26 research outputs found

    Nutrient colimitation of primary producer communities

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    Abstract Synergistic interactions between multiple limiting resources are common, highlighting the importance of co-limitation as a constraint on primary production. Our concept of resource limitation has shifted over the past two decades from an earlier paradigm of single-resource limitation towards concepts of co-limitation by multiple resources, which are predicted by various theories. Herein, we summarise multiple-resource limitation responses in plant communities using a dataset of 641 studies that applied factorial addition of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in freshwater, marine and terrestrial systems. We found that more than half of the studies displayed some type of synergistic response to N and P addition. We found support for strict definitions of co-limitation in 28% of the studies: i.e. community biomass responded to only combined N and P addition, or to both N and P when added separately. Our results highlight the importance of interactions between N and P in regulating primary producer community biomass and point to the need for future studies that address the multiple mechanisms that could lead to different types of co-limitation

    Producer Nutritional Quality Controls Ecosystem Trophic Structure

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    Trophic structure, or the distribution of biomass among producers and consumers, determines key ecosystem values, such as the abundance of infectious, harvestable or conservation target species, and the storage and cycling of carbon and nutrients. There has been much debate on what controls ecosystem trophic structure, yet the answer is still elusive. Here we show that the nutritional quality of primary producers controls the trophic structure of ecosystems. By increasing the efficiency of trophic transfer, higher producer nutritional quality results in steeper ecosystem trophic structure, and those changes are more pronounced in terrestrial than in aquatic ecosystems probably due to the more stringent nutritional limitation of terrestrial herbivores. These results explain why ecosystems composed of highly nutritional primary producers feature high consumer productivity, fast energy recycling, and reduced carbon accumulation. Anthropogenic changes in producer nutritional quality, via changes in trophic structure, may alter the values and functions of ecosystems, and those alterations may be more important in terrestrial ecosystems

    The coral core microbiome identifies rare bacterial taxa as ubiquitous endosymbionts

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    © 2015 International Society for Microbial Ecology All rights reserved. Despite being one of the simplest metazoans, corals harbor some of the most highly diverse and abundant microbial communities. Differentiating core, symbiotic bacteria from this diverse hostassociated consortium is essential for characterizing the functional contributions of bacteria but has not been possible yet. Here we characterize the coral core microbiome and demonstrate clear phylogenetic and functional divisions between the micro-scale, niche habitats within the coral host. In doing so, we discover seven distinct bacterial phylotypes that are universal to the core microbiome of coral species, separated by thousands of kilometres of oceans. The two most abundant phylotypes are co-localized specifically with the corals' endosymbiotic algae and symbiont-containing host cells. These bacterial symbioses likely facilitate the success of the dinoflagellate endosymbiosis with corals in diverse environmental regimes

    Resource Utilization After Ankle Arthritis Surgery

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    Category: Ankle Arthritis Introduction/Purpose: As an alternative to ankle replacement, ankle arthrodesis remains a mainstay in the treatment of end- stage arthritis. Arthroscopic techniques for ankle arthrodesis have more recently been developed, although there has been limited research exploring the cost of arthroscopic (AAA) versus open ankle arthrodesis (OAA), and comparing ankle fusions to replacement (TAA). We hypothesize that resource use after AAA will be lower than that after OAA, and both will be lower than TAA. Methods: We performed a retrospective review of a prospectively collected database. The COFAS database was used to identify patients with >2 years of follow up who have undergone AAA, OAA or Hintegra TAA at St Paul’s Hospital between 2003-2010. Ninety patients with TAA, 52 with AAA and 56 with OAA met our inclusion criteria. The following data were documented: patient demographics (age, gender, presence of diabetes, inflammatory arthritis or any smoking history), factors related to the index surgery (type of surgery, OR time, length of stay) and factors relating to the post-operative course (number of unplanned post-operative clinic visits, OR time for re-operations, length of stay for additional hospital admissions). For all significant comparisons, p < 0.05. Results: AAA required less primary surgery OR time and shorter primary hospital stay vs. TAA and OAA. Patients required more additional follow-up visits for TAA and OAA vs. AAA. TAA required more additional days in hospital compared to OAA or AAA. For each primary TAA, on average an additional seven clinic visits, 60 minutes of revision surgery, three days in hospital were required on top of the cost assigned for the primary arthroplasty. For each primary AAA, an additional four clinic visits, 23 minutes of revision surgery and one day in hospital were required. For each primary OAA, an average additional five clinic visits, three minutes of revision OR time, and 0.2 days of additional hospital stay were required. Conclusion: Using several measures of resource use, we find that arthroscopic ankle fusions compare favourably to both ankle replacements and open ankle fusions. We also show that resource utilization measurements can be a useful surrogate for complications, and that resource utilization can demonstrate the practical implications of complications for patients, surgeons and health care providers or payers