350 research outputs found

    Reintegration of Return Migrants in Kerala: Policy Initiatives and Challenges

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    This paper is concerned with incident of return migration from overseas countries and their reintegration processes, and uses Kerala as a study area where  the state with largest concentration of return migrants in the country. Kerala has been a major source of human resource for the overseas countries for the world for a long which started in the 1830s and lead thousands of Keralites to gulf destinations still continues. The paper attempts to find out the policy initiatives and its challenges for the reintegration of the return migrants in Kerala state. In the special context of return migration of workers from overseas countries due to the economic recession, new labor policies and other reasons the reintegration of the return migrants is one of the discussing issue today in Kerala as others affected countries. The state Kerala has been affected much more in the return migration and the need of the attention to this area is very important today.  There are various detailed studies which deals with magnitude and causes of return migration to Kerala in the special context of economic recession in gulf countries. But only a few of studies have in the area of policy issues in return migration. Though some studies tried to analyze the functional status of different departments working for the migrants those did not gave special attention to the issues of return migrants.  The study will bring an insight in the selected topic for the review of literature.This paper attempts to put together issues related to international migration in a global perspective and covers wide range of issues related to the reintegration of returnees to the home society , current policies, programs and argues a multilevel planning not only just for individual migrants but also the family and total community at all. The paper argues that the migration policy should have to be expanded and current policies are not sufficient according to the strength of return migrants in the State. The paper discuss there should be a need of systematic policy initiatives and planning from the governments and other departments at  the local level with support of every stakeholder, i.e., the local communities in the home society, local self governments and the migrants themselves


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    It is popularly known that Islamic sciences are written in Arabic books (yellow books). From those books, the Muslims learn a variety of Islamic sciences, including Nahw-Sharf (Arabic grammar and structure). Arabic is very important since traditional Islamic sciences such as Qur’an, hadith and earlier ulama’s thoughts are inherited in Arabic. One of the Qur’anic studies in the light of language is al-'Adad (count) wa al-Ma'dud (the things counted). This article tries to explore the two things based on grammatical sciences of Arabic found in the Qur’an.   Kata Kunci: Al-‘Adad, al-Ma’dud, Bahasa Arab, Alqura

    Strategi Mendidik Anak Melalui Kisah dalam Al-Quran pada Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di MTs Negeri Poso Kota

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    Tesis ini mendeskripsikan tentang strategi mendidik anak melalui kisah dalam Al-Qur’an pada pembelajaran bidang studi pendidikan agama Islam di MTs Negeri Poso Kota. Di samping itu, juga memberi gambaran tentang faktor-faktor yang sering menjadi kendala bagi guru dalam mendidik anak melalui kisah dalam Al-Qur’an pada MTs Negeri Poso Kota, dan mendeskripsikan tentang solusi yang ditemukan dalam mengatasi kendala yang sering menghambat guru dalam membelajarkan kisah dalam Al-Qur'an di MTs Negeri Poso Kota. Berkenaan dengan hal tersebut, tesis ini merupakan penelitian field research sehingga datanya divalidasi melalui penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Oleh karena itu, metode analisisnya menggunakan teknik analisis deduktif, induktif dan komparatif. Semenara data yang terkumpul menggunakan survei, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa strategi mendidik merupakan alat interaksi di dalam proses pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, strategi pembelajaran yang digunakan harus menimbulkan aktivitas belajar yang baik, sehingga tujuan pembelajaran dapat tercapai secara maksimal. seperti yang terjadi di MTs Negeri Poso Kota, khususnya dalam proses pembelajaran bidang studi Pendidikan Agama Islam. Guru bidang studi Pendidikan Agama Islam senantiasa menerapkan strategi dalam proses pembelajaran. Strategi yang sering diterapkan dalam bidang studi PAI seperti dalam pembelajaran Aqidah Akhlak adalah pendekatan demokratis, yaitu suatu pendekatan yang menitik beratkan orientasinya pada proses pembelajaran dengan berinteraksi antara peserta didik dengan guru, yang memberikan kebebasan bagi peserta didik bertanya dan beraktivitas dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Strategi mendidik yang diterapkan guru bidang studi PAI di MTs Negeri Poso Kota adalah strategi deduktif, induktif, ekspositorik, dan heuristik. Keempat strategi inilah yang paling sering digunakan oleh guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam proses mendidik di MTs. Negeri Poso Kota. Strategi yang diterapkan guru dalam proses pembelajaran Al-Qur'an – Hadis dapat terhambat dari faktor-faktor waktu, faktor sarana – prasarana, faktor ketidak disiplinan siswa, faktor, faktor madrasah, faktor peserta didik, faktor lingkungan dan faktor orang tua. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian tersebut adalah diharapkan agar tulisan ini dapat memberikan manfaat terutama pengembangan diri penulis selanjutnya. Dapat memberikan informasi dan bahan pertimbangan kepada pihak madrasah terutama guru bidang studi PAI agar memiliki kreativitas dan inovatif sehingga dapat mengembangkan daya kreativitas dan inovasinya dengan mencari dan menemukan pendekatan, strategi, dan metode pembelajaran sehingga peserta didik dapat mencapai prestasi belajar yang maksimal

    Frequency-Doubling of Femtosecond Pulses in “Thick” Nonlinear Crystals With Different Temporal and Spatial Walk-Off Parameters

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    We present a comparative study on frequency-doubling characteristics of femtosecond laser pulses in thick nonlinear crystals with different temporal and spatial walk-off parameters. Using single-pass second harmonic generation (SHG) of 260 fs pulses at 1064 nm from a high-average-power femtosecond Yb-fiber laser in 5-mm-long crystals of β-BaB2O4 (BBO) and BiB3O6 (BIBO), we find that for comparable values of temporal and spatial walk-off parameters in each crystal, the optimum focusing condition for SHG is more strongly influenced by spatial walk-off than temporal walk-off. It is also observed that under such conditions, the Boyd and Kleinman theory commonly used to define the optimum focusing condition for frequency-doubling of cw and long-pulse lasers is also valid for SHG of ultrafast lasers. We also investigate the effect of focusing on the spectral, temporal, and spatial characteristics of the second harmonic (SH) radiation, as well as angular acceptance bandwidth for the SHG process, under different temporal and spatial walk-off conditions in the two crystalsPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft


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    The verses of the Qur’an were revealed little by little. Allah sometimes revealed only tens of verses, even  one verse only. Apart from the number of  verses revealed, the Prophet often conveied them to his revealation secretary that the verses had just been revealed was the continuation of the prior verses, or the beginning of the verses to reveal. It is from this point of view that the arrangement of the verses as found in Ottoman mushaf was not based on their choronological revealations, but on the harmony of their references and chapters. This article discusses one aspect of Qur’anic sciences, that is ‘Ilmu al-Munasabah  or ‘Ilmu Tanasub al-Ayat wa al-Suwar the reference of the verses and cahpters.   Kata Kunci: Munasabah, Ulumul Quran, Alquran, tafsir, surah, aya

    Low power memristive gas sensor architectures with improved sensing accuracy

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    Surface plasmon induced quantum interference at meta-material interface

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    In this work we investigate quantum interference in a four-level atom coupled to a negative index meta-material (NIMM) plasmonic reservoir that supports both TE and TM polarized surface plasmons (SP). This provides more options to control SP interaction with emitters and hence more control of spontaneous emission decays and spectrum. The spectrum depends critically on parameters like the reservoir parameters, mode frequency, frequency dependent electric permittivity and magnetic permeability, and the location of the atom. We report orders of magnitude enhancement in the reservoir-modified decays and spectrum compared to free space case. The rich atomic and plasmonic parameters provide a wide range of flexibility and more options to control emission spectrum that suits practical applications.Comment: 30 pages , 8 figures , research wor
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