17 research outputs found

    Cell mediated immunity in cutaneous infections with human papillomavirus

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    A murine specific expansion of the Rhox cluster involved in embryonic stem cell biology is under natural selection

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    BACKGROUND: The rodent specific reproductive homeobox (Rhox) gene cluster on the X chromosome has been reported to contain twelve homeobox-containing genes, Rhox1-12. RESULTS: We have identified a 40 kb genomic region within the Rhox cluster that is duplicated eight times in tandem resulting in the presence of eight paralogues of Rhox2 and Rhox3 and seven paralogues of Rhox4. Transcripts have been identified for the majority of these paralogues and all but three are predicted to produce full-length proteins with functional potential. We predict that there are a total of thirty-two Rhox genes at this genomic location, making it the most gene-rich homoeobox cluster identified in any species. From the 95% sequence similarity between the eight duplicated genomic regions and the synonymous substitution rate of the Rhox2, 3 and 4 paralogues we predict that the duplications occurred after divergence of mouse and rat and represent the youngest homoeobox cluster identified to date. Molecular evolutionary analysis reveals that this cluster is an actively evolving region with Rhox2 and 4 paralogues under diversifying selection and Rhox3 evolving neutrally. The biological importance of this duplication is emphasised by the identification of an important role for Rhox2 and Rhox4 in regulating the initial stages of embryonic stem (ES) cell differentiation. CONCLUSION: The gene rich Rhox cluster provides the mouse with significant biological novelty that we predict could provide a substrate for speciation. Moreover, this unique cluster may explain species differences in ES cell derivation and maintenance between mouse, rat and human

    Manipulating transcription factors in human induced pluripotent cell-derived cells to enhance the production and the maturation of red blood cells

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    The most widely transfused blood component is red blood cells (RBCs), and voluntary donation is the main resource for RBC transfusion. In the UK, 7,000 units of RBCs are transfused daily but this life-saving cell therapy is completely dependent on donors and there are persistent problems associated with transfusion transmitted infections and in blood group compatibility. Furthermore, the quality, safety and efficiency of donated RBCs gradually decrease with storage time. A number of novel sources of RBCs are being explored including the production of RBCs from adult haematopoietic progenitor cells, erythroid progenitor cell lines and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). The iPSC source could essentially provide a limitless supply and a route to producing cells that are matched to the recipient. A number of protocols have been described to produce mature RBCs from human pluripotent stem cells but they are relatively inefficient and would be difficult to scale up to the levels required for clinical translation. We tested and evaluated a defined feeder- and serum-free differentiation protocol for deriving erythroid cells from hiPSCs. RBC production was not efficient, the cells that were produced did not enucleate efficiently and they expressed embryonic rather than adult globin. We hypothesised that the production of RBCs from iPSCs could be enhanced by enforced expression of erythroid-specific transcription factors (TFs). Previous studies had demonstrated that KrĂŒppel-like factor 1 (KLF1) plays an important role in RBC development and maturation so we generated iPSC lines expressing a tamoxifen-inducible KLF1-ERT2 fusion protein. Using zinc finger nuclease technology, we targeted the expression cassette to the AAVS1 locus to ensure consistent expression levels and to avoid integration site specific effects and/or silencing. These iKLF1 iPSCs were applied to our defined RBC differentiation protocol and the activity of KLF1 was induced by adding tamoxifen. Activation of KLF1 from day 10 accelerated erythroid differentiation and maturation with an increase in the proportion of erythroblasts, a higher level of expression of erythroid genes associated with maturation and an apparently more robust morphology. However, KLF1 activation had an anti-proliferation effect resulting in significantly less cell generated overall and HPLC analysis demonstrated that KLF1-activated cells expressed higher levels of embryonic globin compared to control iPSCs-derived cells. Many of the effects that were observed when KLF1 was activated from day 10 were not observed when activated from day 18. We therefore concluded that activation of exogenous KLF1 is able to promote erythroid cell production and maturation in progenitors (day 10) but not at the later stage of erythropoiesis (day 18). We hypothesised that KLF1 might require a co-factor to regulate RBC maturation and adult globin expression at the later stage of erythropoiesis. The TF, B-cell lymphoma/leukaemia 11a (BCL11A), plays a key role in the suppression of foetal globin expression, thereby completing globin switching to adult globin. Preliminary data showed that iPSC-derived erythroid cells were able to express adult globin when transduced with a BCL11A-expressing lentiviral-vector. Based on that finding we then generated an iPSC line expressing tamoxifen-inducible BCL11AERT2 and KLF1-ERT2 fusion proteins, applied this iBK iPSC line to our differentiation protocol. Activation of both TFs from day 18 slightly increased the expression of genes associated with RBC maturation and the inclusion of BCL11A appeared to eliminate the anti-proliferation effect of KLF1. Most importantly, activation of both BCL11A and KLF1 from day 18 of the differentiation protocol increased the production of α- globin (foetal / adult globin) indicating that some definitive-like erythroid cells might be generated by activation of both TFs at the later stage of erythroid differentiation. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that enforced expression of erythroid TFs could be a useful strategy to enhance RBC maturation from iPSCs

    A role for mospd1 in mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and differentiation

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) isolated from many tissues including bone marrow and fat can be expanded in vitro and can differentiate into a range of different cell types such as bone, cartilage, and adipocytes. MSCs can also exhibit immunoregulatory properties when transplanted but, although a number of clinical trials using MSCs are in progress, the molecular mechanisms that control their production, proliferation, and differentiation are poorly understood. We identify MOSPD1 as a new player in this process. We generated MOSPD1‐null embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and demonstrate that they are deficient in their ability to differentiate into a number of cell lineages including osteoblasts, adipocytes, and hematopoietic progenitors. The self‐renewal capacity of MOSPD1‐null ESCs was normal and they exhibited no obvious defects in early germ layer specification nor in epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), indicating that MOSPD1 functions after these key steps in the differentiation process. Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)‐like cells expressing CD73, CD90, and CD105 were generated from MOSPD1‐null ESCs but their growth rate was significantly impaired implying that MOSPD1 plays a role in MSC proliferation. Phenotypic deficiencies exhibited by MOSPD1‐null ESCs were rescued by exogenous expression of MOSPD1, but not MOSPD3 indicating distinct functional properties of these closely related genes. Our in vitro studies were supported by RNA‐sequencing data that confirmed expression of Mospd1 mRNA in cultured, proliferating perivascular pre‐MSCs isolated from human tissue. This study adds to the growing body of knowledge about the function of this largely uncharacterized protein family and introduces a new player in the control of MSC proliferation and differentiation. Stem Cells 2015;33:3077–308

    Enforced Expression of HOXB4 in Human Embryonic Stem Cells Enhances the Production of Hematopoietic Progenitors but Has No Effect on the Maturation of Red Blood Cells

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    We have developed a robust, Good Manufacturing Practice-compatible differentiation protocol capable of producing scalable quantities of red blood cells (RBCs) from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). However, translation of this protocol to the clinic has been compromised because the RBCs produced are not fully mature; thus, they express embryonic and fetal, rather than adult globins, and they do not enucleate efficiently. Based on previous studies, we predicted that activation of exogenous HOXB4 would increase the production of hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) from hPSCs and hypothesized that it might also promote the production of more mature, definitive RBCs. Using a tamoxifen-inducible HOXB4-ERT2 expression system, we first demonstrated that activation of HOXB4 does increase the production of HPCs from hPSCs as determined by colony-forming unit culture activity and the presence of CD43+CD34+ progenitors. Activation of HOXB4 caused a modest, but significant, increase in the proportion of immature CD235a+/CD71+ erythroid cells. However, this did not result in a significant increase in more mature CD235a+/CD71− cells. RBCs produced in the presence of enhanced HOXB4 activity expressed embryonic (Δ) and fetal (Îł) but not adult (ÎČ) globins, and the proportion of enucleated cells was comparable to that of the control cultures. We conclude that programming with the transcription factor HOXB4 increases the production of hematopoietic progenitors and immature erythroid cells but does not resolve the inherent challenges associated with the production of mature adult-like enucleated RBCs

    Severe Global DNA Hypomethylation Blocks Differentiation and Induces Histone Hyperacetylation in Embryonic Stem Cells

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    It has been reported that DNA methyltransferase 1-deficient (Dnmt1(−/−)) embryonic stem (ES) cells are hypomethylated (20% CpG methylation) and die through apoptosis when induced to differentiate. Here, we show that Dnmt[3a(−/−),3b(−/−)] ES cells with just 0.6% of their CpG dinucleotides behave differently: the majority of cells within the culture are partially or completely blocked in their ability to initiate differentiation, remaining viable while retaining the stem cell characteristics of alkaline phosphatase and Oct4 expression. Restoration of DNA methylation levels rescues these defects. Severely hypomethylated Dnmt[3a(−/−),3b(−/−)] ES cells have increased histone acetylation levels, and those cells that can differentiate aberrantly express extraembryonic markers of differentiation. Dnmt[3a(−/−),3b(−/−)] ES cells with >10% CpG methylation are able to terminally differentiate, whereas Dnmt1(−/−) ES cells with 20% of the CpG methylated cannot differentiate. This demonstrates that successful terminal differentiation is not dependent simply on adequate methylation levels. There is an absolute requirement that the methylation be delivered by the maintenance enzyme Dnmt1