210 research outputs found

    A class of N-body problems with nearest- and next-to-nearest neighbour interactions

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    We obtain the exact ground state and a part of the excitation spectrum in one dimension on a line and the exact ground state on a circle in a case where N particles are interacting via nearest- and next-to-nearest neighbour interactions. Further, using the exact ground-state, we establish a mapping between these N-body problems and the short-range Dyson models introduced recently to model intermediate spectral statistics. Using this mapping we compute the one- and two-point functions of a related many-body theory and show that there is no long-range order in the thermodynamic limit. However, quite remarkably, we prove the existence of an off-diagonal long-range order in the symmetrised version of the related many-body theory. Generalisation of the models to other root systems is also considered. Besides, we also generalize the model on the full line to higher dimensions. Finally, we consider a model in two dimensions in which all the states exhibit novel correlations.Comment: LaTeX2e, 40 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Nucl. Phys. B [FS

    Off-diagonal long-range order in one-dimensional many-body problem

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    We prove that there is off-diagonal long-range order in the symmetrised version of the one-dimensional many-body problem presented by Jain and Khare (Phys. Lett. A262 (1999)35). This model is related to the short-range Dyson model employed to study intermediate statistics in systems like the Anderson model in three dimensions at the metal-insulator transition point and pseudointegrable billiards. To the best of our knowledge, this is the only example showing quantum phases and possibility of Bose-Einstein condensation in one-dimensional statistical mechanics.Comment: LaTeX2e, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    A Literature Study on the Product Packaging Influences on the Customers Behavior

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    Many organizations in the business sector have focused on one tactic or another to win more profit margins for products. An effort made by the organization to get more consumers to buy their products, organizations have always been engaging in this process. Different technologies to help their products compete with the product of rivals, the packaging type is one step to make customers aware of the product. Despite the fact that perhaps the packaging as well as the manner in which the customer determines the benefit/value of the product, the packaging rationale for purchase behaviors has been thoroughly studied and the outcomes have adequately defined the connection among the packaging with the purchasing behavior of a customer. The consumer's shopping behavior depends mostly on packaging as well as its characteristics. Packaging features such as color packaging, context illustration, and packaging content, font type, wrapping design, printed details and novelty are used as indicators. As self-service grows and customers' lifestyles shift, interest in packaging as a product advertising tactic and a catalyst to impulsive purchasing behavior is rising. Package, therefore, plays a key role throughout advertising relations, particularly at the stage of sale, which may be considered to be among the key significant aspects impacting customer buying behaviors


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    Mortality of selected tropical forest tree species seedlings viz. Tectona grandis, Pongamia pinnata, Dalbergia latifolia and Gmelina arborea were tested under water and salt stress conditions for 4 months under nursery stage. Water stress included moderate and severe waterlogging & moderate and severe drought conditions. The salt stress in the soil was maintained to 4, 8 and 12 ds/m. Pot culture experiments with twenty treatment combinations following RBD factorial design were conducted in TFRI Jabalpur nursery. The water equivalent to the field capacity of the soil was provided to the seedlings to maintain waterlogging. The drought condition in polybags was maintained according to Permanent Wilting point (PWP), which was calculated on the basis of Cumulative Pan Evaporation (CPE) values measured through Open Pan Evaporimeter. Mortality of seedlings of the species under study increased with the increase in salt concentration from 4 to 12 ds/m. Gmelina arborea shown 100% mortality in 4ds/m, 8ds/m and 12ds/m concentration of salt. Cumulative effect of salt and waterlogging & salt and drought was found to be more prominent in Gmelina arborea as compare to other three species. Tectona grandis was found to be more tolerable to waterlogged followed by drought conditions.  Waterlogging conditions observed to be excellent for Pongamia pinnata seedlings plantation shown 0% mortality. As a whole, the mortality of seedlings due to water and salt stress was found in the order Dalbergia latifolia (90.95%) > Gmelina arborea (82.50%) > Tectona grandis (74%) > Pongamia pinnata (35.56%).Â

    What drives migration in northern Gujarat?

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    In a new IGC working paper, Ram Fishman, Meha Jain, and Avinash Kishore investigate factors that drive environmental migration and the economic impact of geographical mobility


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    In the present era of competition and globalization, every branch of science is trying to retain its identity in the globe by reorientation and developing itself according to the needs by conducting various kinds of research. The present practice of Ayurveda emphasizes on traditional way. The Globalization, Patent, Intellectual Property Rights issues and Bio-piracy are becoming major challenges in the indigenous traditional medical systems like Ayurveda. In order to promote as a global medicine and equip Ayurveda to meet the global healthcare needs of the 21st century, there is an urgent need to modernize the ancient system in pace with the development of science and information technology. So considering all these facts, Ayurveda is needed to restructure in the global context to meet the rising demands of a cyber society with the application of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) technology. This review article highlights how the advancements have been taken in different fields of Ayurveda over the decades till the current scenario

    Quantum modes on chaotic motion: analytically exact results

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    We discover a class of chaotic quantum systems for which we obtain some analytically exact eigenfunctions in closed form. These results have been possible due to connections shown between random matrix models, many-body theories, and dynamical systems. We believe that these results and connections will pave the way to a better understanding of quantum chaos

    Analysis of Physicochemical Properties, Available Nutrients of Soil and their Correlation with Incidence of Telya Disease of Pomegranate at Northern Nasik, Maharashtra

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    Maharashtra government reported 10,000 crore production loss of Pomegranate every year, due to the incidence of Telya disease. The present study was aimed to analyse the physical, chemical properties, and available micro-macronutrients in the soil of pomegranate orchards infected with Telya disease. Estimation of incidence and severity of disease was done on fifty selected orchards from different villages that were MangiTungi, Daswel, Dasane, Mulher, and Sompur. Results revealed that minimum incidence (58.66%) and severity (59.89%) were recorded in Sompur village whereas maximum incidence (74.40%) and severity (68.70%) were recorded in Daswel and MangiTungi village respectively. The pH (7.5-7.9) and free lime concentration 7.4-9.4%) were exceptionally very high for all test and control samples. Deficiency of essential macronutrients N (<150-250 Kg/ha) and K (<125-200 Kg/ha) was recorded in all test samples along with additional deficiency of Zn micronutrient (<1.0-2.0 ppm). In the case of mock orchards, all the parameters were in accordance with reference values.Statistical analysis of data declared that there was a significant difference among parameters of tested groups (P>0.05) while for control fields there were no significant differences (P<0.05). Further, a positive correlation between macro-micronutrients (Na, Ca, N, P, K, Mn) and incidence of disease was recorded which concludes that an imbalance in nutrients promotes growth of pathogens and increases susceptibility of plants to pathogenic attack. Further, balancing nutrients through fertilisers or foliar spray could be an effective strategy for an integrated pest management system