3,060 research outputs found

    Function2Gene: A gene selection tool to increase the power of genetic association studies by utilizing public databases and expert knowledge

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many common disorders have multiple genetic components which convey increased susceptibility. SNPs have been used to identify genetic components which are associated with a disease. Unfortunately, many studies using these methods suffer from low reproducibility due to lack of power.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present a set of programs which implement a novel method for searching for disease-associated genes using prior information to select and order genes from publicly available databases by their prior likelihood of association with the disease. These programs were used in a published study of childhood-onset SLE which yielded novel associations with modest sample size.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Using prior information to decrease the size of the problem space to an amount commensurate with available samples and resources while maintaining appropriate power enables researchers to increase their likelihood of discovering reproducible associations.</p


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    This research paper focuses on the Boeing F/A-18E and the F/A-18F Super Hornet aviation depot level repairable (AVDLR) parts process and the potential effects of additive manufacturing (AM) on that process. The motivation for study was spurred by recent reports indicating that the F/A-18E/F is experiencing decreased operational readiness due to increases in maintenance-related impacts related to parts availability, long lead times, and increased parts failure frequency. This study aimed to determine the requirements for interjecting AM into the Intermediate level repair process in order to make a significant impact on  F/A-18E/F depot-level repairable part lead times. More specifically, this research analyzes the potential impact of various AM production levels on overall lead times. Facilitation of this research project was accomplished through mathematical modeling and by conducting simulations based on various assumptions and probability distributions. Eight simulations were conducted, each with different AM production time assumptions. Resultant outputs reflected 19 different scenarios simulating 0%–90% production of AM at the Intermediate Maintenance level. Results indicate that AM has the potential to decrease overall expected lead time averages if AM production can be kept to less than approximately 30 days.Lieutenant, United States NavyLieutenant, United States NavyLieutenant Commander, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited


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    Thomas Kuhn, in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, made a thorough study of the idea of paradigms, and how they serve as theoretical references for the construction of knowledge, presenting answers to inquiries often posed by the science. Such paradigms, according to the author, would be subjected to changes at certain moments, as new questions would arise with the development of science itself; such "breaks" are what Kuhn calls scientific revolution. In his work, however, the author fundamentally relies on the natural and exact sciences, rarely addressing the social and human sciences, since, according to Thomas Kuhn, these, for its unstable nature, would not be able to develop arrays of knowledge through paradigms capable of answering all questions. It draws to attention, however, that,  with due caution, it is indeed possible to establish the existence of social paradigms, being necessary to observe them from a broader, multidisciplinary approach in order that the answers provided by them can meet the needs of scientists and researchers

    Functorial Filtrations for Semiperfect generalisations of Gentle Algebras

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    In this thesis we introduce a class of semiperfect rings which generalise the class of finite-dimensional gentle algebras. We consider complexes of modules over these rings which have finitely generated projective homogeneous components. We then classify them up to homotopy equivalence. The method we use to solve this classification problem is called the functorial filtrations method. The said method was previously only used to classify modules

    Effect of inflation on the growth and development of the Pakistan economy: An empirical analysis

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    High and sustained economic growth with low inflation is the central objective of the macroeconomic policy makers. Therefore, inflation has been one of the most researched topics in macroeconomics for the last many years because it has serious implications for GDP growth and performance. The main aim of this empirical study to examined the relationship between inflation and Gross Domestic Product performance in Pakistan by using time series data from 2000 to 2022. The major purpose of this study is to examine the existence of inflation- growth relationship in the economy of Pakistan and to analyse the impact of inflation on GDP growth of the economy. Augmented Dickey Fuller Unit Root Test is employed to check the unit root of the time series and Auto Regressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) technique is used to estimate the long run and short run impact of inflation in the economic growth of Pakistan. The present study uses Inflation as an independent variable and Gross Domestic Product is the dependent variable. The ultimate purpose of the study is find out long-term and short term relationships between these variables and investigate the effect of Inflation over Pakistan economic growth. A negative and significant inflation growth relationship has been found to be existed in the economy of Pakistan. The results of the study show that prevailing inflation is harmful to the GDP growth of the economy after a certain threshold level. On the basis of the descriptive and econometric analysis, this research study suggest to the policy makers and the State Bank of Pakistan to restrict the inflation in minimum level and to keep it stable. So that it may exert its positive effects on economic growth of the economy. Pakistan must need inflation but in single digit of inflation stimulate the economic growth

    Physicochemical and Pasting Properties of Flour and Starch from Two New Cassava Accessions

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    Some new cassava accessions have been developed and released because of their high yield, resistance to disease, adaptability to wider ecological environment, and less cost of production. However, their flour and starch properties have not been characterized for potential food applications. In the present study, starch and flour were produced from two new cassava accessions (Sika Bankye and Bankye Hemaa) and evaluated for their physicochemical and pasting properties. The flour samples recorded higher values for the various functional parameters compared to their starch counterparts. Both flour samples had a similar water absorption capacity (WAC) of ~263% but the associated starch from Bankye Hemaa recorded the lowest value of 38.6%. Bankye Hemaa flour recorded the highest oil absorption capacity (OAC) (121%) and could be exploited as potential flavor retainer in products. Flour from Bankye Hemaa also recorded the highest swelling power (882 ± 29%), which was indicative of their good thickening and stabilizing functionalities. Sika Bankye starch had the highest setback viscosity (723 ± 32 RVU), which was indicative of its lower susceptibility to retrogradation and potential use in products that require highly viscous paste and processed at high temperatures

    Effiziente Wärmesysteme für Wohngebäude

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    Die Entwicklung effizienter Wärmesysteme für Wohngebäude ist eine zentrale Aufgabe der Energieforschung. Der Wohngebäudesektor hat seit Jahren einen – witterungsbedingt leicht schwankenden – Anteil von 25 – 30 % am Endenergieverbrauch in Deutschland. Dabei werden über 80 % der im Sektor Haushalte verbrauchten Energie zur Bereitstellung von Wärme verwendet, im Jahr 2013 z. B. 585 TWh oder mehr als ein Fünftel des gesamtdeutschen Endenergieverbrauchs. Da die Wärmeversorgung hauptsächlich noch über die fossilen Energieträger Erdgas und Heizöl betrieben wird, bieten Wärmesysteme für Wohngebäude ein erhebliches Potenzial für CO2-Einsparungen. Die Energiewende im Heizungskeller beruht dabei – genau wie in anderen Sektoren auch – auf den beiden Säulen erneuerbare Energieversorgung und Effizienz. Durch verschärfte Regelungen für Neubauten und energetische Sanierungen von Bestandsimmobilien wurde in den vergangenen Jahren ein leichter Rückgang des durchschnittlichen flächenspezifischen Heizenergiebedarfs in Wohngebäuden erreicht. Diesem Trend stand jedoch ein steigender Wohnflächenverbrauch pro Person entgegen, so dass der gesamte Heizenergieverbrauch langsamer sinkt als der spezifische Heizenergiebedarf in den Gebäuden. Die jährliche Totalsanierungsquote im Wohnbereich liegt zudem weit unterhalb der als für die Erreichung der Effizienzziele 2050 nötigen postulierten 2,7 %. Ein verstärkter Ausbau des Einsatzes erneuerbarer Energien im Heizungskeller bietet einen zusätzlichen Freiheitsgrad, der zur Erreichung der angestrebten CO2-Minderung beitragen kann

    The Retinoblastoma-Histone Deacetylase 3 Complex Inhibits PPARÎł and Adipocyte Differentiation

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    AbstractThe retinoblastoma protein (RB) has previously been shown to facilitate adipocyte differentiation by inducing cell cycle arrest and enhancing the transactivation by the adipogenic CCAAT/enhancer binding proteins (C/EBP). We show here that the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor Îł (PPARÎł), a nuclear receptor pivotal for adipogenesis, promotes adipocyte differentiation more efficiently in the absence of RB. PPARÎł and RB were shown to coimmunoprecipitate, and this PPARÎł-RB complex also contains the histone deacetylase HDAC3, thereby attenuating PPARÎł's capacity to drive gene expression and adipocyte differentiation. Dissociation of the PPARÎł-RB-HDAC3 complex by RB phosphorylation or by inhibition of HDAC activity stimulates adipocyte differentiation. These observations underscore an important function of both RB and HDAC3 in fine-tuning PPARÎł activity and adipocyte differentiation
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