24 research outputs found

    Technologies Used in Health Care

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    The important role of technology is outlined and broader understanding of the term technology supported, i.e. including besides equipment also people’s know-how. The kind, types and ways of application of technologies are discussed in relation to present practice of health care. Finally, the role of AT (adequate technology), TA (technology assessment) and TT (technology transfer) are presented

    Role of Hospitals at the Beginning of the New Millenium

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    During a long history, hospitals were continuously changing so that diversity is one of their characteristics. Being a part of a local culture, they also reflect general global trends. At present, the winds of globalisation are stronger, following an overall trend in technology and economics. Changes in technologies will induce changes in management (“new plants do not survive in old pots”). New imaging technologies need a better clinical feed-back, and the pattern of “industry-like” hospital, where specialists work in their narrow fields on a production-line becomes inappropriate for them. Human resource management becomes more important than economic and technical management dominating at presen

    Human Development and health Practice

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    Development is not only economic category, but a complex issue

    Strategies for Development and Strengthening of General Practice/Family Medicine as Part of Primary Health Care

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    The health reforms went diverse ways in different countries, but everywhere under powerful influence of political, economic and social changes. The market principles were proposed (and not very successfully applied) to a situation of poor and apparently egalitarian systems. The importance of primary care was underlined, but it was often disintegrated, overspecialized and inadequately supported. Facing a burden of social problems the centralized state solutions as well as participatory social movements had only momentary effects, so that strengthening of local and family capacities, supported by a team of generalist professionals emerged as the best choice. It was advocated by empirical results in most of developed countries. Based on experience from Croatia and other countries the strategies were identified for implementing the generalist professional approach as a basis of PHC services. Firm political decision, vocational training and development of professional identity of general practice/family medicine (physicians and nurses) were essential starting points. Organizational arrangements, academic/scientific support, and international relations have to stabilize further development

    Management Cycle: from Planning to Evaluation

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    The planning process in health care known as management cycle or cycle of organization and management is described. The cycle is divided in four main elements: planning, organization, implementation and evaluation. Each element is defined and described

    Primary Health Care

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    Primary health care is essential health care made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community. It is a base and the entrance of the whole health care system, often has the role of gate keeper. It has to be organized according to social realities in which communities live and work. The health system is developed relatively well among the countries in the South Eastern European region. The heath personnel are well-trained and public health services are well established and organized. Around 30% of general practitioners are specialists in family medicine. Health care services in Croatia are organized on three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary. On primary level operate general/family medicine, paediatric, gynaecological and dental practices, public health nursing, diagnostic laboratories and supporting services and pharmacies. The core of primary health services in Croatia are general/family medicine, paediatric services and community nurses. According to the Health Insurance Act in Croatia, there are three main health insurance schemes: basic, supplementary and private health insurance

    Health Care as a System: Elements, Boundaries, Levels

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    Introduction to system analysis and health care system. A systematic examination of a system (situation, problem) is described. Elements and boundaries of health care system. Description and taxonomy of health care system. Levels of health care with characteristics of each level. Two exercises are given

    Human Development and health Practice

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    Development is not only economic category, but a complex issue

    Technologies Used in Health Care

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    The important role of technology is outlined and broader understanding of the term technology supported, i.e. including besides equipment also people’s know-how. The kind, types and ways of application of technologies are discussed in relation to present practice of health care. Finally, the role of AT (adequate technology), TA (technology assessment) and TT (technology transfer) are presented

    Role of Hospitals at the Beginning of the New Millenium

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    During a long history, hospitals were continuously changing so that diversity is one of their characteristics. Being a part of a local culture, they also reflect general global trends. At present, the winds of globalisation are stronger, following an overall trend in technology and economics. Changes in technologies will induce changes in management (“new plants do not survive in old pots”). New imaging technologies need a better clinical feed-back, and the pattern of “industry-like” hospital, where specialists work in their narrow fields on a production-line becomes inappropriate for them. Human resource management becomes more important than economic and technical management dominating at presen