116 research outputs found

    Myths and Maths: Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Adjustments in Hungary

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    In this paper we investigate the possible effects of fiscal tightening in Hungary from two perspectives. First, simulations in an estimated neo-Keynesian model are used to characterise the effects of different scenarios for fiscal consolidations. We show that the composition of fiscal shocks is important for both the economic outcome and monetary policy. These simulations suggest a modest output cost of fiscal consolidation. Then we take a closer look at the non-Keynesian effects and their relevance for Hungary in a qualitative way. In our review of non-Keynesian channels of fiscal adjustments we conclude that expansionary effects are likely to become evident only in the medium or long run, rather than immediately after measures are taken.Keynesian, non-Keynesian effects, expansionary fiscal adjustment, Monetary policy reactions, Model simulations.

    The effect of fertilization on the yield components of winter wheat

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    We investigated the effect of fertilization on the yield components of winter wheat in the crop-year 2016/2017. The experiment was set up in three replications on the area of the SZTE Tangazdaság Ltd. in Hódmezővásárhely. The soil was meadow soil. The forecrop was sunflower. Six fertilizer treatments were used besides the control: N80PK30, N100PK30, N130PK30, N150PK30, N170PK0 and N170PK50 kg/ha active ingredients. Experimental results were processed using single factor ANOVA. The number of spikes/m2 was 564.67 in the control treatment. In the N100PK30 and N130PK30 treatments we measured significantly higher values of 567.67 and 677.33 spikes/m2. The number of kernels per spike was 36.5 in the non-fertilized parcels. We reached the highest value of 43.77 kernels in the N130PK30 treatment. The difference was not significant. The thousand kernel weight changed slightly due to the fertilization. We measured 31.08 g in the control treatment. We got the maximum value of 32.71 g in the N130PK30 treatment. The difference was not statistically justified. Our scientific results showed, that the N130PK30 kg/ha fertilizer level was the optimum for the winter wheat in 2016/2017

    Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue from water using UV irradiation

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of various parameters on the photocatalytic activity of a copper doped zeolite in the degradation of cationic dye Methylene Blue (MB) from aqueous solution under UV irradiation. The experimental studies revealed that the removal efficiency expressed in terms of discoloration and aromatic ring- opening depended strongly of the initial pH, initial concentrations of the dye solution and catalyst doses. Some mechanistic aspects have been investigated in relation with Zeta potential measurements correlated with adsorption and heterogeneous photocatalysis principles at various pH values

    A szimbiotikus gümő kialakulásában résztvevő két gén azonosítása Medicago truncatula-ból térképezésen alapuló génizolálással. = Isolation of two Medicago truncatula genes involved in the development of the symbiotic nodule by map-based cloning.

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    A pályázat célja a Sinorhizobium meliloti és a Medicago truncatula között létrejövő szimbiotikus nitrogénkötő kapcsolat kialakításában résztvevő két M. truncatula gén (DMI1 és PDL) azonosítása volt. A mutánsok szimbiotikus fenotípusa azt valószínűsítette, hogy a mutációt szenvedett gének termékei a szimbiotikus gümő kialakulásának korai szakaszában, a bakteriális jelmolekula (Nod faktor) által elindított szignálútban, illetve a gümő organogenezisben vesznek részt. A gének azonosítását térképezésen alapuló génizolálással végeztük el, az izolált gének azonosságát pedig genetikai komplementációs kísérletekkel igazoltuk. Az DMI1 gén egy olyan fehérjét kódol, amely nem mutat hasonlóságot semmilyen eddig ismert növényi fehérjével, vagy annak alegységével. Tartalmaz viszont egy konzervativ domént, amely kisebb mértékű, de az egész doménre kiterjedő hasonlóságot mutatott bakteriális kálium csatornák TrkA doménjével, így a DMI1 fehérje feltételezhetően kation csatornaként, vagy annak alegységeként működik. A PDL gén klónozása során azonosítottunk egy AP2-típusú domént tartalmazó ERF típusú transzkripciós faktort kódoló gént, amely tartalmazott egy mutációt a pdl mutánsban. Együttműködő partnerünkkel bizonyítottuk a gén azonosságát és kimutattuk, hogy a gén szükséges a Nod faktor által indukált nodulin gén expresszióhoz, és meghatároztuk a Nod factor szignálútban elfoglalt helyét. | The aim of this project was to identify two Medicago truncatula genes, DMI1 and PDL which are required to establish symbiotic nitrogen fixing interaction between Sinorhizobium meliloti and M. truncatula. Based on the mutant phenotype, DMI1 and PDL were proposed to act in the Nod factor signal transduction pathway and revealed that the DMI protein is essential to enable mycorrhizal associations. The DMI1 and PDL genes were identified in cooperation with other laboratories by map-based cloning; that is 'chromosomal walking' starting from the closely linked molecular markers to the mutant genes were carried out. Transformation experiments were performed using the wild type genes to complement the mutant phenotypes genetically. The DMI1 gene encodes a protein with low global similarity to a ligand-gated cation channel domain of archaea. The pdl mutant was allelic to the bit1 mutant that shows a slightly different mutant phenotype and the two genes were renamed as ERN (ERF Required for Nodulation). ERN encodes a protein containing a highly conserved AP2 DNA binding domain. We identified the position of ERN in the Nod factor signal transduction pathway and showed that ERN is necessary for Nod factor?induced gene expression

    Claudin-7 protein differentiates canine cholangiocarcinoma from hepatocellular carcinoma

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    The aim of the present study was to characterise the expression pattern of claudin-7 tight junction protein in canine normal liver, hyperplastic and primary neoplastic lesions of the canine liver and whether this tight junction protein can help differentiate canine cholangiocarcinomas from canine hepatocellular carcinomas. Methods and results: Necropsy samples included 15 canine normal liver tissue samples, 10 hepatocellular nodular hyperplasias, 6 hepatocellular adenomas, 15 well-differentiated and 6 poorly differentiated hepatocellular carcinomas, 6 cholangiocellular hyperplasias, 10 cholangiocellular adenomas, 15 well-differentiated and 6 poorly differentiated cholangiocarcinomas, 6 normal extrahepatic bile ducts, 8 normal gall bladder tissue samples, and 5 cystic mucinous hyperplasias of the gall bladder. In all canine normal liver tissue samples the hepatocytes were negative for claudin-7 and the normal biliary epithelial cells showed intense basolateral membrane claudin-7 positivity. In all cholangiocellular hyperplasia samples and in all cholangiocellular adenoma samples the benign cholangiocytes showed intense basolateral membrane positivity for claudin-7. In all samples of the well-differentiated and poorly differentiated cholangiocarcinomas, the malignant neoplastic biliary epithelial cells showed intense basolateral membrane positivity for claudin-7. Neither the hyperplastic nodules of the liver cells nor the hepatocellular adenomas reacted with claudin-7. The well-differentiated and poorly differentiated hepatocellular cancers were negative for claudin-7. The epithelial cells of canine normal extrahepatic bile ducts, gall bladder and cystic mucinous hyperplasias of the gall bladder showed intense basolateral membrane positivity for claudin-7. Differences in the intensity of claudin-7 reaction were not apparent among different types of proliferative lesions of cholangiocytes or degrees of cellular differentiation of neoplastic biliary epithelial cells. Conclusion: Consequently, we hypothesize that claudin-7 is an excellent immunohistochemical marker of the cholangiocellular differentiation in canines and can be used to detect benign and malignant proliferative lesions of the canine biliary tract. It can also help to differentiate canine cholangiocarcinomas from hepatocellular carcinomas

    Expression of claudins in the normal canine gastric mucosa

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the expression pattern of claudin-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -7, -8, -10 and -18 in the intact fundic and pyloric gastric mucosa of dogs. Intense, linear, membranous claudin-18 positivity was detected in the surface gastric cells and in the epithelial cells of the gastric glands both in the fundic and pyloric stomach regions. The mucous neck cells in the apical part of the glands, furthermore the parietal cells and chief cells of the basal part of the gland were all positive for claudin-18, in the same way as the enteroendocrine cells. Cells of the basal part of the pyloric glands showed intense, linear, membranous claudin-2 positivity, but cells of the superficial portion of these glands and the surface gastric cells in this region were claudin-2 negative. Fibroblasts, endothelial cells, lymphocytes of the propria layer, smooth muscle cells and vegetative neurons were all negative for claudin-2. All gastric epithelial cells were negative for claudin-1, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8 and -10. The endothelial cells of the propria layer had intense claudin-5 positivity. We assume that claudin-18 forms a paracellular barrier against gastric acid in the healthy canine stomach, in the same way as in mice

    Expression of claudin-1, -3, -4, -5 and -7 proteins in low grade colorectal carcinoma of canines

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    The aim of the present study was to characterise the expression pattern of claudin-1, -3, -4, -5 and -7 tight junction proteins in canine normal colorectum and in the low-grade, tubulopapillary colorectal carcinoma in canines. Methods and results: The biopsy samples included 10 canine normal colorectal tissues and 20 canine low grade colorectal carcinomas (CLGCCs). The canine normal colorectal mucosa was negative for claudin-1. Claudin-1 was detected as a non-diffuse intense membrane labelling of neoplastic epithelial cells in low grade colorectal cancer in canines. Fifty five per cent of all tumours showed a weak cytoplasmic pattern of staining for claudin-1 protein. The normal colorectal mucosa showed diffuse punctate positivity for claudin-3. Claudin-3 was detected as an intense lateral membrane labelling of tumour cells in CLGCCs. Claudin-4 expression in surface and crypt epithelial cells of the intact colorectal mucosa in canines was punctate. Claudin-4 molecule was detected as a lateral membrane labelling of neoplastic cells in CLGCCs. The epithelium of the CLGCCs and the low grade colorectal carcinoma were negative for claudin-5. The surface and crypt epithlial cells of the canine normal colorectal mucosa showed a diffuse lateral membranous pattern of staining for claudin-7. Claudin-7 molecule was detected as an intense membrane labelling of neoplastic cells in CLGCCs. Seventy per cent of all tumours showed weak cytoplasmic positivity for claudin-7. Conclusion: Consequently, we hypothesize that claudin-1 plays a role in the progression of CLGCCs. Further functional studies are needed to clarify the biological role of the mislocalization of the claudin-1 molecule from cell membrane to the cytoplasm in CLGCCs. Lower claudin-4 expression suggests that reduced expression of claudin-4 molecule may lead to cellular disorientation, detachment and invasion of CLGCCs. Further functional studies are needed to clarify the biological role of overexpression and mislocalisation of claudin-7 in CLGCCs

    Gyulladásos és neuropátiás fájdalom farmakológiai befolyásolása primér szenzoros neuronokon ható szerekkel = Pharmacological modulation of inflammatory and neuropathic pain by agents acting on primary sensory neurones

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    A kapszaicin-érzékeny, VR1/TRPV1 receptort expresszáló primér szenzoros neuronok afferens működésükön kívül lokális és szisztémás efferens funkciókkal is rendelkeznek. A belőlük felszabaduló calcitonin gén-rokon peptid (CGRP) és tachykininek (pl. P-anyag) neurogén gyulladást váltanak ki az innervációs területen, míg a szomatosztatin gyulladásgátló és antinociceptív hatásokkal rendelkezik az sst4 receptorokon keresztül. Ezen neuronok jelentős szerepet játszanak gyulladásos (ízületi, légúti) és neuropátiás állapotok patomechanizmusában. A neurogén gyulladás és a neuropátiás fájdalom kezelésére jelenleg nincs megfelelő terápiás lehetőség. Kísérleteinkben a TRPV1 kapszaicin receptor, az sst4 szomatosztatin receptor, a hipofízis adenilát cikláz aktiváló polipeptid (PACAP-38), valamint az endomorphin-1 szerepét és ezeken ható vegyületek hatásait vizsgáltuk különféle akut és krónikus gyulladás, valamint neuropátia modellekben. Bár bizonyos gyulladásos folyamatokban a TRPV1, a neurokinin és CGRP receptorok blokkolása, valamint a PACAP és az endomorphin-1 anti-inflammációs és anti-nociceptív hatásokat fejtett ki, az sst4 receptor bizonyult minden modellünkben a legígéretesebb célpontnak. Eredményeink alapján ezen az érzőideg végződéseken és gyulladásos sejteken egyaránt expresszálódó receptoron ható stabil, per os is hatékony szelektív agonisták egy teljesen új hatásmechanizmusú gyulladáscsökkentő és fájdalomcsillapító gyógyszercsoport kifejlesztésére adhatnak lehetőséget. | Capsaicin-sensitive, VR1/TRPV1 receptor-expressing primary sensory neurons have local and systemic efferent functions besides their afferent role. Calcitonin gene-related peptide and tachykinins (e.g. substance P) induce neurogenic inflammation in the innervated area, somatostatin exerts anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive actions via sst4 receptor activation. Therefore, these neurons play an important role in the pathological mechanisms of several inflammatory (arthritis, asthma) and neuropathic conditions. At present there is no appropriate pharmacological treatment for the neurogenic component of inflammatory reactions and neuropathic pain. In the present series of experiments the roles of TRPV1 capsaicin receptors, sst4 somatostatin receptors, the effects of pituitary adenylate-cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP-38) and endomorphin-1 as well as agents acting at these targets were investigated in different acute and chronic inflammation and neuropathy models. Although in certain inflammatory processes the blockade of TRPV1, neurokinin and CGRP receptors, and also PACAP and endomorphin-1 exerted anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive actions, the sst4 receptor proved to be the most promising target. On the basis of our results stable, orally active, selective sst4 agonist acting on both sensory nerve terminals and several inflammatory and immune cells could provide perspectives for the development of a completely novel type of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs