20 research outputs found

    Characterization of Physicochemical and Baking Expansion Properties of Oxidized Sago Starch Using Hydrogen Peroxide and Sodium Hypochlorite Catalyzed By UV Irradiation

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    This study investigate the effect of oxidation using hydrogen peroxide and sodium hypochlorite on physicochemical and baking expansion properties of oxidized sago starch.  Type of oxidant and irradiation time (10,15 and 20 min) were studied. The extent of oxidation was determined based on starch color, carboxyl, carbonyl, and amylose contents, swelling power and solubility, and baking expansion properties of oxidized starch. The results showed that L* value increased with oxidation reaction using peroxide and hypochlorite as oxidant and longer time of UV irradiation. Carbonyl content of peroxide- and hypochlorite-oxidized starch decreased by increasing of UV irradiation time. Carboxyl content was increased by increasing irradiation time at 15 min and then decrease at 20 min irradiation time. Increasing irradiation time, increasing amylose content of oxidized sago starch. Swelling power and solubility of oxidized sago starch increase from 10 min to 15 min irradiation time and then decrease at 20 min irradiation time. Swelling power and solubility of peroxide-oxidized sago starch was higher than hypochlorite-oxidized starch. Oxidation reaction decrease the pasting temperature and increase peak viscosity, hot paste viscosity and cool paste viscosity of sago starch. The peak viscosity and hot paste viscosity of peroxide-oxidized sago starch are higher than hypochlorite-oxidized starch. Oxidation of starch using peroxide and hypochlorite catalyzed UV irradiation increased specific volume of starch. Baking expansion of hypochlorite-oxidized starch is lower than peroxide-oxidized starch. Oxidation starch using peroxide with UV irradiation for 15 min gave the highest specific volume of sago starch at 8.65 mL/g with degree of baking expansion 65,6%. Keywords: Sago starch, oxidation, hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, UV irradiatio

    Kajian Teknis-Ekonomis Alat Pengering Pati Sagu Model Cross Flow Vibro Fluidized Bed

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan pengujian terhadap alat pengering pati berbasis sagu model cross flow vibrofluidized bed bertenaga biomassa. Tahapan penelitian meliputi pengujian alat pengering menggunakan tungku biomassa berbahan bakar tempurung kelapa dengan melakukan pengamatan suhu selama pengeringan, penurunan kadar air, waktu pengeringan, kebutuhan energi, efisiensi pengering, dan analisis finansial. Konstruksi alat pengering pati sagu model vibro fluidized bed bertenaga biomassa berukuran panjang, lebar dan tinggi masing-masing (200x50x1500) cm, serta memiliki daya tampung atau kapasitas maksimum pati sagu basah 35 kg/proses. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa alat pengering ini mampu mengeringkan pati sagu selama 7 jam, dengan konsumsi bahan bakar tempurung kelapa sebanyak 70 kg/proses (1274MJ), kebutuhan daya listrik untuk tenaga blower dan vibrator(37,80 MJ), serta mampu menurunkan kadar air pati sagu dari 42%bb menjadi 12%bb dengan suhu dalam ruang vibrator adalah 40-60 oC, RH 50%, suhu lingkungan 30C dan efisiensi pemanasan (pengeringan) 46,02%.Hasil analisis finansial menunjukan bahwa investasi alat pengering vibro fluidized bedsangat layak dilaksanakan berdasarkan kriteria NPV = Rp. 16.002.858, BCR= 1,53, IRR= 35%, dan PBP tertutupi setelah 3,51 tahun

    Temperature and Air Velocity Simulation on Sago Starch Pneumatic Conveying Recirculated Dryer Using Ansys Fluent

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    Pneumatic Conveying Recirculated Dryer (PCRD) is one of many driers used for drying wet sago starch. The most important components of this PCRD machine are the vertical pipe and the u-bend. The vertical pipe and the u-bend are the primary drying spaces. They must have a good temperature distribution and air velocity dryer. To observe the process of temperature distribution and the air velocity dryer in the vertical pipe and u-bend, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis is required. The research was aimed to analyze the temperature distribution and the air velocity dryer flow in the recirculated pipe of PCRD machine by using CFD analysis. The analysis was based on the variance of the temperature, the air velocity, and the height of the vertical pipe in PCRD machine. The analysis was conducted using Ansys Workbench Fluid Flow ver. 15. This software was used to simulate the temperature and the air flow velocity in the vertical pipe and the u-bend. However, the flow characteristics and patterns of the wet sago starch were not included in the discussion. The turbulence model used in the simulation was the Reynold Stress Models (RSM). The result of the simulation showed that the temperature along the vertical pipe and the u-bend was distributed evenly. The error value between the result of the simulation and the observation was low (0.10–2.04%). The average test value with paired t-test showed that the simulation and observation result was not significantly different. This results indicated that the simulation fit well with the observation value or the real condition in the PCRD machine. The distribution of the temperature and the air velocity dryer in the vertical pipe and the u-bend were able to reduce the moisture content on sago starch from 31% (wb) to 9% (wb). Therefore, the vertical pipe and the u-bend design was appropriate to use in PCRD machine for drying wet sago starch

    ansys fluent; CFD; PCRD; simulation; sago starch

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    Pengering pati sagu tipe pneumatic conveying ring dryer (PCRD) skala mini kapasitas 80 kg/hari telah diaplikasikan pada pengolahan pati sagu untuk memproduksi pati sagu kering. Kapasitas produksi dari mesin pengering PCRD tersebut, dapat ditingkatkan dengan memodifikasi pipa resirkulasi. Adapun bagian pipa yang dimodifikasi adalah diameter pipa venturi dan pipa vertikal upriser ditingkatkan. Diameter pipa vertikal upriser 2,5 kali lebih besar dari pipa u-bend dan pipa vertikal downcomer sehingga terbentuk buffer. Selain itu, dengan perbedaan diameter pipa resirkulasi tersebut dapat meningkatkan waktu tinggal (residence time) bahan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan simulasi menggunakan ANSYS FLUENT R.15 untuk mengetahui profil suhu, kecepatan aliran udara, dan tekanan di dalam pipa pengering pati sagu tipe pneumatic conveying ring dryer (PCRD) kapasitas 1 ton per hari. Simulasi dilakukan dengan teknik Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) menggunakan paket perangkat lunak (software) ANSYS FLUENT R.15. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa suhu di sepanjang pipa mengalami penurunan sekitar 2oC (100oC menjadi 98oC) pada berbagai variasi kecepatan udara input dan variasi outlet pada kondisi batas. Begitupula dengan kecepatan udara pada ujung pipa outlet (pipa vertikal downcomer) meningkat (89 m/s sampai 166 m/s) karena adanya perbedaan diameter dengan pipa inlet. Tekanan pada pipa vertikal upriser lebih tinggi (8566,2 Pa sampai 26638,2 Pa) daripada tekanan pada pipa u-bend dan pipa vertikal downcomer. Hasil simulasi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa rancangan pipa resirkulasi sangat baik digunakan, sehingga dapat dilanjutkan untuk pembuatan pengering pati sagu tipe PCRD skala 1 ton per hari. Hal ini, sesuai dengan polasebaran suhu, kecepatan aliran udara, dan tekanan yang dihasilkan.The mini-scale pneumatic conveying ring dryer (PCRD) type sago starch dryer with a capacity of 80 kg / day has been applied to the processing of sago starch to produce dry sago starch. To increase the production capacity of the PCRD dryer, a recirculation pipe was modified. The modified pipe section is the venturi pipe diameter and the upriser vertical pipe increased. The diameter of the vertical upriser pipe is 2.5 times larger than that of the ubend pipe and the downcomer vertical pipe so that a buffer is formed. In addition, the difference in the diameter of the recirculation pipe can increase the residence time of the material. The purpose of this study was to simulate using ansys fluent to determine the temperature profile, air flow velocity, and pressure in the pneumatic conveying ring dryer (PCRD) type sago starch dryer pipe with a capacity of 1 ton per day. Simulations were carried out using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technique using ansys fluent software package. The simulation results show that the temperature along the pipe has decreased by about 2oC at various variations of the input air velocity and variations in the outlet at the boundary conditions. Likewise, the air velocity at the end of the outlet pipe (vertical downcomer pipe) increases due to the difference in diameter with the inlet pipe. The pressure on the vertical upriser pipe is higher than the pressure on the ubend pipe and downcomer vertical pipe. The simulation results show that the recirculation pipe design is very well used so that it can be continued for the manufacture of PCRD-type sago starch dryer on a scale of 1 ton per day

    Kajian Distribusi Suhu dan Efisiensi Alat Pengering Pati Sagu Agitated Fluidized Bed Tipe Silinder Bertingkat Berbahan Bakar Kayu dan Tempurung Kelapa

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    Pengeringan pati sagu dengan pengering agitated fluidized bed tipe silinder bertingkat telah dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji distribusi suhu dan efisiensi pengering pati sagu model Agitated Fluidized Bed tipe Piringan-Silinder Bertingkat (AFB Tipe PSB) menggunakan bahan bakar biomassa kayu dan tempurung kelapa. Untuk menghitung besarnya energi dan efisiensi selama proses pengeringan, maka digunakan analisis matematis. Distribusi suhu yang terjadi di dalam ruang agitator merata dengan baik. Pengering AFB tipe PSB memiliki kapasitas 30 kg/5 jam. Efisiensi pengeringan dan alat pengering untuk kayu bakar adalah 38,09% dan 2,5%, sedangkan untuk tempurung kelapa 37,76% dan 2,1%, dengan konsumsi energi biomassa kayu bakar 1072 x103 kJ, tempurung kelapa1274 x103 kJ, energi listrik 55,98x103 kJ. Suhu pengeringan dalam ruang agitator (50,64oC-54,82oC) dan fluidisasi (66,64oC) untuk kayu bakar, sedangkan untuk tempurung kelapa suhu dalam ruang agitator (49,55oC-53,82oC) dan ruang fluidisasi (64,27oC).Pengering AFB tipe PSB mampu menurunkan kadar air pati sagu dari 42% basis basah menjadi 12,02% untuk bahan bahan bakar kayu, dan 12,21% untuk bahan bakar tempurung kelapa

    Evaluasi Kinerja dan Konsumsi Energi Pengering Pati Sagu Model Agitated Fluidized Bed Bertenaga Biomassa

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    Pengering Agitated Fluidized Bed (AFB) telah dirancang untuk pengeringan pati sagu. Untuk mengetahui kinerja pengering AFB tersebut, maka dilakukan analisis nilai indeks kinerja Heat Utilization Factor (HUF), Coefficient Of Performance (COP), Effective Heat Efficiency (EHE), dan Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) berdasarkan perlakuan suhu (50oC, 60oC, dan 70oC) dan massa input bahan (3 kg, 6 kg, dan 12 kg). Nilai indeks kinerja HUF, COP, EHE dan SEC ditentukan dengan analisis matematis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa indeks kinerja pengering AFB terbaik dari semua perlakuan suhu dan massa input bahan adalah pada suhu 60oC dengan massa input bahan 12 kg, dimana nilai HUF lebih besar dari nilai COP. Nilai HUF, COP, dan EHE masing-masing adalah 53,1%, 46,9%, 70,3% dan nilai SEC 559,9 kJ/s. Nilai rata-rata HUF, COP, EHE, dan SEC dari semua perlakuan pada pengering AFB adalah 37,23%, 62,7%, 58,5%, dan 337,6 kJ/s. Kinerja pengering AFB cukup rendah, dimana nilai HUF rata-rata lebih kecil dari nilai COP rata-rata, dan energi yang digunakan cukup tinggi. Namun demikian, pengering AFB mampu mengeringkan pati sagu dengan kadar air akhir 14,4% basis basah mendekati standar mutu pati sagu kering 13%, pada suhu 70oC dengan massa bahan sebanyak 3 kg selama 5 menit (300 detik)

    Kajian Teknis-Ekonomis Alat Pengering Pati Sagu Model Cross Flow Vibro Fluidized Bed

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    The purpose of this research was to evaluate performance of vibro cross flow fluidized bed dryer using biomass fuel for drying sago starch. The phase of research were evaluation of dryer heated by a biomass stove using coconut shell as a fuel and observation of the drying temperature, moisture content, drying time, energy analysis, and drying effiviency, as well as calculation of its economic analysis. The dryer has dimension of 200x50x1500 cm for length, width, hight, respectively, and working capacity of 35kg/process. The results showed that biomass fuel consumption for drying sago starch for 7 hours was 12740,00 MJ (70 kg/process) and electricity consumption for blower and vibrator was 37,80 MJ. Furthermore, the dryer reduced moisture content of sago starch from 42% (wb) to 12% (wb) with temperature in the vibrator chamber of 40-60 oC and relative humidity of 50%, as well as ambient temperature of 30 3C and drying efficiency of 46,02%. Economic analysis showed that the dryer had NPV of Rp. 16.002.858, BCR of 1,53, IRR of 35%, and PBP of 3,51 years.ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan pengujian terhadap alat pengering pati berbasis sagu model cross flow vibrofluidized bed bertenaga biomassa. Tahapan penelitian meliputi pengujian alat pengering menggunakan tungku biomassa berbahan bakar tempurung kelapa dengan melakukan pengamatan suhu selama pengeringan, penurunan kadar air, waktu pengeringan, kebutuhan energi, efisiensi pengering, dan analisis finansial. Konstruksi alat pengering pati sagu model vibro fluidized bed bertenaga biomassa berukuran panjang, lebar dan tinggi masing-masing (200x50x1500) cm, serta memiliki daya tampung atau kapasitas maksimum pati sagu basah 35 kg/proses. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa alat pengering ini mampu mengeringkan pati sagu selama 7 jam, dengan konsumsi bahan bakar tempurung kelapa sebanyak 70 kg/proses (1274MJ), kebutuhan daya listrik untuk tenaga blower dan vibrator(37,80 MJ), serta mampu menurunkan kadar air pati sagu dari 42%bb menjadi 12%bb dengan suhu dalam ruang vibrator adalah 40-60 oC, RH 50%, suhu lingkungan 30C dan efisiensi pemanasan (pengeringan) 46,02%.Hasil analisis finansial menunjukan bahwa investasi alat pengering vibro fluidized bedsangat layak dilaksanakan berdasarkan kriteria NPV = Rp. 16.002.858, BCR= 1,53, IRR= 35%, dan PBP tertutupi setelah 3,51 tahun

    Temperature and Air Velocity Simulation on Sago Starch Pneumatic Conveying Recirculated Dryer Using Ansys Fluent

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    Pneumatic Conveying Recirculated Dryer (PCRD) is one of many driers used for drying wet sago starch. The most important components of this PCRD machine are the vertical pipe and the u-bend. The vertical pipe and the u-bend are the primary drying spaces. They must have a good temperature distribution and air velocity dryer. To observe the process of temperature distribution and the air velocity dryer in the vertical pipe and u-bend, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis is required. The research was aimed to analyze the temperature distribution and the air velocity dryer flow in the recirculated pipe of PCRD machine by using CFD analysis. The analysis was based on the variance of the temperature, the air velocity, and the height of the vertical pipe in PCRD machine. The analysis was conducted using Ansys Workbench Fluid Flow ver. 15. This software was used to simulate the temperature and the air flow velocity in the vertical pipe and the u-bend. However, the flow characteristics and patterns of the wet sago starch were not included in the discussion. The turbulence model used in the simulation was the Reynold Stress Models (RSM). The result of the simulation showed that the temperature along the vertical pipe and the u-bend was distributed evenly. The error value between the result of the simulation and the observation was low (0.10–2.04%). The average test value with paired t-test showed that the simulation and observation result was not significantly different. This results indicated that the simulation fit well with the observation value or the real condition in the PCRD machine. The distribution of the temperature and the air velocity dryer in the vertical pipe and the u-bend were able to reduce the moisture content on sago starch from 31% (wb) to 9% (wb). Therefore, the vertical pipe and the u-bend design was appropriate to use in PCRD machine for drying wet sago starch


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    ABSTRACT   Utilization of dried sago starch as a source of raw materials and agroindustry-based starch and flour is still very limited, especially sago starch processed by people from Papua and West Papua. This is because the sago starch production only reached the stage of wet processing sago starch, as well as the lack of support for the agroindustry  to produce and use dried sago starch. The objective of this study were  to develop a design of agitated and vibro cross flow fluidized bed dryer unit into a model of Agitated-vibro Cross Flow Fluidized Bed (AgRoCFFB) that can work in semi-continuous,  to  perform technical evaluations,  to  analysis  the chemical composition of dried sago starch, and to analysis financial performance as well as to determine the feasibility of using  AgRoCFFB dryer on sago processing industry folk. Stages of  the study  included  the development (i.e. designing  semi-continuously  agitators and vibrators), the technical evaluation (i.e.  test and analyze the performance of the dryer to determine the drying rate, energy requirements, and efficiency of drying), dried sago starch quality analysis (analyzing the chemical composition), and analyzing financial  of  AgRoCFFB dryers models.    The results  of  dryers development  produced  agitators and vibrators with maximum capacity of 100 kg/process.  The performance of the dryer was able to drain the sago starch as much as 35 kg for 6 hours with a fuel consumption of 70 kg of coconut shells, dryer efficiency of 4.9%, and the chemical composition of dry starch starch approaching ISO (ISO 3729:2008 ).  The results of the financial analysis showed decent drier AgRoCFFB was feasible to support micro-small-scale agroindustry in Papua and West Papua . Keywords: agitated vibro, cross flow fluidized bed, sago starch, agroindustr


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    Recirculation drying process ofmaterial on pneumatic conveying recirculated dryer (PCRD) are very complexand not linear, so it is very difficult to predict the final required moisture content.The purpose of this study was to develop a model of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to predict the final moisture content of the material on the PCRD machine. In this study, PCRD machine has been designed with variability in recirculation, and ANN Graphical User Interface (GUI) application using Neural Network in computer software. AAN  models have been designed using the structure of a network with 11 input neurons, hidden multilayers neurons, and one output neuron with backpropagation learning algorithm. Training and testing of models using 54 and 27 data set observations respectively. The validity test results of the model obtained the value of r2 trainning was 0.99 or 99%, and r2 of the testingwas 0.96 or 96%. This indicated that the models are very valid to predict the final moisture content of the materialon the PCRD machine. The results also revealed RMSE, MAE, MRE value of ANN optimization model was 0.118% wb, 0.056% wb, and 0.644% respectively. While the value of RMSE, MAE, MRE ofthe process of the model testing was 0.226% wb, 0.129 % wb, and 1.496% respectively.Keywords: prediction, moisture content, models, pneumatic recirculated conveying dryer, artificial neural networ