13 research outputs found

    From glycosylation to glycosylation diseases

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    Prenatal diagnosis in CDG1 families: beware of heterogeneity

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    Carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome type I (CDG1) is an autosomal recessive, metabolic disorder with severe psychomotor retardation and a high mortality rate in early childhood. Most patients have a deficiency of phosphomannomutase, due to mutations in PMM2, a gene located on chromosome 16p13, Over a period of 18 months we offered prenatal diagnosis to eight families. In six cases and prior to the identification of the gene, the diagnosis was based on linkage analysis and phosphomannomutase measurements. Subsequently direct mutation analysis has been used in two families. It is shown here that phosphomannomutase activities are strongly reduced in cultured amniocytes and trophoblasts of affected foetuses, We refrained from offering prenatal testing in two other families, because either the disease did not link to chromosome 16 and/or normal phosphomannomutase activities were measured in fibroblasts from the proband, This confirms earlier suggestions of heterogeneity for CDG1

    Quality control of glycoproteins bearing truncated glycans in an ALG9 defective (CDG-IL) patient

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    We describe an ALG9 defective (Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation type IL) patient who is homozygous for the p.Y286C (c.860A>G) mutation. This patient presented with psychomotor retardation, axial hypotonia, epilepsy, failure to thrive, inverted nipples, hepatomegaly and pericardial effusion. Due to the ALG9 deficiency, the cells of this patient accumulated the lipid-linked oligosaccharides Man(6)GlcNAc(2)-PP-dolichol and Man(8)GlcNAc(2)-PP-dolichol. It is known that the oligosaccharide structure has a profound effect on protein glycosylation. Therefore we investigated the influence of these truncated oligosaccharide structures on the protein transfer efficiency, the quality control of newly synthesized glycoproteins and the eventual degradation of the truncated glycoproteins formed in this patient. We demonstrated that lipid-linked Man(6)GlcNAc(2) and Man(8)GlcNAc(2) are transferred onto proteins with the same efficiency. In addition, glycoproteins bearing these Man(6)GlcNAc(2) and Man(8)GlcNAc(2) structures efficiently entered in the glucosylation/deglucosylation cycle of the quality control system to assist in protein folding. We also showed that in comparison to control cells, patient's cells degraded misfolded glycoproteins at an increasing rate. In comparison to Man(6)GlcNAc(2), the Man(8)GlcNAc(2) isomer C on the patient's glycoproteins was found to promote the degradation of misfolded glycoproteins.status: publishe

    A new mutation in COG7 extends the spectrum of COG subunit deficiencies

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    We describe a patient homozygous for a novel mutation in COG7, coding for one of the subunits of the Conserved Oligomeric Golgi complex, involved in retrograde vesicular trafficking. His brother showed a similar clinical syndrome and glycosylation defect but no DNA could be obtained from this patient. This mutation, c.170-7A > G, activates a cryptic splice acceptor and leads to the insertion of 2 amino acids at protein level (p.56-57insAT). The insertion disturbs the structure and function of the Conserved Oligomeric Golgi complex. In comparison to the previously described patients with a different COG7 mutation, intrauterine growth retardation and dysmorphic features were absent and there was a longer survival.status: publishe

    Mutations in PMM2, a phosphomannomutase gene on chromosome 16p13, in carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein type I syndrome (Jaeken syndrome)

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    Carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome type 1 (CDG1 or Jaeken syndrome) is the prototype of a class of genetic multisystem disorders characterized by defective glycosylation of glycoconjugates(1-4). It is mostly a severe disorder which presents neonatally. There is a severe encephalopathy with axial hypotonia, abnormal eye movements and pronounced psychomotor retardation, as well as a peripheral neuropathy, cerebellar hypoplasia and retinitis pigmentosa. The patients show a peculiar distribution of subcutaneous fat, nipple retraction and hypogonadism. There is a 20% lethality in the first years of life due to severe infections, liver insufficiency or cardiomyopathy(2,3,5). CDG1 shows an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance and has been mapped to chromosome 16p(6,7). Most patients show a deficiency of phosphomannomutase (PMM)(8), an enzyme necessary for the synthesis of GDP-mannose. We have cloned the PMM1 gene, which is on chromosome 22q13 (ref, 9), We now report the identification of a second human PMM gene, PMM2, which is located on 16p13 and which encodes a protein with 66% identity to PMM1. We found eleven different missense mutations in PMM2 in 16 CDG1 patients from different geographical origins and with a documented phosphomannomutase deficiency. Our results give conclusive support to the biochemical finding that the phosphomannomutase deficiency is the basis for CDG1

    Functional polymorphisms in the paternally expressed XLalphas and its cofactor ALEX decrease their mutual interaction and enhance receptor-mediated cAMP formation

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    The paternally expressed extra-large stimulatory G protein gene (XLalphas) is a splice variant of the stimulatory G-protein gene (Gsalpha) consisting of XL-exon1 and exons 2-13 of Gsalpha. A second open reading frame (ORF) in XL-exon1, that completely overlaps the XL-domain ORF, encodes ALEX, which is translated from the XLalphas mRNA and binds the XL-domain of XLalphas. We previously demonstrated that a paternally inherited functional polymorphism in XL-exon1, consisting of a 36 bp insertion and two nucleotide substitutions, is associated with Gs hyperfunction in platelets, leading to an increased trauma-related bleeding tendency and is accompanied by neurological problems and brachydactyly in two families. Here, we describe eight additional patients with brachydactyly, who inherited the same XLalphas polymorphism paternally and who show Gs hyperfunction in their platelets and fibroblasts. All carriers also have an elongated ALEX protein, as a consequence of the paternally inherited insertion. The in vitro interaction between the two elongated XLalphas and ALEX proteins is markedly reduced. Moreover, XLalphas or ALEX can be co-immunoprecipitated with an antibody against either ALEX or XLalphas in platelets from a control but hardly from patients with the XLalphas/ALEX insertion. In contrast to the strong interaction between the two wild-type proteins, we suggest that this defective association results in unimpeded receptor-stimulated activation of XLalphas. The paternally inherited double XLalphas/ALEX functional polymorphism is also associated with elevated platelet membrane Gsalpha protein levels. Both phenomena contribute to increased Gs signaling in patients with platelet hypersensitivity towards Gs-agonists and may be accompanied by neurological problems or growth deficiency.status: publishe

    Mutations in PEX10 are a cause of autosomal recessive ataxia

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    Peroxisomal biogenesis disorders typically cause severe multisystem disease and early death. We describe a child and an adult of normal intelligence with progressive ataxia, axonal motor neuropathy, and decreased vibration sense. Both patients had marked cerebellar atrophy. Peroxisomal studies revealed a peroxisomal biogenesis disorder. Two mutations in PEX10 were found in the child, c.992G>A (novel) and c.764_765insA, and in the adult, c.2T>C (novel) and c.790C>T. Transfection with wild-type PEX10 corrected the fibroblast phenotype. Bile acid supplements and dietary restriction of phytanic acid were started. Peroxisomal biogenesis disorders should be considered in the differential diagnosis of autosomal recessive ataxia