704 research outputs found


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    Process analytical technology (PAT) has been defined as a mechanism to design, analyze and control pharmaceutical manufacturing processes through measurement of critical process parameters which affect critical quality attributes. PAT checks the quality of raw material attributes both physically and chemically (i.e. at off-line, on-line, in-line). PAT involves a shift from testing the quality of building to the quality of products by testing at several intermediate steps. PAT saves a huge amount of time and money required for sampling and analysis of products. The main goal of PAT is to provide successful tools such as multivariate data analysis and acquisition tools, modern process analyzers or analytical chemistry, endpoint process monitoring, controlling tools and continuous improvement and knowledge improvement tools. In this review attempt has been carried out to explore the concept of PAT, different tools of PAT, goals of PAT, How it Works and Its benefits

    Conservation Strategies Using Watershed Management and Rainwater Harvesting

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    Watershed management amp rainwater harvesting plays a vital role in reducing soil erosion amp water conservation. Several districts in coastal Maharashtra face the perennial problem of water storage despite of getting heavy rains during the monsoons lack of water is particularly acute problem during the months after the monsoon seasons. This study aims to cater the water scarcity by implementing watershed management amp rainwater harvesting systems, To model amp analyze watershed amp Rainwater harvesting project in our college (Vishwaniketanrsquos iMEET) area to fulfill water requirement.nbs

    X-Ray Diffraction Studies of 8-(-2-Azothiazolyl-)-7-Hydroxy 4-Methyl Coumarin

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    Traditional Ethnomedicinal Knowledge Confined to the Pawra Tribe of Satpura Hills, Maharashtra, India

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    Ethnobotanical surveys can potentially bring out many different clues for the development of safe, effective and inexpensive indigenous remedies. Present study has been focussed on Pawra tribe of Nandurbar district of Maharashtra, India. Field surveys of this area were carried out during 2000–2005 through several field visits and interviews. The aim of the present study was primarily to evaluate and inverntorize medicinal uses of the plants known to Pawras and to encourage preservation of their culture, conservation and sustainable utilization of the plant wealth. After an extensive comparison with literature, about 80 unique or less known uses of 79 plant species belonging to 59 families are described. The documented ethnomedicinal usage of plants mostly pertains to cure asthma, inflammation, lactation, menstrual problems, poisonous bites, skin problems, stomach ache and tooth ache. We found that the study area is rich in ethnic and biodiversity and the tribe posses a valuable treasure of ethnobotanical knowledge. This wisdom available with the tribe is transmitted only through oral communication in locally-spoken, script-less language and therefore needs conservation. The plants used by the Pawra tribe are arranged alphabetically followed by family name, herbarium number, local name, parts used, mode of preparation and medicinal uses

    Ethnomedical Knowledge of Plants used by the Tribal people of Purandhar in Maharashtra, India

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    This study presents the results of a field survey of the plants used medically by the tribal people of Purandhar in Maharashtra, India. Tribes like Dhangars and Gowlis inhabit the dry deciduous forests of the region. This is an effort to record the valuable ethnomedical knowledge of these Purandhar tribes. A total of 77 species belonging to 30 families and 56 genera were included. These plants are used to treat various aliments, discomforts and diseases like whooping cough, asthma, diabetes, diphtheria, conjunctivitis, snake bite, scorpion bite, etc


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    A 41yrs. female patient came to our clinic outpatient department Gune Ayurved College, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra with complaints of excessive vaginal bleeding. The case was diagnosed as Adhoga Raktapitta by Ayurvedic nidan, symptomatic relief by Stambhana dravyas was not ultimate solution to avoid hysterectomy. This case was successfully treated on basic principles of Ayurveda Panchbhautic chikitsa. A symptom free follow up in this case was noticed after completion of 8 months Ayurved therapy. The treatment options offered here primary aim at reducing Kshardharmiushnata in the body with Parthivdravya and increasing uterine tone (Dharana).Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding is defined as a state of abnormal uterine bleeding without any clinically detectable organic, systemic & iatrogenic cause. Heavy Bleeding interferes with womens physical emotional, social & material quality & life. Currently DUB is defined as a state of abnormal uterine bleeding following anovulation due to dysfunction & hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis endocrine origin. It is more prevalent in premenopausal & abortion. Overall 70%-80% results of endometrial ablation or resection amongst 10% of the patients need hysterectomy. In present case study we are presenting here with more than 2 yrs. history of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding without any response from modern medicine.

    Effectiveness of Structured Antenatal Physiotherapy Module During Third Trimester of Pregnencey in Primigravida Women- Randomised Controlled Trial

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    Pregnancy is a unique and exciting time in a woman's life that highlights her extraordinary ability to create and nurture and connects her to the future. A pregnant lady has an obligation to protect the health of her unborn child. The growing fetus depends only on the health of the mother for all of its needs.Data from the World Health Organization's Global Health Observatory indicate that, in 2015, complications from pregnancy and delivery claimed the lives of about 830 women every day. A woman in a developing country has a roughly 33-fold increased risk of maternal deaths than a woman in a developed country.[3

    Study of ectopic pregnancy in a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Ectopic pregnancy is a life threatening emergency leading to maternal death. Incidence of ectopic pregnancies has been increasing in last two to three decades with reduction in mortality. The presenting symptoms include abdominal pain, amenorrhoea and/or irregular vaginal bleeding. The present study was undertaken to study the clinical features of ectopic pregnancies in a tertiary care hospital.Methods: The present study on ectopic pregnancies was carried out in Department of Pathology, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Karad, Maharashtra, India from January 2010 to June 2014. All the cases of ectopic pregnancy managed surgically were included in the study.Results: Total 102 cases of ectopic pregnancy were studied. Proportion of ectopic pregnancy in the present study is 1 in 205 deliveries. Majority of the cases (37) (36.27%) were noted between 21 to 25 years of age group followed by the age group 26 to 30 years. Ectopic pregnancy was most commonly noted in nulliparous women (44/102) (43.14%). Majority of the cases (50/102) (49.02%) had no risk factors. Abortion was the most common risk factor identified, alone as well as in conjunction with other factors. Ampulla was the most common site for ectopic pregnancy. 55% of the cases were on the right side where as 45% on the left side. We had 2 cases of heterotropic pregnancy with tubal ectopic in both the cases. The typical triad of amenorrhoea, pain in abdomen and bleeding was observed in 21.57% cases.Conclusions: The incidence of ectopic pregnancies is on rise as evident in this study. In order to reduce the morbidity and mortality due to ectopic pregnancies, there is need for early diagnosis especially in high risk cases

    Resource use efficiency and economics of marketing of green chilli

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    The study was conducted in Achalpur tahsil of Amravati district of Maharashtra with a sample of 80 farmers selected randomly from four villages with twenty farmers from each village. Data used were pertaining to the period 2009–10. Production function analysis of data indicated that, among various resources selected, human labour, bullock labour and machine power in small farmers, seed, bullock labour and fertilizers and manures in medium farmers and the fertilizers and manures in large farmers were statistically significant. The ratio of marginal value product to its acquisition cost per unit was found to be greater than unity for the variables plant protection chemicals and fertilizers and manures in small farmers, variables human labour and fertilizers and manures in medium farmers and the variables seed, human labour and fertilizers and manures in large farmers. Also economic analysis of data indicated that majority of farm produce was routed through two marketing channels, Channel-I (Producer-commission agent-retailerconsumer) and Channel-II (Producer-commission agent-Wholesaler-retailer-consumer). Producer’s share in consumer’s rupee was found to be 56.31%, 40.59% and price spread was Rs. 655.35 Rs. 891 q-1 for Channel-I and Channel-II respectively. &nbsp