250 research outputs found

    Przewlekle wrzodziejące zapalenie jamy ustnej i liszaj płaski: przypadkowa zbieżność czy bezpośredni związek

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    Chronic ulcerative dermatitis (CUS) is characterized by painful exacerbating and remitting oral erosions and ulcerations. A very characteristic direct immunofluorescence (DIF) pattern differentiates CUS from other immune-mediated oral vesiculo-erosive conditions. The clinical and histopathological features of CUS are very similar to erosive oral lichen planus. A middle-aged woman had CUS confirmed by DIF and chronic plantar ulceration. Histology of the lesion on the sole showed features of lichen planus (LP). DIF of the plantar lesion showed the same pattern as the oral lesion of CUS. The relationship between CUS and erosive (ulcerative) LP of the foot is discussed. Chloroquine improved the oral lesions while oral cyclosporine A ameliorated both oral and plantar lesions.Przewlekle wrzodziejące zapalenie jamy ustnej (CUS) charakteryzuje się bolesnymi nawracającymi nadżerkami i owrzodzeniami jamy ustnej. Bezpośrednie badanie immunofluorescencyjne, bardzo charakterystyczne, odróżnia CUS od innych autoimmunizacyjnych pęcherzykowo-nadżerkowych procesów jamy ustnej. Kliniczne i histologiczne cechy CUS są bardzo podobne do liszaja płaskiego jamy ustnej. Przedstawiono przypadek 43-letniej kobiety z CUS potwierdzonym przez bezpośrednie badanie immunofluorescencyjne, u której dodatkowo występowały przewlekłe zmiany nadżerkowo-wrzodziejące na stopie. Badanie histopatologiczne owrzodzenia na stopie ujawniło cechy liszaja płaskiego. Immunofluorescencja bezpośrednia zmiany na stopie i zmiany w jamie ustnej wykazała podobny obraz. Związek między CUS i liszajem płaskim poddano dyskusji. Chlorochina miała korzystny wpływ na przebieg zmian w jamie ustnej, podczas gdy podanie cyklosporyny A doprowadziło do wygojenia nadżerkowego owrzodzenia stopy. Cyklosporyna A łagodziła też zmiany w jamie ustnej.http://www.cornetis.com.pl/czasopismo_en.php?issn=1730-7201am2013ay201

    A novel keratin 5 mutation in an African family with epidermolysis bullosa simplex Iidicates the Importance of the amino acid located at the boundary site between the H1 and coil 1A domains

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    No abstractThis work was supported in part by Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up (to S. S.; 23890006) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan and by “Research on Measures for Intractable Diseases” Project: matching fund subsidy (H23-028) from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.http://www.medicaljournals.sehb201

    Selected skin diseases located on the feet

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    Teoria sprawiedliwości Johna Rawlsa w świetle krytyki Iris Marion Young

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    Iris Marion Young was one of the most inventive political philosophers who responded to John Rawls’s A Theory of Justice, published in 1971. This work had brought political philosophy to life in an unprecedented way, and prompted Young, as well as R. Nozick, M. Sandel, M. Walzer, Ch. Taylor and R. Dworkin to engage in penetrating criticisms. The extensive discussion had been triggered by the normative content of the two principles of justice. Young’s analysis did not diminish Rawls’s contribution to the history of socio‑political thought, but rather reinforced the ideas he had formulated. She did not present an alternative view of her own, but extended the original thought by incorporating two elements in the theory: (1) refinement of procedural requirements, (2) revision of the normative content in such a way that it takes into account historical and situational contexts, complementing thereby Rawls’s ‘original position’ through a ‘politics of difference’ that takes into account the reality of unjust differences in the position that various individuals and groups occupy in a society

    Arbitration in WTO disputes : the forgotten alternative

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    The creation of a binding adjudication system under the Dispute Settlement Understanding ( DSU ) is one of the major successes of the WTO. However, while the Dispute Settlement Body ( DSB ) has experienced a high level of compliance with its rulings, there have been enough failures to raise concerns about compliance with WTO rulings. This in turn endangers the long term viability and legitimacy of the WTO as a decision-making body. This thesis explores the possibility of more effective integration of arbitration as a means of dealing with a small number of problematic cases where compliance with a ruling is doubtful. It considers arbitration as an alternative to what has effectively become an institutionalized litigation system involving panels and the Appellate Body, and as an adjunct to the diplomatic resolution of disputes, particularly for policy driven cases where compliance with WTO rulings is more doubtful. While proposals for the use of arbitration made during the Uruguay Round of negotiations leading to the creation o f the WTO have been realized in the provisions of the DSU, arbitration has never been effectively tested as a true alternative. Further, arbitration as an alternative to the litigation system has been almost entirely ignored in the context of the current debate over reform of the WTO dispute settlement system. After over a decade of WTO decision making, it is now an opportune point to consider meaningful institutional reform that more fully incorporates arbitration as an alternative form of dispute settlement at the WTO in politically difficult cases, and that builds on the existing but underused arbitration provision in Article 25 of the DSU. This thesis challenges the predominant bias towards the litigation system involving panels and the Appellate Body as a one-size-fits-all solution. It explores the potential role of arbitration, in the context of compliance theories, a historical review of the negotiations during the Uruguay Round, and an analysis of the shortcomings of the current DSU that contribute to the problems of non-compliance