15 research outputs found

    Financial behavior and "dark" triad personality

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    U okviru velikog broja ishoda koji se trenutno istražuju u sklopu modela ā€žmračneā€œ trijade ličnosti nalazi se i sklonost preuzimanju financijskog rizika. Rezultati do danas provedenih studija po tom pitanju nisu u potpunosti konzistentni obzirom na razlike u metodoloÅ”kom pristupu istraživanjima. U ovoj studiji htjeli smo provjeriti dosadaÅ”nje navode po pitanju odnosa dimenzija ā€žmračneā€œ trijade ličnosti i preuzimanja financijskog rizika, ali smo također htjeli u tom kontekstu provjeriti potencijalnu medijacijsku ulogu konstrukata za koje, prema empirijskim i teorijskim postavkama, možemo pretpostaviti da bi trebali biti povezani s ā€žmračnomā€œ trijadom ličnosti i preuzimanjem financijskog rizika. To su aktivnost bihevioralnog aktivacijskog i inhibicijskog sustava, te vjerovanje u osobnu sreću. Također, obzirom na to da do sada nisu provedene studije u kojima bi se ispitalo mijenja li se odnos dimenzija ā€žmračneā€œ trijade ličnosti i preuzimanja financijskog rizika obzirom na veličinu uloga, te da li su identični mehanizmi u pozadini odnosa ā€žmračneā€œ trijade ličnosti i preuzetog financijskog rizika na različitim razinama uloga, odlučili smo se dodatno usmjeriti i na to pitanje. Proveden je on-line eksperiment na 114 ispitanika iz opće populacije. Rezultati analiza pokazali su da niti jedna od dimenzija ā€žmračneā€œ trijade ličnosti nije povezana s preuzimanjem viÅ”e razine financijskog rizika, bez obzira na razinu uloga. Dodatno, jedino su dimenzije bihevioralnog aktivacijskog i inhibicijskog sustava povezane s preuzimanjem viÅ”e razine financijskog rizika, ali se njihov utjecaj, uz kontrolu relevantnih sociodemografskih varijabli i varijabli ličnosti, gubi. Od svih dimenzija ā€žmračneā€œ trijade ličnosti, jedino se subklinička psihopatija pokazala značajnim prediktorom razlike u preuzetom riziku na različitim razinama uloga, pri čemu osobe koje postižu viÅ”i rezultat na subkliničkoj psihopatiji na viÅ”oj razini uloga riskiraju manje vlastitog novca u odnosu na nižu razinu uloga. Ovaj efekt je direktan, odnosno, aktivnost bihevioralnog aktivacijskog i inhibicijskog sustava, te vjerovanje u osobnu sreću nisu povezani s razlikom u preuzetom riziku.ā€œDarkā€ triad model of personality has produced great number of research on different outcomes so far. One of the explored outcomes is financial risk taking and results of the studies done so far bring different conclusions about the role of the ā€œdarkā€ triad personality in financial risk taking because of the methodological differences in the approach to research. In this study, we wanted to validate results of the previous studies and to check for potential mediation influence of the constructs that can be both empirically and theoretically related to the ā€œdarkā€ triad personality and financial risk taking. These are behavioral activation and inhibition system and belief in personal good luck. Furthermore, since no research so far explored if the relation between the ā€œdarkā€ triad personality and financial risk taking depends on the level of stakes, and no research checked if the same mechanisms underlie relation between financial risk taking and ā€œdarkā€ triad personality at the different stake levels, we decided to additionally explore these questions. On-line experiment was done on 114 participants from general population. Results showed that ā€œdarkā€ triad personality is not related to financial risk taking, regardless of the stake level. Additionally, only dimensions of the behavioral activation and inhibition system showed to be related to greater financial risk taking, but this effect diminished when relevant sociodemographic and personality variables where controlled for. Only subclinical psychopathy emerged to be related to difference in financial risk taking between different levels of stakes. People who score higher on this dimension risk less when stakes are high, comparing to the situation when stakes are low. This effect is a direct one and activation of both behavioral activation and inhibition system and personal belief in good luck is not related to this difference

    Pozicioniranje ā€žPR stunt-aā€œ u strateÅ”kom komuniciranju visokog Å”kolstva

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    ā€œPR stuntā€ or ā€žPublicity Stuntā€œ is a carefully planned event with the aim of drawing public attention to the organizers of the stunt or to another goal of the stunt organization. The reasons for considering the use of a promotional stunt have a great potential for a return to investment and the ā€œearningsā€ from unpaid advertisements in the media which spontaneously reported that something interesting had happened. Apart from the media themselves, the general public also significantly contributes to the spread of publicity through stunts, so that today practically everyone can record the interesting thing they come across via their smartphone and share it on the Internet. Higher education, but also general education, has transformed from a traditional centuries-old approach where the focus was on teachers and institutions to a modern mass approach where the focus is on students and studying occurs through partnership and cooperation within the learning process. The emergence of mass higher education in almost all countries of the world now implies public criticism of factors such as: the quality of lifelong learning services, the success of examinations, the management of the institution, the form of funding and the student standard. Massification is accompanied by the expansion and diversification of higher education, and the result of the latter is the emergence of competition among individual higher education institutions. Therefore, the importance of effectively conveying the message of a higher education institution to a (potential) student or his sponsor of education therefore becomes the subject of professional marketing communication. The paper provides an overview of PR Stunts in Croatia and the world and proposes thematic guidelines for their organization.ā€žPR stuntā€œ ili PR akrobacija, odnosno promidžbena dosjetka je pomno planirani događaj s ciljem privlačenja pažnje javnosti na organizatore dosjetke ili na drugi cilj organizacije dosjetke. Razlozi za razmatranje upotrebe promidžbene dosjetke nalaze su u velikom potencijalu povrata na ulog te ā€žzaradiā€œ od neplaćenih reklama u medijima koji su spontano izvijestili o tome da se neÅ”to zanimljivo dogodilo. Osim samih medija, Å”irenju publiciteta putem dosjetke značajno doprinosi i opća javnost na način da danas praktički svatko može putem svojeg smartfona trenutno zabilježiti zanimljivost na koju naiđe te ju podijeliti na internetu. Visoko Å”kolstvo, ali i Å”kolstvo u svijetu općenito, transformiralo se iz tradicionalnog viÅ”estoljetnog pristupa kada je u fokusu bio poučavatelj i institucija na suvremeni masovni pristup gdje je u fokusu student i studiranje se odvija kroz partnerstvo i suradnju unutar procesa učenja. Pojava masovnog visokog obrazovanja u skoro svim državama svijeta sada podrazumijeva javnu kritiku faktora poput: kvalitete usluge cjeloživotnog učenja, uspjeÅ”nosti ispitivanja, upravljanja institucijom, oblika financiranja te studentskog standarda. Omasovljenje prati Å”irenje i diverzifikacija visokog Å”kolstva, a rezultat potonjeg je pojava konkurencije između pojedinih visokoÅ”kolskih institucija. Važnost efektivnog prijenosa poruke visoko obrazovne institucije ka (potencijanom) studentu ili njegovom sponzoru Å”kolovanja stoga postaje predmet profesionalnog marketinÅ”kog komuniciranja. U radu se daje pregled PR Stunt-ova u Hrvatskoj i svijetu te predlažu tematske smjernice pri organizaciji istih

    Suggestions for improving the effectiveness of environmental education in the maritime sector

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    Research shows that many barriers to pro-environmental behaviour in the maritime industry exist despite significant efforts of various stakeholders, and there is a need to put additional efforts to improve the sustainability of shipping. Education has an important role because a lack of environmental knowledge is almost always identified as a barrier to environmental concern and behaviour. However, eliminating knowledge gaps and raising concern does not necessarily translate to behaviour change, because behaviour depends on numerous factors, which moderate and mediate one another. Effectiveness of education activities may be improved if potential barriers are identified and targeted. This paper reviews determinants of pro-environmental behaviour and provides some suggestions for educators to plan and execute educational activities to increase the willingness of seafarers and shore-based personnel to adopt environmentally-friendly practices

    Analysis of Pseudo-events in Strategic Communication of Higher Education in Croatia

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    Komunikacija s ciljanom javnosti i promocija proizvoda i usluga proteklih godina transformirala se iz mogućnosti u nužnost, a odnosi se na profitni i neprofitni sektor gospodarstva. Digitalizacija i popularizacija druÅ”tvenih medija, potreba za publicitetom i dosegom do krajnjih korisnika i potroÅ”ača te praćenje konkurencije postaju primarni izazovi strateÅ”kog komuniciranja. Isticanje pojedinih elemenata poslovanja na nov i inovativan način omogućava privlačenje pažnje javnosti te postizanje Å”ireg publiciteta. U tome se posebno ističe alat odnosa s javnoŔću tzv. promidžbena dosjetka, pseudodogađaj ili PR stunt. Novi mediji, a posebno platforme za druÅ”tveno umrežavanje, ovakvim sadržajima daju veliki doseg, značajnu popularnost, ali možda ono najvažnije ā€“ veliki povrat uloženog. Ovakav trend ne zaobilazi ni visoko obrazovanje. Preglednim istraživanjem ustanovljeno je da se elementi pseudodgađaja već koriste u komunikaciji svjetski poznatih visokoobrazovnih sustava, a svi se baziraju na kolektivnim i timskim aktivnostima te zajedničkom stvaranju sadržaja koji se dijeli i postaje dio medijskog izvjeÅ”tavanja. Cilj je ovog rada ispitati percepciju javnosti vezanu uz odabrane pseudodogađaje u hrvatskome privatnom visokom obrazovanju. Istraživanje se temelji na uzorku ciljanih javnosti privatnih visokih učiliÅ”ta u Hrvatskoj te ispitivanju percepcije sadržaja i poruka pseudodgađaja kojima se promoviraju visoka učiliÅ”ta. U radu je primijenjen dvostruki metodoloÅ”ki pristup kako bi se ostvario postavljeni cilj. Metodom analize sadržaja ispitan je javno dostupan medijski sadržaj o odabranim privatnim visokim učiliÅ”tima te su doneseni zaključci o fokusu medijske objave, vrijednosnoj orijentaciji prema pseudodogađaju te prema visokom učiliÅ”tu. Metodom Q ispitana je percepcija ciljanih javnosti vezano uz promotivne aktivnosti visokog Å”kolstva u Hrvatskoj, konkretno odabranih pseudodogađaja na njihovome visokom učiliÅ”tu. Privatno visoko Å”kolstvo u Hrvatskoj karakterizira visoka konkurentnost. S time je povezana i potreba za odabirom odgovarajućih komunikacijskih aktivnosti. Doprinos je ovog rada i u eksplorativnom pristupu fenomenu pseudodogađaja u visokom obrazovanju u Hrvatskoj te detektiranju promotivnih elemenata odabranih visokoobrazovnih institucija.Communication with the target public and the promotion of products and services in recent years have transformed from opportunity to necessity. This refers to the for-profit and non-profit sector of the economy. Digitization and popularization of social media, the need for publicity and reach to end users and consumers, and monitoring of competition are becoming the primary challenges of strategic communication. Emphasizing certain elements of business in a new and innovative way enables attracting public attention and achieving wider publicity. The tool of public relations, the so-called promotional joke, pseudoevent or PR stunt. New media, and especially platforms for social networking, give such content a great reach, significant popularity, but perhaps the most important thing - a great return on investment. This trend does not bypass higher education either. A review of the research found that elements of pseudoevents are already used in the communication of world-famous higher education systems, and all are based on collective and team activities and joint creation of content that is shared and becomes part of media reporting. The aim of this paper is to examine the public perception related to selected pseudo-events in Croatian private higher education. The research is based on a sample of targeted publics of private higher education institutions in Croatia and an examination of the perception of the content and messages of pseudo-events that promote higher education institutions. The paper uses a double methodological approach in order to achieve the set goal. The method of content analysis examined publicly available media content on selected private higher education institutions and conclusions were drawn on the focus of media publication, value orientation towards pseudo-events and towards higher education institutions. The Q method was used to examine the perception of the target public regarding the promotional activities of higher education in Croatia, specifically selected pseudo-events at their higher education institution. Private higher education in Croatia is characterized by high competitiveness. Related to this is the need to select adequate communication activities. The contribution of this paper is in the exploratory approach to the phenomenon of pseudo-events in higher education in Croatia and the detection of promotional elements of selected higher education institutions


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    U istraživanju o volontiranju i vrednovanju volonterskog rada studenata SveučiliÅ”ta u Zadru sudjelovalo je 340 studenata preddiplomskih i diplomskih studija s gotovo svih sastavnica te 136 nastavnika iz različitih područja znanosti i akademskih zvanja. Rezultati pokazuju da je u razdoblju od početka studiranja 53% ispitanih studenata volontiralo. Imaju raznovrsna volonterska iskustva, ne samo na sveučiliÅ”tu i u lokalnoj zajednici, već i u inozemstvu. Povezanost volonterskih aktivnosti s područjem studiranja podjednako im je važna i nevažna, a dominira želja za uključivanjem u kratkoročne aktivnosti i aktivnosti humanitarnog karaktera, potom aktivnosti koje uključuju rad s djecom i aktivnosti koje organiziraju sami studenti. Trećina ispitanih planira se uključiti u aktivnosti koje organiziraju nastavnici na SveučiliÅ”tu, ali i volonterske aktivnosti u zajednici i u inozemstvu. Interes postoji i za kulturno-umjetničke sadržaje, sportske, aktivnosti zaÅ”tite okoliÅ”a, volontiranje u području socijalne skrbi te sa starijima i nemoćnima. Unatoč interesu, istraživanje pokazuje da je potrebno unaprijediti informiranje studenata o volontiranju i volonterskim treninzima za mlade, osobito u skupini studenata-nevolontera. Usporedba stavova nastavnika i studenata pokazala je da obje skupine prepoznaju osobni i druÅ”tveni značaj volontiranja, za akademsku, i za Å”iru zajednicu. Kod nastavnika postoji interes za informiranjem i stručnim usavrÅ”avanjem o temi volontiranja studenata, te druÅ”tveno korisnom učenju kao nastavnoj metodi. Studenti su željeli da se druÅ”tveno korisno učenje razvija na SveučiliÅ”tu na način da na svakom studijskom programu postoje kolegiji koji koriste tu nastavnu metodu, i to tako da se volontiranje organizira u obliku izbornog kolegija. Dio nastavnika spremni su i žele navedene oblike rada uvrstiti u nastavu, ali žele da im se osigura stručna, administrativna ili logistička pomoć. Nastavnici i studenti složili su se s tvrdnjom da je potrebno nagrađivati (i time poticati) volontiranje. Obje skupine daju prednost pisanim potvrdama i zahvalnicama nad ostalim oblicima nagrađivanja.In research on volunteering and assessment of students\u27 volunteer work conducted at the University of Zadar participated 340 students of almost all undergraduate and graduate studies and 136 academics from different fields of science and different academic ranks. Results are showing that in the period from beginning of studying, 53% of examined students have volunteered. They have different volunteering experiences, not only at University and in community, but also abroad. Connections between volunteering activities and the field of studying are equally important and unimportant, but what dominates is the desire for including in short-term and humanitarian activities, followed by activities that involve working with children and activities organized by the students themselves. One third of respondents plan to participate in activities that are organized by the professors on University, but also in activities in community and abroad. Interest also exists for cultural and artistic facilities, sport activities, activities involving protection of environment, volunteering in field of social care, and with elderly and infirm. Despite the expressed interest, the research shows that it is necessary to improve informing students about volunteering itself and youth volunteering trainings, especially in a group of students who do not do volunteering. Comparison of academics\u27 and students\u27 attitudes showed that both assemblies recognize personal and social importance of volunteering, both for academic as well as for the wider community. Professors are interested in informing and professional training about the theme of students\u27 volunteering and service learning as a teaching method. Students expressed the desire for development of service learning on University in a way that there exist courses on each study program that would use the teaching method, and also to organize volunteering as an elective course. Part of the professors expresses their willingness to include such activities in classes, but also want to have professional, administrative or logistical assistance. Professors and students agreed with averment that it is necessary to reward (and thus encourage) volunteering. Both groups give priority to written receipts and acknowledgement over other forms of remuneratio


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    This study presents data on regular health monitoring of fish in the Aquatika ā€“ Freshwater Aquarium Karlovac between October 2016 and December 2019. The Aquatika Aquarium houses 85 different freshwater fish species, 31 of which are endemic in Croatia. The study included an evaluation of the results of the aquarium health monitoring programme. It determined the most common fish diseases in the aquarium (at the species and individual levels) and determined whether endemic or non-endemic freshwater fish are more susceptible to diseases and disorders. The regular health monitoring programme revealed different diseases and disorders in endemic and non-endemic fish. During the monitoring, 3104 fish specimens were analysed. The most frequent disease was ichthyophthiriasis which occurred at a similar frequency in endemic and non-endemic fish species. The results proved to be valuable for the evaluation of risks and measures to minimise the risk of the introduction and spread of pathogens in the aquarium. Preventive fish medicine is extremely important for effective aquarium management. A comprehensive health monitoring programme, including quarantine systems, control of feed and environmental parameters, along with regular fish observation, are critical for the early detection of fish diseases.U ovoj studiji prikazani su podaci o redovitom zdravstvenom praćenju riba u AquatiCI - slatkovodnom akvariju Karlovac u razdoblju od listopada 2016. do prosinca 2019. U akvariju Aquatika smjeÅ”teno je 85 različitih slatkovodnih vrsta riba, od kojih je 31 endemska vrsta za Hrvatsku. Ova je studija uključivala evaluaciju rezultata programa praćenja zdravlja akvarija. Utvrđeno je koje su najčeŔće bolesti riba u akvariju (na razini vrste i jedinke), te jesu li endemske ili neendemske slatkovodne ribe podložnije bolestima i poremećajima. Programom redovitog zdravstvenog praćenja utvrđene su različite bolesti i poremećaji kod endemskih i neendemskih vrsta riba. Tijekom monitoringa analizirano je 3104 jedinki. NajčeŔća bolest bila je ihtioftirijaza, koja se sa sličnom učestaloŔću javljala u endemskih i neendemskih vrsta riba. Provedeni rezultati su vrijedni za procjenu rizika i mjera za minimiziranje rizika od unoÅ”enja i Å”irenja patogena u akvarij. Preventivna medicina za ribe iznimno je važna za učinkovito upravljanje akvarijima. Sveobuhvatni program praćenja zdravlja, uključujući karantenske sustave, kontrolu hrane i parametara okoliÅ”a, zajedno s redovitim promatranjem riba, ključni su za rano otkrivanje ribljih bolesti

    Influence of Spatial Placement of Variable Speed Limit Zones on Urban Motorway Traffic Control

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    Traffic control approaches, in particular Variable Speed Limit (VSL), are often studied as solutions to improve the level of service on urban motorways. However, the efficiency of VSL strongly depends on the spatiotemporal arrangement of VSL zones. It is crucial to determine the lengths and locations of VSL zones for best VSL efficiency before deployment in a real system, as the optimal length of the VSL zone and its distance from the bottleneck directly affects traffic dynamics and, thus, bottleneck control. Therefore, in this study, we perform the analysis of different VSL zones lengths and their positions by using a closed-loop Simple Proportional Speed Controller for VSL (SPSC-VSL). We evaluate the different VSL zone configurations and their impact on traffic flow control and vehicle emissions in a SUMO microscopic simulation on a high traffic demand scenario. The results support the observations of previous researchers on the significant dependence of VSL zone placement on VSL efficiency. Additionally, new data-based (traffic parameters and vehicle emissions) evidence of the performance of the SPSC-VSL design are provided regarding the best placement of consecutive VSL zones for motorway bottleneck control not analysed in previous research

    Consumersā€™ Perceptions about Edible Insectsā€™ Nutritional Value and Health Effects: Study Involving 14 Countries

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    Download PDFsettingsOrder Article Reprints This is an early access version, the complete PDF, HTML, and XML versions will be available soon. Open AccessFeature PaperArticle Consumersā€™ Perceptions about Edible Insectsā€™ Nutritional Value and Health Effects: Study Involving 14 Countries by Raquel P. F. GuinĆ© 1,*ORCID,Sofia G. FlorenƧa 1ORCID,Cristina A. Costa 1ORCID,Paula M. R. Correia 1ORCID,Nada M. Boustani 2ORCID,Irina Matran 3ORCID,KreÅ”imir JakÅ”ić 4ORCID,Cristina Chuck-HernĆ”ndez 5ORCID,Elena Bartkiene 6ORCID,Ilija Djekic 7ORCID,Maria Papageorgiou 8ORCID,Leticia G. Arias 9ORCID,Malgorzata Korzeniowska 10ORCID,MaÅ”a Černelič-Bizjak 11ORCID,Dace Klava 12ORCID,Vanessa Ferreira 13ORCID,Emel Damarli 14ORCID andManuela Ferreira 15ORCID 1 CERNAS-IPV Research Centre, Polytechnic University of Viseu, 3504-510 Viseu, Portugal 2 Faculty of Business and Administration, Saint Joseph University, Beirut 1104 2020, Lebanon 3 Department of Community Nutrition and Food Safety, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Targu Mures, 540139 Targu Mures, Romania 4 Department of Psychology, University of Zadar, 23000 Zadar, Croatia 5 Tecnologico de Monterrey, The Institute for Obesity Research, Monterrey 64849, Mexico 6 Department of Food Safety and Quality, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, LT-47181 Kaunas, Lithuania 7 Department of Food Safety and Quality Management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia 8 Department of Food Science and Technology, International Hellenic University, 57001 Thessaloniki, Greece 9 BALAT Research Group, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of LeĆ³n, 24071 LeĆ³n, Spain 10 Faculty of Food Science, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, 51-630 Wrocław, Poland add Show full affiliation list * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Animals 2024, 14(11), 1631; https://doi.org/10.3390/ani14111631 Submission received: 6 May 2024 / Revised: 25 May 2024 / Accepted: 29 May 2024 / Published: 30 May 2024 Downloadkeyboard_arrow_down Versions Notes Simple Summary Climate change is one of the drivers of change towards sustainable food systems food security. Therefore, food security is a priority all around the world and across different sectors of society. Edible insects are recommended as a sustainable source of food of animal origin, but their acceptance is very diverse across cultures and countries. Therefore, our work investigated the perceptions of consumers about edible insects in 14 countries. We concluded that depending on origin, the level of knowledge is different, which is a starting point to design more focused campaigns to promote EIs, not only in non-insect-eating countries, but also in insect-eating countries. Better knowledge about the health effects of EIs and their nutritive value is a driver of change. Abstract Insects have been consumed for time immemorial in many regions of the globe. However, in other parts, they are not traditionally eaten. Because they are a more sustainable source of animal protein and provide valuable nutrients as well as bioactive compounds with beneficial effects on the human body, their consumption is encouraged. Knowledge can serve as a tool for better acceptance of insects as food. In this context, the present work investigated the knowledge about the nutritional value and health effects of edible insects in different countries. Data were collected by employing a questionnaire survey translated into the different languages of all participating countries and were treated using statistical tools. A total of 7222 responses were obtained. The results indicated that for many issues, the participants manifested a neutral opinion (neither agree nor disagree), but the participants who manifested agreement/disagreement were generally well informed. They were also able to identify untrue facts and answer accordingly by disagreeing. Factor analysis showed four groups of questions: nutritive value, negative perception and risks, safety and benefits of insects and contamination and harmful components. Finally, significant differences were observed according to the sociodemographic variables studies (sex, age, education, living environment and country), with age and country being the most influential of the sociodemographic factors on knowledge. Therefore, increasing knowledge is envisaged as an essential factor in augmenting the recognition of edible insects as a nutritional food, presenting health benefits apart from being a more sustainable source of animal protein when compared with beef or pork meats.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Valorizacija medicinski programiranih aktivnihodmora u funkciji unapređenja zdravlja i humaniziranja života i rada : Valorizacija ekonomskih efekata sportske rekreacije u funkciji razvoja turizma

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    Makroprojekt: valorizacija programiranih kinezioloÅ”kih aktivnosti u funkciji zdravlja, humaniziranja rada i života te dohodovnih odnosa. Studija 1: valorizacija medicinski programiranih aktivnih odmora u funkciji unapređenja zdravlja i humaniziranja života i rada. Voditelj rada: prof. dr. Mirko Relac, Predstojnik Odjela za kinezioloÅ”ku rekreaciju Fakulteta za fizičku kulturu u Zagrebu

    Health status of narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl) in the area of FA Sisak

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    U ovome radu obrađena je problematika odumiranja poljskog jasena (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl). Posljednjih desetak godina, na području UÅ P Sisak novootkrivena bolest jasena Hymenoscyphus fraxinues uzrokuje velike Å”tete u jasenovim sastojinama. Samim procesom odumiranja obuhvaćene su velike povrÅ”ine Å”to uzrokuje gubitak vrlo vrijedne drvne mase. Situacija postaje sve loÅ”ija i loÅ”ija Å”to može uzrokovati katastrofalne posljedice. Kako bi se ova bolest suzbila, potrebno je provesti mjere sanacije s ciljem očuvanja poljskog jasena te njegovih sastojina