39 research outputs found
The Production of a New MAGE-3 Peptide Presented to Cytolytic T Lymphocytes by HLA-B40 Requires the Immunoproteasome
By stimulating human CD8+ T lymphocytes with autologous dendritic cells infected with an adenovirus encoding MAGE-3, we obtained a cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clone that recognized a new MAGE-3 antigenic peptide, AELVHFLLL, which is presented by HLA-B40. This peptide is also encoded by MAGE-12. The CTL clone recognized MAGE-3âexpressing tumor cells only when they were first treated with IFN-Îł. Since this treatment is known to induce the exchange of the three catalytic subunits of the proteasome to form the immunoproteasome, this result suggested that the processing of this MAGE-3 peptide required the immunoproteasome. Transfection experiments showed that the substitution of ÎČ5i (LMP7) for ÎČ5 is necessary and sufficient for producing the peptide, whereas a mutated form of ÎČ5i (LMP7) lacking the catalytically active site was ineffective. Mass spectrometric analyses of in vitro digestions of a long precursor peptide with either proteasome type showed that the immunoproteasome produced the antigenic peptide more efficiently, whereas the standard proteasome more efficiently introduced cleavages destroying the antigenic peptide. This is the first example of a tumor-specific antigen exclusively presented by tumor cells expressing the immunoproteasome
Présentation du groupe de travail AFIM "Archivage collaboratif et préservation créative"
International audienc
International audienceNous prĂ©sentons les premiers rĂ©sultats du groupe de travail AFIM « Archivage collaboratif et prĂ©servation crĂ©ative » [1] aprĂšs dix-huit mois dâĂ©changes avec de nombreux acteurs du monde de la musique utilisant des technologies numĂ©riques. Il ressort de ces Ă©changes un besoin crucial dâoutils mutualisĂ©s permettant la pĂ©rennisation et ainsi une meilleure diffusion de ces rĂ©pertoires. Nous proposons la rĂ©alisation dâune plateforme collaborative, une base de donnĂ©es dĂ©diĂ©e Ă cette problĂ©matique, hĂ©bergĂ©e sur le serveur HumaNum, reprenant et augmentant les fonctionnalitĂ©s de la plateforme Sidney de lâIRCAM. Dans ce but un dossier de demande de financement a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©posĂ© par notre groupe auprĂšs du ministĂšre de la Culture. Suite Ă une prĂ©sentation de notre travail Ă lâICMC en aoĂ»t 2018 [2], une publication a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e pour le Computer Music Journal[3]. Au centre de nos prĂ©occupations, en plus des aspects purement techniques, se trouve la question des autorisations et des droits dâauteurs concernant les documents stockĂ©s et accessibles sur la bas
On the Documentation of Electronic Music
International audienceAbstract In a concert performance of musique mixte (i.e., music combining electronics with acoustic instruments), the documentation accompanying the score is of great importance. But this information is often missing or, at best, incomplete. Moreover, there has never been a systematic study of this subject. For these reasons, we decided to examine the documentation practices of the electroacoustic repertoire, with the goal of proposing a documentation model allowing for a better transmission and conservation of this repertoire
Incorporation de paille broy e ou trait e @ la soude dans desluzernes condens es: tude de la valeur alimentaire, du compor- tement alimentaire et m rycique chez les ruminants
SIGLEBSEB223156A / UCL - Université Catholique de LouvainBEBelgiu
IgG2a restriction of murine antibodies elicited by viral infections
Murine antibody responses to soluble proteins and to carbohydrates are generally restricted to the IgGI and IgG3 subclasses, respectively (1-7), suggesting that IgG isotypes are not selected at random. Surprisingly, no family of antigens has been shown to preferentially induce the production of IgG2a antibodies, although this subclass represents a major component of mouse serum immunoglobulins (8). A few recent observations nevertheless suggested that IgG2a could predominate in antiviral antibody responses (9-12). This isotypic bias was particularly striking after infection with lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus (LDV) t and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). However, because these two viruses induce considerable alterations of the immune system, including a polyclonal B lymphocyte activation (13, 14), they may evoke antibody responses that are not representative of more common antiviral reactions. To examine whether IgG2a restriction is a general property of marine antibody responses to viral antigens, we analyzed the isotypic profile of antibodies directed against a panel of both DNA and RNA mouse viruses, representativ
Incorporation de paille broyee ou traitee a la soude dans des luzernes condensees: etude de la valeur alimentaire du comportement alimentaire et merycique chez les ruminants
BSE B223156A / UCL - Université Catholique de LouvainSIGLEBEBelgiu