19 research outputs found

    SolRgene: an online database to explore disease resistance genes in tuber-bearing Solanum species

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    Background The cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is an important food crop, but highly susceptible to many pathogens. The major threat to potato production is the Irish famine pathogen Phytophthora infestans, which causes the devastating late blight disease. Potato breeding makes use of germplasm from wild relatives (wild germplasm) to introduce resistances into cultivated potato. The Solanum section Petota comprises tuber-bearing species that are potential donors of new disease resistance genes. The aim of this study was to explore Solanum section Petota for resistance genes and generate a widely accessible resource that is useful for studying and implementing disease resistance in potato. Description The SolRgene database contains data on resistance to P. infestans and presence of R genes and R gene homologues in Solanum section Petota. We have explored Solanum section Petota for resistance to late blight in high throughput disease tests under various laboratory conditions and in field trials. From resistant wild germplasm, segregating populations were generated and assessed for the presence of resistance genes. All these data have been entered into the SolRgene database. To facilitate genetic and resistance gene evolution studies, phylogenetic data of the entire SolRgene collection are included, as well as a tool for generating phylogenetic trees of selected groups of germplasm. Data from resistance gene allele-mining studies are incorporated, which enables detection of R gene homologs in related germplasm. Using these resources, various resistance genes have been detected and some of these have been cloned, whereas others are in the cloning pipeline. All this information is stored in the online SolRgene database, which allows users to query resistance data, sequences, passport data of the accessions, and phylogenic classifications. Conclusion Solanum section Petota forms the basis of the SolRgene database, which contains a collection of resistance data of an unprecedented size and precision. Complemented with R gene sequence data and phylogenetic tools, SolRgene can be considered the primary resource for information on R genes from potato and wild tuber-bearing relatives

    Веб-ресурс для перегляду 3D моделей з використанням технології WebGL

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    У першому розділі досліджується актуальність проблеми, проводиться аналіз існуючих аналогів. Другий розділ присвячений формування мети дипломної роботи та задач проекту, вибору засобів реалізації та плануванню робіт. У третьому розділі виконується проектування веб-ресурсу, де наведені діаграми у нотації IDF0 та Use Case.Останній розділ присвячений детальному опису практичної реалізації проекту: виконання прототипування веб-сторінки, розмітка та форматування веб-ресурсу, налаштування та перевірка працездатності веб-браузера з WebGL, опис реакції на дії користувача, розробка функцій маніпуляцій над моделлю. Результатом проведеної роботи є розроблений веб-ресурс, який дозволяє користувачу обирати одну із чотирьох моделей для візуалізації на веб-сторінці та виконувати базові маніпуляції з нею

    Crack growth in asphaltic mixes

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    Civil Engineering and Geoscience

    The crack growth mechanism in asphaltic mixes

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    The crack growth mechanism in asphalt concrete (Ac) mixes is studied. In cyclic tests on several asphaltic mixes crack growth is measured, both with crack foils and with cOD-gauges. It is found that crack growth in asphaltic mixes is described by three processes which are parallel in time: cohesive crack growth in the mortar, adhesive crack growth between the mortar and the aggregates and a crack stoppers process. Differences in overall crack growth in asphalt concrete are due to differences in the contributions of each individual process to the overall process.Road and RailroadCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Human plasma complement C3 is independently associated with coronary heart disease, but only in heavy smokers (the CODAM study)

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    Background: Complement C3 is an emerging risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) and is particularly increased in the metabolic syndrome. A direct effect of smoking on structure and function of complement C3 has been suggested. Hypothesis: Smoking behavior may affect the cardiovascular risk that is associated with plasma complement C3. Methods: The association between plasma C3 and CHD was studied in the CODAM (Cohort on Diabetes and Atherosclerosis Maastricht) study population (n=562, 61% male) with examination of effect modification by smoking. Results: The overall prevalence of CHD was 23.3%. Higher plasma C3 levels were associated with a higher CHD prevalence, and there was a significant interaction with heavy smoking (p=0.01). In never & light smokers, the univariate OR for CHD per 1 s.d. (0.33 g/L) increase in C3 was 1.09 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.85-1.41] (p=0.505) whereas in heavy smokers it was 2.05 [1.43-2.93] (p<0.001). The association in the group of heavy smokers remained significant (OR 2.38 [1.54-3.68], p<0.001) after adjustment for traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease and also after further adjustment for other cardiometabolic risk factors, i. e. the metabolic syndrome, CRP and insulin resistance (HOMA2IR) (OR C3 between 2.16 and 2.29, all p <= 0.001). Conclusion: Human plasma complement C3 is associated with prevalent CHD, but only in heavy smokers, and this association is independent of important metabolic cardiovascular risk factors. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Human plasma complement C3 is independently associated with coronary heart disease, but only in heavy smokers (the CODAM study)

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    Background - Complement C3 is an emerging risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) and is particularly increased in the metabolic syndrome. A direct effect of smoking on structure and function of complement C3 has been suggested. Hypothesis - Smoking behavior may affect the cardiovascular risk that is associated with plasma complement C3. Methods - The association between plasma C3 and CHD was studied in the CODAM (Cohort on Diabetes and Atherosclerosis Maastricht) study population (n = 562, 61% male) with examination of effect modification by smoking. Results - The overall prevalence of CHD was 23.3%. Higher plasma C3 levels were associated with a higher CHD prevalence, and there was a significant interaction with heavy smoking (p = 0.01). In never & light smokers, the univariate OR for CHD per 1 s.d. (0.33 g/L) increase in C3 was 1.09 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.85–1.41] (p = 0.505) whereas in heavy smokers it was 2.05 [1.43–2.93] (p <0.001). The association in the group of heavy smokers remained significant (OR 2.38 [1.54–3.68], p <0.001) after adjustment for traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease and also after further adjustment for other cardiometabolic risk factors, i.e. the metabolic syndrome, CRP and insulin resistance (HOMA2IR) (OR C3 between 2.16 and 2.29, all p = 0.001). Conclusion - Human plasma complement C3 is associated with prevalent CHD, but only in heavy smokers, and this association is independent of important metabolic cardiovascular risk factors