81 research outputs found

    International Liquidity and the Role of the SDR in the International Monetary System

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    This paper describes how the changed conditions in the international monetary system have undermined the role originally envisaged for the SDR. It argues that the concept of a global stock of international liquidity, which was fundamental to the creation of the SDR, is now no longer relevant. Nonetheless, there are good reasons to satisfy part of the growing demand for international reserves with SDR allocations: (i) there are efficiency gains, as SDRs can be created at zero resource cost, and thus obviate the need for countries to run current account surpluses or engage in expensive borrowing to obtain reserves, and (ii) there would be a reduction in systemic risk, as SDRs would substitute to some extent for borrowed reserves, which are a less reliable and predictable source of reserves, especially in times of crisis. Copyright 2004, International Monetary Fund


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    La discusión del artículo de Max Corden en la reunión de la Southern Economic Association se llevó a cabo prácticamente en su totalidad dentro de un contexto mexicano. Esto me pareció hasta cierto punto incongruente, no porque los economistas de México no presten mucha atención en este momento al déficit en cuenta corriente –pues de hecho lo hacen–, sino porque el enfoque del artículo y su terminología se dirigen, implícita más que explícitamente, al problema –o, como arguye el artículo, al no problema– de los déficit en cuenta corriente en los países industrializados. El punto de vista tradicional, cuya destrucción es la finalidad de este artículo, es que los déficit en cuenta corriente constituyen en sí mismos señales de que existe un problema. Esa teoría se siguió en general en los países industrializados, por ejemplo en el Reino Unido, durante los años cincuenta, sesenta y setenta (y con toda razón), o en Francia, Italia, Japón y otros países industrializados siempre que se presentaban tales déficit. También era el punto de vista que sostenían la OCDE y el FMI cuando discutían sobre estos países. En el artículo se plantea, justamente, si esta teoría sigue siendo apropiada para estos países en los años ochenta, cuando un grado mucho mayor de movilidad de capital les permite escapar de la limitación de Feldstein-Horioka y optimizar sus tasas de ahorro e inversión por separado.

    Screening of MAMLD1 Mutations in 70 Children with 46,XY DSD: Identification and Functional Analysis of Two New Mutations

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    More than 50% of children with severe 46,XY disorders of sex development (DSD) do not have a definitive etiological diagnosis. Besides gonadal dysgenesis, defects in androgen biosynthesis, and abnormalities in androgen sensitivity, the Mastermind-like domain containing 1 (MAMLD1) gene, which was identified as critical for the development of male genitalia, may be implicated. The present study investigated whether MAMLD1 is implicated in cases of severe 46,XY DSD and whether routine sequencing of MAMLD1 should be performed in these patients

    Prothrombin complex concentrate in the reduction of blood loss during orthotopic liver transplantation : PROTON-trial

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    Background: In patients with cirrhosis, the synthesis of coagulation factors can fall short, reflected by a prolonged prothrombin time. Although anticoagulants factors are decreased as well, blood loss during orthotopic liver transplantation can still be excessive. Blood loss during orthotopic liver transplantation is currently managed by transfusion of red blood cell concentrates, platelet concentrates, fresh frozen plasma, and fibrinogen concentrate. Transfusion of these products may paradoxically result in an increased bleeding tendency due to aggravated portal hypertension. The hemostatic effect of these products may therefore be overshadowed by bleeding complications due to volume overload. In contrast to these transfusion products, prothrombin complex concentrate is a low-volume highly purified concentrate, containing the four vitamin K dependent coagulation factors. Previous studies have suggested that administration of prothrombin complex concentrate is an effective method to normalize a prolonged prothrombin time in patients with liver cirrhosis. We aim to investigate whether the pre-operative administration of prothrombin complex concentrate in patients undergoing liver transplantation for end-stage liver cirrhosis, is a safe and effective method to reduce perioperative blood loss and transfusion requirements. Methods/Design: This is a double blind, multicenter, placebo-controlled randomized trial. Cirrhotic patients with a prolonged INR (>= 1.5) undergoing liver transplantation will be randomized between placebo or prothrombin complex concentrate administration prior to surgery. Demographic, surgical and transfusion data will be recorded. The primary outcome of this study is RBC transfusion requirements. Discussion: Patients with advanced cirrhosis have reduced plasma levels of both pro- and anticoagulant coagulation proteins. Prothrombin complex concentrate is a low-volume plasma product that contains both procoagulant and anticoagulant proteins and transfusion will not affect the volume status prior to the surgical procedure. We hypothesize that administration of prothrombin complex concentrate will result in a reduction of perioperative blood loss and transfusion requirements. Theoretically, the administration of prothrombin complex concentrate may be associated with a higher risk of thromboembolic complications. Therefore, thromboembolic complications are an important secondary endpoint and the occurrence of this type of complication will be closely monitored during the study.Peer reviewe

    Type of calcineurin inhibitor and long-term outcomes following liver transplantation in patients with primary biliary cholangitis – an ELTR study

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    Background &amp; Aims: Tacrolimus has been associated with recurrence of primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) after liver transplantation (LT), which in turn may reduce survival. This study aimed to assess the association between the type of calcineurin inhibitor used and long-term outcomes following LT in patients with PBC. Methods: Survival analyses were used to assess the association between immunosuppressive drugs and graft or patient survival among adult patients with PBC in the European Liver Transplant Registry. Patients who received a donation after brain death graft between 1990 and 2021 with at least 1 year of event-free follow-up were included. Results: In total, 3,175 patients with PBC were followed for a median duration of 11.4 years (IQR 5.9–17.9) after LT. Tacrolimus (Tac) was registered in 2,056 (64.8%) and cyclosporin in 819 (25.8%) patients. Following adjustment for recipient age, recipient sex, donor age, and year of LT, Tac was not associated with higher risk of graft loss (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 1.07, 95% CI 0.92-1.25, p = 0.402) or death (aHR 1.06, 95% CI 0.90-1.24, p = 0.473) over cyclosporin. In this model, maintenance mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) was associated with a lower risk of graft loss (aHR 0.72, 95% CI 0.60-0.87, p &lt;0.001) or death (aHR 0.72, 95% CI 0.59-0.87, p &lt;0.001), while these risks were higher with use of steroids (aHR 1.31, 95% CI 1.13-1.52, p &lt;0.001, and aHR 1.34, 95% CI 1.15-1.56, p &lt;0.001, respectively). Conclusions: In this large LT registry, type of calcineurin inhibitor was not associated with long-term graft or recipient survival, providing reassurance regarding the use of Tac post LT in the population with PBC. Patients using MMF had a lower risk of graft loss and death, indicating that the threshold for combination treatment with Tac and MMF should be low. Impact and implications: This study investigated the association between immunosuppressive drugs and the long-term survival of patients with primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) following donation after brain death liver transplantation. While tacrolimus has previously been related to a higher risk of PBC recurrence, the type of calcineurin inhibitor was not related to graft or patient survival among patients transplanted for PBC in the European Liver Transplant Registry. Additionally, maintenance use of mycophenolate was linked to lower risks of graft loss and death, while these risks were higher with maintenance use of steroids. Our findings should provide reassurance for physicians regarding the continued use of Tac after liver transplantation in the population with PBC, and suggest potential benefit from combination therapy with mycophenolate.</p

    Beta Cells within Single Human Islets Originate from Multiple Progenitors

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    BACKGROUND: In both humans and rodents, glucose homeostasis is controlled by micro-organs called islets of Langerhans composed of beta cells, associated with other endocrine cell types. Most of our understanding of islet cell differentiation and morphogenesis is derived from rodent developmental studies. However, little is known about human islet formation. The lack of adequate experimental models has restricted the study of human pancreatic development to the histological analysis of different stages of pancreatic development. Our objective was to develop a new experimental model to (i) transfer genes into developing human pancreatic cells and (ii) validate gene transfer by defining the clonality of developing human islets. METHODS AND FINDINGS: In this study, a unique model was developed combining ex vivo organogenesis from human fetal pancreatic tissue and cell type-specific lentivirus-mediated gene transfer. Human pancreatic progenitors were transduced with lentiviruses expressing GFP under the control of an insulin promoter and grafted to severe combined immunodeficient mice, allowing human beta cell differentiation and islet morphogenesis. By performing gene transfer at low multiplicity of infection, we created a chimeric graft with a subpopulation of human beta cells expressing GFP and found both GFP-positive and GFP-negative beta cells within single islets. CONCLUSION: The detection of both labeled and unlabeled beta cells in single islets demonstrates that beta cells present in a human islet are derived from multiple progenitors thus providing the first dynamic analysis of human islet formation during development. This human transgenic-like tool can be widely used to elucidate dynamic genetic processes in human tissue formation

    A multicentre outcome analysis to define global benchmarks for donation after circulatory death liver transplantation

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    BACKGROUND: To identify the best possible outcomes in liver transplantation from donation after circulatory death donors (DCD) and to propose outcome values, which serve as reference for individual liver recipients or patient groups. METHODS: Based on 2219 controlled DCD liver transplantations, collected from 17 centres in North America and Europe, we identified 1012 low-risk, primary, adult liver transplantations with a laboratory MELD of ≤20points, receiving a DCD liver with a total donor warm ischemia time of ≤30minutes and asystolic donor warm ischemia time of ≤15minutes. Clinically relevant outcomes were selected and complications were reported according to the Clavien-Dindo-Grading and the Comprehensive Complication Index (CCI). Corresponding benchmark cut-offs were based on median values of each centre, where the 75(th)-percentile was considered. RESULTS: Benchmark cases represented between 19.7% and 75% of DCD transplantations in participating centers. The one-year retransplant and mortality rate was 5.23% and 9.01%, respectively. Within the first year of follow-up, 51.1% of recipients developed at least one major complication (≥Clavien-Dindo-Grade-III). Benchmark cut-offs were ≤3days and ≤16days for ICU and hospital stay, ≤66% for severe recipient complications (≥Grade-III), ≤16.8% for ischemic cholangiopathy, and ≤38.9CCI points at one-year posttransplant. Comparisons with higher risk groups showed more complications and impaired graft survival, outside the benchmark cut-offs. Organ perfusion techniques reduced the complications to values below benchmark cut-offs, despite higher graft risk. CONCLUSIONS: Despite excellent 1-year survival, morbidity in benchmark cases remains high with more than half of recipients developing severe complications during 1-year follow-up. Benchmark cut-offs targeting morbidity parameters offer a valid tool to assess the protective value of new preservation technologies in higher risk groups, and provide a valid comparator cohort for future clinical trials. LAY SUMMARY: The best possible outcomes after liver transplantation of grafts donated after circulatory death (DCD) were defined using the concept of benchmarking. These were based on 2219 liver transplantations following controlled DCD donation in 17 centres worldwide. The following benchmark cut-offs for the most relevant outcome parameters were developed: ICU and hospital stay: ≤3 and ≤16 days; primary non function: ≤2.5%; renal replacement therapy: ≤9.6%; ischemic cholangiopathy: ≤16.8% and anastomotic strictures ≤28.4%. One-year graft loss and mortality were defined as ≤14.4% and 9.6%, respectively. Donor and recipient combinations with higher risk had significantly worse outcomes. The use of novel organ perfusion technology achieved similar, good results in this high-risk group with prolonged donor warm ischemia time, when compared to the benchmark cohort