176 research outputs found

    Transformations of Heun's equation and its integral relations

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    We find transformations of variables which preserve the form of the equation for the kernels of integral relations among solutions of the Heun equation. These transformations lead to new kernels for the Heun equation, given by single hypergeometric functions (Lambe-Ward-type kernels) and by products of two hypergeometric functions (Erd\'elyi-type). Such kernels, by a limiting process, also afford new kernels for the confluent Heun equation.Comment: This version was published in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44 (2011) 07520


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    Este estudo relaciona atributos edafoambientais e par\ue2metros dendrom\ue9tricos de plantios de Eucalyptus urophylla . O experimento foi realizado em talh\uf5es comerciais da mesma idade, no campus da UFRRJ em Serop\ue9dica (RJ), em tr\ueas s\uedtios selecionados em posi\ue7\uf5es topogr\ue1ficas distintas, no ter\ue7o superior (TS), no ter\ue7o m\ue9dio (TM) e no ter\ue7o inferior (TI) da encosta. Foram avaliados: atributos morfol\uf3gicos, f\uedsicos e qu\uedmicos dos perfis de solo; coletadas amostras nos talh\uf5es para avalia\ue7\ue3o do teor de nutrientes; e medidos par\ue2metros dendrom\ue9tricos. Os s\uedtios apresentam diferentes classes de solo, Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, Argissolo Amarelo e Planossolo H\ue1plico, dispostos do topo para o ter\ue7o inferior da encosta respectivamente. Foram observadas diferen\ue7as significativas entre os s\uedtios, quanto aos teores de nutrientes e outros atributos qu\uedmicos, que se refletiram nos par\ue2metros dendrom\ue9tricos. Os maiores valores de \ue1rea basal foram observados em TS e TI, respectivamente, 4,11 e 4,64 m2 ha-1. Os s\uedtios onde os atributos edafoambientais mais influenciaram positivamente os par\ue2metros dendrom\ue9tricos do Eucalyptus urophylla foram o TS e o TI.This study relates soil and environmental attributes and dendrometric parameters of Eucalyptus urophylla plots. The experiment was set in eucalyptus sites for commercial production, of the same age, located in the UFRRJ campus, Serop\ue9dica municipality (RJ). Three sites were selected in different topographic positions of the landscape, summit (TS), back slope (TM), and foot slope (TI). Morphological, physical, and chemical soil attributes were evaluated; soil samples were taken from the plots for analyzing nutrient levels; and dendrometric parameters were measured. The sites showed different soil classes, Red-Yellow Ultisol, Yellow Ultisol, and Fragiudult (Planosols), placed from the summit to the foot slope positions, respectively. There were significant differences between the sites for the nutrient content and other chemical attributes, which reflected in the dendrometric parameters. The highest values of tree base area were observed in the TS and TI positions, of 4.11 and 4.64 m2/ha, respectively. The sites where soil and environmental attributes favored most the dendrometric parameters of Eucaliptus urophylla were TS and TI

    Eficiência de fungicidas para o controle da ferrugem-asiática da soja, Phakopsora pachyrhizi, na safra 2011/12: resultados sumarizados dos ensaios cooperativos.

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    Material e método: Tabela 1 - Instituições, locais, cultivares, datas da semeadura da soja, presença (1) ou ausência (0) de sintomas de ferrugem na primeira aplicação de fungicida (incidência - INC). Tabela 2 - Ingrediente ativo (i.a.), produto comercial (p.c.) e dose dos fungicidas nos tratamentos para o controle da ferrugem-asiática da soja, safra 2011/12. Resultados e discussões: Figura 1 - Box plot da porcentagem de controle da ferrugem, para os diferentes tratamentos com fungicidas, em relação à média da severidade da testemunha sem controle (T1). Figura 2 - Box plot da porcentagem de redução da produtividade, para os diferentes tratamentos com fungicidas, em relação à média da produtividade do melhor tratamento. Tabela 3: Severidade da ferruge, porcentagem de controle em relação à testemunha sem tratamento, produtividade (Kg ha-1) e porcentagem de redução de produtividade (RP) em relação ao tratamento com a maior produtividade, para os diferentes tratamentos. Média de 11 ensaios para severidade e de 15 ensaios para produtividade. Rede de ensaios cooperativos, safra 2011/12.bitstream/item/61841/1/CT93.2012.pd

    Deflection control for reinforced recycled aggregate concrete beams: Experimental database and extension of the fib Model Code 2010 model

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    Recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) has emerged as a viable solution for solving some of the environmental problems of concrete production. However, design guidelines for deflection control of reinforced RAC members have not yet been proposed. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the applicability of the fib Model Code 2010 (MC2010) deflection control model to reinforced RAC beams. Three databases of long-term studies on natural aggregate concrete (NAC) and RAC beams were compiled and meta-analyses of deflection predictions by MC2010 were performed. First, the MC2010 deflection control model was tested against a large database of long-term tests on NAC beams. Second, a database of RAC and companion NAC beams was compiled and initial and long-term deflections were calculated using the MC2010 model. It was shown that deflections of RAC beams are significantly underestimated relative to NAC beams. Previously proposed modifications for MC2010 equations for shrinkage strain and creep coefficient were used, and new modifications for the modulus of elasticity and empirical coefficient β were proposed. The improved MC2010 deflection control model on RAC beams was shown to have equal performance to that on companion NAC beams. The proposals presented in this paper can help engineers to more reliably perform deflection control of reinforced RAC members.This is the peer-reviewed version of the article: N. Tošić, S. Marinković, and J. de Brito, ‘Deflection control for reinforced recycled aggregate concrete beams: Experimental database and extension of the fib Model Code 2010 model’, Structural Concrete, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 2015–2029, 2019 [https://doi.org/10.1002/suco.201900035

    Genetic diversity of carotenoid-rich bananas evaluated by Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT)

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the carotenoid content and genetic variability of banana accessions from the Musa germplasm collection held at Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits, Brazil. Forty-two samples were analyzed, including 21 diploids, 19 triploids and two tetraploids. The carotenoid content was analyzed spectrophotometrically and genetic variability was estimated using 653 DArT markers. The average carotenoid content was 4.73 μg.g -1 , and ranged from 1.06 μg.g -1 for the triploid Nanica (Cavendish group) to 19.24 μg.g -1 for the triploid Saney. The diploids Modok Gier and NBA-14 and the triploid Saney had a carotenoid content that was, respectively, 7-fold, 6-fold and 9-fold greater than that of cultivars from the Cavendish group (2.19 μg.g -1). The mean similarity among the 42 accessions was 0.63 (range: 0.24 to 1.00). DArT analysis revealed extensive genetic variability in accessions from the Embrapa Musa germplasm bank

    Diversity arrays technology (DArT) markers in apple for genetic linkage maps

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    Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) provides a high-throughput whole-genome genotyping platform for the detection and scoring of hundreds of polymorphic loci without any need for prior sequence information. The work presented here details the development and performance of a DArT genotyping array for apple. This is the first paper on DArT in horticultural trees. Genetic mapping of DArT markers in two mapping populations and their integration with other marker types showed that DArT is a powerful high-throughput method for obtaining accurate and reproducible marker data, despite the low cost per data point. This method appears to be suitable for aligning the genetic maps of different segregating populations. The standard complexity reduction method, based on the methylation-sensitive PstI restriction enzyme, resulted in a high frequency of markers, although there was 52–54% redundancy due to the repeated sampling of highly similar sequences. Sequencing of the marker clones showed that they are significantly enriched for low-copy, genic regions. The genome coverage using the standard method was 55–76%. For improved genome coverage, an alternative complexity reduction method was examined, which resulted in less redundancy and additional segregating markers. The DArT markers proved to be of high quality and were very suitable for genetic mapping at low cost for the apple, providing moderate genome coverage