170 research outputs found

    Development of a fully coupled biogeochemical reactive transport model to simulate microbial oxidation of organic carbon and pyrite under nitrate‐reducing conditions

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    ©2018. American Geophysical UnionIn regions with intensive agriculture nitrate is one of the most relevant contaminants in groundwater. Denitrification reduces elevated nitrate concentrations in many aquifers, yet the denitrification potential is limited by the concentration of available electron donors. The aim of this work was to study the denitrification potential and its limitation in natural sediments. A column experiment was conducted using sediments with elevated concentrations of organic carbon (total organic carbon 3,247 mg C/kg) and pyrite (chromium reducible sulfur 150 mg/kg). Groundwater with high nitrate concentration (100 mg/L) was injected. Measurements were taken over 160 days at five different depths including N‐ and S‐isotope analysis for selected samples. A reactive transport model was developed, which couples nitrate reduction with the oxidation of organic carbon (heterotrophic denitrification) and pyrite (autolithotrophic denitrification), and considers also transport and growth of denitrifying microbes. The denitrification pathway showed a temporal sequence from initially heterotrophic to autolithotrophic. However, maximum rates were lower for heterotrophic (11 mmol N/(L*a)) than for autolithotrophic denitrification (48 mmol N/(L*a)). The modeling showed that denitrifying microbes initially preferred highly reactive organic carbon as the electron donor for denitrification but were also able to utilize pyrite. The results show that after 160 days nitrate increased again to 50 mg/L. At this time only 0.5% of the total organic carbon and 46% of the available pyrite was oxidized. This indicates that denitrification rates strongly decrease before the electron donors are depleted either by a low reactivity (total organic carbon) or a diminishing reactive surface possibly due to the presence of coatings (pyrite)

    The HPx software for multicomponent reactive transport during variably-saturated flow: Recent developments and applications

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    Abstract HPx is a multicomponent reactive transport model which uses HYDRUS as the flow and transport solver and PHREEQC-3 as the biogeochemical solver. Some recent adaptations have significantly increased the flexibility of the software for different environmental and engineering applications. This paper gives an overview of the most significant changes of HPx, such as coupling transport properties to geochemical state variables, gas diffusion, and transport in two and three dimensions. OpenMP allows for parallel computing using shared memory. Enhancements for scripting may eventually simplify input definitions and create possibilities for defining templates for generic (sub)problems. We included a discussion of root solute uptake and colloid-affected solute transport to show that most or all of the comprehensive features of HYDRUS can be extended with geochemical information. Finally, an example is used to demonstrate how HPx, and similar reactive transport models, can be helpful in implementing different factors relevant for soil organic matter dynamics in soils. HPx offers a unique framework to couple spatial-temporal variations in water contents, temperatures, and water fluxes, with dissolved organic matter and CO2 transport, as well as bioturbation processes

    Evolution of microstructure and transport properties of cement pastes due to carbonation under a CO2 pressure gradient: a modeling approach

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    Most carbonation models only account for diffusion as the main transport mechanism rather than advection. Nevertheless, in the case of concrete used for underground waste disposal facilities, concrete may be subjected to a high hydrostatic pressure and the surrounding environment may contain a high dissolved CO2 concentration. Therefore, a combination of diffusion and advection should be taken into account. This is also the case in accelerated carbonation where a high CO2 pressure gradient is applied in which advection in the gas phase has a significant contribution to the carbonation process. This study aims at developing a model to predict the evolution of the microstructure and transport properties of cement pastes due to carbonation under accelerated conditions in which a pressure gradient of pure CO2 is applied. The proposed model is based on a macroscopic mass balance for carbon dioxide in gaseous and aqueous phases. Besides the prediction of the changes in transport properties (diffusivity, permeability), the model also enables to predict the changes in microstructure. Data from accelerated tests were used to validate the model. Preliminary verification with experimental results shows a good agreement

    Urbanisation lowers great tit Parus major breeding success at multiple spatial scales

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    While numerous studies have reported negative effects of urbanisation on birds, few have examined the role of urban scale in influencing breeding success. Furthermore, many studies have relied on qualitative rather than quantitative assessments of urbanisation. This study sought to address these issues by testing the effects of urbanisation, measured at two spatial scales, on the breeding success of great tits Parus major. A nested study design, incorporating over 400 nestboxes, was used in study sites across northern Belgium with a priori quantified degrees of urbanisation at both local and regional scales. All measured breeding parameters were found to vary at one or both spatial scales of urbanisation; in more urbanised areas great tits displayed advanced laying dates but lower breeding success compared to rural areas, with smaller clutch sizes, lower nestling masses and fewer fledglings per egg. Importantly, urbanisation effects were not limited to big cities as birds breeding in gardens or parks in small towns also had comparatively low success. We found that both regional- and local-scale urbanisation had consistent significant effects on laying date, clutch size and nestling mass, while the number of fledglings per egg was negatively influenced by local-scale urbanisation only. Results of this study therefore highlight the importance of utilising multiple spatial scales in analysing urbanisation effects, as well as the potential negative impact of local urbanisation on breeding success. This calls for further investigation into mechanisms driving urbanisation effects and how these may vary at different scales

    Decalcification of cement paste in NH4NO3 solution: microstructural alterations and its influence on the transport properties

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    Leaching of cement-based materials changes its properties such as a reduction in pH, an increase in porosity and transport properties and a detrimental effect on properties related to long-term durability. Therefore, a better understanding of leaching process is important including the relevant long-term effects for concretes used in waste disposal systems. However, the decalcification process is not easy to capture because it is extremely slow. In this study, an ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) solution of 6 mol/l was used to accelerate the leaching kinetics. The experiments were performed on cement paste samples with different water/powder and limestone filler replacement ratios. The change of sample mass over time was monitored, and the amount of calcium ion leached out during the test was determined. Different post-analysis techniques like SEM, MIP and N2-adsorption were used to characterize the microstructural changes, while the degraded front was determined by phenolphthalein spraying. The effect of accelerated leaching on transport properties was studied by measuring the change in water permeability. Results show that (i) NH4NO3 solution is an aggressive but suitable agent to be used to accelerate the Ca leaching in cementitious materials while still keeping the “nature” of leaching; (ii) the square-root-time law of degradation is applicable under accelerated conditions; (iii) the porosity of the leached samples increases significantly and the critical pore size is shifted to larger radius; and (iv) the BET specific surface area of the leached sample is also significantly increased. These changes result in a significant increase in water permeability

    Effects of W/P ratio and limestone filler on permeability of cement pastes

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    Because of environmental and economic benefits, a fraction of cement is increasingly replaced by limestone fillers raising a question on to what extent limestone fillers affect the durability of cementitious materials. This work aims at understanding the effects of water/powder (w/p) ratio and limestone filler replacement on water permeability of cement pastes. A newly proposed technique using a controlled constant flow concept was applied to measure permeability of hardened cement paste samples following a factorial experimental design. It was observed that both limestone filler and w/p ratio significantly influence the water permeability. At a given w/p ratio, adding limestone filler made the microstructure coarser, especially for high w/p ratio. Nevertheless, if the comparison is based on a given water/cement (w/c) ratio instead of w/p ratio, the limestone filler replacement refined the microstructure in terms of capillary porosity and pore size distribution, resulting in permeability decreases of cement pastes. Furthermore, a modified Carmen-Kozeny relation was established which enables prediction of the permeability from capillary porosity and the critical pore diameter

    Microstructural and permeability changes due to accelerated Ca leaching in ammonium nitrate solution

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    Although Ca leaching in cement-based materials is an extremely slow process, this process is relevant for long-term assessments of the evolution of concrete used in radioactive waste disposal systems. In the present work, an ammonium nitrate solution of 6 mol/l was used to accelerate the leaching kinetics of cement paste. The change of sample mass over time was monitored by weighing, whereas the amount of calci-um ion leached out during the test was followed by ion chromatography. A variety of post-analysis tech-niques like XRD, MIP and BET were used to characterize the microstructural changes and portlandite content, while the degraded front was determined by phenolphthalein spraying. The effect of accelerated leaching on transport properties was studied by measuring changes in water permeability. Results showed that (i) the porosity of the leached samples increased significantly, (ii) the critical pore size was shifted to larger radius and (iii) the BET specific surface area of the leached sample was also significantly increased. These changes resulted in a one to two order increase in water permeability depending on the immersed time

    Benchmark problems for reactive transport modeling of the generation and attenuation of acid rock drainage

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    Acid rock drainage (ARD) is a problem of international relevance with substantial environmental and economic implications. Reactive transport modeling has proven a powerful tool for the process-based assessment of metal release and attenuation at ARD sites. Although a variety of models has been used to investigate ARD, a systematic model intercomparison has not been conducted to date. This contribution presents such a model intercomparison involving three synthetic benchmark problems designed to evaluate model results for the most relevant processes at ARD sites. The first benchmark (ARD-B1) focuses on the oxidation of sulfide minerals in an unsaturated tailing impoundment, affected by the ingress of atmospheric oxygen. ARD-B2 extends the first problem to include pH buffering by primary mineral dissolution and secondary mineral precipitation. The third problem (ARD-B3) in addition considers the kinetic and pH-dependent dissolution of silicate minerals under low pH conditions. The set of benchmarks was solved by four reactive transport codes, namely CrunchFlow, Flotran, HP1, and MIN3P. The results comparison focused on spatial profiles of dissolved concentrations, pH and pE, pore gas composition, and mineral assemblages. In addition, results of transient profiles for selected elements and cumulative mass loadings were considered in the intercomparison. Despite substantial differences in model formulations, very good agreement was obtained between the various codes. Residual deviations between the results are analyzed and discussed in terms of their implications for capturing system evolution and long-term mass loading predictions