56 research outputs found

    A microbial detection array (MDA) for viral and bacterial detection

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    BACKGROUND: Identifying the bacteria and viruses present in a complex sample is useful in disease diagnostics, product safety, environmental characterization, and research. Array-based methods have proven utility to detect in a single assay at a reasonable cost any microbe from the thousands that have been sequenced. METHODS: We designed a pan-Microbial Detection Array (MDA) to detect all known viruses (including phages), bacteria and plasmids and developed a novel statistical analysis method to identify mixtures of organisms from complex samples hybridized to the array. The array has broader coverage of bacterial and viral targets and is based on more recent sequence data and more probes per target than other microbial detection/discovery arrays in the literature. Family-specific probes were selected for all sequenced viral and bacterial complete genomes, segments, and plasmids. Probes were designed to tolerate some sequence variation to enable detection of divergent species with homology to sequenced organisms, and to have no significant matches to the human genome sequence. RESULTS: In blinded testing on spiked samples with single or multiple viruses, the MDA was able to correctly identify species or strains. In clinical fecal, serum, and respiratory samples, the MDA was able to detect and characterize multiple viruses, phage, and bacteria in a sample to the family and species level, as confirmed by PCR. CONCLUSIONS: The MDA can be used to identify the suite of viruses and bacteria present in complex samples

    Nonstructural proteins nsp2TF and nsp2N of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) play important roles in suppressing host innate immune responses.

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    Recently, we identified a unique -2/-1 ribosomal frameshift mechanism in PRRSV, which yields two truncated forms of nonstructural protein (nsp) 2 variants, nsp2TF and nsp2N. Here, in vitro expression of individual PRRSV nsp2TF and nsp2N demonstrated their ability to suppress cellular innate immune responses in transfected cells. Two recombinant viruses were further analyzed, in which either nsp2TF was C-terminally truncated (vKO1) or expression of both nsp2TF and nsp2N was knocked out (vKO2). Host cellular mRNA profiling showed that a panel of cellular immune genes, in particular those involved in innate immunity, was upregulated in cells infected with vKO1 and vKO2. Compared to the wild-type virus, vKO1 and vKO2 expedited the IFN-α response and increased NK cell cytotoxicity, and subsequently enhanced T cell immune responses in infected pigs. Our data strongly implicate nsp2TF/nsp2N in arteriviral immune evasion and demonstrate that nsp2TF/nsp2N-deficient PRRSV is less capable of counteracting host innate immune responses

    Adaptation of a microbial detection array as a monitoring tool revealed the presence 2 of mosquito-borne viruses and insect-specific viruses in field-collected mosquitoes

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    Several mosquito-borne diseases affecting humans are emerging or re-emerging in the United States. The early detection of pathogens in mosquito populations is essential to prevent and control the spread of these diseases. In this study, we tested the potential applicability of the Lawrence Livermore Microbial Detection Array (LLMDA) to enhance bio-surveillance by detecting microbes present in Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus and Culex mosquitoes that are major vector species globally, including in Texas. The sensitivity and reproducibility of the LLMDA was tested in mosquito samples spiked with different concentrations of dengue virus (DENV) revealing a detection limit of \u3e100 but \u3c1000 pfu/mL. Additionally, field-collected mosquitoes from Chicago, Illinois and College Station, Texas of known infection status (West Nile virus (WNV) and Culex flavivirus (CxFLAV) positive) were tested on the LLMDA to confirm its efficiency. Mosquito field samples of unknown infection status, collected in San Antonio, TX and the Lower Rio Grande Valley (LRGV), TX were run on the LLMDA and further confirmed by PCR or qPCR. The analysis of the field samples with the LLMDA revealed the presence of cell fusing agent virus (CFAV) in Ae. aegypti populations. Wolbachia was also detected in several of the field samples (Ae. albopictus and Culex spp.) by the LLMDA. Our findings demonstrated that the LLMDA can be used to detect multiple arboviruses of public health importance including viruses that belong to the Flavivirus, Alphavirus and Orthobunyavirus genera. Additionally, insect-specific viruses and bacteria were also detected from field-collected mosquitoes. Another strength of this array is its ability to detect multiple viruses in the same mosquito pool allowing for the detection of co-circulating pathogens in an area, and the identification of potential ecological associations between different viruses. This array can aid in the bio-surveillance of mosquito borne viruses circulating in specific geographical areas

    Ancient Pathogen Dna in Archaeological Samples Detected With a Microbial Detection Array

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    Ancient human remains of paleopathological interest typically contain highly degraded DNA in which pathogenic taxa are often minority components, making sequence-based metagenomic characterization costly. Microarrays may hold a potential solution to these challenges, offering a rapid, affordable and highly informative snapshot of microbial diversity in complex samples without the lengthy analysis and/or high cost associated with high-throughput sequencing. Their versatility is well established for modern clinical specimens, but they have yet to be applied to ancient remains. Here we report bacterial profiles of archaeological and historical human remains using the Lawrence Livermore Microbial Detection Array (LLMDA). The array successfully identified previously-verified bacterial human pathogens, including Vibrio cholerae (cholera) in a 19th century intestinal specimen and Yersinia pestis (“Black Death” plague) in a medieval tooth, which represented only minute fractions (0.03% and 0.08% alignable high-throughput shotgun sequencing reads) of their respective DNA content. This demonstrates that the LLMDA can identify primary and/or co-infecting bacterial pathogens in ancient samples, thereby serving as a rapid and inexpensive paleopathological screening tool to study health across both space and time

    A Functional Gene Array for Detection of Bacterial Virulence Elements

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    Emerging known and unknown pathogens create profound threats to public health. Platforms for rapid detection and characterization of microbial agents are critically needed to prevent and respond to disease outbreaks. Available detection technologies cannot provide broad functional information about known or novel organisms. As a step toward developing such a system, we have produced and tested a series of high-density functional gene arrays to detect elements of virulence and antibiotic resistance mechanisms. Our first generation array targets genes from Escherichia coli strains K12 and CFT073, Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus. We determined optimal probe design parameters for gene family detection and discrimination. When tested with organisms at varying phylogenetic distances from the four target strains, the array detected orthologs for the majority of targeted gene families present in bacteria belonging to the same taxonomic family. In combination with whole-genome amplification, the array detects femtogram concentrations of purified DNA, either spiked in to an aerosol sample background, or in combinations from one or more of the four target organisms. This is the first report of a high density NimbleGen microarray system targeting microbial antibiotic resistance and virulence mechanisms. By targeting virulence gene families as well as genes unique to specific biothreat agents, these arrays will provide important data about the pathogenic potential and drug resistance profiles of unknown organisms in environmental samples

    Airborne Bacteria in Earth's Lower Stratosphere Resemble Taxa Detected in the Troposphere: Results From a New NASA Aircraft Bioaerosol Collector (ABC)

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    Airborne microorganisms in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere remain elusive due to a lack of reliable sample collection systems. To address this problem, we designed, installed, and flight-validated a novel Aircraft Bioaerosol Collector (ABC) for NASA's C-20A that can make collections for microbiological research investigations up to altitudes of 13.7 km. Herein we report results from the first set of science flights—four consecutive missions flown over the United States (US) from 30 October to 2 November, 2017. To ascertain how the concentration of airborne bacteria changed across the tropopause, we collected air during aircraft Ascent/Descent (0.3 to 11 km), as well as sustained Cruise altitudes in the lower stratosphere (~12 km). Bioaerosols were captured on DNA-treated gelatinous filters inside a cascade air sampler, then analyzed with molecular and culture-based characterization. Several viable bacterial isolates were recovered from flight altitudes, including Bacillus sp., Micrococcus sp., Arthrobacter sp., and Staphylococcus sp. from Cruise samples and Brachybacterium sp. from Ascent/Descent samples. Using 16S V4 sequencing methods for a culture-independent analysis of bacteria, the average number of total OTUs was 305 for Cruise samples and 276 for Ascent/Descent samples. Some taxa were more abundant in the flight samples than the ground samples, including OTUs from families Lachnospiraceae, Ruminococcaceae and Erysipelotrichaceae as well as the following genera: Clostridium, Mogibacterium, Corynebacterium, Bacteroides, Prevotella, Pseudomonas, and Parabacteroides. Surprisingly, our results revealed a homogeneous distribution of bacteria in the atmosphere up to 12 km. The observation could be due to atmospheric conditions producing similar background aerosols across the western US, as suggested by modeled back trajectories and satellite measurements. However, the influence of aircraft-associated bacterial contaminants could not be fully eliminated and that background signal was reported throughout our dataset. Considering the tremendous engineering challenge of collecting biomass at extreme altitudes where contamination from flight hardware remains an ever-present issue, we note the utility of using the stratosphere as a proving ground for planned life detection missions across the solar system

    Draft Genome Sequences from a Novel Clade of <i>Bacillus cereus Sensu Lato </i>Strains, Isolated from the International Space Station

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    The draft genome sequences of six Bacillus strains, isolated from the International Space Station and belonging to the Bacillus anthracis-B. cereus-B. thuringiensis group, are presented here. These strains were isolated from the Japanese Experiment Module (one strain), U.S. Harmony Node 2 (three strains), and Russian Segment Zvezda Module (two strains)

    The Microbial Detection Array Combined with Random Phi29-Amplification Used as a Diagnostic Tool for Virus Detection in Clinical Samples

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    A common technique used for sensitive and specific diagnostic virus detection in clinical samples is PCR that can identify one or several viruses in one assay. However, a diagnostic microarray containing probes for all human pathogens could replace hundreds of individual PCR-reactions and remove the need for a clear clinical hypothesis regarding a suspected pathogen. We have established such a diagnostic platform for random amplification and subsequent microarray identification of viral pathogens in clinical samples. We show that Phi29 polymerase-amplification of a diverse set of clinical samples generates enough viral material for successful identification by the Microbial Detection Array, demonstrating the potential of the microarray technique for broad-spectrum pathogen detection. We conclude that this method detects both DNA and RNA virus, present in the same sample, as well as differentiates between different virus subtypes. We propose thi