This article presents a theoretical study on the factors that promote nursing leadership in healthcare settings. Leadership in healthcare settings is significant because the success of an organisation depends to a large extent on the personal qualities of its leaders. Leadership is not only a managerial activity, but also a competency that can be important both in the management of the organisation and at all levels of the organisation. The aim of this paper is to review and present the factors that promote nursing leadership in healthcare settings. Methods – Systematic search of PubMed, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar. The systematic review included 14 articles on the topic. The results showed that leadership is associated with organisational success. The main factors for promoting nurses' leadership are: organizational leadership endorsement by managers, initiating change, organizing nurses around leadership issues, promoting communication, creating an environment conducive to leadership development, financial support and motivation, decision-making freedom, and creating opportunities to care for oneself and colleagues

    Collaboration Between A Mental Health nurse and relatives of patients with schizophrenia: a qualitative study

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    Šizofrenija serga daugiau nei 20 milijonų pasaulio gyventojų. Daugelis asmenų, kuriems diagnozuota šizofrenija, gyvena arba palaiko artimus ryšius su savo šeimos nariais, pavyzdžiui, tėvais, broliais, seserimis ar vaikais. Dažnai sergančiuosius prižiūrintys šeimos nariai pakliūva į situacijas, kuriose pasireiškia sergančiojo agresija ir savęs žalojimas. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti psichikos sveikatos slaugytojo ir sergančiųjų šizofrenija artimųjų bendradarbiavimą. Tyrime dalyvavo 4 artimieji, vyresni nei 18 metų, kurių šeimose yra šizofrenija sergantis asmuo ir 4 psichikos sveikatos slaugytojai. Taikytas interviu metodas. Tyrimo rezultatai. Šizofrenija sergančiųjų artimieji patiria neigiamą aplinkinių požiūrį, turi bendravimo problemų su sveikatos priežiūros specialistais ir su šizofrenija sergančiu šeimos nariu. Psichikos sveikatos slaugytojai šizofrenija sergančiųjų artimiesiems konsultacijų metu dažniausiai rekomenduoja rūpintis savo emocine sveikata, stebėti, kad sergantysis tinkamai vartotų jam paskirtus vaistus, moko bendrauti su sergančiuoju, pablogėjus jo sveikatos būklei. Raktažodžiai: slaugytojai, šizofrenija, artimieji, bendradarbiavimas.More than 20 million people in the world suffer from schizophrenia. Many people diagnosed with schizophrenia live or maintain close ties with their family members, such as parents, brothers, sisters or children. The family members of patients with schizophrenia play a key role in the care of the sick, which makes many of them in situations where the aggression of the sick and self-harm occurs. The purpose of the study is to analyse the cooperation between the mental health nurse and relatives of patients with schizophrenia. The study involved 4 relatives of patients with schizophrenia and 4 mental health nurses. An interview method was used. Conclusions. Relatives of patients with schizophrenia face negative attitude from the surrounding people and their evasion, problems in communicating with health professionals and difficulties in communicating. Mental health nurses to family members of patients with schizophrenia are usually recommended to take care of their emotional health, to monitor the proper use of the medicine used by schizophrenia. Mental health nurses also teach how to communicate with patient with schizophrenia when theirs health condition are worsens. Keywords: nurses, schizophrenia, relatives, collaboration

    Quality of nursing work life and its related factors

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    Pastaraisiais dešimtmečiais slaugytojų profesinio gyvenimo kokybės (PGK) užtikrinimas tapo aktualia problema daugelyje pasaulio šalių. Lietuvoje tai dar naujas ir mažai nagrinėtas reiškinys. Nors slaugytojai sudaro didžiausią sveikatos priežiūros specialistų grupę, jų trūkumas vis dar labai didelis. Manoma, kad prasta PGK yra viena iš esminių priežasčių, dėl kurios slaugytojai keičia darbą ir profesiją. Mokslininkai teigia, kad prasta slaugytojų PGK susijusi su prastesne slaugytojų sveikata (savijauta), daro neigiamą poveikį teikiamų sveikatos prie- žiūros paslaugų kokybei. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti mokslinę literatūrą, kurioje nagrinėjama slaugytojų profesinio gyvenimo kokybė ir su ja susiję veiksniai. Atlikta sisteminė mokslinės literatūros apžvalga. Paieška buvo atlikta PubMed, Google Scholar duomenų bazėse, naudojant raktažodžius ir jų derinius: slaugytojų profesinio gyvenimo kokybė (angl. Quality of nursing work life), profesinio gyvenimo kokybė ir slaugytojai (angl. Quality of work life AND nurse). Iš viso atrinkta ir išanalizuota 13 publikacijų nagrinėjama tema. Rezultatai parodė, kad slaugytojų PGK yra daugiamatis reiškinys ir svarbus rodiklis, atspindintis ne tik asmeninius darbuotojo interesus, bet ir nurodantis stipriąsias ir silpnąsias darbo aplinkos puses. Dažniausiai slaugytojų PGK įvertinti naudojamas B. Brooks slaugytojų profesinio gyvenimo kokybės klausimynas. Dauguma nagrinėtų tyrimų rodo, kad slaugytojų PGK yra vidutinio arba žemo lygio, o įtakos jai turi tiek darbo aplinkos, tiek sociodemografiniai veiksniai. PGK sietina su darbuotojo sveikata ir savijauta. Slaugytojų sveikatos būklė yra prastesnė, palyginti su bendra dirbančių žmonių populiacija, o prastas sveikatos vertinimas yra susijęs su slaugytojų darbu ir darbo aplinka. Prasta PGK – reikšmingas veiksnys, darantis įtaką slaugytojų ketinimui keisti darbą. Svarbu gerinti ir palaikyti aukštą slaugytojų PGK, siekiant pritraukti ne tik naujus slaugytojus, bet ir išlaikyti esamus, patyrusius sveikatos priežiūros specialistus. Raktažodžiai: slaugytojai, profesinio gyvenimo kokybė, slaugytojų sveikata, personalo kaita.Majority of states has been considering quality of nursing work life (QNWL) as relevant issue during last few decades. In Lithuania, it is considered as relatively new topic, which is yet to be developed. Although, among health care professionals, nurses are the biggest group, there is constant deficit of these professionals. Poor QNWL is considered one of the main reasons for nurses to change their job or profession. Researchers also suggest that poor quality of professional life of nurses is associated with poorer health/well-being of nurses and negatively affects the quality of healthcare services provided. The purpose of this article is to analyse nurses’ quality of work life taking into consideration published scientific articles. The literature search was carried out using the electronic databases PubMed, Google Scholar using following key words and combinations: Quality of nursing work life, Quality of work life and nurse. The systematic review included 13 articles on the topic. According the research, nurses’ QNWL is multidimensional index and important indicator, which demonstrates not only workers personal interests, but also strengths and weaknesses of work environment. B. Brooks’ Quality of Nursing Work Life Survey is most often used to assess the quality of nursing work lives. Most of the conducted analyses shows that nurses’ QPL is moderate or poor level and is most influenced by work environment factors and sociodemographic factors. The quality of work life is related to the employee's health and well-being. Nurses have poorer health status compared to the general working population, and poor health assessment is related to nurses' work and work environment. Poor quality of work life is a significant factor influencing nurses' intention to change jobs. It is important to improve and maintain a high QWL for nurses in order to attract not only new nurses, but also to retain existing experienced healthcare professionals. Keywords: nurse, quality of work life, nurses' health, staff turnover

    Prognosis of treatment outcomes by cognitive and physical scales

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    The aim of this study was to assess the possibility of using scales for measuring cognitive and physical functions for a prognosis of care outcomes in elderly patients. Methodology. The survey was carried out in one of the Vilnius City Hospitals for Nursing and Support Treatment. A total number of 177 respondents were involved in the study. The Mini–Mental State Examination (MMSE), The Barthel Index (BI) and The Morse Fall Scale were used. Results. A statistically significant correlation was revealed between the scores of MMSE and BI (Pearson R = 0.41, p < 0.01); those with severe cognitive impairment were more dependent. A statistically significant correlation (Pearson R = −0.181, p < 0.01) was reported between the scores of MMSE and the Morse Fall Scale – the risk of falling was higher in patients with severe cognitive impairment. Conclusions. The Morse Fall Scale was not suitable for the prognosis of outcomes. The MMSE was suitable for the prognosis of a patient’s discharge. The Barthel Index should be considered as the most suitable tool for the prognosis of care outcomes: the sum-score of the Barthel Index above 25 may suggest that the patient would be discharged home; the sum-score below this level was associated with a higher likelihood of patient death

    Problems related to the care needs of elderly and older people receiving services at home

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    Demografinio senėjimo pokyčiai Europoje didina pagyvenusių ir vyresnio amžiaus žmonių slaugos paslaugų namuose poreikį. Lietuvoje atliktų tyrimų, kuriuose analizuojami pagyvenusių ir vyresnio amžiaus žmonių, gaunančių paslaugas namuose, slaugos poreikiai, yra labai mažai. Tyrimo tikslas − apžvelgti pagyvenusių ir vyresnio amžiaus žmonių, gaunančių paslaugas namuose, problemas, susijusias su slaugos poreikiais. Metodai. Pasirinktas tyrimo tipas – tiriamoji literatūros apžvalga. Mokslinių publikacijų ieškota PubMed duomenų bazėje. Pritaikius visus atrankos kriterijus, rasti 765 straipsniai. Literatūros analizei atrinkti 8 moksliniai straipsniai. Rezultatai: bendravimas – vienas iš svarbiausių pagyvenusių ir vyresnio amžiaus žmonių poreikių. Sergantiems lėtinėmis ligomis svarbu, kad personalas, teikiantis slaugos paslaugas namuose, nepažeistų jų privatumo, orumo ir savarankiškumo – tai lemia pacientų pasitenkinimą gaunamomis slaugos paslaugomis namuose. Šias paslaugas teikiantys slaugytojai turi skatinti pagyvenusių ir vyresnio amžiaus asmenų savarankiškumą bei profesionaliai atlikti paslaugas. Analizuojant mokslines publikacijas, pastebėtas didelis tokių tyrimų poreikis, siekiant tobulinti sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų teikimą namuose pagyvenusiems ir vyresnio amžiaus žmonėms. Raktažodžiai: pagyvenusio ir vyresnio amžiaus žmonės, paslaugos namuose, slaugos poreikiai.Demographic ageing in Europe is leading to an increase in the need for home care services for the elderly and older people. In Lithuania, there are very few studies analysing the care needs of elderly and older people receiving home care services. The aim of the study is to provide an overview of the problems related to the care needs of elderly and older people receiving services at home. Methods: the type of study chosen was an exploratory literature review. The scientific publications were searched in the PubMed database. After applying all selection criteria, 765 articles were found. 8 scientific articles were selected for literature analysis. Results: Communication is one of the most important needs of the elderly and older people. For chronically ill patients, it is important that home care staff do not violate their privacy, dignity and autonomy, which determines patients‘ satisfaction with their home care services. In addition, the caregivers providing these services should promote the independence of older and elderly people and provide a professional service. The analysis of scientific publications shows that there is a strong need for further research to improve the provision of home healthcare services for older people. Keywords: elderly and older people, home services, care needs. Keywords: elderly and older people, home services, care needs

    Another pandemic. How moral distress affected Polish and Lithuanian clinicians

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has transgressed biomedical categories. According to Horton, it turned out to be a 'syndrome' that infected virtually all spheres of social life. The pandemic has created toxic social atmosphere highly unfavorable to clinical and clinic-ethical decision making. Constraints and pressures related to micro-, meso-, exo- and macro-environments framing doctors, nurses, and medical students in training were identified. These factors exacerbated moral distress (moral injury) amongst clinicians. In a joint Polish-Lithuanian project (IDUB 2020-2022) we examined predictors of moral distress in pandemic clinical contexts. A survey-based, real-time, correlational and comparative study was conducted in Poland and Lithuania after the first year of pandemic with N=227 participants. Unexpected differences on regular and pandemic-type moral distress levels were found between the two national samples. Polish participants showed significantly higher moral distress levels than their Lithuanian counterparts. The following article discusses these findings and recommends the reinforcement of resilient medical decision making.  

    Cultural competency among Lithuanian nurses and preparedness to work with intercultural immigrants: a quantitative study protocol

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    Introduction: Health care providers are increasingly required to provide care to patients from diverse cultural backgrounds. A culturally competent approach could be used to address gaps in the health care of migrants, whether they are refugees, asylum seekers, or undocumented migrants. From June 2021 onward, there are estimated to be 4,300 asylum seekers in Lithuania who crossed the Belarusian border. Furthermore, ~65 thousand Ukrainians registered within 6 months of the beginning of the war on 24 February 2022. Aim: To determine the cultural competence of Lithuanian nurses using the Nurse Cultural Competence Scale (NCCS) questionnaire. Methods: A quantitative study evaluating the cultural competency of nursing professionals will be conducted using the Lithuanian version of the Nurse Cultural Competence Scale (NCCS). The study will be conducted in Lithuanian municipalities and will involve primary, secondary, and tertiary health care providers. Discussion: This study will provide data that can guide the development and evaluation of interventions designed to reduce health disparities among migrants, including the need to identify the appropriate type of cultural competency training for nurses. In addition to the results of this study, it may provide an indication of other cultural competency required for nurses. This includes consideration of religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, household classifications on the basis of urban vs. rural areas, language spoken, and country of origin