47 research outputs found

    Principales problemas sensoriales en la elaboración de derivados cárnicos tratados por el calor (VI)

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    Ciència i tecnologia de la carn i dels productes carnis: passat i present

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    La carne ha sido, desde siempre, un alimento clave en la dieta de los seres humanos por sus propiedades nutritivas y sus características sensoriales. Los productos cárnicos han sido una forma de conservar la carne, que tradicionalmente se hacía por la experiencia acumulada y que actualmente se basa en conocimientos científicos. En el transcurso del siglo XX se produjo un avance extraordinario en la ciencia de la carne, en la gestión de la seguridad y calidad de la carne y productos cárnicos, en la diseminación de los conocimientos generados y en la innovación en la industria cárnica. En un futuro próximo se prevé que la carne seguirá siendo un elemento clave en la dieta humana y que la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías tendrá un impacto importante en los procesos de transformación. Sin embargo, habrá que invertir esfuerzos para minimizar el impacto en el medio ambiente en relación con la cría y sacrificio de los animales y la transformación de la carne en productos cárnicos para conseguir que todo el proceso sea más sostenible.La carn ha estat, des de sempre, un aliment clau en la dieta dels éssers humans per les seves propietats nutritives i les seves característiques sensorials. Els productes carnis han estat una forma de conservar la carn, que tradicionalment es feia per l'experiència acumulada i que actualment es basa en coneixements científics. En el decurs del segle XX es va produir un avanç extraordinari en la ciència de la carn, en la gestió de la seguretat i qualitat de la carn i productes carnis, en la disseminació dels coneixements generats i en la innovació en la indústria càrnia. En un futur proper es preveu que la carn seguirà essent un element clau en la dieta humana i que l'aplicació de les noves tecnologies tindran un impacte important en els processos de transformació. No obstant això, caldrà esmerçar esforços per minimitzar l'impacte en el medi ambient pel que fa a la cria i sacrifici dels animals i la transformació de la carn en productes carnis per aconseguir que tot el procés sigui més sostenible

    Ciència i tecnologia de la carn i dels productes carnis: passat i present

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    La carn ha estat, des de sempre, un aliment clau en la dieta dels éssers humans per les seves propietats nutritives i les seves característiques sensorials. Els productes carnis han estat una forma de conservar la carn, que tradicionalment es feia per l'experiència acumulada i que actualment es basa en coneixements científics. En el decurs del segle xx es va produir un avanç extraordinari en la ciència de la carn, en la gestió de la seguretat i qualitat de la carn i productes carnis, en la disseminació dels coneixements generats i en la innovació en la indústria càrnia. En un futur proper es preveu que la carn seguirà essent un element clau en la dieta humana i que l'aplicació de les noves tecnologies tindran un impacte important en els processos de transformació. No obstant això, caldrà esmerçar esforços per minimitzar l'impacte en el medi ambient pel que fa a la cria i sacrifici dels animals i la transformació de la carn en productes carnis per aconseguir que tot el procés sigui més sostenible.La carne ha sido, desde siempre, un alimento clave en la dieta de los seres humanos por sus propiedades nutritivas y sus características sensoriales. Los productos cárnicos han sido una forma de conservar la carne, que tradicionalmente se hacía por la experiencia acumulada y que actualmente se basa en conocimientos científicos. En el transcurso del siglo xx se produjo un avance extraordinario en la ciencia de la carne, en la gestión de la seguridad y calidad de la carne y productos cárnicos, en la diseminación de los conocimientos generados y en la innovación en la industria cárnica. En un futuro próximo se prevé que la carne seguirá siendo un elemento clave en la dieta humana y que la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías tendrá un impacto importante en los procesos de transformación. Sin embargo, habrá que invertir esfuerzos para minimizar el impacto en el medio ambiente en relación con la cría y sacrificio de los animales y la transformación de la carne en productos cárnicos para conseguir que todo el proceso sea más sostenible

    Effects of post mortem pH and salting time on Zinc-protoporphyrin content in nitrite-free Serrano dry-cured hams

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    There is a growing demand for clean label products and thus the elimination of curing additives in various dry-cured meats is of interest while maintaining colour characteristics. This study was aimed to examine the effect of pH at 24 h post mortem (pHSM24h ≤ 5.4; 5.4 > pHSM24h < 5.9; pHSM24h ≥5.9) and salting time (standard vs reduced) on zinc-protoporphyrin content, heme content and other physicochemical parameters of Serrano dry-cured hams manufactured without the addition of curing agents. Results showed that in those hams with higher post mortem pH heme content was increased whereas ZnPP content and proteolysis index were decreased. Reduced salting time decreased salt content whereas ZnPP and heme contents remained unaffected. Lower post mortem pH and reduced salting time led to a higher content in various free fatty acids which, in turn, were found to correlate positively with ZnPP formation. However, the observed changes in heme and ZnPP contents had no effect on the instrumental color of the final product.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Co-extruded alginate as an alternative to collagen casings in the production of dry-fermented sausages: Impact of coating composition

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    The performance of co-extruded alginate coatings containing no extra additives (A), polyglycerol esters of fatty acids (EA), or pea protein (PA) was assessed as an alternative to collagen casings (C) for the manufacturing of dry-fermented sausages (fuet) with no inoculation of moulds and without a fermentation step (NMNF) and fuet inoculated with Penicillium candidum and fermented (MF). Stuffing into collagen casings resulted in slower sausage drying kinetics compared with alginate coating. No significant differences in aw were observed among the studied casing types for NMNF and MF fuets and for the evolution of the technological and spoilage microorganisms. Fuets coated with A, EA, and PA showed lower pH values than fuets stuffed in collagen casings. No significant differences on sensory properties between casing types were observed. Therefore, alginate coatings would be a feasible alternative to collagen casing from a technological and safety point of view.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Analysis of SPME or SBSE extracted volatile compounds from cooked cured pork ham differing in intramuscular fat profiles

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    We studied the influence of the IMF content (high - HI\ua0vs. low - LI) and the fatty acid saturation profile on cooked cured pork ham volatiles. LI hams had higher PUFA and lower MUFA contents than HI hams. Using SPME we identified 29 compounds novel to cooked cured pork ham profiles, mostly lipid derivatives. Group differences were related to the PUFA/MUFA contents but not to the IMF content. Differences were also identified in amino acid breakdown derivatives with potential aroma implications. The SBSE method, a novelty in pork meat science, revealed differences which included board taint-related volatiles, terpenes and 36 novel compounds; 14 of these compounds were only found by the SBSE method

    Innovative strategies to enhance the sensory quality of dry fermented sausages containing lactic ingredients by the addition of exogenous enzymes

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    This study investigated the impact of the addition of exogenous enzymes (Accelerzyme CPG, Debitrase DBP20) or cellular preparations (FlavoGard), traditionally used in the cheese industry, to accelerate flavour development of dry fermented sausages with 6% of lactic derivatives content. Sausages were fermented to pH 5.0, dried for 32 days and vacuum packed stored under refrigeration for 60 days. Sausages were analysed for physicochemical parameters, technological microbiota and proteolysis after fermentation, drying/ripening and storage. Similar compositional results were obtained in all products (38-39% humidity in the final product; 38.2% fat and 40.7% protein as dry matter throughout the study). Debitrase application positively affected proteolysis by changing the free amino acid profile and increasing non-protein nitrogen and total free amino acids by 2.2 and 11.8-fold, respectively. Accelerzyme increased ripened cheese flavour and overall sensory quality from 5.1 to 5.8; Debitrase increased ripened cheese odour and flavour, bitterness, umami, adhesiveness, pastiness, and overall sensory quality from 5.0 to 5.9, and decreased acid and hardness. This study highlights the effects of adding some exogenous enzyme/bacterial preparations traditionally used in the cheese industry to enhance the flavour of dry fermented sausages with high content of lactic ingredients and increase its sensory quality.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Utilization of Porcine Livers through the Formation of Zn-Protoporphyrin Pigment Optimized by a Response Surface Methodology

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    There is a growing demand for clean-label products. This study aimed to obtain a food-grade coloring ingredient for meat products based on the formation of Zn-protoporphyrin from porcine livers, thus contributing to the development of nitrite-free products. First, the effects of sodium disulfite and acetic, ascorbic, and lactic acids on the formation of Zn-protoporphyrin and the total microbial count were studied. The combination of ascorbic and acetic acids resulted in a higher Zn-protoporphyrin content than acetic acid alone, and microbial levels were maintained (ca. 3 log CFU/mL). Second, a response surface methodology was used to maximize Zn-protoporphyrin while maintaining microbiological food standards. To that end, the effects of pH (4.2–5.4), incubation time (3–30 h), and temperature (25–50 °C) were studied. The selected conditions for Zn-protoporphyrin formation involved anaerobic incubation at pH 4.8 and 45 °C for 24 h. The safety was validated through challenge testing for relevant pathogens (Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella spp., and Clostridium perfringens). A significant reduction (>6 log units) was observed in the selected conditions for L. monocytogenes and Salmonella, whereas C. perfringens spores remained at the inoculated levels. The optimized procedure is proven to be microbiologically safe, and may improve the color of nitrite-free meat products.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Zinc-protoporphyrin content in commercial Parma hams is affected by proteolysis index and marbling

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    The contents of zinc-protoporphyrin (ZnPP) and heme in twenty-four sliced Parma hams made without the addition of curing agents were determined. Expressed on a dry weight basis, ZnPP averaged 45 mg/kg and ranged from 23 to 85 mg/kg. The heme content averaged 37 mg/kg on a dry matter basis and ranged from 17 to 73 mg/kg. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression analyses were carried out to examine the existing correlations between these pigments and various physicochemical parameters in the final product. PCA showed the existence of associations between ZnPP, sensory redness and salt content. PLS suggests that the conversion of ZnPP from heme is facilitated in those hams with a higher proteolysis index and higher marbling.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Effect of proteolysis index on texture of dry-cured ham.

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of proteolysis index on the relationship between water content and hardness in the interior of dry-cured hams. To obtain different degrees of proteolysis 18 hams from two pH groups (high: of 6.2 until 6.8 and low: of 5.5 until 5.7) and three added NaCl levels (2, 5 and 8%) were used. The pH was measured in semimembranosus muscle at 24 h postmortem (pHSM24). The biceps femoris muscle was excised from dry-cured hams at the end of the process. Thereafter nine samples were shaped into parallelepipeds of 4×2×2 cm and dried to different levels of moisture content covering the range from 30.6 to 58.2%. The rest of the muscle was ground and vacuum packed until its subsequent physicochemical analysis. At the end of drying period, a Texture Profile analysis was carried out to determine textural parameters of the samples. The hardness of biceps femoris muscle of dry-cured hams diminished when the IP was increased. The cohesiveness diminished with the proteolysis index, the differences in cohesiveness by effect of proteolysis index were more important at high moisture contents similar to those existing inside of dry-cured ham during the ageing. The reduction of added NaCl level in the production of dry-cured ham, especially in hams with low pHSM24, causes a higher proteolysis index in the final product. Dry-cured hams samples with higher proteolysis index present lower hardness and higher cohesiveness, and could produce an unwanted pasty and / or soft texture (In Spanish)