21 research outputs found

    Métodos computacionais em comunicação

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    El reciente aumento en los datos, herramientas y poder de procesamiento disponibles digitalmente está fomentando el uso de métodos computacionales para el estudio de la comunicación y en las Ciencias Sociales, en general. Un fenómeno que está abriendo nuevas líneas de investigación y aplicación práctica para la comprensión de fenómenos sociales en los contextos digitales actuales; así como en la identificación de factores que inciden en la ocurrencia de dichos eventos, en la aplicación de estrategias de comunicación, en el estudio de nuevos contextos de ejercicio ciudadano y de consumo de los usuarios desde los escenarios digitales actuales, y en la aplicación de nuevas metodologías que hasta no hace mucho eran ajenas al campo de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas. El presente número intenta abordar el tema central de este número, desde algunas perspectivas presentadas por los autores que hacen parte de este número, con el fin de contribuir a tener una visión general de enfoques y perspectivas más relevantes de aplicabilidad de este tipo de métodos a nivel de la comunicación en la actualidad.The recent increase in data, tools, and processing power available digitally is encouraging the use of computational methods for the study of communication and in the Social Sciences, in general. A phenomenon that open new lines of research and a practical application. For example the understanding of social aspects in current digital contexts; the identification of factors that affect the occurrence of such events; the application of communication strategies, in the study of new meanings of citizen exercise and consumption of users from current digital scenarios; and in the use of new methodologies that until recently were alien to the field of Social and Humanistic Sciences. This special issue attempts to address the central issue of this issue, from some perspectives established by the authors that are part of this issue, in order to contribute to an overview of more relevant approaches and perspectives of applicability of these types of methods to Communication level today.O recente aumento de dados, ferramentas e poder de processamento disponível digitalmente está estimulando o uso de métodos computacionais para o estudo da comunicação e nas Ciências Sociais, em geral. Um fenômeno que está abrindo novas linhas de pesquisa e aplicação prática para a compreensão dos fenômenos sociais nos atuais contextos digitais; bem como identificar fatores que influenciam a ocorrência de tais eventos, na implementação de estratégias de comunicação, o estudo de novos contextos de exercício cidadão e consumo de usuário dos cenários digitais atuais e na implementação novas metodologias que até recentemente eram estranhas ao campo das Ciências Humanas e Sociais. Esta edição convida pesquisadores de todas as áreas do conhecimento a apresentarem propostas acadêmicas que dêem relevância especial ao uso e aplicação de métodos computacionais em torno de temas relacionados à comunicação, tanto no nível da pesquisa quanto na sua aplicação à análise e ao uso do usuário. suas aplicações para diferentes áreas de marketing, design digital de produtos, comunicação política, entre outros. Tudo isso com o propósito de que o presente número contribua para ter uma visão geral de abordagens e perspectivas mais relevantes para a aplicabilidade deste tipo de métodos no nível da comunicação atual

    2.0 Society Convergences: Coexistence, Otherness, Communication and Edutainment

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    The research finds justification given the incidence and magnitude they currently have in the human social sphere in the framework of the so-called Society 2.0. Derived from this framework, this approach must specially consider education as a vital social process. The same happens with information and communication technologies since they are frequently and increasingly used as mediation in educational contexts and because of their undeniable mediation in human interactions. Consequently, one of the most relevant questions tackled in this research refers to the disciplines required to provide a sufficiently broad theoretical and conceptual background for the scientific basis of the convergence between communication, edutainment, coexistence and otherness to effectively transform the last two concepts into measurable variables. The paper results from the content and a systemic analysis using ATLAS.ti software of published scientific documents for the last two decades about the phenomena of coexistence and otherness. As a main result, the researchers present a taxonomy that includes dimensions and indicators that enable the conversion of both constructs into measurable variables. Thus, a convergence to address the scientific study of coexistence and otherness from communication and edutainment emerged. The review also provides a theoretical basis for designing intervention models aimed at promoting coexistence. Edutainment is also incorporated as a novel tool to promote pro-social attitude

    Conectividad de Java con bases de datos mediante invocación de objetos con métodos remotos (objetos RMI)

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    El desarrollo de aplicaciones distribuidas está teniendo cada vez más auge entre las empresas del mundo; esto se debe a la gran importancia que ha adquirido el Internet en los últimos años. Para dar solución a esta necesidad surgen arquitecturas distribuidas como RMI (Invocaci6n de Métodos Remotos). En este artículo se describe una de las principales arquitecturas empleadas para desarrollar aplicaciones basadas en objetos distribuidos, Java RMI. Además se presenta una comparación entre esta arquitectura y otras como CORBA, RPC y DCOM

    Hacia el fomento de las TIC en el sector educativo en Colombia

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    El actual contexto tecnológico y la apertura de nuevos escenarios digitales de comunicación y acceso al conocimiento ha generado cambios sustanciales en el sector educativo a nivel global. Los maestros y las instituciones educativas no pueden limitarse solo a proporcionar las clásicas estrategias de seguimiento y apoyo al aprendizaje del alumno; por el contrario, deben basarse en el fomento y promoción de mecanismos más sistemáticos y continuados al momento de llevar a cabo dicha labor, con el fin de promover mayor autonomía en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje que lideran. Precisamente, para conocer a fondo cómo se encuentra el sector educativo en Colombia respecto a los retos que marcan las nuevas formas de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la sociedad del conocimiento, se presenta esta obra que contiene los resultados del proyecto Medición del impacto de las actividades orientadas al fomento de las TIC en el sector educativo en la región Caribe Colombiana. Caso Barranquilla y Cartagena, ejecutado por el Observatorio de Educación de la Uninorte, la Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar y la Corporación Colombia Digital, con el apoyo de asesores internacionales de la Universidad de Murcia y del Instituto Torre del Palau de España, y el financiamiento de COLCIENCIAS y el Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia. Los autores realizan una revisión crítica al actual escenario tecnológico del sector educativo en el país y presentan una propuesta orientada al fortalecimiento del fomento de las TIC. Los resultados aquí compilados serán de gran utilidad para la generación de nuevas medidas orientadas a optimizar el proceso de inclusión digital en Colombia y la replicación de este propuesta en otros escenarios de América Latina

    A Data Link Layer In Support Of Swarming Of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

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    Communication underwater is challenging because of the inherent characteristics of the media. First, common radio frequency (RF) signals utilized in wireless communications cannot be used under water. RF signals are attenuated in such as way that RF communication underwater is restricted to very few meters. As a result, acoustic-based communication is utilized for underwater communications; however, acoustic communication has its own limitations. For example, the speed of sound is five orders of magnitude lower than the speed of light, meaning that communications under water experience long propagation delays, even in short distances. Long propagation delays impose strong challenges in the design of Data Link Layer (DLL) protocols. The underwater communication channel is noisy, too. The bit error rate (BER) can also change depending on depth and other factors, and the errors are correlated, like in wireless communications. As in wireless communications, transducers for acoustic communication are half duplex, limiting the application of well-known detection mechanisms in Medium Access Control (MAC) layer protocols. Further, known problems like the hidden and exposed terminal problem also occur here. All these aspects together make the underwater communication channel to have the worst characteristics of all other known channels. Because of these reasons, underwater scenarios are complicated to implement, especially when they have underwater autonomous vehicles exchanging information among them. This dissertation proposes data link layer protocols in support of swarming of underwater autonomous vehicles that deal with the problems mentioned before. At the MAC sublayer, a MAC protocol called 2MAC is introduced. 2MAC improves the throughput of the network using the multichannel capabilities of OFDM at the physical layer. At the logical link control sublayer, a protocol named SW-MER is proposed. SW-MER improves the throughput and the reliability combining the well-known stop and wait protocol with the sliding window strategy, and using an exponential retransmission strategy to deal with errors. 2MAC and SW-MER are evaluated and compared with other protocols using analytical means and simulations. The results show that by using 2MAC, packet collisions are considerably reduced and the throughput improved. In addition, the use of SW-MER improves the packet delivery ratio over existing mechanisms. In general, the evaluations indicate that the proposed data link layer protocols offer a better communication alternative for underwater autonomous vehicles (UAV) than traditional protocols

    A Data Link Layer In Support Of Swarming Of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

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    Communication underwater is challenging because of the inherent characteristics of the media. First, common radio frequency (RF) signals utilized in wireless communications cannot be used under water. RF signals are attenuated in such as way that RF communication underwater is restricted to very few meters. As a result, acoustic-based communication is utilized for underwater communications; however, acoustic communication has its own limitations. For example, the speed of sound is five orders of magnitude lower than the speed of light, meaning that communications under water experience long propagation delays, even in short distances. Long propagation delays impose strong challenges in the design of Data Link Layer (DLL) protocols. The underwater communication channel is noisy, too. The bit error rate (BER) can also change depending on depth and other factors, and the errors are correlated, like in wireless communications. As in wireless communications, transducers for acoustic communication are half duplex, limiting the application of well-known detection mechanisms in Medium Access Control (MAC) layer protocols. Further, known problems like the hidden and exposed terminal problem also occur here. All these aspects together make the underwater communication channel to have the worst characteristics of all other known channels. Because of these reasons, underwater scenarios are complicated to implement, especially when they have underwater autonomous vehicles exchanging information among them. This dissertation proposes data link layer protocols in support of swarming of underwater autonomous vehicles that deal with the problems mentioned before. At the MAC sublayer, a MAC protocol called 2MAC is introduced. 2MAC improves the throughput of the network using the multichannel capabilities of OFDM at the physical layer. At the logical link control sublayer, a protocol named SW-MER is proposed. SW-MER improves the throughput and the reliability combining the well-known stop and wait protocol with the sliding window strategy, and using an exponential retransmission strategy to deal with errors. 2MAC and SW-MER are evaluated and compared with other protocols using analytical means and simulations. The results show that by using 2MAC, packet collisions are considerably reduced and the throughput improved. In addition, the use of SW-MER improves the packet delivery ratio over existing mechanisms. In general, the evaluations indicate that the proposed data link layer protocols offer a better communication alternative for underwater autonomous vehicles (UAV) than traditional protocols