24 research outputs found

    Clastogenicity of sugar factory effluent using Allium assay

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    In the current study, an attempt was made to assess the physicochemical parameters of distillery effluent and its cytotoxic effects on root tip cells of onion (Allium cepa L.). The Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) were found to be very high in the effluent. The onion bulbs were treated with different concentrations of the distillery effluent (25, 50, 75 and 100%) at room temperature. The percentage mitotic index and relative division rate were found to be decreased significantly as the concentration of the effluent increased. On the other hand, mitotic inhibition percentage and relative abnormality rate were found to increase as the effluent concentration increased. The chromosomal abnormalities were found to be increased as the concentration of the effluent increased when compared to the control. The observed chromosomal abnormalities include sticky metaphase, disturbed chromosome, sticky telophase, multipolar chromosome, laggards, fragmented metaphase, fragmented anaphase, scattered anaphase and chromosomal bridge. From the present study, it can be concluded that higher concentrations of the effluent inhibit cell division when compared to the control.Â

    Cytological effects of herbicide butachlor 50 EC on somatic cells of Triticum Aestivum L.

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    The widespread use of the herbicides for weed control and crop productivity in modern agriculture exerts a threat on economically important crops by way of cytological damage to the cells of crop plant or side effects. In the present study the cytotoxic effects of herbicide butachlor were investigated in the somatic cells of wheat. The wheat grains were treated with different concentrations of herbicide (0.15-1.0ppm) at room temperature. The percentage mitotic index decreased significantly as the concentration of the herbicide increased when compared to control. The chromosomal abnormalities were found to be increased as the concentration of the herbicide increased when compared to control. The observed chromosomal irregularities were sticky chromatin, chromosomal bridge, nuclear lesion, scattered chromosome, fragmented metaphase, fragmented anaphase, multipolar chromosome and micronuclei. According to our findings we can say that butachlor can produce negative side effects on mitotic division in somatic cells of wheat

    Orbital MALT Lymphoma: A Case Report

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    A case of orbital MALT (mucous associated lymphoid tissue) lymphoma is reported for its rarity. It presented as a large tumor obscuring the whole eye with loss of vision, without any signs of dissemination and remained free of recurrence or metastasis 12 months after undergoing simple surgical excision

    Diversity in the Enteric Viruses Detected in Outbreaks of Gastroenteritis from Mumbai, Western India

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    Faecal specimens collected from two outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis that occurred in southern Mumbai, India in March and October, 2006 were tested for seven different enteric viruses. Among the 218 specimens tested, 95 (43.6%) were positive, 73 (76.8%) for a single virus and 22 (23.2%) for multiple viruses. Single viral infections in both, March and October showed predominance of enterovirus (EV, 33.3% and 40%) and rotavirus A (RVA, 33.3% and 25%). The other viruses detected in these months were norovirus (NoV, 12.1% and 10%), rotavirus B (RVB, 12.1% and 10%), enteric adenovirus (AdV, 6.1% and 7.5%), Aichivirus (AiV, 3% and 7.5%) and human astrovirus (HAstV, 3% and 0%). Mixed viral infections were largely represented by two viruses (84.6% and 88.9%), a small proportion showed presence of three (7.7% and 11%) and four (7.7% and 0%) viruses in the two outbreaks. Genotyping of the viruses revealed predominance of RVA G2P[4], RVB G2 (Indian Bangladeshi lineage), NoV GII.4, AdV-40, HAstV-8 and AiV B types. VP1/2A junction region based genotyping showed presence of 11 different serotypes of EVs. Although no virus was detected in the tested water samples, examination of both water and sewage pipelines in gastroenteritis affected localities indicated leakages and possibility of contamination of drinking water with sewage water. Coexistence of multiple enteric viruses during the two outbreaks of gastroenteritis emphasizes the need to expand such investigations to other parts of India

    Ambient air quality in Mysore City: a study with reference to vehicular exhaust

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    Vehicular traffic has become a major source of air pollution in urban areas. Ambient air quality study was undertaken at Mysore City, India. The main parameters considered include: suspended particulate matter, NOx, and SO2. Mysore city being one of the major tourist centers shows alarming increase in vehicular pollution from the past few decades mainly due to increased vehicular traffic, adulterated petrol, traffic disorder, and allied drawbacks

    Air pollution effects on pigment content of two avenue trees in Mysore City

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    The effects of urban air pollution on Azadirachta indica, A. Juss and Peltophorum inerme, Naves (= P. ferrugineum, Benth.) was investigated. Air quality monitoring was conducted at 10 selected areas during rainy, winter, and summer seasons and correlated with control area. The selected parameters were SPM, SO2, and NOx. Leaf samples from the selected polluted areas were collected during all the seasons and analyzed for total chlorophyll. The levels of pollutants in summer were comparatively less in most of the selected sites and there was increase in the chlorophyll content in both the plants. Total chlorophyll contents was more in A. Indica than P. inerme

    Cytological effects of herbicide butachlor 50 EC on somatic cells of Triticum Aestivum L.

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    The widespread use of the herbicides for weed control and crop productivity in modern agriculture exerts a threat on economically important crops by way of cytological damage to the cells of crop plant or side effects. In the present study the cytotoxic effects of herbicide butachlor were investigated in the somatic cells of wheat. The wheat grains were treated with different concentrations of herbicide (0.15-1.0ppm) at room temperature. The percentage mitotic index decreased significantly as the concentration of the herbicide increased when compared to control. The chromosomal abnormalities were found to be increased as the concentration of the herbicide increased when compared to control. The observed chromosomal irregularities were sticky chromatin, chromosomal bridge, nuclear lesion, scattered chromosome, fragmented metaphase, fragmented anaphase, multipolar chromosome and micronuclei. According to our findings we can say that butachlor can produce negative side effects on mitotic division in somatic cells of wheat

    Phytotoxic Effect of Butachlor 50 EC on early seed growth and biochemical parameter of Triticum aestivum L.

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    The present study was carried out to evaluate the herbicidal toxicity on seed germination, morphological and biochemical parameters of Triticum aestivum L. var HD-2189.Wheat grains were germinated with six different concentrations of butachlor (0.15, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0ppm) and the seedlings were maintained up to 15 days. Germination percentage, vigour index and tolerance index decreased significantly when compared to control. On the contrary phytotoxicity increased as the butachlor concentration increased. The length of the plumule and radicle decreased significantly as the concentration of the butachlor increased. Further the fresh weight decreased as the concentration of the butachlor increased, on the contrary the dry weight increased at the higher concentrations of the butachlor. The chlorophyll a, b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid content of 8th day seedling were decreased as the concentration of the herbicide increased. The protein content was found to be decreased in root-shoot axis; however it increased in endosperm as the concentration of the butachlor increased. The carbohydrate content increased both in root-shoot axis and endosperm as the concentration of the concentration of the butachlor increased