102 research outputs found

    Red list and checklist of the limnic red algae and brown algae

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    FĂŒr Berlin wurden bisher sieben Arten limnischer Rotalgen (Rhodophyta) sicher nachgewiesen, davon sind zwei Bestandteil der Roten Liste. Diese Neufassung der Gesamtartenliste weist einige wesentliche VerĂ€nderungen gegenĂŒber der VorgĂ€ngerliste auf, weil neben Zufallsfunden erstmalig auch mehrjĂ€hrige Nachuntersuchungen von Rotalgenstandorten einbezogen werden konnten. Eine verschollene Rotalge wurde wiedergefunden, zwei Arten wurden im Untersuchungszeitraum erstmals nachgewiesen. Die Liste der limnischen Braunalgen (Phaeophyceae) enthĂ€lt nach wie vor nur eine verschollene Art.The checklist of Berlin includes seven species of limnic red algae (Rhodophyta), two of them are part of the Red List. In comparison with the previous list now multi-annual findings are included besides single records. One extinct or missing species was found again and two species were discovered for the first time in Berlin. The list of limnic brown algae (Phaeophyceae) for Berlin still includes only one extinct species

    Red list and checklist of the stoneworts

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    FĂŒr Berlin wurden seit dem 18. Jahrhundert 21 Arten limnischer Armleuchteralgen (Characeae) in den Gattungen Chara, Lychnothamnus, Nitella, Nitellopsis und Tolypella nachgewiesen. Davon sind 11 Arten ausgestorben oder verschollen, weitere vier Arten sind als bestandsgefĂ€hrdet eingestuft und auch Bestandteil der Roten Liste. Diese Neufassung der Gesamtartenliste weist einige VerĂ€nderungen gegenĂŒber der VorgĂ€ngerliste auf, weil durch Kartierungsergebnisse der FlĂ€chenbezug der Artvorkommen im Stadtstaat visualisiert und der Einfluss der Urbanisierung auf die Arten stĂ€rker berĂŒcksichtigt wird.The checklist of Berlin (Germany) includes 21 species of stoneworts (Characeae) in the genera Chara, Lychnothamnus, Nitella, Nitellopsis, and Tolypella. 11 of them are extinct or lost, 4 further species are part of the Red List as endangered species. In comparison with the previous list, this list includes mapped floristic data to visualize and discuss the effects of urbanization on the distribution of Characeae

    typifying four Ehrenberg names and a preliminary checklist of the African taxa

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    To comply with the new phylogeny within the Surirellales as supported by molecular and morphological data, re-evaluations and re-combinations of taxa from and within the genera Surirella, Cymatopleura, and Stenopterobia and with the re-established genus Iconella are necessary. Since the African diatom flora is rich with taxa from these genera, especially Iconella, and the authors have studied these taxa recently, describing also new taxa, a preliminary checklist of African Iconella and Surirella is here presented. 94 names are contained on this list. 57 taxa have been transferred to Iconella; 55 taxa were formerly ranked within Surirella and two taxa within Stenopterobia. 10 taxa have stayed within Surirella and six taxa have been transferred from Cymatopleura to Surirella. 20 Surirella and 1 Stenopterobia names are listed which are either unrevised or unrevisable since morphological data is missing. Four names and taxa described by Ehrenberg are here typified. Two had been transferred to Iconella already: Iconella bifrons (Ehrenb.) Ruck & Nakov and Iconella splendida (Ehrenb.) Ruck & Nakov. Two are re-transferred from Cymatopleura to Surirella: Surirella librile (Ehrenb.) Ehrenb. and Surirella undulata (Ehrenb.) Ehrenb.; both taxa are currently known by their younger synonyms: Cymatopleura solea (BrĂ©b.) W. Smith and Cymatopleura elliptica (BrĂ©b. ex KĂŒtzing) W. Smith. Lectotypes for Iconella bifrons, I. splendida, Surirella librile, and S. undulata were designated

    Epilithic diatom communities of selected streams from the Lerma-Chapala Basin, Central Mexico, with the description of two new species

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    The Lerma-Chapala Basin, in Central Mexico, is geologically heterogeneous, climatically diverse and boasts high biodiversity, lying within two Biodiversity Hotspots, namely Mesoamerica and the Madrean Pine–Oak Woodlands. Epilithon and water samples were collected in the basin from 14 sampling sites three times each, two sampling campaigns during the rainy season and one in the dry season. A total of 274 infrageneric taxa in 48 genera were recorded. The taxonomic composition observed was dominated by taxa from the genera Nitzschia, Gomphonema, Pinnularia, Navicula, Sellaphora and Eunotia. About a third of the taxa found could not be identified to the species level. From those unidentified morphodemes, two are described as new species, namely Brachysira altepetlensis and Sellaphora queretana. Furthermore, Eolimna rhombica is transferred to Sellaphora. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) revealed that specific conductivity and pH were the main environmental factors driving the community composition observed. Three groups of samples were identified after the CCA: 1) characterized by acidic waters and low conductivity; 2) with circumneutral waters, low specific conductivity and high temperature and phosphorous concentrations; and 3) characterized by circumneutral waters, high conductivity and low nitrogen concentrations. The indicator value method (IndVal), based on the relative abundance and relative frequency of the most abundant taxa was calculated based on the groups observed in the CCA, identifying the characteristic taxa for each of the three groups

    Biogeography of the cosmopolitan terrestrial diatom Hantzschia amphioxys sensu lato based on molecular and morphological data

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    Until now, the reported diversity of representatives from the genus Hantzschia inhabiting soils from different parts of Eurasia was limited to the few species H. amphioxys, H. elongata and H. vivax and some of their infraspecific taxa. We have studied the morphology, ultrastructure and phylogeny of 25 soil diatom strains, which according to published description would be assigned to "H. amphioxys sensu lato" using 18S rDNA, 28S rDNA and rbcL. We show that strains are made up of seven different species of Hantzschia, including five new for science. Five strains were identified as H. abundans. This species has a slight curvature of the raphe near its external proximal ends. Four of the examined strains were represented by different populations of H. amphioxys and their morphological characteristics fully correspond with its isolectotype and epitype. The main specific features of this species include 21-25 striae in 10 mu m, 6-11 fibulae in 10 mu m, 40-50 areolae in 10 mu m and internal proximal raphe endings bent in opposite directions. H. attractiva sp. nov., H. belgica sp. nov., H. parva sp. nov., H. pseudomongolica sp. nov. and H. stepposa sp. nov. were described based on differences in the shape of the valves, significant differences in dimensions, a lower number of striae and areolae in 10 mu m and the degree and direction of deflection of the internal central raphe endings. Based on the study of the morphological variability and phylogeny of soil Hantzschia-species from different geographical locations we conclude that while some species such as H. amphioxys are truly cosmopolitan in their distributions, some sympatric populations of pseudocryptic taxa exist in the Holarctic

    A Best Practice Example from Diatom Research

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    DNA barcoding uses a short fragment of a DNA sequence to identify a taxon. After obtaining the target sequence it is compared to reference sequences stored in a database to assign an organism name to it. The quality of data in the reference database is the key to the success of the analysis. In the here presented study, multiple types of data have been combined and critically examined in order to create best practice guidelines for taxonomic reference libraries for environmental barcoding. 70 unialgal diatom strains from Berlin waters have been established and cultured to obtain morphological and molecular data. The strains were sequenced for 18S V4 rDNA (the pre-Barcode for protists) as well as rbcL data, and identified by microscopy. LM and for some strains also SEM pictures were taken and physical vouchers deposited at the BGBM. 37 freshwater taxa from 15 naviculoid diatom genera were identified. Four taxa from the genera Amphora, Mayamaea, Planothidium and Stauroneis are described here as new. Names, molecular, morphological and habitat data as well as additional images of living cells are also available electronically in the AlgaTerra Information System. All reference sequences (or reference barcodes) presented here are linked to voucher specimens in order to provide a complete chain of evidence back to the formal taxonomic literature

    Integrative taxonomic description of two new species of the Cocconeis placentula group (Bacillariophyceae) from Korea based on unialgal strains

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    Cocconeis coreana and C. sijunghoensis are described as new based on micromorphological and molecular data C. coreana is represented by five unialgal cultures from four different freshwater bodies, two from North Korea and three from South Korea. C. sijunghoensis is represented by two unialgal cultures from a brackish water body in North Korea. Except for one, all of the strains auxosporulated and showed an almost quadrupling of size in length and width. Morphologically, these species with their two different elliptical valves belong to the Cocconeis placentula group. The raphe valve has striae with uniseriate areolae continuing across a pronounced submarginal hyaline rim to the edge of the valve. The sternum valve has uniseriate dash-like areolae continuously from the valve face until the valve edge. Micromorphologically, these species possess two different open valvocopulae: only the raphe valvocopula has fimbriae; the sternum valvocopula has none. Based on p-distances of currently available DNA sequence data, i.e., rbcL and 18SV4, both species are pronouncedly different from the epitype strain of C. placentula, with C. coreana closest to the published molecular data of the strain UTEX FD23 named C. placentula from Iowa, USA, while C. sijunghoensis is closest but not the same as the publ is hed molecular data of strain D36_012, the epitype strain of C. placentula from Berlin, Germany. Based on scanning elect ron microscope observations, differentiating features are discussed concerning valvocopula fimbriae, central area, areolation of the sternum valve and on the raphe valve especially between the submarginal hyaline rim and edge

    Two new marine species of Cocconeis (Bacillariophyceae) from the west coast of Sweden

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    This paper is part of a project of studying benthic diatom biodiversity on marine coastal regions of Sweden with focus on rare and less known species. Two new species of Cocconeis Ehrenb. are described from VrĂ„ngö, a small island in the west coast of Sweden. Both species were found as epiphytic on the green alga Ulva intestinalis L. Cocconeis magnoareolata Al-Handal, Riaux-Gob., R.Jahn & A.K.Wulff sp. nov. is a small species not exceeding 9 ”m in length and characterized by having large subquadrangular areolae on the sternum valve. Cocconeis vrangoensis Al-Handal & Riaux-Gob. sp. nov. appears similar to some taxa of the ‘Cocconeis scutellum complex’, but differs by its stria density on both valves and variable features of the areola and valvocopula ultrastructure. Detailed descriptions based on light and electron microscopy examination, a comparison with closely related taxa, as well as a description of the habitat of both species are here presented
