7,982 research outputs found

    The Stratigraphic Record of Pre-breakup Geodynamics: Evidence from the Barrow Delta, offshore Northwest Australia

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    The structural and stratigraphic evolution of rift basins and passive margins has been widely studied, with many analyses demonstrating that delta systems can provide important records of post-rift geodynamic processes. However, the apparent lack of ancient syn-breakup delta systems and the paucity of seismic imaging across continent-ocean boundaries means the transition from continental rifting to oceanic spreading remains poorly understood. The Early Cretaceous Barrow Group of the North Carnarvon Basin, offshore NW Australia was a major deltaic system that formed during the latter stages of continental rifting, and represents a rich sedimentary archive, documenting uplift, subsidence and erosion of the margin. We use a regional database of 2D and 3D seismic and well data to constrain the internal architecture of the Barrow Group. Our results highlight three major depocentres: the Exmouth and Barrow sub-basins, and southern Exmouth Plateau. Over-compaction of pre-Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in the South Carnarvon Basin, and pervasive reworking of Permian and Triassic palynomorphs in the offshore Barrow Group, suggests that the onshore South Carnarvon Basin originally contained a thicker sedimentary succession, which was uplifted and eroded prior to breakup. Backstripping of sedimentary successions encountered in wells in the Exmouth Plateau depocentre indicate anomalously rapid tectonic subsidence (≤0.24 mm yr-1) accommodated Barrow Group deposition, despite evidence for minimal, contemporaneous upper crustal extension. Our results suggest that classic models of uniform extension cannot account for the observations of uplift and subsidence in the North Carnarvon Basin, and may indicate a period of depth-dependent extension or dynamic topography preceding breakup

    In silico, experimental, mechanistic model for extended-release felodipine disposition exhibiting complex absorption and a highly variable food interaction

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    The objective of this study was to develop and explore new, in silico experimental methods for deciphering complex, highly variable absorption and food interaction pharmacokinetics observed for a modified-release drug product. Toward that aim, we constructed an executable software analog of study participants to whom product was administered orally. The analog is an object- and agent-oriented, discrete event system, which consists of grid spaces and event mechanisms that map abstractly to different physiological features and processes. Analog mechanisms were made sufficiently complicated to achieve prespecified similarity criteria. An equation-based gastrointestinal transit model with nonlinear mixed effects analysis provided a standard for comparison. Subject-specific parameterizations enabled each executed analog's plasma profile to mimic features of the corresponding six individual pairs of subject plasma profiles. All achieved prespecified, quantitative similarity criteria, and outperformed the gastrointestinal transit model estimations. We observed important subject-specific interactions within the simulation and mechanistic differences between the two models. We hypothesize that mechanisms, events, and their causes occurring during simulations had counterparts within the food interaction study: they are working, evolvable, concrete theories of dynamic interactions occurring within individual subjects. The approach presented provides new, experimental strategies for unraveling the mechanistic basis of complex pharmacological interactions and observed variability

    Quantitative characterisation of deltaic and subaqueous clinoforms

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    AbstractClinoforms are ubiquitous deltaic, shallow-marine and continental-margin depositional morphologies, occurring over a range of spatial scales (1–104m in height). Up to four types of progressively larger-scale clinoforms may prograde synchronously along shoreline-to-abyssal plain transects, albeit at very different rates. Paired subaerial and subaqueous delta clinoforms (or ‘delta-scale compound clinoforms’), in particular, constitute a hitherto overlooked depositional model for ancient shallow-marine sandbodies. The topset-to-foreset rollovers of subaqueous deltas are developed at up to 60m water depths, such that ancient delta-scale clinoforms should not be assumed to record the position of ancient shorelines, even if they are sandstone-rich.This study analyses a large dataset of modern and ancient delta-scale, shelf-prism- and continental-margin-scale clinoforms, in order to characterise diagnostic features of different clinoform systems, and particularly of delta-scale subaqueous clinoforms. Such diagnostic criteria allow different clinoform types and their dominant grain-size characteristics to be interpreted in seismic reflection and/or sedimentological data, and prove that all clinoforms are subject to similar physical laws.The examined dataset demonstrates that progressively larger scale clinoforms are deposited in increasingly deeper waters, over progressively larger time spans. Consequently, depositional flux, sedimentation and progradation rates of continental-margin clinoforms are up to 4–6 orders of magnitude lower than those of deltas. For all clinoform types, due to strong statistical correlations between these parameters, it is now possible to calculate clinoform paleobathymetries once clinoform heights, age spans or progradation rates have been constrained.Muddy and sandy delta-scale subaqueous clinoforms show many different features, but all share four characteristics. (1) They are formed during relative sea-level stillstands (e.g., Late Holocene); (2) their stratigraphic architecture and facies character are dominated by basinal processes, and are quite uniform; (3) their plan-view morphology is shore-parallel and laterally extensive; (4) their sigmoidal cross-sectional geometry contrasts with the oblique profiles of most subaerial deltas. Holocene-age, delta-scale, sand-prone subaqueous clinoforms occur on steep (≥0.26°) and narrow (5–32km) shelves, at typical distances of 0.6–7.2km from the shoreline break. That contrasts with mud-prone subaqueous deltas, which form clinoforms on gently-sloping (0.01–0.38°), wide (23–376km) shelves, at usual distances of 7.5–125km from the shoreline. Delta-scale sand-prone subaqueous clinoforms have diagnostically steep foresets (0.7–23°). Similarly steep gradients were observed in much larger shelf-prism- and continental-margin-scale clinoforms. Gentler foreset gradients are shown by sand-prone subaerial deltas (0.1–2.7°), and mud-prone subaqueous and subaerial deltas (0.03–1.50°). Due to the lack of connections with river mouths, Holocene delta-scale sand-prone subaqueous clinoform deposits have progradation rates (1–5×102km/Myr) and unit-width depositional flux (1–15km2/Myr) that are up to 3–4 and 2–3 orders of magnitude lower, respectively, than age-equivalent input-dominated subaerial deltas and muddy subaqueous deltas. Lower progradation/aggradation ratios are reflected in a larger spread of clinoform trajectory angles (from −0.4° to +3.5°) than the very low values displayed by age-equivalent subaerial and muddy subaqueous deltas.As slowly prograding, steep, sigmoidal clinoforms are strongly suggestive of sand-prone subaqueous deltas, the Sognefjord Formation and Bridport Sand are likely Jurassic examples of this clinoform type, and host hydrocarbon reservoirs. In contrast, the Campanian Blackhawk Formation is an outcrop example of delta-scale compound clinoforms with a muddy subaqueous component

    Balancing sub- and supra-salt strain in salt-influenced rifts: Implications for extension estimates

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    The structural style of salt-influenced rifts may differ from those formed in predominantly brittle crust. Salt can decouple sub- and supra-salt strain, causing sub-salt faults to be geometrically decoupled from, but kinematically coupled to and responsible for, supra-salt forced folding. Salt-influenced rifts thus contain more folds than their brittle counterparts, an observation often ignored in extension estimates. Fundamental to determining whether sub- and supra-salt structures are kinematically coherent, and the relative contributions of thin- (i.e. gravity-driven) and thick-skinned (i.e. whole-plate stretching) deformation to accommodating rift-related strain, is our ability to measure extension at both structural levels. We here use published physical models of salt-influenced extension to show that line-length estimates yield more accurate values of sub- and supra-salt extension compared to fault-heave, before applying these methods to seismic data from the Halten Terrace, offshore Norway. We show that, given the abundance of ductile deformation in salt-influenced rifts, significant amounts of extension may be ignored, leading to the erroneous interpretations of thin-skinned, gravity-gliding. If a system is kinematically coherent, supra-salt structures can help predict the occurrence and kinematics of sub-salt faults that may be poorly imaged and otherwise poorly constrained

    Effective flow properties of heterolithic, cross-bedded tidal sandstones: Part 1. Surface-based modeling

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    Tidal heterolithic sandstones are commonly characterized by millimeter- to centimeter-scale intercalations of mudstone and sandstone. Consequently, their effective flow properties are poorly predicted by (1) data that do not sample a representative volume or (2) models that fail to capture the complex three-dimensional architecture of sandstone and mudstone layers. We present a modeling approach in which surfaces are used to represent all geologic heterogeneities that control the spatial distribution of reservoir rock properties (surface-based modeling). The workflow uses template surfaces to represent heterogeneities classified by geometry instead of length scale. The topology of the template surfaces is described mathematically by a small number of geometric input parameters, and models are constructed stochastically. The methodology has been applied to generate generic, three-dimensional minimodels (9 m3 volume) of cross-bedded heterolithic sandstones representing trough and tabular cross-bedding with differing proportions of sandstone and mudstone, using conditioning data from two outcrop analogs from a tide-dominated deltaic deposit. The minimodels capture the cross-stratified architectures observed in outcrop and are suitable for flow simulation, allowing computation of effective permeability values for use in larger-scale models. We show that mudstone drapes in cross-bedded heterolithic sandstones significantly reduce effective permeability and also impart permeability anisotropy in the horizontal as well as vertical flow directions. The workflow can be used with subsurface data, supplemented by outcrop analog observations, to generate effective permeability values to be derived for use in larger-scale reservoir models. The methodology could be applied to the characterization and modeling of heterogeneities in other types of sandstone reservoirs

    Influence of Seabed Morphology and Substrate Composition On Mass-Transport Flow Processes and Pathways: Insights From the Magdalena Fan, Offshore Colombia

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    Although the effects of interactions between turbidity currents and the seabed have been widely studied, the roles of substrate and bathymetry on the emplacement of mass-transport complexes (MTCs) remain poorly constrained. This study investigates the effect of bathymetric variability and substrate heterogeneity on the distribution, morphology, and internal characteristics of nine MTCs imaged within a 3D seismic volume in the southern Magdalena Fan, offshore Colombia. The MTCs overlie substrate units composed mainly of channel–levee-complex sets, with subsidiary deposits of MTCs. MTC dispersal was influenced by tectonic relief, associated with a thin-skinned, deep-water fold-and-thrust belt, and by depositional relief, associated with the underlying channel–levee-complex sets; it was the former that exerted the first-order control on the location of mass-transport pathways. Channel–levee-complex sets channelized, diverted, or blocked mass flows, with the style of response largely controlled by their orientation with respect to the direction of the incoming flow and by the height of the levees with respect to flow thickness. MTC erosion can be relatively deep above channel-fill deposits, whereas more subtle erosional morphologies are observed above adjacent levee units. In the largest MTC, the distribution of the seismic facies is well imaged, being influenced by the underlying bathymetry, with internal horizontal contraction occurring updip of bathymetric highs, erosion and bypass predominating above higher gradient slopes, and increased disaggregation characterizing the margins. Hence, bathymetric irregularities and substrate heterogeneity together influence the pathways, geometries, and internal characteristics of MTCs, which could in turn influence flow rheology, runout distances, the presence and continuity of underlying reservoirs, and the capacity of MTCs to act as either hydrocarbon seals or reservoirs
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