897 research outputs found

    Radiation Heat Transfer Modeling Improved for Phase-Change, Thermal Energy Storage Systems

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    Spacecraft solar dynamic power systems typically use high-temperature phase-change materials to efficiently store thermal energy for heat engine operation in orbital eclipse periods. Lithium fluoride salts are particularly well suited for this application because of their high heat of fusion, long-term stability, and appropriate melting point. Considerable attention has been focused on the development of thermal energy storage (TES) canisters that employ either pure lithium fluoride (LiF), with a melting point of 1121 K, or eutectic composition lithium-fluoride/calcium-difluoride (LiF-20CaF2), with a 1040 K melting point, as the phase-change material. Primary goals of TES canister development include maximizing the phase-change material melt fraction, minimizing the canister mass per unit of energy storage, and maximizing the phase-change material thermal charge/discharge rates within the limits posed by the container structure

    A Study of Cavitation-Ignition Bubble Combustion

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    We present the results of an experimental and computational study of the physics and chemistry of cavitation-ignition bubble combustion (CIBC), a process that occurs when combustible gaseous mixtures are ignited by the high temperatures found inside a rapidly collapsing bubble. The CIBC process was modeled using a time-dependent compressible fluid-dynamics code that includes finite-rate chemistry. The model predicts that gas-phase reactions within the bubble produce CO and other gaseous by-products of combustion. In addition, heat and mechanical energy release through a bubble volume-expansion phase are also predicted by the model. We experimentally demonstrate the CIBC process using an ultrasonically excited cavitation flow reactor with various hydrocarbon-air mixtures in liquid water. Low concentrations (< 160 ppm) of carbon monoxide (CO) emissions from the ultrasonic reactor were measured, and found to be proportional to the acoustic excitation power. The results of the model were consistent with the measured experimental results. Based on the experimental findings, the computational model, and previous reports of the "micro-diesel effect" in industrial hydraulic systems, we conclude that CIBC is indeed possible and exists in ultrasonically- and hydrodynamically-induced cavitation. Finally, estimates of the utility of CIBC process as a means of powering an idealized heat engine are also presented

    When Human Claims Become Rights : The Case of the Right to Truth Over &apos;Desaparecidos&apos;

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    This article deals with the birth of the Right to Truth for the families of missing persons. It refers to socio-legal theories about the origins of human rights that deconstruct their moral and philosophical dimension, and place them in the social milieu in which they arise and develop. This theoretical framework helps analyzing the transitional context of Argentina after the dictatorship, where lawyers promoted the Right to Truth, as the best alternative to a missing criminal justice. Through the analysis of legal memories, the article shows how lawyers and activists, by using the seductive human rights rhetoric, were able to attribute legal qualification to a moral aspiration, as they transformed the desire of the victims to know the destiny of all desaparecidos into a new and autonomous right.Este art\uedculo se centra en el nacimiento del Derecho a la Verdad para las familias de personas desaparecidas. Se refiere a las teor\uedas sociojur\ueddicas sobre los or\uedgenes de los derechos humanos las cuales desconstruyen su dimensi\uf3n moral y filos\uf3fica y los ubican en el contexto social en el cual surgen y se desarrollan. Este marco te\uf3rico ayuda a analizar el contexto transicional de la Argentina posterior a la dictadura, en el cual los juristas promovieron el Derecho a la Verdad como alternativa \uf3ptima a una justicia penal ausente. A trav\ue9s del an\ue1lisis de la memoria legal, el art\uedculo muestra c\uf3mo los juristas y activistas, utilizando la seductora ret\uf3rica de derechos humanos, fueron capaces de atribuir calidad jur\ueddica a una aspiraci\uf3n moral, a medida que transformaron el deseo de las v\uedctimas de conocer el destino de todos los desaparecidos en un nuevo derecho aut\uf3nomo

    Engineering spin-orbit coupling for photons and polaritons in microstructures

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    One of the most fundamental properties of electromagnetism and special relativity is the coupling between the spin of an electron and its orbital motion. This is at the origin of the fine structure in atoms, the spin Hall effect in semiconductors, and underlies many intriguing properties of topological insulators, in particular their chiral edge states. Configurations where neutral particles experience an effective spin-orbit coupling have been recently proposed and realized using ultracold atoms and photons. Here we use coupled micropillars etched out of a semiconductor microcavity to engineer a spin-orbit Hamiltonian for photons and polaritons in a microstructure. The coupling between the spin and orbital momentum arises from the polarisation dependent confinement and tunnelling of photons between micropillars arranged in the form of a hexagonal photonic molecule. Dramatic consequences of the spin-orbit coupling are experimentally observed in these structures in the wavefunction of polariton condensates, whose helical shape is directly visible in the spatially resolved polarisation patterns of the emitted light. The strong optical nonlinearity of polariton systems suggests exciting perspectives for using quantum fluids of polaritons11 for quantum simulation of the interplay between interactions and spin-orbit coupling.Comment: main text: pages 1-11 (4 figures); supplementary material: pages 12-28 (9 figures

    Coordinated analysis of age, sex, and education effects on change in MMSE scores

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    Objectives. We describe and compare the expected performance trajectories of older adults on the Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE) across six independent studies from four countries in the context of a collaborative network of longitudinal studies of aging. A coordinated analysis approach is used to compare patterns of change conditional on sample composition differences related to age, sex, and education. Such coordination accelerates evaluation of particular hypotheses. In particular, we focus on the effect of educational attainment on cognitive decline.Method. Regular and Tobit mixed models were fit to MMSE scores from each study separately. The effects of age, sex, and education were examined based on more than one centering point.Results. Findings were relatively consistent across studies. On average, MMSE scores were lower for older individuals and declined over time. Education predicted MMSE score, but, with two exceptions, was not associated with decline in MMSE over time.Conclusion. A straightforward association between educational attainment and rate of cognitive decline was not supported. Thoughtful consideration is needed when synthesizing evidence across studies, as methodologies adopted and sample characteristics, such as educational attainment, invariably differ. © 2012 The Author

    On the Interface Formation Model for Dynamic Triple Lines

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    This paper revisits the theory of Y. Shikhmurzaev on forming interfaces as a continuum thermodynamical model for dynamic triple lines. We start with the derivation of the balances for mass, momentum, energy and entropy in a three-phase fluid system with full interfacial physics, including a brief review of the relevant transport theorems on interfaces and triple lines. Employing the entropy principle in the form given in [Bothe & Dreyer, Acta Mechanica, doi:10.1007/s00707-014-1275-1] but extended to this more general case, we arrive at the entropy production and perform a linear closure, except for a nonlinear closure for the sorption processes. Specialized to the isothermal case, we obtain a thermodynamically consistent mathematical model for dynamic triple lines and show that the total available energy is a strict Lyapunov function for this system
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