523 research outputs found

    Primary melanoma of the small bowel revealed by gastrointestinal bleeding: a case report

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    Abstract Background Primary melanoma of the small bowel is extremely rare. Only a limited number of cases have been described in the literature. Mostly, the small intestine is affected by metastatic tumors of other primary lesions, especially cutaneous. Case presentation We report the case of a 75-year-old North African woman with a small bowel melanoma. The diagnosis was made by histological examination and immunohistochemical profile matching after a segmental small bowel resection. Postoperative investigations looking for cutaneous, gastrointestinal or ocular primary lesions found no abnormalities. Conclusions The diagnosis of primary small bowel melanoma can be retained although it remains difficult to exclude the possibility of metastatic melanoma

    Giant adrenal pseudocyst, about a new case report

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    Introduction: Adrenal pseudocysts are rare benign lesions. Mostly, these are small lesions discovered incidentally by imaging. The giant forms are rare. Through a new observation, we describe the different epidemiological, clinical, pathological features and treatment of this entity.Observation: A patient of 52 years old, without notable medical history, suffered left flank pain associated with bilious vomiting of 15 days duration. Abdominal examination revealed a voluminous mass at the left hypochondrium. Imaging revealed a huge heterogeneous mass, located between the spleen and kidney, compressing adjacent organs. Given the diagnostic difficulty, a laparotomy was undertaken to excise the mass. Histological examination revealed a giant benign adrenal pseudocyst.Comment: Giant adrenal pseudocysts are very rare. Clinical and radiological signs are not specific. Only pathological study can confirm the diagnosis and exclude malignancy. The treatment is based on surgery for large or symptomatic cysts

    Using rhythmic nonces for puzzle-based DoS resistance

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    To protect against replay attacks, many Internet proto-cols rely on nonces to guarantee freshness. In practice, the server generates these nonces during the initial hand-shake, but if the server is under attack, resources con-sumed by managing certain protocols can lead to DoS vulnerabilities. To help alleviate this problem, we pro-pose the concept of rhythmic nonces, a cryptographic tool that allows servers to measure request freshness with minimal bookkeeping costs. We explore the impact of this service in the context of a puzzle-based DoS re-sistance scheme we call “SYN puzzles”. Our preliminary results based on mathematical analysis and evaluation of a prototype suggests that our scheme is more resistant than existing techniques. 1

    Perilaku Komunikasi Organisasi dalam Sosialisasi Program Kerja di Desa Wonorejo Kecamatan Gondangrejo Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    The main purpose in this research is the picture of organizational communication behavior that occurs in the implementation of work program socialization in Wonorejo village Gondangrejo districts karanganyar district.From the description of the authors draw the communication patterns formed in the organization's communication and the success of communication behavior that is applied to the satisfaction of the community and the sustainability of development. Organizational communication behavior is a case in this study.One of the behavior of organizational communication in the government appears in the implementation of socialization of work programs to the community.Research conducted in Wonorejo village Gondangrejo districts karanganyar district also to track the perceptions of the people in the village work program that has been planned,and and how the level and form of citizen participation in welcoming the development program.The subjects of research are village apparatus and community leaders in Wonorejo village Gondangrejo districts karanganyar district.Techniques of collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation. The data used were analyzed using descriptive analysis, whereas the validity of the data was tested by triangulation model. In conclusion, organizational communication behavior refers to the communication function within the organization that there are four functions in organizational performance, namely informative function, regulative function, persuasive function, and integrative function

    La Malakoplakie Rétropéritonéale Pseudotumorale

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    La malakoplakie est une maladie inflammatoire granulomateuse chronique, qui affecte généralement le tractus génito-urinair e et moins fréquemment les autres sites tels que le rétropéritoine et le tractus gastro- intestinal. L’origine infectieuse associée à un déficit dans la digestion macrophagique des bactéries est la théorie physiopathologique la plus soutenue. Sa définition est anatomopathologique. Les auteurs rapportent un cas de malakoplakie rétropéritonéale pseudotumorale chez un patient sous corticothérapie au long cours admis aux urgences pour une masse douloureuse et fébrile du flanc gauche. Les explorations radiologiques étaient en faveur d’une collection abcédée nécessitant un drainage chirurgical en urgence. L’examen histologique des prélèvements réalisés au niveau de la graisse rétropéritonéale révélait une inflammation granulomateuse faite d’histiocytes dénommés cellules de Von Hansemann, renfermant des granulations pathognomoniques de Michaelis-Gutmann. Le patient a été mis sous traitement médical à base de ciprofloxacine avec bonne évolution clinique et radiologique.Mots clés : Malakoplakie; Michaelis-Gutmann; Rétropéritoine

    Elastofibrome dorsal: étude rétrospective de 21 cas et revue de littérature

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    L'élastofibrome est une tumeur bénigne du tissu mou survient  essentiellement chez les personnes âgées de plus de 55 ans avec une prédominance féminine. Il survient électivement à l'angle caudal de la scapula (99%). Il est bilatéral dans 10% à 66% des cas. L'etiopathogenie de l'EF reste  encore non élucidée. Il s'agissait d'une étude rétrospective au niveau du laboratoire d'anatomie pathologique d'Ibn sina de Rabat durant une période de cinq ans (2007- 2011), concernant 21 cas d'EF. Toutes ces lésions ont été diagnostiquées après coloration standard à l'HE et à partir des dossiers médicaux des patients, nous avons recueilli leurs données cliniques, radiologiques, leur prise en charge thérapeutique et leur suivi. Quizze des patients étaient de sexe féminin, 6 cas étaient de sexe masculin. Au moment du traitement l'âge moyen était de 57,6 ans. Chez 10 patients, la localisation de la tumeur était du côté droit, 6 cas du côté gauche et bilatérale chez 5 patients. La plupart des patients étaientasymptomatiques. La taille des tumeurs variait entre 5 et 14 cm de grand axe. En IRM, leur aspect était caractéristique et l'étude   anatomopathologique avait confirmé le diagnostic chez tous les patients. L'elastofibrome est le diagnostic le plus probable quand il s'agit d'une localisation infra-scapulaire d'une masse du tissu mou. L'IRM est l'examen clé du diagnostic. Une éventuelle biopsie permettra d'exclure un processus tumoral malin et rassurer les patients asymptomatiques qu'aucun  traitement chirurgical n'est nécessaire

    An overview of Study on Mobile Banking in Bangladesh: Area of Rangpur Division

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    Кілька банків у Бангладеш пропонують свої фінансові послуги за допомогою мобільних технологій. Мобільні транзакції прості та економічні для клієнтів. Мобільний банкінг — це виконання функцій, пов’язаних з фінансуванням, на мобільному пристрої, такому як смартфон або планшет. У цьому документі представлено картину того, як зараз працює мобільний банкінг і як він може виглядати в майбутньому. Майбутнє банківської індустрії ставатиме світлішим з кожним днем у результаті висновку дослідження про те, що клієнти задоволені послугами, які надає нова банківська система. Ця стаття принесе значну користь банкам Бангладеш, покращивши надання послуг і підвищивши обізнаність споживачів про доступні варіантиSeveral bank in Bangladesh offer their financial services using mobile technology. Mobile transactions are simple and economical for clients. Mobile banking is performing of the finance of the finance related functions on a mobile device such as smartphone or tablet. This paper provides a picture of how mobile banking now operates and what it could look like in the future. The future of the banking industry will get brighter every day as a result of the study’s conclusion that clients are happy with the services provided by the new banking system. This article will significantly benefit Bangladeshi banks by improving service delivery and raising consumer awareness of available option

    Peningkatan Produktivitas Pembelajaran Bagi Kelompok Belajar Binaan Karang Taruna di Kota Surakarta

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    INCREASING LEARNING PRODUCTIVITY FOR STUDY GROUPS OF YOUTH ORGANIZATION IN SURAKARTA.  The general conditions of non-formal education such as the current study group, the social activists of this society are certainly experiencing various obstacles, obstacles and problems as well as the ups and downs of its management, but they conclude that this social activity is seen as a challenge that must be addressed wisely so that they hope the existence of this learning group can continue to grow and develop in the future. This can be seen from many of his students in their respective areas who follow the learning group. Non-formal education groups targeted in the implementation of this PKM is the Study Group of “Rumah Anak Pintar” (RAP) in Kampung Sewu Village and Kratonan Learning Group. These two study groups are the guidance of the organization of youth. Identified partner issues are on education and socioeconomic fields. In the field of education, the ability of tutoring teacher is still limited to giving questions and corrections. There is no creative material such as storytelling and playing or the use of multimedia. The socio-economic problems are seen from the supporting infrastructure facilities in inadequate learning. This training activity is divided into two stages: (1) improvement of skills in learning (2) making multimedia-based teaching materials. The outcome of this activity is the making of multimedia-based teaching materials, skill enhancement in the delivery of story material and singing, as well as the provision of learning facilities