53 research outputs found

    Proteomics Databases and Websites

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    Information avalanche (overload or expansion) in various scientific fields is a novel issue turned out by a number of factors considered necessary to facilitate their record and registration. Though, the biological science and its diverse fields like proteomics are not immune of this event and even may be as the event’s herald. On the other hand, time as the most valued anxiety of human has encountered a huge mass of information. Therefore, in order to maintain access and ease the understanding of information in several fields some emprises have been prepared. Bioinformatics is an upshot of this anxiety and emprise. Interestingly, proteomics through studying proteins collection in alive things has covered a great portion of bioinformatics. Consequently, a noteworthy outlook on proteomics related databases (DBs) and websites not only can help investigators to face the upcoming archive of databases but also estimate the volume of the needed facilitates. Furthermore, enrichment of the DBs or related websites must be the priority of researchers. Herein, by covering the major proteomics related databases and websites, we have presented a comprehensive classification to simplify and clarify their understanding and applications

    The ENDS of assumptions; an online tool for the Epistemic Nonparametric Drug-response Scoring

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    btac217Motivation: The drug sensitivity analysis is often elucidated from drug dose-response curves. These curves capture the degree of cell viability (or inhibition) over a range of induced drugs, often with parametric assumptions that are rarely validated. Results: We present a class of non-parametric models for the curve fitting and scoring of drug dose-responses. To allow a more objective representation of the drug sensitivity, these epistemic models devoid of any parametric assumptions attached to the linear fit, allow the parallel indexing such as half-maximal inhibitory concentration and area under curve. Specifically, three non-parametric models including spline (npS), monotonic and Bayesian and the parametric logistic are implemented. Other indices including maximum effective dose and drug-response span gradient pertinent to the npS are also provided to facilitate the interpretation of the fit. The collection of these models is implemented in an online app, standing as useful resource for drug dose-response curve fitting and analysis.Peer reviewe

    Unsupervised Learning and Multipartite Network Models: A Promising Approach for Understanding Traditional Medicine

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    The ultimate goal of precision medicine is to determine right treatment for right patients based on precise diagnosis. To achieve this goal, correct stratification of patients using molecular features and clinical phenotypes is crucial. During the long history of medical science, our understanding on disease classification has been improved greatly by chemistry and molecular biology. Nowadays, we gain access to large scale patient-derived data by high-throughput technologies, generating a greater need for data science including unsupervised learning and network modeling. Unsupervised learning methods such as clustering could be a better solution to stratify patients when there is a lack of predefined classifiers. In network modularity analysis, clustering methods can be also applied to elucidate the complex structure of biological and disease networks at the systems level. In this review, we went over the main points of clustering analysis and network modeling, particularly in the context of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). We showed that this approach can provide novel insights on the rationale of classification for TCM herbs. In a case study, using a modularity analysis of multipartite networks, we illustrated that the TCM classifications are associated with the chemical properties of the herb ingredients. We concluded that multipartite network modeling may become a suitable data integration tool for understanding the mechanisms of actions of traditional medicine.Peer reviewe

    Predicting Meridian in Chinese traditional medicine using machine learning approaches

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    Plant-derived nature products, known as herb formulas, have been commonly used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for disease prevention and treatment. The herbs have been traditionally classified into different categories according to the TCM Organ systems known as Meridians. Despite the increasing knowledge on the active components of the herbs, the rationale of Meridian classification remains poorly understood. In this study, we took a machine learning approach to explore the classification of Meridian. We determined the molecule features for 646 herbs and their active components including structure-based fingerprints and ADME properties (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion), and found that the Meridian can be predicted by machine learning approaches with a top accuracy of 0.83. We also identified the top compound features that were important for the Meridian prediction. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that molecular properties of the herb compounds are associated with the TCM Meridians. Taken together, the machine learning approach may provide novel insights for the understanding of molecular evidence of Meridians in TCM. Author summary In East Asia, plant-derived natural products, known as herb formulas, have been commonly used as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for disease prevention and treatment. According to the theory of TCM, herbs can be classified as different Meridians according to the balance of Yin and Yang, which are commonly understood as metaphysical concepts. Therefore, the scientific rational of Meridian classification remains poorly understood. The aim of our study was to provide a computational means to understand the classification of Meridians. We showed that the Meridians of herbs can be predicted by the molecular and chemical features of the ingredient compounds, suggesting that the Meridians indeed are associated with the properties of the compounds. Our work provided a novel chemoinformatics approach which may lead to a more systematic strategy to identify the mechanisms of action and active compounds for TCM herbs.Peer reviewe

    IMMAN : an R/Bioconductor package for Interolog protein network reconstruction, mapping and mining analysis

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    Background: Reconstruction of protein-protein interaction networks (PPIN) has been riddled with controversy for decades. Particularly, false-negative and - positive interactions make this progress even more complicated. Also, lack of a standard PPIN limits us in the comparison studies and results in the incompatible outcomes. Using an evolution-based concept, i.e. interolog which refers to interacting orthologous protein sets, pave the way toward an optimal benchmark. Results: Here, we provide an R package, IMMAN, as a tool for reconstructing Interolog Protein Network (IPN) by integrating several Protein-protein Interaction Networks (PPINs). Users can unify different PPINs to mine conserved common networks among species. IMMAN is designed to retrieve IPNs with different degrees of conservation to engage prediction analysis of protein functions according to their networks. Conclusions: IPN consists of evolutionarily conserved nodes and their related edges regarding low false positive rates, which can be considered as a gold standard network in the contexts of biological network analysis regarding to those PPINs which is derived from.Peer reviewe

    Bipartite network models to design combination therapies in acute myeloid leukaemia

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    Combination therapy is preferred over single-targeted monotherapies for cancer treatment due to its efficiency and safety. However, identifying effective drug combinations costs time and resources. We propose a method for identifying potential drug combinations by bipartite network modelling of patient-related drug response data, specifically the Beat AML dataset. The median of cell viability is used as a drug potency measurement to reconstruct a weighted bipartite network, model drug-biological sample interactions, and find the clusters of nodes inside two projected networks. Then, the clustering results are leveraged to discover effective multi-targeted drug combinations, which are also supported by more evidence using GDSC and ALMANAC databases. The potency and synergy levels of selective drug combinations are corroborated against monotherapy in three cell lines for acute myeloid leukaemia in vitro. In this study, we introduce a nominal data mining approach to improving acute myeloid leukaemia treatment through combinatorial therapy.Peer reviewe

    Organelle Isolation for Proteomics: Mitochondria from Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

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    Mitochondria play key roles in many cell functions including energy production, fatty acid metabolism, pyrimidine biosynthesis, calcium homeostasis, and aging. They also regulate crucial signaling cascades such as apoptosis and oxidative stress. The proteome is often used to investigate the functional correlations on protein levels. Based upon the human, genome there is estimated 2000 to 2500 associated mitochondrial proteins, however, just over 600-800 have been identified at the protein level. For this reason, mitochondria contain a great number of proteins that have yet to be identified and characterized. The identification of these proteins can help in discovery of biological process. This protocol focuses on step-by-step procedure of mitochondrial proteome extraction from peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) mitochondria. The isolation and preparation procedures described here require 6 hours approximately

    Metabolomic signature of amino acids in plasma of patients with non-segmental Vitiligo

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    Introduction Vitiligo pathogenesis is complicated, and several possibilities were suggested. However, it is well-known that the metabolism of pigments plays a significant role in the pathogenicity of the disease. Objectives We explored the role of amino acids in vitiligo using targeted metabolomics. Methods The amino acid profile was studied in plasma using liquid chromatography. First, 22 amino acids were derivatized and precisely determined. Next, the concentrations of the amino acids and the molar ratios were calculated in 31 patients and 34 healthy individuals. Results The differential concentrations of amino acids were analyzed and eight amino acids, i.e., cysteine, arginine, lysine, ornithine, proline, glutamic acid, histidine, and glycine were observed differentially. The ratios of cysteine, glutamic acid, and proline increased significantly in Vitiligo patients, whereas arginine, lysine, ornithine, glycine, and histidine decreased significantly compared to healthy individuals. Considering the percentage of skin area, we also showed that glutamic acid significantly has a higher amount in patients with less than 25% involvement compared to others. Finally, cysteine and lysine are considered promising candidates for diagnosing and developing the disorder with high accuracy (0.96). Conclusion The findings are consistent with the previously illustrated mechanism of Vitiligo, such as production deficiency in melanin and an increase in immune activity and oxidative stress. Furthermore, new evidence was provided by using amino acids profile toward the pathogenicity of the disorder.Peer reviewe
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