19 research outputs found

    Trend of Relations between Morphological Characteristics and Motor Abilities in Preschool Children

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    Measurements of eight anthropometric characteristics and a battery of seven motor tests were applied in a large sample of 1170 children, 565 boys and 605 girls aged 4 to 7.5 decimal years from preschool institutions in three towns in Vojvodina (Novi Sad, Sombor, and Ba~ka Palanka). Children were selected according to 0.5 decimal years in the mentioned age range. The status of boys and girls according to seven age categories, age-related differences between boys and girls, as well as the relations between anthropometric characteristics and motor abilities were analyzed by use of intercorrelation matrices and canonical correlation analysis. Generally, significant sex differences were found in anthropometric characteristics, i.e. the values of bone growth in length were higher in boys, while the values of voluminosity and subcutaneous adipose tissue were higher in girls. Concerning the space of motor variables, there were significant differences in functioning of the mechanism of movement structuring, the mechanism of synergetic regulation, and the mechanism of excitation duration control, which reached higher values in boys, whereas the functioning of the mechanism of tonus regulation showed higher values in girls. These differences generated morphological and motor structures in boys and girls according to age groups analyzed whose relations showed variable level of statistical significance. The youngest and oldest ages showed generalness of the canonical factor structure, as well as the highest significance of participation in the common variance of the two spaces of the variables applied. Between the above ages, i.e. between 4 and 7 years, the relation between morphological characteristics and motor abilities in children decreased, followed by gradual increase. It was monitored by the coefficient of determination between the first pairs of canonical factors in each age category, in boys and girls alike. This relation tended to be higher in boys in all analyzed age categories except for the youngest age where a considerably higher relation was recorded between morphological and motor structure in girls. Such a result could be interpreted by the trend and growth/development level of morphological structure, development of motor structure, development of the central nervous system, as well as by physical activity that is more intensive in boys than in girls

    Financijska taksonomija nevladinih sportskih organizacija

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the classification of non-governmental sports organisations (sports NGOs) based on their financial data. Empirical taxonomy with Ward’s hierarchical clustering technique based on the variables acquired from financial statements of all 6,130 sports NGOs in Slovenia was used to cluster organisations into three financial design types: grassroots sports organisations, semi-professional sports NGOs, and professional sports NGOs. Clusters varied in magnitude and structure of Financial items. The findings suggest that the business of grassroots sports organisations is very simple, while with semi-professional and professional sports NGOs it is more complex, and consequently such organisations are confronted with cash flow and even solvency problems. Total average revenues of grassroots sports organisations (€6,304) are approximately one tenth the size of the semi-professional sports NGOs and 192 times smaller than professional sports NGOs. As for the structure of revenues, professional sports NGOs have a larger proportion of sales revenues and much lower membership fees, donations, and other revenues. Semiprofessional sports NGOs differ from grassroots sport in a slightly higher proportion of sales revenues and donations. As regards the structure of expenses, professional sports NGOs had a 5.6 times higher proportion of labour costs in comparison with grassroots sports and 1.4 times higher compared to semi-professional sports NGOs. Such a taxonomy could present an appropriate basis for investigating the true dimension of the impact of global economic crisis on sports NGOs in a small European sports economy.Cilj je ovog rada bio klasificirati nevladine sportske organizacije prema njihovim financijskim podacima. Empirijska taksonomija, provedena Wardovom hijerarhijskom klasterskom tehnikom na varijablama dobivenim iz financijskih izvješća svih 6.130 nevladnih sportskih organizacija u Sloveniji, korištena je za klasterizaciju organizacija prema tri tipa financijskog dizajna: osnovne sportske organizacije, poluprofesionalne nevladine sportske organizacije i profesionalne sportske nevladine organizacije. Klasteri su varirali u veličini i strukturi financijskih stavki. Rezultati sugeriraju da su poslovi osnovnih sportskih organizacija vrlo jednostavni, dok su kompleksniji u poluprofesionalnim i profesionalnim sportskim nevladinim organizacijama, pa su te organizacije suočene s problemima dotoka novca te čak i solventnosti. Ukupni prosječni prihodi osnovnih sportskih organizacija (6.304€) iznose otprilike jednu desetinu prihoda poluprofesionalnih nevladnih sportskih organizacija, odnosno oni su 192 puta manji od prihoda profesionalnih sportskih nevladnih organizacija. Kad je u pitanju struktura prihoda, profesionalne sportske nevladine organizacije imaju veću proporciju prihoda od prodaje te značajno manje prihode od članarina, donacija i ostalih kategorija prihoda. Polu-profesionalne sportske nevladine organizacije razlikuju se od osnovnih sportskih organizacija po neznatno većoj proporciji prihoda od prodaje i donacija. Kada je u pitanju struktura troškova, profesionalne sportske nevladine organizacije su imale 5,6 puta veći udio troškova rada u usporedbi s osnovnim sportskim organizacijama te 1,4 puta veći udio u usporedbi s poluprofesionalnim sportskim organizacijama. Takva taksonomiija može predstavljati odgovarajuću osnovu za istraživanje stvarnih dimenzija utjecaja globalne ekonomske krize na sportske nevladine organizacije u malim europskim sportskim ekonomijama

    Differences in Motor and Cognitive Abilities of Children Depending on Their Body Mass Index and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue

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    The aim of the present study was to analyze differences in motor and cognitive abilities of children depending on their value in quantitative indicators of Body Mass Index (BMI) and subcutaneous fatty tissue. The study sample consisted of overall 910 boys and girls, aged 11 to 14, all from elementary schools in Vojvodina (Serbia). Six anthropometric, eight motor and one cognitive variable were analyzed to identify quantitative and qualitative differences in motor and cognitive functioning of children. Children were divided into three groups within gender based on their body mass index calculated and subcutaneous fatty tissue measured. The results obtained from the study indicate the existence of differences in motor and only partly in intellectual abilities between groups of subjects. The greatest differences between the clusters were found in the level of coordination of the entire body, and the static strength of arms and shoulders

    Examining Beliefs And Attitudes Toward Advertising Through Sport Among Serbian Consumers

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    The first purpose of this pilot study was to compare consumers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport with their attitudes towards advertising in general. The second purpose of this pilot study was to analyze the relationships between beliefs about and attitude towards advertising through sport, mostly due to the reason it was expected that enterprises should profit from the use of sport as an advertising medium and the identification of specified beliefs influencing to positive attitudes would enhance advertising strategies. The data was collected from randomly selected 127 students who attended University of Novi Sad during the autumn semester of 2013. The system of variables consist 39 items, modeled by seven-point Likert scale, of attitudes and beliefs about and eight demographic items that were modified from Pyun’s original items to fit each area. The factor analysis were employed to take the best item of each construct, while Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was used to compare consumers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport with their attitudes towards advertising in general. Then, Optimal Scaling Method was employed to reveal the relationships between beliefs about and attitude towards advertising through sport. Expected, the customers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport were significantly more positive than their attitudes towards advertising in general. On the other hand, unexpected, just one (product information) of maximum seven belief constructs have significantly influenced attitude towards advertising through sport.The purpose of this pilot study was to compare consumers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport compared with their attitudes towards advertising in general. Additionally, this pilot study was to analyse the relationships about beliefs and attitude towards advertising through sport. In the most part, it was expected that enterprises should profit from the use of sport as an advertising medium and the identification of specified beliefs influencing positive attitudes would enhance advertising strategies. The data was collected from randomly selected 127 students who attended University of Novi Sad during the autumn semester of 2013. The system of variables consisted of 39 items, modelled by the seven-point Likert scale, of attitudes and beliefs and eight demographic items that were modified from Pyun’s original items to fit each area. The factor analysis was employed to take the best item of each construct, while Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was used to compare consumers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport with their attitudes towards advertising in general. Then, Optimal Scaling Method was employed to reveal the relationships between beliefs about and attitude towards advertising through sport. As expected, the customers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport were significantly more positive than their attitudes towards advertising in general. On the other hand, unexpectedly, just one (product information) of maximum seven belief constructs had significantly influenced attitudes towards advertising through sport

    Somatotypes and handgrip strength analysis of elite Serbian sambo athletes

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    The aim of this study was to establish whether there are differences between weight categories in different anthropometric measurements and handgrip strength between elite Serbian male and female sambo athletes divided into weight categories. A total of 70 elite Serbian sambo athletes participated in the study, who were participants of the World Cadet Sambo Championship held in Novi Sad. Athletes are classified into categories according to gender and official weight categories. Using anthropometry, we calculated somatotypes and hand-grip strength. For statistical analysis, we used a one-way analysis of variance and Tukey’s post hoc tests to compare group differences by weight categories. Somatotype analysis shows that a typical somatotype in male sambo athletes was endomorphic mesomorphs. In female groups, the most common somatotype in the lightest categories was mesomorphic ectomorphs, and in the heaviest categories were endomorphic mesomorphs. Examining the handgrip for both left and right hand, as well as in total, shows that there is a statistically significant difference between the categories. In total, the strength of the handgrip increases progressively in groups. In male categories, the difference exists between the first 4 groups and -78kg, as well as between -42kg and -46kg and the heaviest weight category. Differences between weight categories in female athletes were found between the lightest group and last six groups in total, in favor of the last six. Anthropometric measurements revealed a statistically significant difference between weight categories. Mesomorphy was the most dominant somatotype in male categories, while female athletes differed concerning weight category. The achieved results can serve as data to compare the somatotype and handgrip strength of elite sambo athletes on a national and international level. These findings suggest that the handgrip strength and somatotypes are the keys to success in relation to the weight category

    Financijska taksonomija nevladinih sportskih organizacija

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the classification of non-governmental sports organisations (sports NGOs) based on their financial data. Empirical taxonomy with Ward’s hierarchical clustering technique based on the variables acquired from financial statements of all 6,130 sports NGOs in Slovenia was used to cluster organisations into three financial design types: grassroots sports organisations, semi-professional sports NGOs, and professional sports NGOs. Clusters varied in magnitude and structure of Financial items. The findings suggest that the business of grassroots sports organisations is very simple, while with semi-professional and professional sports NGOs it is more complex, and consequently such organisations are confronted with cash flow and even solvency problems. Total average revenues of grassroots sports organisations (€6,304) are approximately one tenth the size of the semi-professional sports NGOs and 192 times smaller than professional sports NGOs. As for the structure of revenues, professional sports NGOs have a larger proportion of sales revenues and much lower membership fees, donations, and other revenues. Semiprofessional sports NGOs differ from grassroots sport in a slightly higher proportion of sales revenues and donations. As regards the structure of expenses, professional sports NGOs had a 5.6 times higher proportion of labour costs in comparison with grassroots sports and 1.4 times higher compared to semi-professional sports NGOs. Such a taxonomy could present an appropriate basis for investigating the true dimension of the impact of global economic crisis on sports NGOs in a small European sports economy.Cilj je ovog rada bio klasificirati nevladine sportske organizacije prema njihovim financijskim podacima. Empirijska taksonomija, provedena Wardovom hijerarhijskom klasterskom tehnikom na varijablama dobivenim iz financijskih izvješća svih 6.130 nevladnih sportskih organizacija u Sloveniji, korištena je za klasterizaciju organizacija prema tri tipa financijskog dizajna: osnovne sportske organizacije, poluprofesionalne nevladine sportske organizacije i profesionalne sportske nevladine organizacije. Klasteri su varirali u veličini i strukturi financijskih stavki. Rezultati sugeriraju da su poslovi osnovnih sportskih organizacija vrlo jednostavni, dok su kompleksniji u poluprofesionalnim i profesionalnim sportskim nevladinim organizacijama, pa su te organizacije suočene s problemima dotoka novca te čak i solventnosti. Ukupni prosječni prihodi osnovnih sportskih organizacija (6.304€) iznose otprilike jednu desetinu prihoda poluprofesionalnih nevladnih sportskih organizacija, odnosno oni su 192 puta manji od prihoda profesionalnih sportskih nevladnih organizacija. Kad je u pitanju struktura prihoda, profesionalne sportske nevladine organizacije imaju veću proporciju prihoda od prodaje te značajno manje prihode od članarina, donacija i ostalih kategorija prihoda. Polu-profesionalne sportske nevladine organizacije razlikuju se od osnovnih sportskih organizacija po neznatno većoj proporciji prihoda od prodaje i donacija. Kada je u pitanju struktura troškova, profesionalne sportske nevladine organizacije su imale 5,6 puta veći udio troškova rada u usporedbi s osnovnim sportskim organizacijama te 1,4 puta veći udio u usporedbi s poluprofesionalnim sportskim organizacijama. Takva taksonomiija može predstavljati odgovarajuću osnovu za istraživanje stvarnih dimenzija utjecaja globalne ekonomske krize na sportske nevladine organizacije u malim europskim sportskim ekonomijama

    Effects of fhe Application of KinesiologyTreatment on Motoric, Morphological andIntellectual Dimension in Preschool Children

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    Na uzorku od 485 dece uzrasta od 5 do 7 godina, podeljenih u dve grupe – eksperimentalnu (259 - 53,4%) i kontrolnu (226 – 46,6%) sprovedena su morfološka merenja, te motorička i intelektualna testiranja. Eksperimentalnu grupu sačinjavali su polaznici Sportske školice „Luka” iz Novog Sada, dok su deca iz Predškolske ustanove „Radosno detinjstvo”, organizacione jedinice vrtić „Petar Pan” činila kontrolnu grupu. Prosečni uzrast eksperimentalne grupe na dan inicijalnih merenja, odnosno testiranja iznosio je 5,4±0,8 decimalnih godina, dok je prosečan uzrast kontrolne grupe bio 5,6±0,6 decimalnih godina. Cilj rada bio je da se ustanove i analiziraju efekti longitudinalne primene različitih modela vežbanja kinezioloških aktivnosti na podizanju nivoa razvoja i poboljšanje kognitivnog, posebno intelektualnog, kao i motoričkog i morfološkog razvoja predškolske dece. Stoga je na eksperimentalnoj grupi primenjen kineziološki program u trajanju od devet meseci, a sve u svrhu poboljšanja navedenih karakteristika i sposobnosti. Program je sproveden u školskoj 2013/14. godini, ali i nastavljen na deci koja su i dalje pohađala sportsku školicu i tokom naredne 2014/15. školske godine. Detaljna koncepcija programa data je u samom radu. Baterija za ispitivanje i praćenje promena prouzrokovanih eksperimentalnim tretmanom sastojala se od osam antropometrijskih mera, osam motoričkih testova i dva testa za procenu inteligencije, s tim što drugi primenjeni test za procenu inteligencije predstavlja ustvari bateriju testova koja je imala za cilj da proceni više segmenata intelektualnih sposobnosti i to: planiranje, simultanu pažnju i sukcesiju. Temeljem dobijenih rezultata sprovedene empirijsko-istraživačke studije, dobijene su i detaljno obrazložene sve pojave koje su ishod programiranog i pod stručnim nadzorom sprovedenog eksperimentalnog kineziološkog tretmana. U svetlu toga, moguće je bilo zaključiti da je došlo do poboljšanja nekih morfoloških karakteristika, te pojedinih motoričkih i intelektualnih sposobnosti dece iz eksperimentalne grupe u odnosu na kontrolnu. Do izvesnih promena došlo je i u kvalitativnom, a ne samo kvantitativnom smislu, a predložen je i model varijabli koji bi verovatno u budućnosti mogao ukazati na još bolje rezultate. Osim toga, buduća istraživanja u smislu pouzdanijih rezultata trebala bi biti sprovođena uz primenu preciznijih mernih instrumenata, koji bi, pretpostavlja se, dali za generalizaciju rezultata adekvatnije informacije.Based on the sample of 485 children of 5 to 7 years of age, divided into two groups – experimental (259 – 53.4%) and control group (226 – 46.6%), morphological measurements, motoric and intellectual testing were done. The experimental group was consisted of the pupils of the Sport School “Luka” from Novi Sad, while the control group was consisted of the children from the Preschool institution “Radosno detinjstvo”, and the organisational unit of the nursery “Peter Pan”. The average age of the experimental group on the day of initial measuring, or testing, was 5.4±0.8 decimal years, while the average age of the control group was 5.6±0.6 decimal years. The purpose of this paper was to define and analyse the effects of longitudinal application of various models of exercises of kinesiology activity on raising the level of development and improvement of cognitive, in particular of intellectual and motoric and morphological development of preschool children. Therefore, a kinesiology programme was applied to the experimental group for the period of nine months, all in order to improve the stated characteristics and abilities. The programme was implemented in the school year 2013/2014, but it was continued for the children who still attended the sport school in the next school year 2014/2015. The detailed idea of the programme is provided in the paper. Battery for testing and monitoring the changes caused by experimental treatment was consisted of eight anthropometric measurements, eight motoric tests and two tests for intelligence assessment, while the second applied test for assessment of intelligence is actually the battery of tests which aim was to assess several segments of intellectual abilities, including the following: planning, simultaneous attention and succession. Based on the obtained results of the conducted empirical research study, all changes which are the outcome of the programmed and conducted experimental kinesiology treatment under expert surveillance, have been explained in details. In that respect, it is possible to conclude that certain morphological characteristics have improved, and that certain motoric and intellectual abilities of children from the experimental group have also improved in comparison with the control group. Certain changes occurred also in the qualitative, not only in the quantitative aspect, and a model of variables was also proposed, which is likely to indicate even better results in the future. In addition to that, the future research, when it comes to more reliable results, should be conducted with the application of measuring instruments, which would, as assumed, provide more adequate information for the generalization of results

    Effects of fhe Application of KinesiologyTreatment on Motoric, Morphological andIntellectual Dimension in Preschool Children

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    Na uzorku od 485 dece uzrasta od 5 do 7 godina, podeljenih u dve grupe – eksperimentalnu (259 - 53,4%) i kontrolnu (226 – 46,6%) sprovedena su morfološka merenja, te motorička i intelektualna testiranja. Eksperimentalnu grupu sačinjavali su polaznici Sportske školice „Luka” iz Novog Sada, dok su deca iz Predškolske ustanove „Radosno detinjstvo”, organizacione jedinice vrtić „Petar Pan” činila kontrolnu grupu. Prosečni uzrast eksperimentalne grupe na dan inicijalnih merenja, odnosno testiranja iznosio je 5,4±0,8 decimalnih godina, dok je prosečan uzrast kontrolne grupe bio 5,6±0,6 decimalnih godina. Cilj rada bio je da se ustanove i analiziraju efekti longitudinalne primene različitih modela vežbanja kinezioloških aktivnosti na podizanju nivoa razvoja i poboljšanje kognitivnog, posebno intelektualnog, kao i motoričkog i morfološkog razvoja predškolske dece. Stoga je na eksperimentalnoj grupi primenjen kineziološki program u trajanju od devet meseci, a sve u svrhu poboljšanja navedenih karakteristika i sposobnosti. Program je sproveden u školskoj 2013/14. godini, ali i nastavljen na deci koja su i dalje pohađala sportsku školicu i tokom naredne 2014/15. školske godine. Detaljna koncepcija programa data je u samom radu. Baterija za ispitivanje i praćenje promena prouzrokovanih eksperimentalnim tretmanom sastojala se od osam antropometrijskih mera, osam motoričkih testova i dva testa za procenu inteligencije, s tim što drugi primenjeni test za procenu inteligencije predstavlja ustvari bateriju testova koja je imala za cilj da proceni više segmenata intelektualnih sposobnosti i to: planiranje, simultanu pažnju i sukcesiju. Temeljem dobijenih rezultata sprovedene empirijsko-istraživačke studije, dobijene su i detaljno obrazložene sve pojave koje su ishod programiranog i pod stručnim nadzorom sprovedenog eksperimentalnog kineziološkog tretmana. U svetlu toga, moguće je bilo zaključiti da je došlo do poboljšanja nekih morfoloških karakteristika, te pojedinih motoričkih i intelektualnih sposobnosti dece iz eksperimentalne grupe u odnosu na kontrolnu. Do izvesnih promena došlo je i u kvalitativnom, a ne samo kvantitativnom smislu, a predložen je i model varijabli koji bi verovatno u budućnosti mogao ukazati na još bolje rezultate. Osim toga, buduća istraživanja u smislu pouzdanijih rezultata trebala bi biti sprovođena uz primenu preciznijih mernih instrumenata, koji bi, pretpostavlja se, dali za generalizaciju rezultata adekvatnije informacije.Based on the sample of 485 children of 5 to 7 years of age, divided into two groups – experimental (259 – 53.4%) and control group (226 – 46.6%), morphological measurements, motoric and intellectual testing were done. The experimental group was consisted of the pupils of the Sport School “Luka” from Novi Sad, while the control group was consisted of the children from the Preschool institution “Radosno detinjstvo”, and the organisational unit of the nursery “Peter Pan”. The average age of the experimental group on the day of initial measuring, or testing, was 5.4±0.8 decimal years, while the average age of the control group was 5.6±0.6 decimal years. The purpose of this paper was to define and analyse the effects of longitudinal application of various models of exercises of kinesiology activity on raising the level of development and improvement of cognitive, in particular of intellectual and motoric and morphological development of preschool children. Therefore, a kinesiology programme was applied to the experimental group for the period of nine months, all in order to improve the stated characteristics and abilities. The programme was implemented in the school year 2013/2014, but it was continued for the children who still attended the sport school in the next school year 2014/2015. The detailed idea of the programme is provided in the paper. Battery for testing and monitoring the changes caused by experimental treatment was consisted of eight anthropometric measurements, eight motoric tests and two tests for intelligence assessment, while the second applied test for assessment of intelligence is actually the battery of tests which aim was to assess several segments of intellectual abilities, including the following: planning, simultaneous attention and succession. Based on the obtained results of the conducted empirical research study, all changes which are the outcome of the programmed and conducted experimental kinesiology treatment under expert surveillance, have been explained in details. In that respect, it is possible to conclude that certain morphological characteristics have improved, and that certain motoric and intellectual abilities of children from the experimental group have also improved in comparison with the control group. Certain changes occurred also in the qualitative, not only in the quantitative aspect, and a model of variables was also proposed, which is likely to indicate even better results in the future. In addition to that, the future research, when it comes to more reliable results, should be conducted with the application of measuring instruments, which would, as assumed, provide more adequate information for the generalization of results


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    The sample of 164 examinees (divided into three groups according to their IQ) – all of them girls from the major towns of Vojvodina – underwent an assessment of motor abilities where battery of 7 motor tests was used and an assessment of cognitive abilities in the case of which Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices were used. The results of the research show that there are statistically significant differences in motor and cognitive abilities between the analyzed groups in this sample of the examinees

    The Relationship between Physical, Motor, and Intellectual Development of Preschool Children

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    AbstractThe study examined the relationship of physical, motor, and intellectual development of preschool children. The sample included 72 children aged 5.60 (±0.32) years. Two anthropometric measures (body height, body weight), two motor skills tests (obstacle course, broad jump), and an intelligence test (Raven's CPM) were applied. Taxonomic analysis identified two distinctive developmental profiles in terms of physical growth and motor competence: 1) Shorter children of a lower body weight, less competent; 2) Taller, heavier and more competent children. Physical growth and motor development are positively correlated in children aged 5-6, with no such relation between these domains and intelligence