37 research outputs found

    Perceived Organizational Support in the Face of Algorithmic Management: A Conceptual Model

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    Organizational support theory proposes that employees develop global beliefs concerning the degree to which an organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being. These beliefs, known as perceived organizational support (POS), are related to a number of positive employee outcomes, including: job satisfaction, work effort, performance, etc. Three categories of POS antecedents have been recognized in the literature: perceived supervisor support; fairness of organizational procedures; and organizational rewards and job conditions. In this paper, we explore these antecedent categories in the gig-work context where organizations replace human managers with algorithmic management practices and data-driven procedures. In doing so, we develop a new conceptual model that centers on the role that a gig-organization’s algorithm plays in engendering POS by promoting perceptions of fairness and support, and by managing the provision of performance-based rewards. Contributions and future research avenues are discussed

    Four Essays on the Impacts of Platform-Mediated Work in the Gig-Economy

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    This dissertation consists of four essays which address the fast-growing gig-economy – a global phenomenon which has been of concern for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners over the last decade. The gig-economy is a labour-market characterized by the prevalence of part-time and/or temporary positions in which organizations engage independent workers for short-term contracts by connecting workers to customers via a digital marketplace. The technological foundations underlying these digital marketplaces are known as digital labour platforms. Despite being lauded as the future of work (Shapiro, 2018), a deeper understanding of digital labour platform architectures is needed to provide “a more realistic picture of how platforms are shaping the future of work in the online gig-economy” (Corporaal & Lehdonvirta, 2017, p. 2). Moreover, our understanding of the impacts of advanced technologies in interaction with work contexts on gig-workers’ attitudes and behaviours remains under-developed (Deci, et al., 2017; Kuhn, 2016; Kuhn & Maleki, 2017; Pichault, et al., 2017; de Reuver, et al., 2018; Spreitzer, et al., 2017; Sutherland & Jarrahi, 2018). This collection of essays aims to bridge these research gaps. The first essay in this dissertation explores how the architecture of the digital labour platforms underlying the gig-economy, and the characteristics of jobs mediated through these IT artefacts, can impact key antecedents of self-motivation. Drawing on self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000), job-characteristic theory (e.g. Hackman & Oldham, 1980), and enterprise social media research, this essay develops a mid-range theory demonstrating how organizations can engender gig-workers’ intrinsic motivation through the thoughtful design of their digital labour platforms and the integration of two social media tools, namely: social networking and social badging. In doing so, it advances the notion that the operational choices embodied in a gig-organization’s digital labour platform will act as critical determining factors of a gig-worker’s intrinsic motivation. The second essay in this dissertation explores how gig-workers perceive organizational support in the context of algorithmically-managed platform work. Organizational support theory proposes that employees develop global beliefs concerning the degree to which an organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being. These beliefs, known as perceived organizational support (POS), are related to a number of positive employee outcomes, including: job satisfaction, work effort, performance, etc. Three categories of POS antecedents have been recognized in the literature: perceived supervisor support; the fairness of organizational procedures; and organizational rewards and job conditions. In this conceptual paper, we explore these antecedent categories in the gig-work context where organizations replace human managers with algorithmic management practices and data-driven procedures. In doing so, we develop a conceptual model that centres on the role that a gig-organization’s algorithm plays in engendering POS by promoting perceptions of algorithmic fairness (PAF) and perceptions of autonomy support (PAAS) – two newly proposed theoretical constructs. The third essay in this dissertation is an instrument development piece which describes the process of developing and validating a theoretically-based measure of perceived algorithmic autonomy support (PAAS). To develop our instrument, we adopt Mackenzie et al.’s (2011) well-cited scale development process. As part of the scale development process, interviews were conducted with Uber drivers to support item generation. This was followed by content-validation with subject matter experts to develop and validate our instrument, and finally statistical and nomological validation were conducted using data collected from a total sample of 435 Uber drivers. The results of the survey confirm that: (i) PAAS is a second-order formative measure with four first-order reflective constructs; (ii) our resulting 13-item scale demonstrates adequate psychometric properties; and finally (iii) PAAS is positively, and significantly, related to perceived organizational support (POS) and job satisfaction. The fourth essay in this dissertation aims to advance our understanding of how workers perceive managerial algorithms. On digital labour platforms, algorithms are responsible for making a wide range of decisions including performance evaluation, matching, and reward assignments, to name a few. Although algorithmic decision‑making is a central feature of digital labour platforms, our understanding of how people perceive decisions made by algorithms, particularly in terms of fairness, remains underdeveloped. Drawing on the Theory of Organizational Justice (Colquitt, 2001; Greenberg, 1987), this paper explores the impacts of workers’ perceived fairness of managerial algorithms on perceived organizational support (POS) and job satisfaction. Through a survey of 435 Uber drivers, this paper finds that workers’ perceptions of the fairness of performance evaluation decisions taken by the Uber app’s algorithm play a central and significant role in promoting perceptions of organizational support and job satisfaction. On the other hand, workers’ perceptions of the fairness of matching (work allocation) decisions were found to play a less important, albeit positive, role. Moreover, our analyses also find POS to be a partial mediator between workers’ perceptions of fairness and job satisfaction

    Risk of Hematologic Malignancies After Breast Cancer in France : A Population-Based Cohort Study

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    Les hémopathies malignes induites font partie des complications tardives potentielles d’un traitement initial pour cancer du sein. Ces événements rares mais agressifs, méritent une attention particulière afin de déterminer le risque et les mécanismes impliqués dans leur survenue dans une population de survivantes de cancer de sein en augmentation continuellement. Ce travail porte sur l’évaluation de la survenue des différents types d’hémopathies malignes après un cancer du sein dans le contexte de prise en charge actuel, à l’échelle de la population française, à partir des données du SNDS. Au total, 439 704 femmes ayant eu un cancer du sein incident primaire entre 2006 et 2015 ont été inclues dans nos études. Les résultats de la première étude portant sur l’estimation de l’incidence des différents types d’hémopathies malignes chez les survivantes d’un cancer du sein suggèrent que les leucémies aigues myéloïdes, les syndromes myélodysplasiques, les leucémies aigues lymphoblastiques surviennent plus chez les survivantes d’un cancer du sein par rapport à la population générale. La deuxième étude ayant pour objectif d’estimer le risque de survenue des hémopathies malignes suivant les différentes modalités thérapeutiques révèle que les survivantes d’un cancer du sein ayant reçu de la chimiothérapie à un jeune âge étaient le plus susceptible de développer des leucémies aigues myéloïdes, des syndromes myélodysplasiques et des leucémies aigues lymphoblastiques. Les patientes ayant reçu de la radiothérapie étaient plus à risque de développer des leucémies aigues myéloïdes et des lymphomes. La troisième étude portant sur l’évaluation du risque de ces hémopathies associé à l’utilisation des facteurs de croissances hématopoïétiques chez les femmes traitées par chimiothérapie pour leur cancer du sein, montre que seul le risque de leucémies aigues lymphoblastiques semble augmenter avec l’utilisation les facteurs de croissance hématopoïétique. L’ensemble des travaux réalisés dans le cadre de cette thèse, portant sur des données en vie réelle en population générale permettent de mieux informer la décision thérapeutique, en particulier pour les patientes atteintes de la maladie à un stade précoce qui ont un faible risque de récidive et sont traités avec intention curative. Il est primordial de continuer à surveiller les tendances de survenues des hémopathies malignes après un cancer surtout que les traitements évoluent continuellement.An indirect consequence of the improved long-term survival seen in patients with breast cancer is the increased risk of hematologic malignant neoplasms. These treatment related complications although rare are very aggressive. This work focuses on the evaluation of the occurrence of different types of hematological malignancies after breast cancer in the context of current care, at the scale of the French population, using the French National Health databases. Overall, 439 704 women diagnosed with incident primary breast cancer between 2006 and 2015 were included in our studies. Results from the first study aiming to estimate the incidence of various types of hematologic malignant neoplasm in breast cancer survivors showed that acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, acute lymphoblastic leukemia and multiple myeloma occur more in breast cancer survivors compared to the general population. The second study aiming to analyze the role of postoperative treatment for breast cancer in the development of subsequent hematological malignancies reveals that breast cancer survivors who received chemotherapy at an early age were most likely to develop acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Patients who received radiation therapy were at higher risk of developing acute myeloid leukemia and lymphomas. The third study aiming to analyze the risk of these hematologic malignancies associated with the use of granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSFs) with chemotherapy for breast cancer showed that only the risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia seems to increase with the use of hematopoietic growth factors. The work carried out within the framework of this thesis, using real-life data in the general population, aims to better inform the therapeutic decision, in particular for patients suffering from the disease at an early stage who have a low risk of recurrence and are treated with curative intent. Since the treatments are constantly evolving it is important to continue to monitor trends in the occurrence of hematological malignancies after cancer in the future

    Risque d'hémopathies malignes après cancer du sein : Études à partir des données du SNDS

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    An indirect consequence of the improved long-term survival seen in patients with breast cancer is the increased risk of hematologic malignant neoplasms. These treatment related complications although rare are very aggressive. This work focuses on the evaluation of the occurrence of different types of hematological malignancies after breast cancer in the context of current care, at the scale of the French population, using the French National Health databases. Overall, 439 704 women diagnosed with incident primary breast cancer between 2006 and 2015 were included in our studies. Results from the first study aiming to estimate the incidence of various types of hematologic malignant neoplasm in breast cancer survivors showed that acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, acute lymphoblastic leukemia and multiple myeloma occur more in breast cancer survivors compared to the general population. The second study aiming to analyze the role of postoperative treatment for breast cancer in the development of subsequent hematological malignancies reveals that breast cancer survivors who received chemotherapy at an early age were most likely to develop acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Patients who received radiation therapy were at higher risk of developing acute myeloid leukemia and lymphomas. The third study aiming to analyze the risk of these hematologic malignancies associated with the use of granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSFs) with chemotherapy for breast cancer showed that only the risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia seems to increase with the use of hematopoietic growth factors. The work carried out within the framework of this thesis, using real-life data in the general population, aims to better inform the therapeutic decision, in particular for patients suffering from the disease at an early stage who have a low risk of recurrence and are treated with curative intent. Since the treatments are constantly evolving it is important to continue to monitor trends in the occurrence of hematological malignancies after cancer in the future.Les hémopathies malignes induites font partie des complications tardives potentielles d’un traitement initial pour cancer du sein. Ces événements rares mais agressifs, méritent une attention particulière afin de déterminer le risque et les mécanismes impliqués dans leur survenue dans une population de survivantes de cancer de sein en augmentation continuellement. Ce travail porte sur l’évaluation de la survenue des différents types d’hémopathies malignes après un cancer du sein dans le contexte de prise en charge actuel, à l’échelle de la population française, à partir des données du SNDS. Au total, 439 704 femmes ayant eu un cancer du sein incident primaire entre 2006 et 2015 ont été inclues dans nos études. Les résultats de la première étude portant sur l’estimation de l’incidence des différents types d’hémopathies malignes chez les survivantes d’un cancer du sein suggèrent que les leucémies aigues myéloïdes, les syndromes myélodysplasiques, les leucémies aigues lymphoblastiques surviennent plus chez les survivantes d’un cancer du sein par rapport à la population générale. La deuxième étude ayant pour objectif d’estimer le risque de survenue des hémopathies malignes suivant les différentes modalités thérapeutiques révèle que les survivantes d’un cancer du sein ayant reçu de la chimiothérapie à un jeune âge étaient le plus susceptible de développer des leucémies aigues myéloïdes, des syndromes myélodysplasiques et des leucémies aigues lymphoblastiques. Les patientes ayant reçu de la radiothérapie étaient plus à risque de développer des leucémies aigues myéloïdes et des lymphomes. La troisième étude portant sur l’évaluation du risque de ces hémopathies associé à l’utilisation des facteurs de croissances hématopoïétiques chez les femmes traitées par chimiothérapie pour leur cancer du sein, montre que seul le risque de leucémies aigues lymphoblastiques semble augmenter avec l’utilisation les facteurs de croissance hématopoïétique. L’ensemble des travaux réalisés dans le cadre de cette thèse, portant sur des données en vie réelle en population générale permettent de mieux informer la décision thérapeutique, en particulier pour les patientes atteintes de la maladie à un stade précoce qui ont un faible risque de récidive et sont traités avec intention curative. Il est primordial de continuer à surveiller les tendances de survenues des hémopathies malignes après un cancer surtout que les traitements évoluent continuellement

    Unlocking Perceived Algorithmic Autonomy-Support: Scale Development and Validation

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    Platform workers’ autonomy and agency are recurring themes in the study of the gig-economy where narratives purporting workers’ autonomy and empowerment conflict with those alleging the control and marginalization of workers. While it has been said that promoting workers’ agency can threaten the valuation of platform-based companies, the benefits of supporting workers’ autonomy in traditional organizations are well-established. To understand such inconsistencies, it is necessary to measure perceptions of autonomy-support; yet, no validated instruments exist that can be used to measure workers’ perceptions of algorithmic autonomy-support. To address this gap, we draw on the Theory of Self-Determination to reconceptualize the notion of autonomy-support for the techno-organizational phenomenon of algorithmically managed platform work. In doing so, we introduce a new construct, namely: Perceived Algorithmic Autonomy Support (PAAS). In this work-in-progress paper, we describe our current work in developing and validating a theoretically-based measure for PAAS. Preliminary results are provided

    Who’s the Boss? Measuring Gig-Workers’ Perceived Algorithmic Autonomy-Support

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    The gig-economy literature is rife with conflicting accounts of autonomy and empowerment versus exploitation and marginalization. To understand such contradictions, it is necessary to measure perceptions of algorithmic autonomy-support (PAAS); yet no validated instruments exist. To address this gap, we develop a theoretically-based measure for PAAS using Mackenzie et al.’s (2011) well-cited scale development process. To execute our scale development process, interviews were conducted with Uber drivers to support item generation; this was followed by content-validation with subject matter experts to develop and validate our instrument. Lastly, statistical validation was conducted using data collected from a total sample of 435 Uber drivers. The results of our survey confirm that: (i) PAAS is a second-order formative measure with four first-order reflective constructs; (ii) our 13-item scale demonstrates adequate psychometric properties; and (iii) PAAS is positively, and significantly, related to perceived organizational support and job satisfaction. Research contributions and applications are discussed

    Communicating to Practitioners through IS Research: a Descriptive Review

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    Though IS researchers are continuously being encouraged to make their research more relevant for practitioners, there are still relatively few studies that have empirically assessed how relevant, and thus useful, IS research is to practitioners. The goal of this study is to assess the practical relevance of IS research now and over time to understand how contributions are presented to practitioners and whether the field has improved in addressing practitioner needs for consumable research. This descriptive review assesses 258 empirical studies published in MISQ and EJIS across three periods (1993–94, 2003–04, and 2013–14) to answer three research questions: (i) What are the major types of practical contributions in IS research; (ii) How are practical contributions structured in IS research; and (iii) Has the nature of practical recommendations changed over time? This study provides four learning lessons for IS researchers, reviewers and journals on communicating effectively to practitioners