109 research outputs found

    Strongmen of Political Party at Local Level: A Case Study on Fight between Blater and Lora Elites in Partai Amanat Nasional in Malang, Indonesia

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    The study aims to describe the political party's local elite in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Previous researchers found out that there were variation, relation and interaction among political elites at the local level. In Malang, a district of East Java Province, there are some local power of politics in practice namely Blater elite and Lora elite. Blater is a group of local strongmen who has strong collabo- ration with the elite oligarchy at the level local. Both of them have done unfair practice of nepotism in the field of politics to achieve power of Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) at the local level. On the other hand, Lora elite is a group of local strongmen, working together in synergy with the democratic elite to have access to power of the political party. In short, both of the political elites have been competitive to get the power of PAN. The following are the findings of the research:1) The existence of political party strongmen shows that the capacity of indi- vidual of the elites has the authority to determine various power context of the political party; 2) In the context of power, the existence of political party strongmen can limit and reduce the implementation of the political party regulation in the internal dynamics of the local inner circle of political party; and 3) Close relations depends upon a symbiotic relationship and the expression of mutual interest between the strongmen blater and the oligarchy so that patron-client relation could take place


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    Pembelajaran PPKn di kelas XI IPS-3 SMA Negeri 1 Menganti Gresik tahun pelajaran 2021/2022, mengalami permasalahan yang serius. Pada ulangan harian tentang Peran Indonesia dalam Perdamaian Dunia, didapat nilai rata-rata yang sangat rendah. Dari analisis soal didapat data bahwa kesalahan yang paling banyak dilakukan siswa saat menguraikan makna hubungan Internasional, peran negara Indonesia dalam hubungan Internasional, mengidentifikasi tahap-tahap perjanjian Internasional, menganalisis dinamika peran Indonesia dalam perdamaian dunia sesuai UUD1945 serta menyaji hasil anĂ¡lisis dinamika peran Indonesia dalam perdamaian dunia sesuai UUD1945. Dari observasi dan diskusi didapat data bahwa pembelajaran PPKn selama ini berlangsung hanya dengan menggunakan metode ceramah. Maka perlu diadakan suatu penelitian tindakan dengan menerapkan metode buzz group. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian tindakan kelas. Pengamatan/observasi terbagi menjadi dua siklus. Pada masing-masing siklus pembelajaran dikenai perlakuan yang sejenis dengan bobot yang beda. Berdasarkan uraian pembahasan hasil penelitian diperoleh simpulan bahwa penerapan metode buzz group pada materi Peran Indonesia dalam Perdamaian Dunia dalam pelajaran PPKn, dimulai dengan memberikan tugas kepada siswa untuk membuat ringkasan dari artikel-artikel yang terdapat pada kliping. Pada pembelajaran selanjutnya setiap kelompok mendapatkan tugas untuk melakukan diskusi. Metode buzz group dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar materi Peran Indonesia dalam Perdamaian Dunia dalam pelajaran PPKn. Hal ini berdasar hasil penelitian yang terus meningkat dari siklus pertama hingga terakhir. Pada siklus pertama didapat nilai rata–rata sebesar 69. Siswa yang telah mencapai ketuntasan belajar sebanyak 22 siswa atau sebesar 66,7%. Pada siklus kedua didapat nilai rata–rata sebesar 79,2. Siswa yang telah mencapai ketuntasan belajar sebanyak 29 siswa atau sebesar 87,9%

    Islam and Democracy in Post-Suharto Indonesia

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    Indonesia is one of the largest Muslim democratic countries in the world. However, practically, there are many barriers making some scholars doubt that Islamic teachings support or relevant to the democratic system. The purposes of the article are (1) to examine the concept of democracy in Islamic vew and (2) to analysis the phenomenon of Islamic politics in Post-Suharto, Indonesia. The result of the study addressed that (1) Islamic teachings are relevant to a democratic system; (2) there are many Islamic parties contested in the election in Post-Suharto Indonesia, however, only several of Islamic parties exis

    Personal Innovation: The Role of Leadership dan Motivation to Learn

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    This study aimed to investigate the influence of transformational leadership on the innovative work behavior of employees and the mediating role of learning motivation in the relationship between transformational leadership and innovative work behavior. The questionnaire, designed as a self-reported survey, was distributed to regular employees of a manufacturing company in the automotive sector. Data was collected from 203 employees. The hypothesis is tested using structural equation modeling. Data processing uses the SEM method with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The findings indicate that transformational leadership has a positive impact on employees' innovative work behavior and motivation to learn to mediate the transformational leadership-innovative work behavior relationship. This study contributes to the existing literature by providing empirical evidence about the effect of transformational leadership on employee innovative work behavior and the impact of innovative work behavior variables. The implication is that organizations must pay attention to creating a climate that supports innovation and encourages individuals to learn new knowledge and skills, and provides employees with opportunities to use the knowledge and skills they have acquired
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