106 research outputs found

    Transfinite Cryptography

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    \begin{abstract} Let assume that Alice, Bob, and Charlie, the three classical people of cryptography are not limited anymore to perform a finite number of computations on real computers, but are limited to α\alpha computations and to α\alpha bits of memory, where α\alpha is a fixed infinite cardinal. For example α=ℵ0\alpha = \aleph _0 (the countable cardinal, i.e. the cardinal of N\mathbb {N} the set of integers), or α=C\alpha = \mathfrak {C} (the cardinal of the set R\mathbb {R} of real numbers). Is it possible to do secret key cryptography? Public key cryptography? Encryption? Authentication? Signatures? Is it possible to generalize the notion of one way function? The aim of this paper is to give some elements of answers to these questions. We will see for example that for secret key cryptography there are some simple solutions. However for public key cryptography the results are much less clear. \end{abstract

    Mirror Theory and Cryptography

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    ``Mirror Theory\u27\u27 is the theory that evaluates the number of solutions of affine systems of equalities (=) and non equalities (≠\neq) in finite groups. It is deeply related to the security and attacks of many generic cryptographic secret key schemes, for example random Feistel schemes (balanced or unbalanced), Misty schemes, Xor of two pseudo-random bijections to generate a pseudo-random function etc. In this paper we will assume that the groups are abelian. Most of time in cryptography the group is ((Z/2Z)n,⊕)((\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})^n, \oplus) and we will concentrate this paper on these cases. We will present here general definitions, some theorems, and many examples and computer simulations

    Generic Attacks for the Xor of k random permutations

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    \begin{abstract} Xoring the output of kk permutations, k≥2k\geq 2 is a very simple way to construct pseudo-random functions (PRF) from pseudo-random permutations (PRP). Moreover such construction has many applications in cryptography (see \cite{BI,BKrR,HWKS,SL} for example). Therefore it is interesting both from a theoretical and from a practical point of view, to get precise security results for this construction. In this paper, we will describe the best attacks that we have found on the Xor of kk random nn-bit to nn-bit permutations. When k=2k=2, we will get an attack of computational complexity O(2n)O(2^n). This result was already stated in \cite{BI}. On the contrary, for k≥3k \geq 3, our analysis is new. We will see that the best known attacks require much more than 2n2^n computations when not all of the 2n2^n outputs are given, or when the function is changed on a few points. We obtain like this a new and very simple design that can be very usefull when a security larger than 2n2^n is wanted, for example when nn is very small. \end{abstract

    Introduction to Mirror Theory: Analysis of Systems of Linear Equalities and Linear Non Equalities for Cryptography

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    \begin{abstract} In this paper we will first study two closely related problems:\\ 1. The problem of distinguishing f(x∥0)⊕f(x∥1)f(x\Vert 0)\oplus f(x \Vert 1) where ff is a random permutation on nn bits. This problem was first studied by Bellare and Implagliazzo in~\cite{BI}.\\ 2. The so-called ``Theorem Pi⊕PjP_i \oplus P_j\u27\u27 of Patarin (cf~\cite{P05}). Then, we will see many variants and generalizations of this ``Theorem Pi⊕PjP_i \oplus P_j\u27\u27 useful in Cryptography. In fact all these results can be seen as part of the theory that analyzes the number of solutions of systems of linear equalities and linear non equalities in finite groups. We have nicknamed these analysis ``Mirror Theory\u27\u27 due to the multiples induction properties that we have in it. \end{abstract

    Security in O(2n)O(2^n) for the Xor of Two Random Permutations\\ -- Proof with the standard HH technique--

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    Xoring two permutations is a very simple way to construct pseudorandom functions from pseudorandom permutations. In~\cite{P08a}, it is proved that we have security against CPA-2 attacks when m≪O(2n)m \ll O(2^n), where mm is the number of queries and nn is the number of bits of the inputs and outputs of the bijections. In this paper, we will obtain similar (but slightly different) results by using the ``standard H technique\u27\u27 instead of the ``HσH_{\sigma} technique\u27\u27. It will be interesting to compare the two techniques, their similarities and the differences between the proofs and the results

    Security of balanced and unbalanced Feistel Schemes with Linear Non Equalities

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    \begin{abstract} In this paper we will study 2 security results ``above the birthday bound\u27\u27 related to secret key cryptographic problems.\\ 1. The classical problem of the security of 4, 5, 6 rounds balanced Random Feistel Schemes.\\ 2. The problem of the security of unbalanced Feistel Schemes with contracting functions from 2n2n bits to nn bits. This problem was studied by Naor and Reingold~\cite{NR99} and by~\cite{YPL} with a proof of security up to the birthday bound.\\ These two problems are included here in the same paper since their analysis is closely related, as we will see. In problem 1 we will obtain security result very near the information bound (in O(2nn)O(\frac {2^n}{n})) with improved proofs and stronger explicit security bounds than previously known. In problem 2 we will cross the birthday bound of Naor and Reingold. For some of our proofs we will use~\cite{A2} submitted to Crypto 2010. \end{abstract

    Generic Attacks on Feistel Schemes

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    \begin{abstract} Let AA be a Feistel scheme with 55 rounds from 2n2n bits to 2n2n bits. In the present paper we show that for most such schemes AA: \begin{enumerate} \item It is possible to distinguish AA from a random permutation from 2n2n bits to 2n2n bits after doing at most O(2n){\cal O}(2^{n}) computations with O(2n){\cal O}(2^{n}) non-adaptive {\bf chosen} plaintexts. \item It is possible to distinguish AA from a random permutation from 2n2n bits to 2n2n bits after doing at most O(23n2){\cal O}(2^{\frac{3n}{2}}) computations with O(23n2){\cal O}(2^{\frac{3n}{2}}) {\bf random} plaintext/ciphertext pairs. \end{enumerate} Since the complexities are smaller than the number 22n2^{2n} of possible inputs, they show that some generic attacks always exist on Feistel schemes with 55 rounds. Therefore we recommend in Cryptography to use Feistel schemes with at least 66 rounds in the design of pseudo-random permutations. We will also show in this paper that it is possible to distinguish most of 66 round Feistel permutations generator from a truly random permutation generator by using a few (i.e. O(1){\cal O}(1)) permutations of the generator and by using a total number of O(22n){\cal O}(2^{2n}) queries and a total of O(22n){\cal O}(2^{2n}) computations. This result is not really useful to attack a single 66 round Feistel permutation, but it shows that when we have to generate several pseudo-random permutations on a small number of bits we recommend to use more than 66 rounds. We also show that it is also possible to extend these results to any number of rounds, however with an even larger complexity. \end{abstract

    QUAD: Overview and Recent Developments

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    We give an outline of the specification and provable security features of the QUAD stream cipher proposed at Eurocrypt 2006. The cipher relies on the iteration of a multivariate system of quadratic equations over a finite field, typically GF(2) or a small extension. In the binary case, the security of the keystream generation can be related, in the concrete security model, to the conjectured intractability of the MQ problem of solving a random system of m equations in n unknowns. We show that this security reduction can be extended to incorporate the key and IV setup and provide a security argument related to the whole stream cipher.We also briefly address software and hardware performance issues and show that if one is willing to pseudorandomly generate the systems of quadratic polynomials underlying the cipher, this leads to suprisingly inexpensive hardware implementations of QUAD

    The knapsack hash function proposed at crypto'89 can be brocken

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    I shall love you up to the death

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    \begin{abstract} In this paper, we explain the encryption algorithm used by the Queen of France, Marie-Antoinette, to send letters to Axel von Fersen during the French Revolution. We give the complete deciphering of some letters for which we found differences with the text taken from historical books. We also provide the deciphering of one letter that seems to be unknown so far. The results we get bring new proofs on Marie-Antoinette\u27s deep affection for Fersen. Finally, we mention some open questions about Marie-Antoinette\u27s correspondence with Axel von Fersen
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