278 research outputs found

    High-temperature durability considerations for HSCT combustor

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    The novel combustor designs for the High Speed Civil Transport will require high temperature materials with long term environmental stability. Higher liner temperatures than in conventional combustors and the need for reduced weight necessitates the use of advanced ceramic matrix composites. The combustor environment is defined at the current state of design, the major degradation routes are discussed for each candidate ceramic material, and where possible, the maximum use temperatures are defined for these candidate ceramics

    Thermodynamic Measurements Using the Knudsen Cell Technique

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    The Knudsen cell technique has been used for over a century and is a valuable tool for measurement of vapor pressures and thermodynamic properties. It is based on a small enclosure (~1 cm long x 1 cm diameter) in which a condensed phase/vapor equilibria can be established. A small (<1 mm) orifice on the cell allows sampling of the vapor via a variety of techniques including weight loss, torsion effusion, target collection, and mass spectrometry. Many excellent measurements based on these methods have been reported. However in order to obtain reliable measurements, a variety of factors must be considered. They include proper cell material selection, accurate and uniform temperature control and measurement, and proper sampling of the vapor. Each of these factors are discussed in detail in this chapter. Typically these studies are conducted at high temperatures and it is a challenge to select an inert container material. Recommended materials are discussed and in some cases the container may be used as part of the system under study. Temperature control and measurement is perhaps the most important issue. In most systems, the furnace must be compact yet there can be no temperature gradient in the cell. Temperatures are measured with either a thermocouple or pyrometer and the relative advantages of each are discussed. Sampling method considerations depend on the particular technique. It is essential that all of the vapor or a representative portion of the vapor be sampled. The distribution of the effusate from a Knudsen cell is discussed and sampling positions discussed. Mass spectrometry is often used to study the effusing vapor and the relations between ion current and vapor pressure are discussed

    Thermal Mechanical Stability of Single-Crystal-Oxide Refractive Concentrators Evaluated for High-Temperature Solar-Thermal Propulsion

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    Recently, refractive secondary solar concentrator systems were developed for solar thermal power and propulsion (ref. 1). Single-crystal oxides-such as yttria-stabilized zirconia (Y2O3-ZrO2), yttrium aluminum garnet (Y3Al5O12, or YAG), magnesium oxide (MgO), and sapphire (Al2O3)-are candidate refractive secondary concentrator materials. However, the refractive concentrator system will experience high-temperature thermal cycling in the solar thermal engine during the sun/shade transition of a space mission. The thermal mechanical reliability of these components in severe thermal environments is of great concern. Simulated mission tests are important for evaluating these candidate oxide materials under a variety of transient and steady-state heat flux conditions. In this research at the NASA Lewis Research Center, a controlled heat flux test approach was developed for investigating the thermal mechanical stability of the candidate oxide. This approach used a 3.0-kW continuous-wave (wavelength, 10.6 mm) carbon dioxide (CO2) laser (ref. 2). The CO2 laser is especially well-suited for single-crystal thermal shock tests because it can directly deliver well-characterized heat energy to the oxide surfaces. Since the oxides are opaque at the 10.6-mm wavelength of the laser beam, the light energy is absorbed at the surfaces rather than transmitting into the crystals, and thus generates the required temperature gradients within the specimens. The following figure is a schematic diagram of the test rig

    Mass Spectrometric Studies of Oxides

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    Current studies at NASA Glenn on oxide thermodynamics are discussed. Previous studies on the vaporization of B2O3 in reducing atmospheres led to inconsistent studies when B was used as a reductant. It is shown that liquid B2O3 does not wet B and a clear phase separation was noted in the Knudsen cell. This problem was solved by using FeB and Fe2B to supply a different and constant activity of B. The thermodynamic data thus derived are compared to quantum chemical composite calculations. A major problem in high temperature mass spectrometry is the determination of accurate ionization cross sections, particularly for molecules. The method of Deutsch and Mark shows promise and some sample calculations are discussed. Finally current studies on the thermodynamics of rare earth silicates are discussed. Here the problems are obtaining a measurable signal from SiO2 vaporization and non-equilibrium vaporization. The use of a Ta reducing agent provides a stronger signal, which is related to silica activity. The Whitman-Motzfeld relation adapted to KEMS measurements is applied to obtain equilibrium pressures

    Oxidation of Boron Nitride in Composites

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    Boron nitride (BN) is a prime candidate for fiber coatings in silicon carbide (SiC) fiber-reinforced SiC matrix composites. The properties of BN allow the fiber to impart beneficial composite properties to the matrix, even at elevated temperatures. The problem with BN is that it is readily attacked by oxygen. Although BN is an internal component of the composite, a matrix crack or pore can create a path for hot oxygen to attack the BN. This type of attack is not well understood. A variety of phenomena have been observed. These include borosilicate glass formation, volatilization of the BN, and under some conditions, preservation of the BN. In this study at the NASA Lewis Research Center, a series of BN materials and BN-containing model composites were methodically examined to understand the various issues dealing with the oxidation of BN in composites. Initial studies were done with a series of monolithic BN materials prepared by hot pressing and chemical vapor deposition (CVD). From these studies, we found that BN showed a strong orientation effect in oxidation and was extremely sensitive to the presence of water vapor in the environment. In addition, CVD material deposited at a high temperature showed much better oxidation behavior than CVD material deposited at a lower temperature

    Formation of Leading-Edge Pinholes in the Space Shuttle Wings Investigated

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    The space shuttle wing leading edge and nose cap are composed of a carbon/carbon composite that is protected by silicon carbide. The coefficient of thermal expansion mismatch leads to cracks in the silicon carbide. The outer coating of the silicon carbide is a sodium-silicate-based glass that becomes fluid at the shuttles high reentry temperatures and fills these cracks. Small pinholes roughly 0.1 mm in diameter have been observed on these materials after 12 or more flights. These pinholes have been investigated by researchers at the NASA Johnson Space Center, Rockwell International, the Boeing Company, Lockheed Martin Corporation, and the NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field to determine the possible sources and the extent of damage. A typical pinhole is illustrated in the photomicrographs. These pinholes are found primarily on the wing leading edges and not on the nose cap, which is covered when the orbiter is on the launch pad. The pinholes are generally associated with a bead of zincrich glass. Examination of the orbiter and launch structure indicates that weathering paint on the launch structure leads to deposits of zinc-containing paint flakes on the wing leading edge. These may become embedded in the crevices of the wing leading edge and form the observed zinc-rich glass. Laboratory experiments indicate that zinc oxide reacts vigorously with the glass coating on the silicon carbide. Thus, it is likely that this is the reaction that leads to pinhole formation (Christensen, S.V.: Reinforced Carbon/Carbon Pin Hole Formation Through Zinc Oxide Attack. Rockwell International Internal Letter, RDW 96 057, May 1996). Cross-sectional examination of pinholes suggests that they are enlarged thermal expansion mismatch cracks. This is illustrated in the photomicrographs. A careful microstructural analysis indicates that the pinhole walls consist of layers of zinc-containing glass. Thus, pinholes are likely formed by zinc oxide particles lodging in crevices and forming a corrosive zinc-rich glass that enlarges existing cracks. Having established the likely source of the pinholes, we next needed to model the damage. Our concern was that if a pinhole went through the silicon carbide to the carbon/carbon substrate, oxygen would have a clear path to oxidize the carbon at high temperatures. This possibility was examined with studies in a laboratory furnace. An ultrasonic drill was used to make artificial pinholes in a sample of protected carbon/carbon. After exposure, the specimens were weighed and cross-sectioned to quantify the extent of oxidation below the pinhole. The results at higher temperatures showed good agreement with a simple diffusion-control model. This model is based on the two-step oxidation of carbon to carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The fluxes are illustrated in the final figure. The model indicates a strong dependence on pinhole diameter. For smaller diameters and short times, the oxidation of carbon is very limited

    Thermodynamic properties of some metal oxide-zirconia systems

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    Metal oxide-zirconia systems are a potential class of materials for use as structural materials at temperatures above 1900 K. These materials must have no destructive phase changes and low vapor pressures. Both alkaline earth oxide (MgO, CaO, SrO, and BaO)-zirconia and some rare earth oxide (Y2O3, Sc2O3, La2O3, CeO2, Sm2O3, Gd2O3, Yb2O3, Dy2O3, Ho2O3, and Er2O3)-zirconia system are examined. For each system, the phase diagram is discussed and the vapor pressure for each vapor species is calculated via a free energy minimization procedure. The available thermodynamic literature on each system is also surveyed. Some of the systems look promising for high temperature structural materials

    Space Shuttle Pinhole Formation Mechanism Studies

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    Pinholes have been observed to form on the wing leading edge of the space shuttle after about 10-15 flights. In this report we expand upon previous observations by Christensen (1) that these pinholes often form along cracks and are associated with a locally zinc-rich area. The zinc appears to come from weathering and peeling paint on the launch structure. Three types of experimental examinations are performed to understand this issue further: (A) Detailed microstructural examination of actual shuttle pinholes (B) Mass spectrometric studies of coupons containing, actual shuttle pinholes and (C) Laboratory furnace studies of ZnO/SiC reactions and ZnO/SiC protected carbon/carbon reaction. On basis of these observations we present a detailed mechanism of pinhole formation due to formation of a corrosive ZnO-Na-2-O-SiO2 ternary glass, which flows into existing cracks and enlarges them

    Hot corrosion of ceramic engine materials

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    A number of commercially available SiC and Si3N4 materials were exposed to 1000 C in a high velocity, pressurized burner rig as a simulation of a turbine engine environment. Sodium impurities added to the burner flame resulted in molten Na2SO4 deposition, attack of the SiC and Si4N4 and formation of substantial Na2O-x(SiO2) corrosion product. Room temperature strength of the materials decreased. This was a result of the formation of corrosion pits in SiC, and grain boundary dissolution and pitting in Si3N4. Corrosion regimes for such Si-based ceramics have been predicted using thermodynamics and verified in rig tests of SiO2 coupons. Protective mullite coatings are being investigated as a solution to the corrosion problem for SiC and Si3N4. Limited corrosion occurred to cordierite (Mg2Al4Si5O18) but some cracking of the substrate occurred

    Molten salt corrosion of SiC and Si3N4

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    Industrial systems such as heat engines and heat exchangers involve harsh environments. The structural materials are subjected to high temperatures as well as corrosive gases and condensed phases. Past experience with metal alloys has shown that these condensed phases can be particularly corrosive and are often the limiting factor in the operation of these systems. In a heat engine the most common condensed corrodent is Na2SO4 whereas in a heat exchanger an oxide slag may be present. The primary emphasis is on Na2SO4 induced corrosion, however, similarities and differences to oxide slag are also discussed. The extensive research on corrosion of metal alloys has led to understanding and controlling corrosion for these materials. Currently silicon based ceramics are prime candidates for the applications discussed. Therefore it is important to understand the effects of condensed phase deposits on this emerging class of high temperature materials. Both the thermodynamic and strength of the ceramic is also examined. Finally some control strategies for corrosion of silicon based ceramics are explored