16 research outputs found

    Gandhian Inversion of Modern Political Perception

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    El nucli de la teoria polĂ­tica de Gandhi Ă©s demostrar que el veritable subjecte polĂ­tic Ă©s el ciutadĂ  i no l'estat. És a dir, que en la ment de Gandhi el ciutadĂ  es trobava sempre per sobre de l'estat. AixĂ­ doncs, la decisiĂł del subjecte polĂ­tic sobre la sobirania es converteix, per a Gandhi, en el veritable subjecte de la sobirania polĂ­tica. Com a resultat, el moment gandhiĂ  de la polĂ­tica Ă©s un esforç per desteologitzar i dessecularitzar el concepte de la polĂ­tica moderna tal com el presenta el sobirĂ  omnipotent de Thomas Hobbes. Les seves idees sobre l'Ăštica en la polĂ­tica van portar Gandhi a criticar l'autoritat polĂ­tica hobbesiana i a desobeir l'estat i les seves lleis tot superant el principi de la por. La prĂ ctica polĂ­tica de Gandhi parteix del fet de dominar aquesta por.The core of Gandhi’s theory of politics is to show that the citizen is the true political subject and not the state. In other words, in Gandhi’s mind the citizen was always above the state. As such, the political subject’s decision on sovereignty becomes, for Gandhi, the true subject of political sovereignty. As a result, the Gandhian moment of politics is an effort to de-theologise and de-secularise the concept of modern politics as presented by the omnipotent sovereign of ThomasHobbes. His ideas on ethics in politics lead Gandhi to criticise Hobbesian political authority and to disobey the state and its laws beyond the principle of fear. Gandhi’s political practice is based on the taming of this fear

    Investissement gandhien de la perception politique moderne

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    Peer reviewedEl nucli de la teoria polĂ­tica de Gandhi Ă©s demostrar que el veritable subjecte polĂ­tic Ă©s el ciutadĂ  i no l'estat. És a dir, que en la ment de Gandhi el ciutadĂ  es trobava sempre per sobre de l'estat. AixĂ­ doncs, la decisiĂł del subjecte polĂ­tic sobre la sobirania es converteix, per a Gandhi, en el veritable subjecte de la sobirania polĂ­tica. Com a resultat, el moment gandhiĂ  de la polĂ­tica Ă©s un esforç per desteologitzar i dessecularitzar el concepte de la polĂ­tica moderna tal com el presenta el sobirĂ  omnipotent de Thomas Hobbes. Les seves idees sobre l'Ăštica en la polĂ­tica van portar Gandhi a criticar l'autoritat polĂ­tica hobbesiana i a desobeir l'estat i les seves lleis tot superant el principi de la por. La prĂ ctica polĂ­tica de Gandhi parteix del fet de dominar aquesta por.The core of Gandhi's theory of politics is to show that the citizen is the true political subject and not the state. In other words, in Gandhi's mind the citizen was always above the state. As such, the political subject's decision on sovereignty becomes, for Gandhi, the true subject of political sovereignty. As a result, the Gandhian moment of politics is an effort to de-theologise and de-secularise the concept of modern politics as presented by the omnipotent sovereign of Thomas Hobbes. His ideas on ethics in politics lead Gandhi to criticise Hobbesian political authority and to disobey the state and its laws beyond the principle of fear. Gandhi's political practice is based on the taming of this fear.El nĂșcleo de la teorĂ­a polĂ­tica de Gandhi es demostrar que el verdadero sujeto polĂ­tico es el ciudadano y no el estado. Es decir, que en la mente de Gandhi el ciudadano estaba siempre por encima del estado. AsĂ­ pues, la decisiĂłn del sujeto polĂ­tico sobre la soberanĂ­a se convierte, para Gandhi, en el verdadero sujeto de la soberanĂ­a polĂ­tica. Como resultado, el momento gandhiano de la polĂ­tica es un esfuerzo para desteologizar y desecularizar el concepto de la polĂ­tica moderna tal como lo presenta el soberano omnipotente de Thomas Hobbes. Sus ideas sobre la Ă©tica en la polĂ­tica llevaron a Gandhi a criticar a la autoridad polĂ­tica hobbesiana y a desobedecer al estado y a sus leyes superando el principio del miedo. La prĂĄctica polĂ­tica de Gandhi se basa en dominar este miedo.Le noyau de la thĂ©orie politique de Gandhi est de dĂ©montrer que le vĂ©ritable sujet politique est le citoyen et non pas l'Ă©tat. C'est-Ă -dire que dans l'esprit de Gandhi le citoyen Ă©tait toujours au-dessus de l'Ă©tat. Ainsi donc, la dĂ©cision du sujet politique sur la souverainetĂ© se convertit, pour Gandhi, en un vĂ©ritable sujet de la souverainetĂ© politique. Comme rĂ©sultat, le moment gandhien de la politique est un effort pour desĂ©thologiser et dĂ©sĂ©culariser le concept de la politique moderne tel que la prĂ©sente le souverain omniprĂ©sent de Thomas Hobbes. Ses idĂ©es sur l'Ă©thique en politique ont inciter Gandhi Ă  critiquer l'autoritĂ© publique hobbesienne et Ă  dĂ©sobĂ©ir Ă  l'Ă©tat et Ă  ses lois en surmontant le principe de la peur. La pratique politique de Gandhi est basĂ©e sur la domination de cette peur

    Holocaust Denial in Iran and anti-semitic discourse in the Muslim world

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    Holocaust Denial was seen in the past in relation to anti-Semitic propaganda, but in today’s world it has become a new political force in the hand of religious and radical ideologies. Raising doubts about the veracity of the Holocaust is used both as a major and integral tool of contemporary anti-Semitism and as a trend for relativism and subjectivism in historical view. The persistent Holocaust denial by the Arab and Iranian leaders in the Middle East is a new attempt to demonize the Jews. In the past decades the theories of Holocaust denial of Western scholars have been adopted strongly by some intellectuals and political activists in the Middle East. Anti-Semitic propaganda has been a marginal phenomenon in the Muslim world for a long time, but unfortunately it has been gaining strength in several countries over the past 5 years. This worrying development can contain the positive action of those who are paving the way in the world for better Muslim-Jew relations. Holocaust education in the Middle East, directed especially toward younger generation, can help to nurture the better men and women, who have the capacity to struggle for justice and to replace violence by dialogue. A more profound understanding of the Holocaust as a singular, but not incomprehensible, event, could promote awareness in the Middle East to diminish the amount of violence in human affairs and to reduce prejudice and discrimination

    The Global Gandhian Moment

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    InversiĂłn gandhiana de la percepciĂłn polĂ­tica moderna

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    El nucli de la teoria política de Gandhi és demostrar que el veritable subjecte polític és el ciutadà i no l'estat. És a dir, que en la ment de Gandhi el ciutadà es trobava sempre per sobre de l'estat. Així doncs, la decisió del subjecte polític sobre la sobirania es converteix, per a Gandhi, en el veritable subjecte de la sobirania política. Com a resultat, el moment gandhià de la política és un esforç per desteologitzar i dessecularitzar el concepte de la política moderna tal com el presenta el sobirà omnipotent de Thomas Hobbes. Les seves idees sobre l'ètica en la política van portar Gandhi a criticar l'autoritat política hobbesiana i a desobeir l'estat i les seves lleis tot superant el principi de la por. La pràctica política de Gandhi parteix del fet de dominar aquesta por.The core of Gandhi's theory of politics is to show that the citizen is the true political subject and not the state. In other words, in Gandhi's mind the citizen was always above the state. As such, the political subject's decision on sovereignty becomes, for Gandhi, the true subject of political sovereignty. As a result, the Gandhian moment of politics is an effort to de-theologise and de-secularise the concept of modern politics as presented by the omnipotent sovereign of Thomas Hobbes. His ideas on ethics in politics lead Gandhi to criticise Hobbesian political authority and to disobey the state and its laws beyond the principle of fear. Gandhi's political practice is based on the taming of this fear.El núcleo de la teoría política de Gandhi es demostrar que el verdadero sujeto político es el ciudadano y no el estado. Es decir, que en la mente de Gandhi el ciudadano estaba siempre por encima del estado. Así pues, la decisión del sujeto político sobre la soberanía se convierte, para Gandhi, en el verdadero sujeto de la soberanía política. Como resultado, el momento gandhiano de la política es un esfuerzo para desteologizar y desecularizar el concepto de la política moderna tal como lo presenta el soberano omnipotente de Thomas Hobbes. Sus ideas sobre la ética en la política llevaron a Gandhi a criticar a la autoridad política hobbesiana y a desobedecer al estado y a sus leyes superando el principio del miedo. La práctica política de Gandhi se basa en dominar este miedo

    The Pursuit of Excellence and the Role of Philosophy

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    David Robertson, the American conductor, addressing his audience while conducting the 2009 Last Night of the Proms, reflected on the makeup of his orchestra: "When looking at strife in the world, and for examples of overcoming it, just think of the orchestra. All the instruments you see originated in different parts of the world. They have different histories and modifications. They look different and produce different sounds. But here they are playing together in harmony.

    La bĂșsqueda de la excelencia y el papel de la filosofĂ­a

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    David Robertson, the American conductor, addressing his audience while conducting the 2009 Last Night of the Proms, reflected on the makeup of his orchestra: "When looking at strife in the world, and for examples of overcoming it, just think of the orchesDavid Robertson, el director de orquesta estadounidense, al dirigirse a su audiencia mientras dirigĂ­a la Ășltima noche del baile de graduaciĂłn de 2009, reflexionĂł sobre la composiciĂłn de su orquesta: "Al mirar la lucha en el mundo y por ejemplos de supera

    Lefort (Claude) - Essais sur le politique, XIXe - XXe siĂšcles.

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    Jahanbegloo Ramin. Lefort (Claude) - Essais sur le politique, XIXe - XXe siĂšcles.. In: Revue française de science politique, 38ᔉ annĂ©e, n°2, 1988. pp. 287-288