1,693 research outputs found


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    If gamma-ray bursts are cosmological or in a halo distribution their properties are expected to be isotropic (at least to 1st order). However, our motion with respect to the burst parent population (whose proper frame is expected to be that of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), or that of a static halo) will cause a dipole effect in the distribution of bursts and in their photon number counts (together termed a Compton-Getting effect). We argue that the photon number count information is necessary to distinguish a genuine Compton-Getting effect from some other anisotropy and to fully test the proper frame isotropy of the bursts. Using the 2B burst catalogue and the dipole determined from the CMB, we find the surprising result that although the number weighted distribution is consistent with isotropy, the fluence weighted dipole has a correlation with the CMB dipole that has a probability of occuring only 10% of the time for an isotropic photon distribution. Furthermore, the photon and number dipoles are inconsistent under the hypothesis of isotropy, at the 2-sigma level. This could be an indication that a non-negligible fraction of gamma-ray bursts originate in the local, anisotropic universe. (shortened Abstract)Comment: Accepted by ApJ. Self-unpacking (use csh), uuencoded, compressed Postscript, 16 pages + 4 Figures (5 files

    The 2-10 keV XRB dipole and its cosmological implications

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    The hard X-ray (>2 keV) emission of the local and distant Universe as observed with the HEAO1-A2 experiment is reconsidered in the context of large scale cosmic structure. Using all-sky X-ray samples of AGN and galaxy clusters we remove the dominant local X-ray flux from within a redshift of ~ 0.02. We evaluate the dipolar and higher order harmonic structure in 4 X-ray colours. The estimated dipole anisotropy of the unresolved flux appears to be consistent with a combination of the Compton-Getting effect due to the Local Group motion (dipole amplitude Delta = 0.0042) and remaining large scale structure (0.0023 <~ Delta <~ 0.0085), in good agreement with the expectations of Cold Dark Matter models. The observed anisotropy does however also suggest a non-negligible Galactic contribution which is more complex than current, simple models of >2 keV Galactic X-ray emission. Comparison of the soft and hard colour maps with a harmonic analysis of the 1.5 keV ROSAT all-sky data qualitatively suggests that at least a third of the faint, unresolved ~ 18 deg scale structure in the HEAO1-A2 data may be Galactic in origin. However, the effect on measured flux dipoles is small (<~3%). We derive an expression for dipole anisotropy and acceleration and demonstrate how the dipole anisotropy of the distant X-ray frame can constrain the amplitude of bulk motions of the universe. From observed bulk motions over a local ~ 50 Mpc/h radius volume we determine 0.14 <~ Omega^0.6/b_x(0) <~ 0.59.Comment: 39 pages, Revised version accepted ApJ Main Journal, 3 new Figures + additional tex

    Absolute Timing of the Crab Pulsar with RXTE

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    We have monitored the phase of the main X-ray pulse of the Crab pulsar with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) for almost eight years, since the start of the mission in January 1996. The absolute time of RXTE's clock is sufficiently accurate to allow this phase to be compared directly with the radio profile. Our monitoring observations of the pulsar took place bi-weekly (during the periods when it was at least 30 degrees from the Sun) and we correlated the data with radio timing ephemerides derived from observations made at Jodrell Bank. We have determined the phase of the X-ray main pulse for each observation with a typical error in the individual data points of 50 us. The total ensemble is consistent with a phase that is constant over the monitoring period, with the X-ray pulse leading the radio pulse by 0.0102+/-0.0012 period in phase, or 344+/-40 us in time. The error estimate is dominated by a systematic error of 40 us in the radio data, arising from uncertainties in the variable amount of pulse delay due to interstellar scattering and instrumental calibration. The statistical error is 0.00015 period, or 5 us. The separation of the main pulse and interpulse appears to be unchanging at time scales of a year or less, with an average value of 0.4001+/-0.0002 period. There is no apparent variation in these values with energy over the 2-30 keV range. The lag between the radio and X-ray pulses may be constant in phase (rotational) or constant in time (linear pathlength). We are not (yet) able to distinguish between these two interpretations.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    The experiences of parents arranging the move of their young adult offspring with intellectual disabilities to 24-hour residential settings:A continuing puzzle

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    BackgroundMoving out of the family home is a key transition for people with intellectual disabilities and their families. Yet there has been little research about parents’ experiences of planning the move of their young adult offspring to residential settings offering 24-hour support.MethodInterviews were conducted with eleven parents whose offspring moved to residential settings within the past 5 years (five fathers; six mothers). They consisted of structured questions about planning their offsprings’ moves and semi-structured questions about parents’ experiences.ResultsContent analysis of the structured questions revealed reasons parents began thinking about the moves and routes to finding information. The thematic analysis highlighted the emotional challenges parents faced.ConclusionsThe findings highlight the need to address this neglected topic and ensure that practical and emotional support is put in place to plan positive futures, rather than relying on families to use their own initiative or waiting until a crisis occurs

    Discovery of a New 89 Second X-ray Pulsar XTE J1906+09

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    We report on the discovery of a new pulsating X-ray source during Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observations of a low galactic latitude field centered at RA (J2000) = 19 hr 05 m 43 s and Dec (J2000) = +08 deg 58 arcmin 48 arcsec. Significant pulsations were detected by both the PCA and HEXTE instruments aboard RXTE at a fundamental period of 89.17 +/- 0.02 seconds, with higher harmonics also visible in the 2-10 keV power spectrum. The folded lightcurve from the source is multiply peaked at lower energies, and changes to single peaked morphology above ~20 keV. The phase averaged spectrum from the source is well fit by strongly absorbed power law or thermal bremsstrahlung spectral models of photon index 1.9 +/- 0.1 or temperature 19.5 +/- 4.6 keV, respectively. The mean neutral hydrogen column density is approximately 10^23 cm^-2, suggesting a distance of >10 kpc to the source and a minimum 2-10 keV X-ray luminosity of 2*10^{35} ergs s^{-1}. By comparison with other pulsars with similar periods and luminosities, we suggest that XTE J1906+09 has a supergiant companion with an underfilled Roche lobe. We speculate further that one of the M stars in a peculiar M star binary system may be the companion.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. Accepted by ApJ Letter

    Comprehensive Spectral Analysis of Cyg X-1 using RXTE Data

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    We analyse a large number (>500> 500) pointed RXTE observations of Cyg X-1 and model the spectrum of each one. A subset of the observations for which there is simultaneous reliable measure of the hardness ratio by the All Sky Monitor, shows that the sample covers nearly all the spectral shapes of Cyg X-1. The relative strength, width of the Iron line and the reflection parameter are in general correlated with the high energy photon spectral index Γ\Gamma. This is broadly consistent with a geometry where for the hard state (low Γ∼1.7\Gamma \sim 1.7) there is a hot inner Comptonizing region surrounded by a truncated cold disk. The inner edge of the disk moves inwards as the source becomes softer till finally in the soft state (high Γ>2.2\Gamma > 2.2) the disk fills the inner region and active regions above the disk produce the Comptonized component. However, the reflection parameter shows non-monotonic behaviour near the transition region (Γ∼2\Gamma \sim 2), suggestive of a more complex geometry or physical state of the reflector. Additionally, the inner disk temperature, during the hard state, is on the average higher than in the soft one, albeit with large scatter. These inconsistencies could be due to limitations in the data and the empirical model used to fit them. The flux of each spectral component is well correlated with Γ\Gamma which shows that unlike some other black hole systems, Cyg X-1 does not show any hysteresis behaviour. In the soft state, the flux of the Comptonized component is always similar to the disk one, which confirms that the ultra-soft state (seen in other brighter black hole systems) is not exhibited by Cyg X-1. The rapid variation of the Compton Amplification factor with Γ\Gamma, naturally explains the absence of spectra with Γ<1.6\Gamma < 1.6, despite a large number having Γ∼1.65\Gamma \sim 1.65.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA

    Prospective associations between family-based social capital, wellbeing, and emotional and behavioral problems amongst people with mild intellectual disabilities:A two-wave study

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    IntroductionFamily members are often the main provider of informal support to people with mild intellectual disabilities. In the current study, we explored whether their family-based social capital is prospectively associated with their wellbeing and emotional and behavioral problems.MethodsSixty-nine participants with mild intellectual disabilities and key (proxy reporting) staff members participated in two waves of data collection (T1, T2). Data were collected about family-based social capital (FNM-ID), subjective wellbeing (PWI-ID), and emotional and behavioral problems (ABCL, BPI-01).ResultsPeople who reported less support provision to family members and more reciprocal family support relationships at T1 experienced higher levels of internalizing behavior problems at T2, after accounting for T1 levels of internalizing behavior problems. No other associations were found between earlier family-based social capital dimensions and psychological outcomes at T2.ConclusionOur study provides initial insights regarding the prospective associations between the family-based social capital of people with mild intellectual disabilities and their wellbeing and emotional and behavioral problems. Future studies should include larger samples to investigate if our preliminary results are replicated

    Human Hair Follicle Germinative Epidermal Cell Culture

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    Isolated human hair follicle germinative epidermal cells were observed in vitro for the first time. When cultured alone, this small, round, novel cell type did not grow, divide, take on an outer root sheath-type appearance, or display any obvious signs of epidermal differentiation. We have previously described comparable cells from rat vibrissa follicles. However, in combination with human hair follicle dermal papilla populations, the germinative epidermal cells were stimulated into proliferative and complex interactive behaviors. This included the formation of composite organotypic structures containing not only impressively intact basement membrane, but also the hair-specific form, glassy membrane
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