23 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Buku Bergambar Tentang Cara Beternak Domba untuk Mengembangkan Kapasitas Petani Miskin di Dua Desa Tepi Hutan di Kecamatan Ujung Jaya, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat

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    Building the capacity of the poor farmers that were living in two near-forest villages in Ujung Jaya sub-district, District of Sumedang, West Java was one of the activities accomplished to help such farmers raise indigenous Garut sheep. These activities included on site farmer training, monthly farmer meeting, supervision and other backstopping supports. These support services were provided before and after the sheep provision to the cooperating farmers. In this training, copies of an illustrated sheep raising manual covering several aspects of sheep rearing from feeding to marketing were tested with the participating farmers and were later given to them as reading materials. In this conjunction, two farmer groups from Palasari and Sukamulya villages were involved in the training sessions. At the opening session, the two farmer groups were tested to determine their prior knowledge about sheep rearing. After the pretetst, all participating farmers were individually given a copy of the sheep raising manual and was asked to read the manual for about 25 minutes. Next, they were asked to close the books and were given posttests. The results pointed out that the participating farmers improved their knowledge about sheep raising, though statistically not significant. Other tests accomplished on the data obtained, showed that the participating farmers' education correlated positively with their knowledge gains regarding sheep raising; whereas their ages and number of years since graduation correlated negatively with their knowledge gains about sheep raising

    Resensi Buku "People, Land and Water: Participatory Development Communication for Natural Resource Management"

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    Inilah buku yang patut dibaca oleh para mahasiswa penyuluhan dan komunikasi pembangunan, para pekerja pembangunan dan para pembuat kebijakan pembangunan dalam berbagai bidang pembangunan sosial dan pengelolaan sumberdaya alam

    Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian di Beberapa Kabupaten Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    A research on the relationship of several selected characteristics of Agricultural Extension Agents and their performance had been conducted in July through September 2005. The Objectives of this study were: 1) to determine the distribution of Agricultural Extension Agents on several selected characteristics, 2) to identify the performance of Agricultural Extension Agents based on their official main duty, and 3) to determine the extent of relationships between the agricultural extension agents\u27 characteristics and their performance. One hundred Agricultural Extension Agent respondents were selected randomly to meet the objectives. The respondents were from Bogor, Sukabumi, Bekasi, Majalengka, and Subang districts. A closed end questionnaire was developed to gather needed data. The collected data were then analyzed descriptively. Kendall W Concordance procedure was used to determine the extents of relationship among agents\u27 characteristics and their perceived performance. The research results showed that: (1) some of the agents\u27 characteristics were correlated significantly with their performance, (2) the agents\u27 performance in accomplishing their official duties was mostly good, (3) the official duties that they considered as important was Extension Program Development, (4) while the ones that they considered as less important was professional development, evaluation, reporting their monthly duty, and preparing extension materials

    Kompetensi Wirausaha Santri di Beberapa Pesantren di Jawa Barat dan Banten

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    The student of pesantren (santri) should have integrated competencies, consist of Islamic knowledge, Islamic personalities, and entrepreneurship competencies. The Santri's characteristics are predicted to contribute to the santri's entrepreneurship competencies. For this assumption, the research objective is to know the contribution of santri's characteristics, Islamic knowledge and personalities to the santri's entrepreneurship competencies. Data collecting was held during December 2006-April 2007 from the 158 students in 13 pesantren in West Java and Banten. The santri's characteristics include age, level of formal education, experience of business training before entering to the pesantren, parent job, perception of talent and interest. The variables contribute to the entrepreneurship competencies are proved the Islamic personalities, perception of talent, Islamic knowledge abilities, and interest

    The Extension Workers' Competency in Developing Small Agribusiness Capital in the District of Bogor, West Java

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    Extension agents had to develop their competencies in promoting small agribusiness capital. They needed this new skill so they could assist small farmers to develop their agribusinesses. Every enterprise – what ever its scale -- needed capital. In conjunction with this, the objectives of this research were: (1) to describe the distribution of extension agents on selected characteristics, (2) to identify the agents' competencies in promoting small agribusiness capital, as well as (3) to analyze the relationship of the agents' characteristics and their competencies in promoting small agribusiness capital. Data were collected through interviews with the agents. The obtained data were analyzed by using qualitative as well as quantitative procedures. The research results demonstrated that: firstly, the Extension agents mostly indicated their generic competencies in Agricultural Extension, and lack in specific competencies in farm management, especially in small agribusiness capital formation. Secondly, agents considered promoting the small farmers self-help capability, facilitating the promotion of village financial institution, and evaluating extension program as the three most important competencies, and thirdly, regardless of their characteristics, most of the agents interviewed agreed to the rank order of nine competency areas

    Hubungan Karakteristik Individu dengan Kompetensi Wirausaha Petani Rumput Laut di Sulawesi Selatan

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    Seaweed farmers are those farmers who have seaweeds farming in rural coastal area, as their moyor income. The objective of this study was to determine the degree of relationship between individual characteristics of seaweed farmers and their entrepreneurship or business competence. Data were collected in July to October2006 from the 280 seaweed farmers. Data were analyzed by Kendal Concordance and Tau_b Path analysis and Pearson procedures. The important results of the study were as follows: (1) most of them are young, low educated, family size is sedentary, low family income, low in media utilization and sedentary in experience, motivation and capital, (2) two groups of competence were perceived (competence-importance) showed that the existence of positive correlation or high agreement, (3) Degree of all individual characteristic showed high positive correlation or high agreement for rank ten component of entrepreneur or business competence, (4) Mostly individual characteristic have significant relationship to entrepreneurship competence with existence of indirect and direct influence to some individual characteristics through entrepreneur or business competence and also direct to productions and incomes of seaweed farmer

    Mengembangkan Kapasitas Masyarakat Pedesaan dalam Berswasembada Energi melalui Pendidikan: Pengembangan Energi Hijau (Green Energy) sebagai Energi Alternatif

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    Ketika berbicara tentang pedesaan, hal pertama yang terpikirkan adalah kehidupan masyarakat yang sangat sederhana, tergantung pada alam dan miskin. Mereka mengalami kesulitan memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari, bergantung dan terpinggirkan (termarginalkan). Mereka tidak memiliki akses dan mengalami kesenjangan struktural (lack of structure), sehingga dalam jangka panjang kreatifitas mereka terbonsai. Padahal mereka hidup di lingkungan yang mempunyai potensi alam yang demikian luar biasa kaya, seperti yang dituturkan guru ketika kita belajar di tingkat dasar bahwa nusantara ini adalah hamparan permadani hijau dan mutu manikam, dilengkapi iklim tropis yang memungkinkan tongkatpun tumbuh bila ditancapkan seperti lantunan berbagai syair lag

    Kompetensi Penyuluh Pertanian di Tujuh Kecamatan di Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat

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    Agricultural Extension agents must acquire certain competencies so as to perform well in doing their jobs. Competencies were the combination of knowledge, skills and abilities. Competencies both had intellectual as well as practical dimensions that were served as the bases of the agents\u27 professional expertise, especially in promoting their clientele well being. As knowledge, technology and work environment changed, the Agricultural agents should also adjust their competencies. In this conjunction, the Agricultural agents\u27 working environment in the seven sub-districts in the district of Bekasi had tremendously changed in the last thirty years. A vast area of well-irrigated rice fields had been converted into industrial as well as urban estates. This in turn created a lot of small and land less farmers who no longer practice rice cultivation as before. Consequently, the agents\u27 client profiles were subsequently changed as well. The research question then, “What were the Agricultural Agents\u27 needed competencies so as to serve these people well?” To address this question, a descriptive study was implemented in those sub-districts. Twenty-six Agricultural Agents were interviewed. The obtained results pointed out that the agents perceived that: (1) Extension Program Development, (2) Promotion of Farmers\u27 Participation, (3) Conducting Education for Farmers, (4) Organizing Farmers, (5) Agricultural Information, (6) Socio-economic aspects of Agriculture, (7) Agricultural Subject Matter, and (8) Communication, as the competencies that they needed

    Karakteristik Wanita Tuna Susila (WTS) dan Pengetahuan Tentang HIV/AIDS WTS di Panti Rehabilitasi Jawa Barat

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    The characteristics of prostitutes were predicted to be related to their knowledge of HIV/AIDS. The reseach was designed as a descriptive survey involving 100 respondent/prostitutes from the Rehabilitation Center, selected through a Proportional Random Sampling. The collected data were put into a descriptive-qualitative analysis and the test Concordation Kendall W. The reseach has the following result: the average age of prostitutes is 26, they are maried, have the formal education of an elementary level, level of income 2.182.900 rupiahs, medium intrinsic motivation, low extrinsic motivation, have a perception of an ideal life for woman, working experience up to 1 year, never have violent sexual treatment, medium economic condition, low level of obedience to social norm, no social effect of origin, long distance to workplace, medium intensity of interaction with other prostitutes, moderate sexual teaching, high intensity of contact with costumers, and low perception of hedonism sex. In general the prostitutes know about HIV/AIDS. There is degree of similarity among them concerting the various characteristics of 10 ranking areas of HIV/AIDS knowledge, in which they are interested. As a conclusion, of the ten knowledge areas, there are three main areas of knowledge considered the most important: 1) the danger of HIV/AIDS, 2) method of transmission, and 3) preventing method

    Persepsi Pemandu/petandu terhadap Pembentukan Kelompok Ipphti, Jawa Barat

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    IPPHTI (Ikatan Petani Pengendalian Hama Terpadu Indonesia) nasional berawal dari kegiatan-kegiatan terkait dengan Sekolah Lapangan (SL). Tujuan studi ini adalah meneliti persepsi pemandu/petandu IPPHTI berkaitan dengan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pembentukan kelompok IPPHTI, Jawa Barat. Profil demografik dari survei menunjukkan mayoritas laki-laki (partisipasi wanita 30%), bersuku Sunda, berpendidikan SD dan telah menamatkan SL. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pembentukan kelompok IPPHTI adalah tersedianya sumberdaya manusia (SDM) dan adanya jaringan organisasi-organisasi. Kategori ilmu dan pengetahuan membuktikan ada kaitan dengan keinginan tahu dan hak-hak asasi manusia khususnya hak milik tanah. Jenis kelaminan, kesukuan, status kepemimpinan, dan penggarapan atas tanah tidak membuktikan adanya perbedaan berarti dalam persepsi antara berbagai status pendidikan dan pembentukan IPPHTI. Meskipun demikian, terdapat perbedaan berarti dalam persepsi antara berbagai status pendidikan dan pembentukan kelompok IPPHTI. Para pemandu/petandu siap berdiskusi dengan pemerintah setempat dan Dinas Pertanian terkait mengenai hasil survei ini. Hasil dari survei, yang dilaksanakan April 2004, sudah dilaporkan ke responden (IPPHTI, Jawa Barat). Diskusi yang berlangsung meliputi tiga pertanyaan: 1. Mengapa status pendidikan mempengaruhi hasil survei? 2. Apakah dasar dari korelasi antara pengetahuan yang diperoleh dan hak milik tanah? 3. Mengapa SDM lebih bernilai daripada bantuan ekonomi dalam mengembangkan IPPHTI? Pendapat yang muncul dari diskusi-diskusi adalah apabila pelatihan SDM tersedia, maka sumberdaya ekonomi dari pemerintah dan swasta serta penelitian universitas akan lebih baik dimanfaatkan yang dilatih SL. Memperoleh informasi yang secara konkret dapat memperbaiki penghidupan petani selalu menjadi tujuan utama dari IPPHTI