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    The paper aims at identifying the biomechanical characteristics of passive and active internal, external axial rotation at the knee joint. Another problem was to measure the maximal isometric muscle force of rotators in the knee. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences between the knee joints of swimmers and untrained students. We anticipated changes between active and passive axial rotation and muscular strength of rotators in swimmers and students. A group of swimmers (n=20), age 21.3 ñ 65 years, body mass 79.6 ñ 5.6 kg, body height 187 ñ 7.8 cm and students (n=50) age 20.9 ñ 55 years, body mass 75.6 ñ 6.9 kg, body height 180 ñ 7.8 cm from the Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw participated in this comparative study. Our findings indicate that the passive and active internal axial rotation in swimmers’ knees were significantly higher than those of students . Significant differences were also observed for passive and active external axial rotation between swimmers and students . No differences were found between the internal and external muscle force of rotators between swimmers’ and students’ knees

    New Synchronization Method for Transmission Systems with Variable Length of Bits

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    Based on the Spartan 3E evaluation module, a flexible platform for the implementation of different algorithms for A/D conversion was developed. The aim of presented work was to improve the concept of the sampling rate adaptation to the input signal rate of change in terms of practical issues including synchronization of delta codecs. The new, original synchronization method, useful in systems dedicated for transmission of variable duration of bits was proposed and experimentally verified. Performed measures and observations have shown elimination of the synchronization lose phenomeno

    Computer Controlled System for the Magnetron Sputtering Deposition of the Metallic Multilayers

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    Deposition of the metallic multilayers is a partof the scientific program on the chemical reaction leading tointermetallic compound formation. This reaction is known as selfpropagation high temperature synthesis (SHS). The key problemin this investigation is to produce the metallic multilayer systemwith good repeatability of thin films thicknesses. Thin shouldbe thin, parallel and with low volume of intermixing regionbetween components. Computer control system for the pulsed(mid frequency MF) magnetron sputtering equipment dedicatedfor metallic multilayers deposition is presented in this paper. Therotation velocity of the sample holder and the gas inlet throughmembrane valves are the main parameters controlled by thesystem. Parameters of the magnetron gun power supply, sampletemperature and technological gas pressure are registered. Theprocess cards which define all process parameters are collectedfor each dedicated process type. All cards are collected in aprocess cards library which permits for full automatization ofall operations. Software was written in a graphical LabVIEWenvironment

    ST-elevation in a patient with vasovagal syncope

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    We describe a case of a 68-year-old man with known ischaemic heart disease, who passed out after nitroglycerine administration. He had triple-vessel ischaemic heart disease and had suffered from myocardial infarction about 17 years prior to this incident. An ECG revealed ST-segment elevation in the anterior leads. The elevations lasted at least 40 minutes and no longer than 60 minutes. No troponin I level elevation was detected in two subsequent blood samples. The probable causes of ST-segment elevation in this patient are discussed. In our opinion ST-segment elevation was caused by a combination of hypervagotonia and transient myocardial ischaemia

    Utjecaj obogaćivanja okoliša predmetima promjenjljivog mirisa na ponašanje prasadi nakon odbića.

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    The aim of the study was firstly to check the aroma preferences of pigs, and on the basis of the best results the aromatized environmental enrichment objects were developed. Their effectiveness was tested in relation to aggressive behaviour. In the first stage of the experiment, 24 weaners (crossbreds of Polish Landrace and Polish Large White) were tested for aroma preferences (7 synthetic and natural flavours in perforated hanging containers). The pigs spent more time (P<0.05) near natural aromas of moist soil, grass and dried mushrooms, than synthetic vanilla, orange and strawberry aromas. Strawberry was the most popular synthetic fragrance. In the second part of the experiment, 36 weaner crossbreds of PL and PLW were divided into 3 groups, consisting of 12 animals each and were housed in pens: with additional flavoured components (chews - the smell of moist soil), odourless chews and without an additional object. The results showed that pigs used the aromatized objects with natural smells for longer than odourless objects (P<0.05) during days 1-9 and day 12. The interest in additional objects decreased with time, whereas the interest in aromatized objects remained at a higher level for the whole duration of the experiment. Changing the aroma after 14 days resulted in a significant rise in interest (time spent with and frequency) in the aromatized toy in comparison to odourless chews (duration 5.99 % vs. 0.23 % and frequency 26.46 vs. 6.07, respectively; P<0.01). It suggests that “novelty” is an important characteristic, increasing the attractiveness of an environment enriching object. Duration of agonistic behaviour was lower (P<0.05) during days 1-9 in pens equipped with aromatized objects in comparison to other systems.Cilj istraživanja bio je prvo provjeriti sklonost svinja prema određenim mirisima, a zatim na osnovi najboljih rezultata razviti mirišljive predmete za obogaćivanje okoliša. Njihova učinkovitost bila je provjerena u odnosu na agresivno ponašanje svinja. Tijekom prvog dijela istraživanja, kod 24 odbijena praseta (križanaca poljskog landrasa i poljske velike bijele svinje) provjerena je sklonost prema mirisima (7 umjetnih i prirodnih mirisa primijenjenih u visećim probušenim kutijama). Svinje su provele više vremena (P<0,05) uz prirodne mirise vlažnog tla, trave i osušenih gljiva nego uz umjetne mirise vanilije, naranče i jagode. Među umjetnim mirisima najprivlačniji je bio miris jagode. Tijekom drugog dijela istraživanja, odbijena prasad (n = 36), križanci poljskog landrasa i poljske velike bijele svinje, bili su podijeljeni u tri skupine po 12 prasadi. Prasad je držana u oborima, pri čemu su jednoj skupini dodani predmeti za žvakanje s mirisom vlažnog tla, drugoj skupini predmeti za žvakanje bez mirisa, a treća skupina nije dobila nikakve predmete. Rezultati su pokazali da su svinje duže koristile, tijekom 1 do 9 dana i 12. dan, predmete s prirodnim mirisom u odnosu na one bez mirisa (P<0,05). Zanimanje za pridodane predmete s vremenom se smanjivalo, no u slučaju predmeta s mirisom ostalo je na višoj razini tijekom cijelog pokusa. Promjena mirisa nakon 14 dana dovela je do značajnog porasta zanimanja (vrijeme boravka i učestalost) za mirisne predmete u odnosu na predmete bez mirisa (vrijeme boravka 5,99 % u odnosu na 0,23 % i učestalost 26,46 u odnosu na 6,07, P<0,01). Navedeno pokazuje da su “novosti” u okolišu važne jer novi predmeti za obogaćivanje okoliša pojačano privlače svinje. Trajanje natjecateljskog ponašanja svinja bilo je kraće za 1 do 9 dana (P<0,05) u oborima opremljenima mirisnim predmetima

    Wpływ turystyki na wybrane właściwości gleb na ścieżce dydaktycznej Bukowa Góra (Roztoczański Park Narodowy, Wschodnia Polska)

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    This article does not contain abstracts in English.Celem przeprowadzonych badań jest analiza zmian zachodzących w glebie w wyniku pieszego ruchu turystycznego w obrębie ścieżki dydaktycznej na Bukową Górę w Roztoczańskim Parku Narodowym (RPN). Rezerwat leśny Bukowa Góra położony jest na południe od miasta Zwierzyniec (Roztocze Środkowe, Polska E). Ze względu na dużą atrakcyjność przyrodniczą i krajobrazową już w 1934 roku utworzono tu rezerwat, którego powierzchnia nie przekraczała 8 ha. Celem ochrony jest zachowanie pięknych drzewostanów jodłowych i jodłowo-bukowych, wchodzących w skład zespołów wyżynnego boru jodłowego i buczyny karpackiej oraz zabezpieczenie rzadkich przedstawicieli fauny i flory. W wyniku udeptywania zmianom ulegają niektóre cechy morfologiczne powierzchniowych poziomów genetycznych. Dotyczy to przede wszystkim poziomu organicznego O, którego brak w profilach na ścieżce, a także poziomu próchnicznego A, nadbudowanego deluwiami w profilach zlokalizowanych w dolnych partiach ścieżki. Ponadto w glebach poddanych presji turystycznej zmniejsza się na ogół wilgotność aktualna, kapilarna pojemność wodna i maksymalna pojemność wodna, natomiast wzrasta gęstość objętościowa w porównaniu z glebami kontrolnymi poza ścieżką. Zależność ta jest najbardziej widoczna na głębokości 0–5 cm. Dodatkowo gleby występujące na ścieżce cechują się wyższymi wartościami pH oraz niższymi wartościami kwasowości hydrolitycznej i pojemności sorpcyjnej