103 research outputs found


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    In the paper a novel construction of a low-pressure drop air-nozzle has been presented. It was designed in order to substitute the arrowhead nozzle working until now with a 535MWe CFB boiler. In comparison to the arrowhead nozzle the new construction has a lower pressure-drop and geometry, which is an effective barrier for backflow of a solid. In the paper numerical simulations as well as experimental studies of a new air nozzle have been presented. Laboratory tests have been conducted on a 3D test-stand equipped with six full scale air nozzles

    Nadwyżka bezpośrednia z wybranych produktów rolniczych w 2013 roku oraz projekcja dochodów na 2020 rok

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    Seria: Program Wieloletni 2011-2014. Konkurencyjność Polskiej Gospodarki Żywnościowej w Warunkach Globalizacji i Integracji Europejskiej, nr 105Uwarunkowania produkcyjno-rynkowa w rolnictwie w 2013 roku. Materiał i metodyka badań. Produkcja, koszty i nadwyżka bezpośrednia uzyskana z produkcji wybranych produktów rolniczych w gospodarstwach konwencjonalnych w 2013 r.: pszenica i żyto ozime, jęczmień jary, rzepak ozimy, żywiec wieprzowy. Produkcja, koszty i nadwyżka bezpośrednia uzyskana z produkcji mleka w gospodarstwach ekologicznych w 2013 r. Pojęcie modelu i wybrane zagadnienia prognozowania. Metoda projekcji dochodów z produktów rolniczych. Projekcja do 2020 roku kosztów produkcji oraz wyników ekonomicznych wybranych produktów rolniczych: pszenica i żyto ozime, jęczmień jary, rzepak ozimy, buraki cukrowe. Analiza empiryczna zmian cen skupu pszenicy, żyta, jęczmienia, żywca wieprzowego w latach 2001-2014.Kamila Sobieck

    Indications for sexology consultation in women after surgical treatment due to breast cancer

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    Introduction and objectives. Surgical treatment due to brest cancer have an impact on women sexuality. There is a need for research about effective indications for sexology consultation in women after such treatment. The aim of this study is to determine the indications for sexology consultation in women after surgical treatment for breast cancer. Materials and method. We tested 42 women patients diagnosed with breast cancer who had undergone mastectomy 3 months before the study. 3 months after the surgery the women were surveyed using the Polish version of FSFI assessing sexual functioning in women. The result of PL-FSFI were compared with the control group. Results. It was found that the mean score of PL-FSFI in the study group 3 months after the surgery was 13.33 points (score range: 1.2–31.7; median 8.3 points) with a statistically significant difference in terms of areas: desire, arousal, lubrication and orgasm in favour of the control group. The total score of PL-FSFI was significantly lower in women after mastectomy than in women after breast-conserving surgery. It has been shown that sexually active women in whom the surgery concerned the right breast (on the side of the dominant hand) scored lower on the scale “sexual functioning” of QLQ-BR-23 than women with surgery of the left breast, with this difference being statistically significant. There was a statistically significant correlation between the baseline performance status on the Zubrod scale and the scales: desire, lubrication and satisfaction of PL-FSFI. Living in a small town proved to be statistically significant for predicting a lower risk of sexual dysfunction among the surveyed women. Conclusions. The women who underwent surgery due to breast cancer had a higher risk of sexual dysfunction compared to the general population. Higher risk of sexual dysfunction especially concerns women after mastectomy, those who underwent breast surgery on the side of the dominant hand, and those with a worse preoperative overall level of functioning of ≥ 1 point on the Zubrod scale. A lower risk of disorders was observed in women living in smaller towns. The above factors indicate the advisability for sexology consultation in women with breast cancer

    Emotional Burden and Perceived Social Support in Male Partners of Women with Cancer

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    Background: The aim of this study was to describe the correlations between the psychosocial burden on male caregivers and their perception of social support, as well as distress, anxiety, and depression among their partners in the first six months after a cancer diagnosis. Methods: A cross-sectional, longitudinal and observational study was conducted on a group of 61 couples, with the use of Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI), Caregiver Burden Scale (CBS), Berlín Social Support Scales (BSSS), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and Distress Thermometer (DT). Statistical analysis was performed using Statistica v.13. Results: A strong positive correlation between the ZBI and CBS, as well as between support-seeking and the emotional involvement of male partners, was documented. The negative correlation between the lack of instrumental support and a much greater burden on caregivers, in emotional, social, and family life was documented. The level of distress, anxiety, and depression, as well as family problems reported by female patients, were positively correlated with the male caregiver′s burden. A demographic analysis showed significant relationships between the number of offspring and the negative health indicators of patients and their partners. Implications: The obtained results encourage deeper reflection on the need to improve the availability of instrumental support for male caregivers and support for families with an oncological ill parent in caring for minor children, and to maintain the social activity of the caregiver

    Disorders occurring in a somatic form: troubling phenomenon — troubling diagnosis

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    Zaburzenia pod postacią somatyczną (czyli objawy natury somatycznej, których nie udaje się wyjaśnić organicznym schorzeniem) stanowią intrygujący fenomen ludzkiej natury, ale także konceptualne, diagnostyczne i terapeutyczne wyzwanie dla współczesnej psychiatrii. Przed zakończeniem prac nad najnowszym wydaniem amerykańskiego Podręcznika Statystycznego i Diagnostycznego DSM-5, dyskusji poddano jedną z najbardziej niejednoznacznych i kłopotliwych jednostek diagnostycznych — zaburzenia somatoformiczne. W psychiatrii stosuje się ją w odniesieniu do zaburzeń, polegających na kanalizowaniu problemów psychologicznych w sferę ciała, innymi słowy ujawnianiu objawów natury somatycznej na tle nerwicowym. Podjęta debata stała się okazją do dokładniejszego przyjrzenia się naturze tej grupy zaburzeń i określenia sposobu ich pojmowania przez współczesną psychiatrię. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu przybliżyć czym są zaburzenia pod postacią somatyczną oraz przywołać kontrowersyjne aspekty tej diagnozy. Artykuł zawiera doniesienia z obszaru epidemiologii, chorób i zaburzeń współistniejących z zaburzeniami somatoformicznymi, terapii oraz jednostkowych i społecznych konsekwencji omawianego zjawiska. Przytoczone zostają opisy „nowych” kategorii diagnostycznych dla tej grupy zaburzeń według DSM-5.Disorders occurring in a somatic form (i.e. somatic symptoms which cannot be explained by an organic disorder) are an intriguing phenomenon of human nature. They are also a conceptual, diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for contemporary medicine. Before the work on the most recent edition of the American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5 was finished, somatoform disorders, which are one of the most ambiguous and troubling diagnostic categories, had been discussed. In psychiatry this diagnosis is used with reference to the disorders involving the rechanneling of psychological problems into the sphere of a body, i.e. showing somatic symptoms arising out of neurosis. The discussion has become an opportunity to look into the nature of this group of disorders and specify the way modern psychiatry conceptualizes it. The aim of this article is to illustrate what are somatic symptoms and mention controversial aspects of this diagnosis. It includes the latest information from the scope of epidemiology, comorbidity, therapy as well as individual and social consequences of the discussed phenomenon. Moreover, descriptions of “new” diagnostic criteria according to DSM-5 are provided

    The factor harmful to the quality of human life : shift-work

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    The system of human activity, which is established by genetics and regulated by outer and inner factors, is associated with many characteristics which maintain the body in the best condition and ensure appropriate life quality. Objective. To evaluate of life quality among male shift-workers. Methods: Research based on a self-devised questionnaire, conducted among 700 shift-workers, followed by statistical analysis of the results. Results. Nearly a half of respondents (43.00%) reported that shift-work influences the quality of their family life. Remarkably, such an opinion was often stated by people with children (46.01%) p<0.05, the divorced (58.22%), married people (44.74%) and bachelors (25.33%), respectively. Fathers usually indicated lack of contact with their family as well as irregular consumption of meals (66.91%). Almost every third respondent noted that their shift type of work negatively influence their sexual life (31.14%). Conclusions. It was shown that shift-work negatively influences the respondents’ life quality in the form of deterioration of the quality of family life; the respondents, regardless of marital status, age and having children, most often complained about the lack of contact with the family and irregular eating with them; negative influence on sexual life, which was the case in one-third of respondents. In order to encourage healthy behaviour and increase the quality of life of people performing shift-work, training and programmes should be introduced. These would help shift- workers to adjust their work time to their family and social life


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    Background: The aim of the study was to determine the influence of DRD2 gene polymorphisms in exon 8 G/A (rs 6276) in the promoter region -141 C Ins/Del (rs1799732) and the influence of ANKK-1 gene Taq-1A polymorphism (rs 1800497) on the preference of increasing sucrose concentrations in men with alcohol dependence. Subjects and methods: 63 male patients with alcohol dependence were genotyped for the above polymorphisms. Their preference for increasing sucrose concentrations was tested and their taste intensity perception of sucrose solutions was assessed. The patients were tested with the \u27Sniffin\u27 Sticks\u27 olfactory test. Results: We found a statistically significant association between some alleles of ANKK 1 gene Taq 1A polymorphisms and sucrose preference in the subjects. The A1 Taq 1A allele determined hedonistic response to the two highest concentrations of sucrose. No association was found regarding the other two polymorphisms (in the promoter region and in the exon 8 of the DRD2 gene). Conclusions: Study results suggest Taq-1A polymorphism plays a role in the preference to high concentrations of sucrose and its potential association with alcohol dependence pathogenesis

    Dlaczego farmaceuci proponują zamianę leków?

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    INTRODUCTION: The Article is bringing up the problem of the exchange of prescribed medicines for the recipe for their counterparts in the context of motivation and the reflectiveness of pharmacists participating in this process.MATERIAL AND METHODS: 50 questionnaire forms, get from pharmacists working in pharmacies in Lesser Poland province, in which they were asking for motivation for proposing patients the exchange of medicines for equivalents, perception of anxieties of patients in the discussed situation of the exchange of medicines and the awareness, that pharmacists apart from delivering the specific medicinal product additionally are going up the position of the third participant of the therapeutic relation.RESULTS: Collected data are indicating that, submitting to the proposal the exchange of medicines is a general practice in polled pharmacies. They are most often declared motivations for the exchange of medicines in the equal proportion declared „good of the patient” as well as convincing the pharmacist that the patient is bothered about the minimum price of the medicine. It only recognised the 10% of polled pharmacists that the good of the patient is guaranteed when he receives this medicine which the doctor prescribed exactly.CONCLUSIONS: Achieved results are pointing indirectly at the significant influence of the promotion of medicines for the forming of the motivation system of pharmacists and to their low awareness, that proposing the exchange of medicines actively are joining in the therapeutic relation.WSTĘP: W artykule porusza się problem zamiany leków przepisywanych na receptę na ich odpowiedniki w kontekście motywacji i refleksyjności uczestniczących w tym procesie farmaceutów.MATERIAŁ I METODY: Poddano analizie 50 ankiet, uzyskanych od farmaceutów pracujących w aptekach w Małopolsce, w których pytano o motywację do proponowania pacjentom zamiany leków na odpowiedniki, percepcję obaw pacjentów w omawianej sytuacji zamiany leków oraz świadomość, że farmaceuci poza dostarczaniem określonego „produktu leczniczego” jako sprzedawcy dodatkowo wchodzą na pozycję „trzeciego” uczestnika w proces relacji terapeutycznej.WYNIKI: Uzyskane dane wskazują, że składanie propozycji zamiany leków jest powszechną praktyką w ankietowanych aptekach. Najczęściej deklarowanymi motywacjami do zamiany leków są w równej proporcji deklarowane „dobro pacjenta” oraz przekonanie farmaceuty, że pacjentowi zależy na niższej „cenie leku”. Tylko 10% ankietowanych farmaceutów uznało, że dobro pacjenta zagwarantowane jest wtedy, kiedy otrzyma on dokładnie ten lek, który przepisał lekarz.WNIOSKI: Uzyskane wyniki wskazują pośrednio na istotny wpływ promocji leków na kształtowanie systemu motywacyjnego farmaceutów oraz na ich niską świadomość, że proponując zamianę leków aktywnie włączają się w relację terapeutyczną

    Opinion of representatives of the psycho-oncology community on the lack of coherent systemic solutions on the legal regulation of their profession

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    Introduction. The profession of psycho-oncologist in Poland is not sufficiently regulated by law. Current solutions in the system involve contradictory regulations on obtaining qualifications to practice, which produces in effect systemic chaos and result in limited availability of services provided to oncology patients and their families by practitioners of this demanding profession.  Material and methods. A survey conducted among psycho-oncologists concerning their professional identity was used in order to examine their opinion on the current legal regulations of this profession and the possible consequences of incoherent law solutions. The study used an original anonymous questionnaire entitled Survey on selected aspects of the psycho-oncology profession in the context of its scope and method of legal regulation and the Job Satisfaction Scale questionnaire.  Results. The study showed that the inconsistency in legal regulations may result in restricted access to this profession, indicated doubts concerning the legal credentials required to use the professional title of psycho-oncologist and the lack of symmetry in individual competencies of practitioners with different underlying profession.  Conclusions. The research confirmed the organizational chaos which negatively affects the way psycho-oncologists practice their profession. As a consequence the legislator intervention is required in order to modify the legal regulation of this profession