32 research outputs found

    NICER–NuSTAR Observations of the Neutron Star Low-mass X-Ray Binary 4U 1735–44

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    International audienceWe report on the first simultaneous Neutron Star Interior Composition Explore (NICER) and Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) observations of the neutron star (NS) low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1735−44, obtained in 2018 August. The source was at a luminosity of ∼1.8 (D/5.6 kpc)2 × 1037 erg s−1 in the 0.4–30 keV band. We account for the continuum emission with two different continuum descriptions that have been used to model the source previously. Despite the choice in continuum model, the combined passband reveals a broad Fe K line indicative of reflection in the spectrum. In order to account for the reflection spectrum we utilize a modified version of the reflection model relxill that is tailored for thermal emission from accreting NSs. Alternatively, we also use the reflection convolution model of rfxconv to model the reflected emission that would arise from a Comptonized thermal component for comparison. We determine that the innermost region of the accretion disk extends close to the innermost stable circular orbit (R ISCO) at the 90% confidence level regardless of reflection model. Moreover, the current flux calibration of NICER is within 5% of the NuSTAR/FPMA(B)

    Detection of millihertz quasi-periodic oscillations in the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1730--22 with NICER

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    International audienceWe report the discovery of millihertz quasi-periodic oscillations (mHz QPOs) from the neutron star (NS) low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1730--22 using the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER). After being inactive for almost 50 years, 4U 1730--22 went into outburst twice between June and August 2021, and between February and July 2022. We analyse all the NICER observations of this source, and detect mHz QPOs with a significance > 4σ4\sigma in 35 observations. The QPO frequency of the full data set ranged between ~4.5 and ~8.1 mHz with an average fractional rms amplitude of the order of ~2%. The X-ray colour analysis strongly suggests that 4U 1730--22 was in a soft spectral state during the QPO detections. Our findings are consistent with those reported for other sources where the mHz QPOs have been interpreted as the result of a special mode of He burning on the NS surface called marginally stable nuclear burning (MSNB). We conclude that the mHz QPOs reported in this work are also associated with the MSNB, making 4U 1730--22 the eighth source that shows this phenomenology. We discuss our findings in the context of the heat flux from the NS crust

    The 2019 super-Eddington outburst of RX J0209.6−7427: detection of pulsations and constraints on the magnetic field strength

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    International audienceIn 2019 November, MAXI detected an X-ray outburst from the known Be X-ray binary system RX J0209.6−7427 located in the outer wing of the Small Magellanic Cloud. We followed the outburst of the system with NICER, which led to the discovery of X-ray pulsations with a period of 9.3 s. We analysed simultaneous X-ray data obtained with NuSTAR and NICER, allowing us to characterize the spectrum and provide an accurate estimate of its bolometric luminosity. During the outburst, the maximum broad-band X-ray luminosity of the system reached (1–2) × 10^39 erg s^−1, thus exceeding by about one order of magnitude the Eddington limit for a typical 1.4 M_⊙ mass neutron star (NS). Monitoring observations with Fermi/GBM and NICER allowed us to study the spin evolution of the NS and compare it with standard accretion torque models. We found that the NS magnetic field should be of the order of 3 × 10^12 G. We conclude that RX J0209.6−7427 exhibited one of the brightest outbursts observed from a Be X-ray binary pulsar in the Magellanic Clouds, reaching similar luminosity level to the 2016 outburst of SMC X-3. Despite the super-Eddington luminosity of RX J0209.6−7427, the NS appears to have only a moderate magnetic field strength

    The unaltered pulsar: GRO J1750-27, a super-critical X-ray neutron star that does not blink an eye

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    When accreting X-ray pulsars (XRPs) undergo bright X-ray outbursts, their luminosity-dependent spectral and timing features can be analysed in detail. The XRP GRO J1750-27 recently underwent one of such episodes, during which it was observed with NuSTARNuSTAR and monitored with NICERNICER. Such a data set is rarely available, as it samples the outburst over more than a month at a luminosity that is always exceeding ∼5×1037 {\sim}5\times10^{37}\,erg/s. This value is larger than the typical critical luminosity value, where a radiative shock is formed above the neutron star's surface. Our data analysis of the joint spectra returns a highly (NH∼(5−8)×1022 N_H\sim(5-8)\times10^{22}\,cm−2^{-2}) absorbed spectrum showing a Kα\alpha iron line, a soft blackbody component likely originating from the inner edge of the accretion disk, and confirms the discovery of one of the deepest cyclotron lines, at a centroid energy of ∼44 {\sim}44\,keV corresponding to a magnetic field strength of 4.7×1012 4.7\times10^{12}\,G. This value is independently supported by the best-fit physical model for spectral formation in accreting XRPs which, in agreement with recent findings, favours a distance of 1414 kpc and also reflects a bulk-Comptonization dominated accretion flow. Contrary to theoretical expectations and observational evidence from other similar sources, the pulse profiles as observed by NICERNICER through the outburst raise, peak and decay remain remarkably steady. The NICERNICER spectrum, including the iron Kα\alpha line best-fit parameters, also remain almost unchanged at all probed outburst stages, similar to the pulsed fraction behaviour. We argue that all these phenomena are linked and interpret them as resulting from a saturation effect of the accretion column's emission, which occurs in the high-luminosity regime