605 research outputs found

    Remarks on Regulating Genetically Modified Foods in the United States

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    Thank you very much for inviting me here today. I’m going to use PowerPoint here, but I will try to keep my comments brief. I’m going to spend just a minute or two introducing my organization to you and our biotech project. Then I’m going to talk a little about the regulatory system and what I see are some of the inadequacies in the current regulatory environment for agricultural biotechnology

    Comparative analysis of the national biosafety regulatory systems in East Africa:

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    "This paper analyzes the current and proposed biosafety systems in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda using a set of components and characteristics common to functional and protective biosafety regulatory systems. It also assesses how those systems take into account the major international legal obligations that relate to biosafety, such the Cartagena Biosafety Protocol. The paper identifies certain areas in each country's biosafety regulatory systems where further development and clarification would improve the biosafety system, making it more functional and protective. Those areas include: (1) the addition of procedures to ensure the food safety of genetically engineered organisms; (2) the inclusion of the standard and criteria for making an approval decision; (3) the differentiation of regulatory procedures based on the relative risk of the organism; and (4) an explanation of how socio-economic considerations will be defined and assessed. Finally, the paper discusses possible ways the three countries can coordinate and harmonize their national biosafety regulatory systems so they are efficient, effective and make the best use of limited scientific and legal capacity." Author's AbstractBiosafety, Food safety, Genetically modified organisms, Genetic engineering,

    The 100 and 160 micron maps of the dust reemission from the nucleus and inner-arm regions of NGC 6946

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    Dust reemission from the Scd galaxy NGC 6946 has been measured at 100 and 160 microns with the 32-channel University of Chicago Far-Infrared Camera. Researchers present fully sampled maps of the nucleus and inner spiral arms at 45 seconds resolution. The far-infrared morphology of the galaxy is a bright peak centered on a diffuse disk, where the peak occurs about 24 seconds NE of the Dressel and Condon optical center. The 100/160 micron color temperature is correlated with the H alpha surface brightness. Assuming the distance from Earth to the galaxy is 10.1 Mpc, researchers determine that Tc is 32 K at the nucleus and at radius 5.4 kpc, where there is a concentration of H II regions. In the intermediate annulus of relatively low H alpha surface brightness, the temperature drops to a local minimum of 25 K at radius 3 kpc. The ratio of reradiated to transmitted stellar luminosity is approx. 3.0 at the nucleus and approx. 0.9 for the disk. The optical depth at 100 micron increases from .0005 at the edges of our map to .0035 at the far infrared radiation (FIR) peak. Combining our observations with a fully sampled map of similar spatial extent in CO(1 greater than 0), researchers determine that the ratio F sub IR/I sub CO at the center of the galaxy is almost twice that for the disk, where the value is more or less constant

    The Human Virome in Children and its Relationship to Febrile Illness

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    This study investigates the relationship of viruses to febrile illness in children. Subjects are normal children 2-36 months of age with fever along with normal children of the same age without fever, plus immunocompromised children with fever along with immunocompromised children without fever. Specimens obtained include blood, nasopharyngeal secretions, and feces. Specimens are analyzed using a panel of virus-specific PCR assays and also by high throughput sequencing using 454 and Illumina platforms

    Panel Remarks on Regulating Genetically Modified Foods in the United States

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    Thank you all. In my opinion, containment of pharmaceutical GM crops is essential and hard to do. The USDA just recently came up with some new guidelines for genetically modified pharm plants, but how can the public have an input into what’s going on if they don’t even know where the crops are growing, or what’s in the crops, because this is protected as confidential business information? Should the public have a say? How would we accomplish--giving the public a say about whether they want genetically engineered wheat, even aside from the export issues. Third, I understand GE salmon is very close to being approved and released. That’s a containment issue of another kind. The fourth issue is that there are all kinds of organisms that don’t even fall under EPA, USDA, or FDA jurisdiction, such as GE mosquitoes, and so forth. So, is there some way that you would want to propose changes to the regulations that would help bring the public into the debate? A couple minutes each


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    Wind speeds can be difficult to measure during tornadoes due to their destructive nature. They pose a significant threat to lives and infrastructure in many parts of Canada and the U.S. The Enhanced-Fujita scale focuses on estimating these wind speeds by observing damage to different types of buildings, but significantly less research has been performed on the damage of other structures. Learning more about the effects of high wind speeds on these structures will help improve the ease and accuracy of future tornado classification. A wind tunnel study was performed at the Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory of Western University. The study focusses on estimating the wind speeds that cause overturning in a standard 32” concrete “Jersey” barrier. On April 27, 2014, an EF4 Tornado struck Mayflower, Arkansas, and among the damage, several of these concrete barriers were blown over during the storm. The goal of this study was to find the overturning wind velocity and compare it to other damage in this event. This study was performed by placing a 1:8 scale-model of these barriers in a wind tunnel at a variety of orientations and wind speeds. Through analysis, it was determined that an instantaneous wind velocity of 4.55 to 4.85 m/s would cause overturning. These values correspond to an instantaneous wind speed of 340-360 km/h at full scale. It was estimated that the 3-second gust (used for EF rating) was 300-320 km/h, which sits at the top of the 267-322 km/h classification range for an EF4 tornado