5 research outputs found


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    Kosakata merupakan hal penting dalam pembelajaran bahasa Jepang, karena semakin banyak kosakata semakin baik pula berkomunikasi. Namun dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa Jepang di Sekolah, banyak siswa yang masih kesulitan dalam menguasi kosakata. Maka dari itu, penulis mengadakan penelitian penerapan metode Whole Brain Teaching pada pembelajaran kosakata bahasa Jepang untuk memudahkan siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa Jepang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui kemampuan kosakata siswa sebelum menggunakan metode Whole Brain Teaching, 2) mengetahui kemampuan kosakata siswa sesudah menggunakan metode Whole Brain Teaching, 3) mengetahui pendapat siswa tentang pembelajaran kosakata menggunakan metode Whole Brain teaching. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen kuasi dengan desain one group pretest-posttes design.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMAN 16 Bandung dan sampelnya adalah 24 siswa kelas XI IPA 7 SMAN 16 Bandung. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu, pretes, postes, dan angket. Dari hasil analisis data, diketahui nilai rata-rata pretes sebesar 52,78 postes 95,28 dan db=22, sehingga t hitung yang diperoleh sebesar 8,04. T hitung tersebut lebih besar daripada t tabel (taraf signifikasi 5% = 1,15 dan 1% = 0,23). Dengan begitu H_kditerima yang artinya, metode Whole Brain Teaching efektif dalam meningkatkan kosakata bahasa Jepang siswa. Serta berdasarkan data yang didapat dari angket, dapat dikatakan bahwa metode Whole Brain Teachingmempunyai teknik-teknik yang mampu membuat siswa lebih fokus, lebih kreatif, serta menyenangkan sehingga menghasilkan pembelajaran yang efektif. Keyword: Penerapan, Whole Brain Teaching, Kosakata Vocabulary is important in learning Japanese , because the more the better vocabulary to communicate. But in the process of learning Japanese at school , many students are still difficulties in mastering vocabulary. Therefore , the authors conducted research application of Whole Brain Teaching method in learning Japanese vocabulary to facilitate students in learning Japanese. This research aims to 1) know the vocabulary skills of students before using the Whole Brain Teaching method 2) know the vocabulary skills of students after using the Whole Brain Teaching method 3) find out what students say about learning vocabulary using Whole Brain teaching method. The research method used is the method of quasi-experimental with one group pretest - posttes design. The population in this research were students of SMAN 16 Bandung and the sample was 24 students of class XI Science 7 SMAN 16 Bandung. The instrument used is the pretest , posttest , and questionnaires. The result of data analysis showed that average value of pretest is 57,78 average value of posttest is 95,28 anddb=22, t-count was 8,04 and t-table in the level of 5% (1, 15), while level 1% as big as 0,23. This proved that t-count was bigger that t-table. This means that there was a significant difference in vocabulary skill after using whole brain teaching method in learning Japanese vocabulary. based on the results obtained from the questionnaire known that Whole brain teaching methods have techniques that can make students more focused, more creative also fun so that can produce effective learning. Keyword: Application, Whole Brain Teaching, Vocabular

    Towards an enhancement of organizational information security through Threat Factor Profiling (TFP) model

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    Information security has been identified by organizations as part of internal operations that need to be well implemented and protected. This is because each day the organizations face a high probability of increase of threats to their networks and services that will lead to information security issues. Thus, effective information security management is required in order to protect their information assets. Threat profiling is a method that can be used by an organization to address the security challenges. Threat profiling allows analysts to understand and organize intelligent information related to threat groups. This paper presents a comparative analysis that was conducted to study the existing threat profiling models. It was found that existing threat models were constructed based on specific objectives, thus each model is limited to only certain components or factors such as assets, threat sources, countermeasures, threat agents, threat outcomes and threat actors. It is suggested that threat profiling can be improved by the combination of components found in each existing threat profiling model/framework. The proposed model can be used by an organization in executing a proactive approach to incident management

    Scoring matrix framework for threat factor profiling model

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    One of the important requirements in preparing for an information security risk management system is to construct a threat profiling model that can be used to identify and classify threats. The threat profiling model provides an organization with a complete set of information including pattern of threat scenarios and analysis on the threat they encounter. However, an organization must set objectives and results of a threat profiling, as well as metrics in order to measure, appreciate and counter the potential threats. The main contribution of this paper is the framework of the threat scoring which extends our previous findings on combinations of components found in referred threat models. Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge, threat scoring framework has not been investigated by any previous approaches. In fact, the computed threat score enables the quantification of the degree of threat severity which is an important benchmark for an organization to plan their countermeasure actions. Therefore, a scoring matrix framework for Threat Factor Profiling (TFP) model that includes identification and classification of threat is proposed. The purpose of this framework is to identify threats based on activity within an information system of an organization. The Threat Profile Report presents the collected data of threat based on the predetermined matrix