Primary Health Care


Primary health care is essential health care made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community. It is a base and the entrance of the whole health care system, often has the role of gate keeper. It has to be organized according to social realities in which communities live and work. The health system is developed relatively well among the countries in the South Eastern European region. The heath personnel are well-trained and public health services are well established and organized. Around 30% of general practitioners are specialists in family medicine. Health care services in Croatia are organized on three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary. On primary level operate general/family medicine, paediatric, gynaecological and dental practices, public health nursing, diagnostic laboratories and supporting services and pharmacies. The core of primary health services in Croatia are general/family medicine, paediatric services and community nurses. According to the Health Insurance Act in Croatia, there are three main health insurance schemes: basic, supplementary and private health insurance

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