6,441 research outputs found

    Black holes die hard: can one spin-up a black hole past extremality?

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    A possible process to destroy a black hole consists on throwing point particles with sufficiently large angular momentum into the black hole. In the case of Kerr black holes, it was shown by Wald that particles with dangerously large angular momentum are simply not captured by the hole, and thus the event horizon is not destroyed. Here we reconsider this gedanken experiment for a variety of black hole geometries, from black holes in higher dimensions to black rings. We show that this particular way of destroying a black hole does not succeed and that Cosmic Censorship is preserved.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. RevTex4

    General covariance, and supersymmetry without supersymmetry

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    An unusual four-dimensional generally covariant and supersymmetric SU(2) gauge theory is described. The theory has propagating degrees of freedom, and is invariant under a local (left-handed) chiral supersymmetry, which is half the supersymmetry of supergravity. The Hamiltonian 3+1 decomposition of the theory reveals the remarkable feature that the local supersymmetry is a consequence of Yang-Mills symmetry, in a manner reminiscent of how general coordinate invariance in Chern-Simons theory is a consequence of Yang-Mills symmetry. It is possible to write down an infinite number of conserved currents, which strongly suggests that the theory is classically integrable. A possible scheme for non-perturbative quantization is outlined. This utilizes ideas that have been developed and applied recently to the problem of quantizing gravity.Comment: 17 pages, RevTeX, two minor errors correcte

    Lorentz violating kinematics: Threshold theorems

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    Recent tentative experimental indications, and the subsequent theoretical speculations, regarding possible violations of Lorentz invariance have attracted a vast amount of attention. An important technical issue that considerably complicates detailed calculations in any such scenario, is that once one violates Lorentz invariance the analysis of thresholds in both scattering and decay processes becomes extremely subtle, with many new and naively unexpected effects. In the current article we develop several extremely general threshold theorems that depend only on the existence of some energy momentum relation E(p), eschewing even assumptions of isotropy or monotonicity. We shall argue that there are physically interesting situations where such a level of generality is called for, and that existing (partial) results in the literature make unnecessary technical assumptions. Even in this most general of settings, we show that at threshold all final state particles move with the same 3-velocity, while initial state particles must have 3-velocities parallel/anti-parallel to the final state particles. In contrast the various 3-momenta can behave in a complicated and counter-intuitive manner.Comment: V1: 32 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. V2: 5 references adde

    Hawking radiation without black hole entropy

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    In this Letter I point out that Hawking radiation is a purely kinematic effect that is generic to Lorentzian geometries. Hawking radiation arises for any test field on any Lorentzian geometry containing an event horizon regardless of whether or not the Lorentzian geometry satisfies the dynamical Einstein equations of general relativity. On the other hand, the classical laws of black hole mechanics are intrinsically linked to the Einstein equations of general relativity (or their perturbative extension into either semiclassical quantum gravity or string-inspired scenarios). In particular, the laws of black hole thermodynamics, and the identification of the entropy of a black hole with its area, are inextricably linked with the dynamical equations satisfied by the Lorentzian geometry: entropy is proportional to area (plus corrections) if and only if the dynamical equations are the Einstein equations (plus corrections). It is quite possible to have Hawking radiation occur in physical situations in which the laws of black hole mechanics do not apply, and in situations in which the notion of black hole entropy does not even make any sense. This observation has important implications for any derivation of black hole entropy that seeks to deduce black hole entropy from the Hawking radiation.Comment: Uses ReV_TeX 3.0; Five pages in two-column forma

    Neutron star sensitivities in Ho\u159ava gravity after GW170817

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    Horava gravity breaks boost invariance in the gravitational sector by introducing a preferred time foliation. The dynamics of this preferred slicing is governed, in the low-energy limit suitable for most astrophysical applications, by three dimensionless parameters alphaalpha, etaeta and lambdalambda. The first two of these parameters are tightly bound by solar system and gravitational wave propagation experiments, but lambdalambda remains relatively unconstrained (0leqlambdalesssim0.01−0.10leqlambdalesssim 0.01-0.1). We restrict here to the parameter space region defined by alpha=eta=0alpha=eta=0 (with lambdalambda kept generic), which in a previous paper we showed to be the only one where black hole solutions are non-pathological at the universal horizon, and we focus on possible violations of the strong equivalence principle in systems involving neutron stars. We compute neutron star 'sensitivities', which parametrize violations of the strong equivalence principle at the leading post-Newtonian order, and find that they vanish identically, like in the black hole case, for alpha=eta=0alpha=eta=0 and generic lambdaeq0lambda eq0. This implies that no violations of the strong equivalence principle (neither in the conservative sector nor in gravitational wave fluxes) can occur at the leading post-Newtonian order in binaries of compact objects, and that data from binary pulsars and gravitational interferometers are unlikely to further constrain lambdalambda

    Trans-Planckian Tail in a Theory with a Cutoff

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    Trans-planckian frequencies can be mimicked outside a black-hole horizon as a tail of an exponentially large amplitude wave that is mostly hidden behind the horizon. The present proposal requires implementing a final state condition. This condition involves only frequencies below the cutoff scale. It may be interpreted as a condition on the singularity. Despite the introduction of the cutoff, the Hawking radiation is restored for static observers. Freely falling observers see empty space outside the horizon, but are "heated" as they cross the horizon.Comment: 17 pages, RevTe

    Astrophysical Bounds on Planck Suppressed Lorentz Violation

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    This article reviews many of the observational constraints on Lorentz symmetry violation (LV). We first describe the GZK cutoff and other phenomena that are sensitive to LV. After a brief historical sketch of research on LV, we discuss the effective field theory description of LV and related questions of principle, technical results, and observational constraints. We focus on constraints from high energy astrophysics on mass dimension five operators that contribute to LV electron and photon dispersion relations at order E/M_Planck. We also briefly discuss constraints on renormalizable operators, and review the current and future contraints on LV at order (E/M_Planck)^2.Comment: 30 pages, submitted to Lecture Notes in Physics, Quantum Gravity Phenomenology, eds. G.Amelino-Camelia, J. Kowalski-Glikman (Springer-Verlag

    Stochastically Fluctuating Black-Hole Geometry, Hawking Radiation and the Trans-Planckian Problem

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    We study the propagation of null rays and massless fields in a black hole fluctuating geometry. The metric fluctuations are induced by a small oscillating incoming flux of energy. The flux also induces black hole mass oscillations around its average value. We assume that the metric fluctuations are described by a statistical ensemble. The stochastic variables are the phases and the amplitudes of Fourier modes of the fluctuations. By averaging over these variables, we obtain an effective propagation for massless fields which is characterized by a critical length defined by the amplitude of the metric fluctuations: Smooth wave packets with respect to this length are not significantly affected when they are propagated forward in time. Concomitantly, we find that the asymptotic properties of Hawking radiation are not severely modified. However, backward propagated wave packets are dissipated by the metric fluctuations once their blue shifted frequency reaches the inverse critical length. All these properties bear many resemblences with those obtained in models for black hole radiation based on a modified dispersion relation. This strongly suggests that the physical origin of these models, which were introduced to confront the trans-Planckian problem, comes from the fluctuations of the black hole geometry.Comment: 32 page

    Reality Conditions and Ashtekar Variables: a Different Perspective

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    We give in this paper a modified self-dual action that leads to the SO(3)SO(3)-ADM formalism without having to face the difficult second class constraints present in other approaches (for example if one starts from the Hilbert-Palatini action). We use the new action principle to gain some new insights into the problem of the reality conditions that must be imposed in order to get real formulations from complex general relativity. We derive also a real formulation for Lorentzian general relativity in the Ashtekar phase space by using the modified action presented in the paper.Comment: 22 pages, LATEX, Preprint CGPG-94/10-

    Inflation and de Sitter Thermodynamics

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    We consider the quasi-de Sitter geometry of the inflationary universe. We calculate the energy flux of the slowly rolling background scalar field through the quasi-de Sitter apparent horizon and set it equal to the change of the entropy (1/4 of the area) multiplied by the temperature, dE=TdS. Remarkably, this thermodynamic law reproduces the Friedmann equation for the rolling scalar field. The flux of the slowly rolling field through the horizon of the quasi-de Sitter geometry is similar to the accretion of a rolling scalar field onto a black hole, which we also analyze. Next we add inflaton fluctuations which generate scalar metric perturbations. Metric perturbations result in a variation of the area entropy. Again, the equation dE=TdS with fluctuations reproduces the linearized Einstein equations. In this picture as long as the Einstein equations hold, holography does not put limits on the quantum field theory during inflation. Due to the accumulating metric perturbations, the horizon area during inflation randomly wiggles with dispersion increasing with time. We discuss this in connection with the stochastic decsription of inflation. We also address the issue of the instability of inflaton fluctuations in the ``hot tin can'' picture of de Sitter horizon.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure
