12 research outputs found

    In memoriam: Teresa Nesteruk, an exceptional freshwater gastrotrich biologist

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    Xenotrichula guadelupense n. sp., a new marine Gastrotrich from Guadeloupe

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    Volume: 6Start Page: 37End Page: 4

    Model of transport planning in the relationship between organizer and operator of public transport

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    Rosn膮ce znaczenie transportu zbiorowego wymusza zmiany organizacji przewoz贸w. W utrwalonym standardzie podzia艂u kompetencji pomi臋dzy organizatora i operator贸w komunikacji, wraz z intensyfikacj膮 dynamicznych zaburze艅 przewoz贸w i wzrostem oczekiwa艅 pasa偶er贸w, problemem sta艂 si臋 brak mo偶liwo艣ci bie偶膮cej wymiany danych pomi臋dzy tymi instytucjami. Obecny, asynchroniczny model wsp贸艂pracy opiera si臋 o dwa odr臋bne systemy informatyczne, osobne bazy danych z niesp贸jnymi pod wzgl臋dem formatu i zakresu danymi. Wymiana jest realizowana przy pomocy wydruk贸w, plik贸w .xml lub baz po艣rednich z du偶ym udzia艂em r臋cznej edycji, co jest to przyczyn膮 op贸藕nie艅 w pracy, licznych b艂臋d贸w, nieporozumie艅, a w konsekwencji obni偶eniem jako艣ci us艂ug przewozowych i ich wysokim kosztem. Niedostrzeganym dot膮d rozwi膮zaniem jest zmiana modelu na synchroniczn膮 wsp贸艂prac臋 obu instytucji, poprzez wdro偶enie jednolitego oprogramowania i jednej wsp贸lnej bazy danych. W贸wczas wszyscy u偶ytkownicy, ze strony organizatora, jak i operator贸w komunikacji, zgodnie z przydzielonym uprawnieniami pracuj膮 r贸wnocze艣nie, w czasie rzeczywistym, w oparciu o jednolit膮 topologi臋 i sp贸jne dane o przewozach. W takim systemie nie ma b艂臋d贸w, op贸藕nie艅, mo偶liwe jest planowanie wszystkich typ贸w transportu w jednym systemie, a przede wszystkim mo偶liwa jest optymalizacja na ka偶dym etapie planowania, co w efekcie przyczynia si臋 do polepszenia jako艣ci przewoz贸w i znacznego obni偶enia koszt贸w. Jest to wystarczaj膮cy pow贸d do niezw艂ocznego wprowadzenia jako standardu, nowego, synchronicznego modelu wsp贸艂pracy organizatora i operator贸w transportu publicznego wed艂ug propozycji zawartej w artykule.The growing importance of public transport forces changes to the organization of transport. In the established standard of the division of competences between the organizer and transport operators, along with the intensification of dynamic transport disturbances and the increase in passenger expectations, the lack of the possibility of ongoing data exchange between these institutions has become a problem. The current asynchronous cooperation model is based on two separate IT systems, separate databases with inconsistency in terms of format and scope of data. The exchange is carried out using printouts, .xml files or intermediate databases with a large share of manual editing, which causes delays in work, numerous errors, misunderstandings and, consequently, a reduction in the quality of transport services and their high cost. A solution that has not been noticed so far is the change of the model to synchronous cooperation between both institutions, by implementing a uniform software and one common database. Then all users on the part of the organizer and transport operators, in accordance with the allocated rights, work simultaneously, in real time, based on a uniform topology and consistent transport data. In such a system, there are no errors, delays, it is possible to plan all types of transport in one system, and above all, it is possible to optimize at every stage of planning, which in turn contributes to the improvement of the quality of transport and a significant reduction in costs. This is a sufficient reason to immediately introduce a new, synchronous model of cooperation between the organizer and public transport operators as a standard proposed in the article

    Gastrotricha from the Pozna艅 Palm House鈥攐ne new subgenus and three new species of freshwater Chaetonotida (Gastrotricha)

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    Kolicka, Ma艂gorzata, Kisielewski, Jacek, Nesteruk, Teresa, Zawierucha, Krzysztof (2013): Gastrotricha from the Pozna艅 Palm House鈥攐ne new subgenus and three new species of freshwater Chaetonotida (Gastrotricha). Zootaxa 3717 (2): 231-279, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3717.2.

    A Modeling Framework to Investigate the Influence of Fouling on the Dynamic Characteristics of PID-Controlled Heat Exchangers and Their Networks

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    The present work is an extension of the authors’ previous research, where changes in the dynamic behavior of heat exchangers induced by fouling build-up were studied. In the present work, the authors used the previously elaborated and validated mathematical model of transient heat exchange with the influence of thermal resistance of fouling taken into account. The behavior of specific Heat Exchanger Networks (HENs) coupled with a Crude Distillation Unit together with their control loops is simulated using Simulink/MATLAB and the influence of fouling build-up on specific indices of quality of operation is investigated. According to the presented results, the higher the number of heat exchangers in the PID control loop and the greater the number of heat exchangers interacting in the network, the smaller the influence of fouling on the control quality indices, and in the extreme case, this influence may be negligible. This might be caused by the compensation of the negative effects of fouling build-up when the heat exchangers are interacting in the HEN. Nevertheless, potential adverse effects of fouling on HEN operation can be prevented by periodic adjustments of the optimal values of PID gains

    The rise and fall of rule by Poland's best and brightest

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