39 research outputs found

    Negative and Positive Experiences During the COVID ‐19 Pandemic in Canadians With Developmental Disabilities: A One‐Year Ontario‐Based Survey

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    Purpose: Understanding the experiences of people with developmental disabilities during the initial period of COVID‐19 pandemic. Methods: Individuals with developmental disabilities and their caregivers completed baseline and up to five follow‐up online surveys using the CRISIS‐AFAR measures, between July 2020 and September 2021. We used qualitative (thematic analysis) and quantitative (MANOVA) analytic methods. Results: One hundred and eighteen participants (64 caregivers on individuals 6–62 years, 54 self‐reporting individuals aged 17–55 years) completed baseline survey; 46 participants (23 caregivers, 23 self‐reporting adults) completed ≥1 follow‐up. Qualitative themes included uncertainty, and negative and positive influences on behaviours and routines, daily life and mental wellness. Those experiencing positive impacts did not stably perceive so longitudinally. Conclusions: Despite both negative and positive influences on individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, the prolonged pandemic had wide‐ranging repercussions. Emergency preparedness planning should consider the disruptive effects of public health measures on routine and support for this vulnerable population

    An Ethnographer Lured into Darkness

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    No matter the combination of methods ethnographers bring to their research design and to participant observation, our pursuit to log, interpret, analyse and present the lives of those we meet is never an entirely intellectual or objective one. Ethnographic fieldwork is intimately sensory (Pink, Doing sensory ethnography, Sage, London, 2015), invokes our imagination (Sparkes, Qualitative research in sport and exercise, 1:21–35, 2009) and requires us to actively navigate social landscapes (Hammersley and Atkinson, Field relations. Ethnography: Principles in practice, Routledge, Stoodleigh, 2007). There is a tendency for these elements to fade in terms of visibility and immediacy within the research process. For those in accord with (Davies, Reflexive ethnography: A guide to researching selves and others, Routledge, New York, 2008), continuous reflexive labour becomes a core praxis to monitor the ways we observe and participate in this textured environment. Without this, we are left in the dark and are less able to see how we can (or should) respond to the nitty–gritty qualitative nature of ethnography. In this Chapter, two of methodological vignettes will act as entry points to unpack a set of tensions that commanded my attention during an eighteen months ethnography in Higher Education. ‘You Look Like an Ivory Tower Student’, for example, begins to troubleshoot ethnographic participation within educational environments. ‘Going Dark’, on the other hand, problematises the prioritisation of visual observations that are implicit in ethnographic tradition. Throughout these discussions a metaphor of being lured into darkness is offered as a productive orientation for ethnography

    “Fat is really a four-letter word”: exploring weight-related communication best practices in children with and without disabilities and their caregivers

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    Background: Health care professionals play a critical role in preventing and managing childhood obesity, but the American Academy of Pediatrics recently stressed the importance of using sensitive and nonstigmatizing language when discussing weight with children and families. Although barriers to weight‐related discussions are well known, there are few evidence‐based recommendations around communication best practices. Disability populations in particular have previously been excluded from work in this area. The objectives were to present the findings of a recent scoping review to children with and without disabilities and their caregivers for their reactions; and to explore the experiences and perceptions of the children and their caregivers regarding weight‐related communication best practices. Methods: Focus group and individual interviews were conducted with 7–18‐year olds with and without disabilities and their caregivers. The interview guide was created using findings from a recent scoping review of weight‐related communication best practices. Inductive thematic analysis was employed. Results: Eighteen children (9 boys; 7 children with disabilities) and 21 caregivers (17 mothers, 1 step‐father, 3 other caregivers) participated in 8 focus group and 7 individual interviews. Preferred communication strategies were similar across those with and without disabilities, although caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorder endorsed more concrete approaches. Discussions emphasizing growth and health were preferred over weight and size. Strengths‐based, solution‐focused approaches for weight conversations were endorsed, although had not been widely experienced. Conclusion: Perceptions of weight‐related communication were similar across stakeholder groups, regardless of children's disability or weight status. Participants generally agreed with the scoping review recommendations, suggesting that they apply broadly across different settings and populations; however, tailoring them to specific circumstances is critical. Empirical evaluations are still required to examine the influence of weight‐related communication on clinically important outcomes, including behaviour change and family engagement in care

    Exploring Mechanisms of (Dis)Engagement in Health and Physical Education Class with Adolescent Boys

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    Currently, there remains a primitive understanding of the potential mechanisms that promote participation, disengagement and withdrawal in Health and Physical Education class (HPE) among adolescent boys. Of central concern then, and the foundation of this research, is to develop a substantive and theoretical understanding of the intersubjective and intrasubjective meanings ascribed to HPE among adolescent boys who are transitioning into their final year of institutionalized HPE in Ontario. Drawing from an ethnographic, grounded theory case study conducted at an independent elementary school for boys', this research elucidates the mechanisms of HPE (dis)engagement from 15 adolescent boys (12-14 years of age) of varying physical abilities. In conjunction with Pierre Bourdieu's conceptual tools of field, capital, habitus, practice and symbolic violence, it is proposed that a habitus of HPE (dis)engagement is formed through the reflexive observation, somatization and naturalization of the valorized forms ofM.Sc

    Physical Activity Participation among Adolescent Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the physical activity (PA) participation of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as they are reported to be less active than their age-related peers. Driven by Norbert Elias’ Figurational Sociology, this study explored the lives and perspectives of a group of adolescent boys with ASD, and examined how their PA participation was mediated by wider social, cultural, institutional norms, values, and beliefs (socio-cultural processes). The objective was to understand how the identified socio-cultural processes interacted with bio-physical and psycho-behavioural processes to enhance, shape, and curtail their participation. A critical qualitative study using a multi-method design was used where 10 adolescent boys with ASD participated in two face-to-face interviews, and each created a digital story. Findings of this study make three substantive contributions to the literature on PA participation. First, data generated with participants added novel, rich, and in-depth descriptions of PA participation, and preliminary insights into the daily lives of adolescents with ASD. Second, in examining the daily lives of participants, findings highlight that PA was not merely a behaviour determined at the level of the individual. The analysis illuminated how PA was shaped by wider social values, norms and assumptions about ASD, and by practices, and interactions within particular PA spaces. These socio-cultural processes in turn influenced the (conscious and unconscious) choices and preferences made by participants in their particular social contexts, and shaped their habitus toward PA (dis)engagement. Finally, socio-cultural processes do not exist, or function in isolation. Rather, the study demonstrated how the interaction of bio-physical, psycho-behavioural, and socio-cultural processes interact to enhance, shape and curtail PA participation in numerous ways. These findings illuminate the complexity of PA participation, add nuance to the understanding of (in)activity, and highlight the need to consider these interdependent relationships when studying, conceptualizing and developing PA programs, opportunities, and interventions.Ph.D

    Image of celebrities in the light of a comparative analysis of Polish tabloid "Fakt" and the Bulgarian "Every day"

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    Praca dyplomowa pt. "Obraz celebrytów w świetle analizy porównawczej polskiego tabloidu „Fakt” i bułgarskiego „Każdego dnia”", to rozważania i badania na temat wizerunku gwiazd w mediach tabloidowych. Praca oparta jest na analizie 715 artykułów prasowych, które ukazały się w maju 2012 roku w "Fakcie" i "Każdego dnia".Praca składa się z trzech rozdziałów teoretycznych i jednego empirycznego. Pierwszy rozdział obejmuje szeroko pojętą tematykę tabloidów i tabloidyzacji. Drugi stanowi rozważania na temat celebrytów – obejmuje próbę definicji tego pojęcia oraz rożnego rodzaju podziały celebrytów i ich podgatunki. Trzeci zajmuje się dziennikarstwem tabloidowym w Polsce i w Bułgarii. W czwartym, empirycznym rozdziale dokonana została analiza porównawcza reprezentatywnego polskiego i bułgarskiego brukowca. Znajduje się w nim dokładny opis metodologii badań, ich przebieg, wyniki oraz wnioski. Praca posiada niezbędne elementy każdej pracy naukowej, czyli wstęp, spis treści, zakończenie oraz bibliografię.This thesis is about the image of celebrities created by the Polish tabloid "Fakt" and Bulgarian "Every day". You can read about yellow press, the elementary things about tabloidization and celebrities. There are three theoretical chapters and one epirical chapter. And of course - contents, introduction, conclusion and bibliography. This work is a reflection of modern culture and about appearing the pseudo-celebrities in media

    Forensic artist

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    Organy ścigania korzystają z wszelkich możliwych metod, w celu zwalczania przestępczości. Nie ulega wątpliwości, że skutecznych środków może dostarczyć nawet tak odległa dziedzina życia jak sztuka piękna. Implementacja umiejętności artystycznych i naukowej wiedzy, dla potrzeb wymiaru sprawiedliwości przyczyniła się do wyodrębnienia nowej dyscypliny nauk sądowych oraz nowej kategorii ekspertów. Dlatego też, celem mojej pracy stało się ukazanie artysty sądowego jako pełnowartościowego eksperta z zakresu nauk sądowych, co potwierdza m. in. interdyscyplinarny charakter jego przygotowania zawodowego. Powyższe rozważania miały także na celu zrozumienie natury, możliwości oraz ograniczeń czynności wykonywanych przez artystów sądowych, co pozwoli na lepsze wykorzystanie wyników współpracy z organami wymiaru sprawiedliwości.The law enforcement bodies make use of all possible methods to prevent crime. There is no doubt that effective means can be provided even by distant fields such as the fine arts. The implementation of artistic skills and scientific knowledge for the purposes of the judiciary contributed to the emergence of the new field of forensic science and the new category of experts. Therefore, the aim of my thesis was to depict the forensic artist as a competent expert in the field of forensic science, whose competence is proven among other things by the interdisciplinary nature of their professional preparation. The above-mentioned deliberations aimed also at the understanding of the nature, capabilities and limitations of the measures of the forensic artist, which allows the better use of the results of cooperation with the judicial organs

    The image of the foreigner in Polish television commercials - the analysing of the selected examples

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    The essay concerns the image of the foreigner in Polish television commercials. In Consists of 3 theoretical chapters and empirical one. It characterizes the commercial: its history, the functions, it fulfils, also fundamental definitions and kinds. Apart from that it touches upon the subject of legal regulations involved. It deals with the field of television commercials and its influence on the viewers in detail. What is more, it covers also both the issue of international communication and of national stereotypes. The conclusions are based on detailed research of 60 commercial spots. The general image of the foreigner is presented in positive way. In addition, the hypothesis that the image of foreigner is stereotipica has been proved. In Poland we can observe a peculiar fashion for foreigners who have become extremely popular.Niniejsza praca dotyczy wizerunku obcokrajowca w polskiej reklamie telewizyjnej. Składa się z trzech rozdziałów teoretycznych i jednego empirycznego. W części teoretycznej znaleźć można różne definicje reklamy, jej funkcje, rodzaje, regulacje prawne i in. Szczegółowe informacje dotyczą reklamy telewizyjnej. W następnych rozdziałach poruszany jest temat perswazji w komunikacji między kulturowej, a także problem stereotypów narodowych. W pracy została zastosowana ilościowa i jakościowa analiza zawartości treści. Materiałem badawczym było 60 spotów reklamowych, wybranych metodą celowo-losową. Szczegółowa analiza reklam, pozwoliła stwierdzić, że ogólny wizerunek obcokrajowca w polskiej reklamie telewizyjnej jest pozytywny. Wcześniejsze hipotezy o stereotypowym przedstawianiu cudzoziemców w reklamach, zostały potwierdzone, jednak nie wpływają one negatywnie na wizerunek ludzi innej narodowości. Polacy z dużą sympatią traktują obcokrajowców i można nawet dostrzec, że w ostatni latach panuje w Polsce swoista moda na obcokrajowca. Często występuje on w popularnych programach telewizyjnych i właśnie w reklamach

    The concept of energy production on the basis of modern alternative fuels

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    The paper presents a concept of producing energy on the basis of modern alternative fuels to be burnt in low- and medium-power stokerfired boilers. The thermal energy contained in water vapour and hot water will be utilized in producing, in combination, of electrical energy, and for heating of cubature objects. Modern alternative fuels in the form of briquettes and pellets will be produced from hard coals and municipal waste other than hazardous. There have been presented the properties of alternative fuels obtained, and the concept of their utilization in the process of energy production in cogeneration