478 research outputs found

    Gastroprotective and Immuno-supportive Role of Alcea kurdica against Stress Induced Lesion in Japanese Quails

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    تم اجراء الدراسة في حقل كردة رشة (جامعة صلاح الدين) ولمدة شهر ليقارن تأثير كل من مساحيق A.kurdica و Rifaxmine وRanitidine كمواد المعدي والمدعوم للمناعة للمسان المعرض للإجهاد والتي يأثر علي معدل النمو نتيجة تأكل الحويصلات والآفات المعوية . تم اجراء الدراسة على 75 طير سمان (عمرها 12 أسبوعًا) في ستة معاملات أذ قسمت إلى: = (T0-) تحكم سلبي بدون علاج، (T0 +) = تحكم إيجابي (لا يوجد إجهاد أو علاج (T1)   معالج بـ Rifaximine 200mg / L ماء مختلط،= (T2)  معالج بـ Ranitidine 200mg/l)  = (T3), تمت معالجته بمستخلص ⸲A.kurdica 100mg / L  تم غمر المجموعات المختبرة باستثناء مجموعة التحكم الإيجابية في ماء الصنبور باردة (17 درجة مئوية) كمحفز للتوتر. أظهر التحليل المجهري أن السمان المعالج مسبقًا بمستخلص A.kurdica (T3) كان له تأثير معنوي (p<0.05)  في طبقة قوانص كويلين أقل اضطرابا من تلك الخاصة بمجموعات T1 و T2 و T0 على التوالي. علاوة على ذلك، أشارت نتائج Eliza إلى زيادة عيار الأجسام المضادة ضد فيروسات ND وIBD و IB لمجموعات T3 مع زيادة HDL بشكل ملحوظ وانخفاض LDL و VLDL و TCHO لـ T3 مقارنة بمجموعات T1 و T2 و T0 + T0 على التوالي. أظهر مستخلص نبات A.kurdica الممزوج بالماء تأثيرات إيجابية على وزن الجسم ، وخصائص الدهون ، والحالة المناعية ، وتقليل تآكل قوانص في السمان، والذي يمكن اعتباره نباتًا طبيًا وكذلك عاملًا يعزز النمو في صناعة الدواجن.      The conducted research was done in Grda rasha field (Salahaddin University) for one month to compare the impacts of Alcea kurdica powder, Rifaxmine, and Ranitidine as anti-lesion and immune-strengthening agents on stress-induced quails which are affecting their growth rate and in severe cases causing gizzard erosion and deep intestinal lesions. To do that, 75 quails (12 weeks old) were grouped into six treatments with different additives. (T0-) = Negative control (Stress-induced Without treatment), (T0+) = Positive control (No stress inducing or treatment). T1= (treated with Rifaximine 200mg/L water mixed), T2= (treated with Ranitidine 200mg/L), T3= (treated with A.kurdica extract 100mg/L). The tested groups, except for positive control, were immersed in tap cold water (17°C) as a stress-induced technique. The Macroscopic analysis showed that quails pre-treated with A.kurdica extract (T3) had significantly (p<0.05) lower relative gizzard koilin layer disruption than those of T1, T2, and T0- groups, respectively. Moreover, the Elisa results indicated higher antibody titers against ND, IBD, and IB viruses for the T3 group with significantly increased HDL and lowered LDL, VLDL, and TCHO for T3 than that of T1, T2, T0+ T0- groups, respectively. Water mixed A.kurdica extract showed positive influences on the body weight, lipid profile, immune status and minimized gizzard erosions of breeding quails, which can be considered as a medicinal plant as well as a growth-enhancing agent in the poultry industry

    Prevent Intravenous Therapy (IV) Contamination by Addition of Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles to Silicone Rubber

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     المواد النانوية المتراكبة المضادة للبكتيريا تم تحضيرها لاستخدامها كأنابيب لادخال العلاج عن طريق الوريد (IV). حيث حضرت هذه المركبات بإضافة مسحوق أكسيد المغنيسيوم النانوي (MgO NPs) بنسب وزنية مختلفة (3، 6، و9) وزن% إلى مطاط السيليكون (SR) وتم فحص فعالية هذه المادة المتراكبة المضادة للبكتيريا ضد بكتيريا S. aureus و E. coli باستخدام طريقة Agar Well Diffusion. أظهرت النتائج أن إضافة MgO NPs إلى SR يؤدي إلى تحسين الفعالية المضادة للبكتيريا ضد E. coli و S.aureus بنسبة 7.1 ٪ و 27.1 ٪ على التوالي ،  وزيادة قوة الشد بنسبة 65.5 ٪ ، وزيادة الصلابة بنسبة 11.25 ٪ ، وزيادة مقاومة البلى بنسبة 84.5 ٪ ، وزيادة مؤشر تحمل السطح (Sbi) بنسبة 80.5 ٪ ، وزيادة في قابلية خزن السوائل (Sci) بنسبة 8.5 ٪ ، وخفض خشونة السطح (Sa) بنسبة 65 ٪ ، وخفض عمق الخشونة الأساسية (SK) بنسبة 67 ٪ و تحسين قابلية الترطيب للسطوح من خلال تقليل زاوية التلامس إلى اقل قيمة.Antibacterial material nanocomposites are prepared to manufacture intravenous therapy (IV). These composites prepared by adding Magnesium oxide nano powder (MgO NPs) with a different percent (3, 6, and 9 wt %) to Silicone rubber (SR). The activity of this antibacterial material was inspected against S. aureus and E.coli microorganisms by using Agar Well Diffusion method. Results showed that the addition of MgO NPs to SiR causes the following enhancement the antibacterial activity against E.coli and S.aureus by 7.1% and 27.1% respectively, increasing tensile strength by 65.5%, increasing the hardness by11.25%, increasing the wear resistance by 84.5%, increasing surface bearing index (Sbi) by 80.5% , increasing in core fluid retention (Sci) by 8.5%,  decreasing surface roughness (Sa) by 65%, decreasing core roughness depth (Sk) by 67% and  enhancement the wettability by decreases contact angle to minimum value

    A feature selection method based on auto-encoder for internet of things intrusion detection

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    The evolution in gadgets where various devices have become connected to the internet such as sensors, cameras, smartphones, and others, has led to the emergence of internet-of-things (IoT). As any network, security is the main issue facing IoT. Several studies addressed the intrusion detection task in IoT. The majority of these studies utilized different statistical and bio-inspired feature selection techniques. Deep learning is a family of techniques that demonstrated remarkable performance in the field of classification. The emergence of deep learning techniques has led to configure new neural network architectures that is designed for the feature selection task. This study proposes a deep learning architecture known as auto-encoder (AE) for the task of feature selection in IoT intrusion detection. A benchmark dataset for IoT intrusions has been considered in the experiments. The proposed AE has been carried out for the feature selection task along with a simple neural network (NN) architecture for the classification task. Experimental results showed that the proposed AE showed an accuracy of 99.97% with a false alarm rate (FAR) of 1.0. The comparison against the state of the art proves the efficacy of AE

    A Contrastive Phonological Study of Linking in English and Arabic

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    The present study is concerned with identifying and contrasting the phonological phenomenon of linking in English and Arabic.This study hypothesizes that there are more differences than similarities concerning this phonological phenomenon between both languages. The hypotheses of the present study are verified through a qualitative analysis of some selected data. The results of the present study shed light on how English and Arabic speakers link words together in the rapid casual speech. The present study concludes that English speakers use [w], [j], [r], or intrusive[r] to avoid the occurrence of two vowels and to make the speech easier. Arabic speakers, on the other hand, use kasrah [ɪ], fat-ha [e], and dhamma [ʊ] to avoid the occurrence of two saakins (iltiqaa al-sakinyian) and to facilitate the connected speech. Keywords: Linking, English and Arabic, Contrastive Phonolog

    A Review for the Current Advancements in 5G Technology

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    الجيل الخامس للاتصالات أو ما يشار اليه باختصار (5G) يمثل التطور الجديد في عالم الاتصالات والذي يعتمد عليه لكسر حاجز سرعة البيانات الحالي للوصول إلى سرعات عالية. تَعِد هذه التقنية الحديثة بسرعات خيالية ستمكن المستخدمين من إجراء مكالمات صورية ذات دقة عالية جدا وبوقت حقيقي دون تقطيعات. كما وستوفر هذه التقنية أيضا البنى التحتية لما يعرف بإنترنت الأشياء (IoT) والذي سيعتمد من قبل الحكومات الالكترونية ومراكز الرعاية الصحية الالكترونية وشبكات الواصل الاجتماعي وتبادل البيانات بالإمكانات المفتوحة والتحكم عن بعد بالمنشآت الحكومية المهمة والحساسة. الغرض من ها البحث هو تقديم مسح بياني عن التحديثات الجديدة في هذا الميدان (5G) والمقاييس المتوفرة والتي هي تحت البحث والمناقشة والإمكانات المستقبلية لهذه التقنية. بالإضافة لهذا يتطرق البحث لموضوع التحديات والصعوبات التي تواجه هذه التقنية الحديثة والخطط الموضوعة لمستقبل الاتصالات.The fifth generation technology or in short (5G technology) is the recent technology that is meant to break the data limits barrier. It promises very high data rates that will provide the user with enough bandwidth to conduct a real time HD telephone conversation. It will also provide the infrastructure for the IoT (Internet of Things) that will be dedicated for electronic governments, electronic healthcare centers, social media networks, full-scale data sharing, and remote controlling for sensitive governmental facilities. This paper is intended as survey for the current developments and technologies available for the coming 5G mobile technology. It discusses the ideas, the preparations, the developments, the standards under discussion and the potentials for this technology. In addition, this work takes into consideration the challenges and the difficulties facing this new coming technology and the plans laid ahead for the futuristic mobile networks

    Light Fidelity Technology Technique and Parameters: A Review Paper

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    في وقتنا الحاضر عمليات زيادة سرعة نقل البيانات لاقت اهتمام كبيرا من قبل الباحثين لتلبية الزياده الكبيرة بعدد المستخدمين وكثرة تبادل البيانات. في ورقه المراجعة هذه قمنا بمراجعة تقنية نقل البيانات عبر الضوء المرئي والتي تعتبر تكنولوجيا المستقبل والتي ستوفر الحل لجميع الاختناقات بسبب امكانيتها العاليه لنقل البيانات بسرع عالية جدا تصل الى 100 مرة أسرع من تقنية Wi-Fi. تم التركيز بهذه الورقه على تعريف هذه التقنية وتطبيقاتها ومنافعها وكذلك معوقاتها لكي يتم تجاوزها والتي تعتبر البديل لتقنية Wi-Fi الموجوده.The process of increasing the speed of the internet in the present time is of great interest to researchers. In this paper we reviewed the Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) technology, which is the future of communications that will provide solutions to the problems of bottlenecks. This technology has the ability  to transfer data rate at  very high speed of up to 100 times faster than Wi-Fi technology  The focus of this paper is on the definition of Li-Fi and the applications, benefits, disadvantages of Li-Fi technology and the future uses of this technology as compared to the existing ones such as Wi-Fi technology, where the abundance of technology for Wi-Fi offers a larger package ,a better work efficiency and a greater security of data transfer technologies Currently exist

    The Pragmatics of Persuasiveness in American Christian Sermons

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    تتناول الدراسة الحالية الإقناع كظاهرة لغوية تداولية في بعض الخطب الأمريكية المسيحية بشأن الانتخابات الرئاسية الأمريكية 2016 من المنظور التداولي اعتماداً على أساليب أرسطو الاقناعية وقواعد جرايس. تتضمن الدراسة تحليل نوعي وكمي للإجابة على تساؤلات الدراسة وانجاز الأهداف و تحقيق فرضيات الدراسة. قدمت الدراسة تحليل تداولي للإقناع في الخطب الأمريكية المسيحية التي تتناول الانتخابات الرئاسية الأمريكية 2016 كأهم موضوعاتها لتفحص مدى فعالية الاستراتيجيات التداولية في الإقناع. توصلت نتائج الدراسة إلى منظور جديد يضاف إلى ظاهرة الإقناع من وجهة نظر تداولية. كما توصلت الدراسة إن هناك استراتيجيات ذو فعالية كبيرة في الإقناع منها أساليب أرسطو الاقناعية وخرق قواعد جرايس.  The present study is concerned with examining persuasiveness from a pragmatic standpoint in some American Christian sermons about the USA elections 2016 basing on Aristotle's persuasive appeals and Grice's maxims. It includes qualitative as well as quantitative analyses to answer the questions of this study, fulfill its aims, and verify its key hypotheses. The findings have provided a new dimension added to the previous literature about the pragmatics of persuasiveness. Most previous studies on American Christian sermons concentrate on its theological aspects regardless of its pragmatic importance. Thus, the present study attempts to bridge this gap by offering a pragmatic analysis of American Christian sermons especially those about the USA elections to examine their persuasive effectiveness. The findings have shown that the persuasive appeal of pathos is highly resorted to by the American Christian preachers so that the congregation will be receptive to and convinced by the preacher's message. They also have shown that resorting to the strategy of the non-observance of conversational maxims means that American Christian preachers breach one or more of the conversational maxims to express their messages indirectly by the strategy of flouting and opting out. The study suggests executing further research works on the pragmatics of persuasiveness used in sermons by adopting different pragmatic theories and strategies

    Cloud-Connected Wireless Holter Monitor Machine with Neural Networks Based ECG Analysis for Remote Health Monitoring

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    This study describes the creation of a wireless, transportable Holter monitor to improve the accuracy of cardiac disease diagnosis. The main goal of this study is to develop a low-cost cardiac screening system suited explicitly for underprivileged areas, addressing the rising rates of cardiovascular death. The suggested system includes a wireless Electrocardiogram (ECG) module for real-time cardiac signal gathering using attached electrodes, with data transfer made possible by WiFi to a cloud server for archival and analysis. The system uses a neural network model for automated ECG classification, concentrating on the identification of cardiac anomalies. The diagnostic performance of cardiologist-level ECG analysis is surpassed by our upgraded deep neural network architecture, which underwent thorough evaluation and showed a stunning accuracy rate of more than 88\%. A quick, accurate, and reasonably priced option for cardiac screening is provided by this ground-breaking technology, which smoothly merges wireless data transfer with AI-assisted diagnostics. In addition to providing a thorough overview of the development process, this paper also highlights methods used to improve model accuracy, such as data preparation, class imbalance correction using oversampling, and model fine-tuning. The work shows the viability of a comprehensive remote cardiac screening system powered by AI and maximising the use of wearable and cloud computing resources. Such cutting-edge remote health monitoring technologies have great promise for improved health outcomes and early identification, especially in resource-constrained countries

    Interferon-γ Level in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis

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    Atopic Dermatitis is an itchy, inflammatory skin condition with a predilection for the skin flexures. Studies have found the expression of IL-4 and decreased IFN-γ expression was more pronounced in allergen-specific T cells stimulated by various allergens. A comparative descriptive study cover 21 case of AD and 16 control individuals. The mean level of INF-γ was higher among the control than the cases of AD but there was no significant difference between the mean INF-γ level (P = 0.261). There was no significant difference in age between cases and control (P = 0.053). Keywords: Atopic dermatitis, INF- γ, Family history, Children DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/64-01 Publication date:July 31st 201