15 research outputs found

    Thermal history and gape of individual Mytilus californianus correlate with oxidative damage and thermoprotective osmolytes

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    The ability of animals to cope with environmental stress depends – in part – on past experience, yet knowledge of the factors influencing an individual\u27s physiology in nature remains underdeveloped. We used an individual monitoring system to record body temperature and valve gaping behavior of rocky intertidal zone mussels (Mytilus californianus). Thirty individuals were selected from two mussel beds (wave-exposed and wave-protected) that differ in thermal regime. Instrumented mussels were deployed at two intertidal heights (near the lower and upper edges of the mussel zone) and in a continuously submerged tidepool. Following a 23-day monitoring period, measures of oxidative damage to DNA and lipids, antioxidant capacities (catalase activity and peroxyl radical scavenging) and tissue contents of organic osmolytes were obtained from gill tissue of each individual. Univariate and multivariate analyses indicated that inter-individual variation in cumulative thermal stress is a predominant driver of physiological variation. Thermal history over the outplant period was positively correlated with oxidative DNA damage. Thermal history was also positively correlated with tissue contents of taurine, a thermoprotectant osmolyte, and with activity of the antioxidant enzyme catalase. Origin site differences, possibly indicative of developmental plasticity, were only significant for catalase activity. Gaping behavior was positively correlated with tissue contents of two osmolytes. Overall, these results are some of the first to clearly demonstrate relationships between inter-individual variation in recent experience in the field and inter-individual physiological variation, in this case within mussel beds. Such micro-scale, environmentally mediated physiological differences should be considered in attempts to forecast biological responses to a changing environment

    Haplotype Network Branch Diversity, a New Metric Combining Genetic and Topological Diversity to Compare the Complexity of Haplotype Networks

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    A common way of illustrating phylogeographic results is through the use of haplotype networks. While these networks help to visualize relationships between individuals, populations, and species, evolutionary studies often only quantitatively analyze genetic diversity among haplotypes and ignore other network properties. Here, we present a new metric, haplotype network branch diversity (HBd), as an easy way to quantifiably compare haplotype network complexity. Our metric builds off the logic of combining genetic and topological diversity to estimate complexity previously used by the published metric haplotype network diversity (HNd). However, unlike HNd which uses a combination of network features to produce complexity values that cannot be defined in probabilistic terms, thereby obscuring the values’ implication for a sampled population, HBd uses frequencies of haplotype classes to incorporate topological information of networks, keeping the focus on the population and providing easy-to-interpret probabilistic values for randomly sampled individuals. The goal of this study is to introduce this more intuitive metric and provide an R script that allows researchers to calculate diversity and complexity indices from haplotype networks. A group of datasets, generated manually (model dataset) and based on published data (empirical dataset), were used to illustrate the behavior of HBd and both of its terms, haplotype diversity, and a new index called branch diversity. Results followed a predicted trend in both model and empirical datasets, from low metric values in simple networks to high values in complex networks. In short, the new combined metric joins genetic and topological diversity of haplotype networks, into a single complexity value. Based on our analysis, we recommend the use of HBd, as it makes direct comparisons of network complexity straightforward and provides probabilistic values that can readily discriminate situations that are difficult to resolve with available metrics

    Insights into the Biodiversity, Behavior, and Bioluminescence of Deep-Sea Organisms Using Molecular and Maritime Technology

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    Since its founding, the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) has pioneered unique capabilities for accessing the deep ocean and its inhabitants through focused peer relationships between scientists and engineers. This focus has enabled breakthroughs in our understanding of life in the sea, leading to fundamental advances in describing the biology and the ecology of open-ocean and deep-sea animals. David Packard’s founding principle was the application of technological advances to studying the deep ocean, in part because he recognized the critical importance of this habitat in a global context. Among other fields, MBARI’s science has benefited from applying novel methodologies in molecular biology and genetics, imaging systems, and in situ observations. These technologies have allowed MBARI’s bioluminescence and biodiversity laboratory and worldwide collaborators to address centuries-old questions related to the biodiversity, behavior, and bio-optical properties of organisms living in the water column, from the surface into the deep sea. Many of the most interesting of these phenomena are in the midwater domain—the vast region of ocean between the sunlit surface waters and the deep seafloor

    Feeling the Squeeze: Adaptation to High Hydrostatic Pressure in Ctenophore Proteomes

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    Amino acid usage in the predicted proteomes of 34 ctenophore species was tracked across habitat depth using a novel substitution-based analysis. This promises insight into convergent adaptation of proteins to function at high hydrostatic pressures

    Image5_Speciation of pelagic zooplankton: Invisible boundaries can drive isolation of oceanic ctenophores.pdf

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    The study of evolution and speciation in non-model systems provides us with an opportunity to expand our understanding of biodiversity in nature. Connectivity studies generally focus on species with obvious boundaries to gene flow, but in open-ocean environments, such boundaries are difficult to identify. Due to the lack of obvious boundaries, speciation and population subdivision in the pelagic environment remain largely unexplained. Comb jellies (Phylum Ctenophora) are mostly planktonic gelatinous invertebrates, many of which are considered to have freely interbreeding distributions worldwide. It is thought that the lobate ctenophore Bolinopsis infundibulum is distributed throughout cooler northern latitudes and B. vitrea warmer. Here, we examined the global population structure for species of Bolinopsis with genetic and morphological data. We found distinct evolutionary patterns within the genus, where B. infundibulum had a broad distribution from northern Pacific to Atlantic waters despite many physical barriers, while other species were geographically segregated despite few barriers. Divergent patterns of speciation within the genus suggest that oceanic currents, sea-level, and geological changes over time can act as either barriers or aids to dispersal in the pelagic environment. Further, we used population genomic data to examine evolution in the open ocean of a distinct lineage of Bolinopsis ctenophores from the North Eastern Pacific. Genetic information and morphological observations validated this as a separate species, Bolinopsis microptera, which was previously described but has recently been called B. infundibulum. We found that populations of B. microptera from California were in cytonuclear discordance, which indicates a secondary contact zone for previously isolated populations. Discordance at this scale is rare, especially in a continuous setting.</p

    Table1_Speciation of pelagic zooplankton: Invisible boundaries can drive isolation of oceanic ctenophores.docx

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    The study of evolution and speciation in non-model systems provides us with an opportunity to expand our understanding of biodiversity in nature. Connectivity studies generally focus on species with obvious boundaries to gene flow, but in open-ocean environments, such boundaries are difficult to identify. Due to the lack of obvious boundaries, speciation and population subdivision in the pelagic environment remain largely unexplained. Comb jellies (Phylum Ctenophora) are mostly planktonic gelatinous invertebrates, many of which are considered to have freely interbreeding distributions worldwide. It is thought that the lobate ctenophore Bolinopsis infundibulum is distributed throughout cooler northern latitudes and B. vitrea warmer. Here, we examined the global population structure for species of Bolinopsis with genetic and morphological data. We found distinct evolutionary patterns within the genus, where B. infundibulum had a broad distribution from northern Pacific to Atlantic waters despite many physical barriers, while other species were geographically segregated despite few barriers. Divergent patterns of speciation within the genus suggest that oceanic currents, sea-level, and geological changes over time can act as either barriers or aids to dispersal in the pelagic environment. Further, we used population genomic data to examine evolution in the open ocean of a distinct lineage of Bolinopsis ctenophores from the North Eastern Pacific. Genetic information and morphological observations validated this as a separate species, Bolinopsis microptera, which was previously described but has recently been called B. infundibulum. We found that populations of B. microptera from California were in cytonuclear discordance, which indicates a secondary contact zone for previously isolated populations. Discordance at this scale is rare, especially in a continuous setting.</p

    Image4_Speciation of pelagic zooplankton: Invisible boundaries can drive isolation of oceanic ctenophores.pdf

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    The study of evolution and speciation in non-model systems provides us with an opportunity to expand our understanding of biodiversity in nature. Connectivity studies generally focus on species with obvious boundaries to gene flow, but in open-ocean environments, such boundaries are difficult to identify. Due to the lack of obvious boundaries, speciation and population subdivision in the pelagic environment remain largely unexplained. Comb jellies (Phylum Ctenophora) are mostly planktonic gelatinous invertebrates, many of which are considered to have freely interbreeding distributions worldwide. It is thought that the lobate ctenophore Bolinopsis infundibulum is distributed throughout cooler northern latitudes and B. vitrea warmer. Here, we examined the global population structure for species of Bolinopsis with genetic and morphological data. We found distinct evolutionary patterns within the genus, where B. infundibulum had a broad distribution from northern Pacific to Atlantic waters despite many physical barriers, while other species were geographically segregated despite few barriers. Divergent patterns of speciation within the genus suggest that oceanic currents, sea-level, and geological changes over time can act as either barriers or aids to dispersal in the pelagic environment. Further, we used population genomic data to examine evolution in the open ocean of a distinct lineage of Bolinopsis ctenophores from the North Eastern Pacific. Genetic information and morphological observations validated this as a separate species, Bolinopsis microptera, which was previously described but has recently been called B. infundibulum. We found that populations of B. microptera from California were in cytonuclear discordance, which indicates a secondary contact zone for previously isolated populations. Discordance at this scale is rare, especially in a continuous setting.</p