137 research outputs found

    Analysis of organic and conventional beetroot juice assortment in Warsaw shops and consumer sensory evaluation of selected products

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    Organic food is produced in accordance with strictly defined rules, established by the European Union legislation. Thanks to this is considered to be safer and healthier than produced conventionally. Many studies show that organic products, especially vegetables, fruits and preserves contained more dry matter, vitamin C, vitamin B group, total sugar, indispensable amino acids and mineral compounds. At the same time organic plant products usually have been in general better evaluated in terms of taste and smell than conventional food. The aim of this study was to analyze the assortment of beetroot juice from organic and conventional stores in Warsaw, Poland and consumer sensory evaluation of selected products. Analysis of the products was carried out in grocery stores taking into account the size of usable floor space - large-and small area, and due to the specific origin of the range of products - organic and conventional food stores. The results showed that the market of beetroot juices were diverse - organic producers juices were available mainly in specialist organic stores, and conventional juices were available in all the analyzed places. Consumer sensory evaluation, which was conducted among the students, showed that consumers did not have a explicit preference for the taste, smell, color and consistency of beet juice, due to the origin of the product

    Optimalization of fluorescence in situ hybridization conditions in mare oocytes and mouse embryos

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    The aim of the study was to optimize hybridization conditions of molecular probes specific for X sex chromosomes of the domestic horse in mare oocyte chromosomes. Mare oocytes, recovered from slaughterhouse ovaries by scraping the granulosa layer, were cultured in vitro. Metaphase II mature oocytes were treated with hypotonic solution and fixed, followed by hybridization of the molecular probe specific for the X chromosome of the domestic horse. Hybridization of probes specific for mouse heterosomes on mouse oocytes and early embryos was performed to verify the FISH technique. Of 438 oocytes analysed, 29% reached metaphase II. Despite many changes in the composition of hypotonic solutions and modification of the FISH protocol, the fluorescence signal was observed in mouse oocytes and embryos but not in mare oocytes

    Staropolskie kobiety władzy w oświeceniowych syntezach dziejów ojczystych

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    Praca poświęcona jest staropolskim kobietom władzy w historiografii polskiej doby późnego oświecenia. Autorka zastanawia się nad rolą kobiety w dawnej Polsce (czy miały władzę, czy były wykorzystywane jako jej narzędzie, w jaki sposób je postrzegano, jakie role społeczne posiadały). Wizerunki staropolskich władczyń analizowano z uwzględnieniem kontekstu historyczno-kulturowego okresu zaborów i ogólnych tendencji w historiografii.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Modification of equine sperm chromatin decondensation method to use fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).

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    Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is widely used in the study of chromosome structure and organization. Cytogenetic evaluation of chromosomes using FISH technique plays an increasingly important role in diagnosing karyotype changes in both somatic and reproductive cells. The aim of the study was to optimize the conditions of stallion sperm decondensation, which have a significant effect on the results of fluorescence in situ hybridization. Appropriate type and time of decondensation was chosen for the sperm of every stallion. It was found that decondensation performed using a preparation incubated in DTT solution for 1.5 minutes and in SDS solution for 10 seconds proved effective for stallions no. 1 and 2. An alternative decondensation method performed in an Eppendorf tube, with incubation in DTT solution for 1 minute and in SDS solution for 5 seconds proved effective for stallions no. 3 and 4. Decondensation using DTT and papain solution, a method successfully used for bull spermatozoa, proved inadequate for horse spermatozoa

    Tri „R“ u obrazovanju nakladnika

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    Contemporary teaching should be real, rich and relevant. Changes in this direction that can be observed in higher education in Poland result from the requirements of the job market, students’ expectations, the need to adapt to the goals of the Bologna Process, as well as demands by educators. Considering the declining interest in studying (which is seen especially in the humanities), universities try to present their educational offer in the most attractive way to compete successfully with other universities. All of these changes can be seen on several levels: the decisions of the government, of the universities, faculties and institutes, and in the everyday work of the teachers. The paper describes these problems in relation to publishing education. Websites of universities offering courses on publishing are analyzed and the educational offer of the LIS Institute of the University of Wroclaw is presented in details. Examples of proven methods and useful educational resources and new allies are proposed.Suvremena nastava treba biti stvarna, bogata i relevantna (real, rich, relevant). Promjene u tom smjeru razvidne su u poljskom visokoškolskom obrazovanju, a potaknute su zahtjevima tržišta rada, studentskim očekivanjima, potrebama za usvajanjem ciljeva bolonjskog procesa, te zahtjevima samog nastavnog osoblja. Uzimajući u obzir pad interesa za studiranje (koji je posebno vidljiv u području humanističkih znanosti), sveučilišta nastoje predstaviti svoju obrazovnu ponudu na najatraktivniji način kako bi se uspješnije natjecala s drugim sveučilištima, posebice onima iz područja tehničkih znanosti. Promjene se očituju na nekoliko razina: kroz odluke vlade, sveučilišta, fakulteta i instituta, i u svakodnevnom radu nastavnika. U radu se opisuju navedeni problemi u odnosu na obrazovanje u nakladništvu. Analizirane su mrežne stranice sveučilišta koja nude programe nakladništva te je detaljno predstavljena obrazovna ponuda LIS instituta Sveučilišta Wroclaw. Posebna je pozornost pridana nastavnim metodama i obrazovnim izvorima

    Jak uczyć edytorstwa? Refleksje po I edycji studiów podyplomowych „Nowe technologie w edytorstwie”

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    This article describes a post-graduate course of studies- ‘New technologies in editing’ -that has been running for two years now, as presented by its organizers.  The course’s program has been analyzed, the types of workshops listed.  The participants - the staff and students - have been presented along with their initial expectations and final assessment.  The communication tools have been discussed, i.e: the Internet page,  the course’s e-learning platform, and the Facebook profile.W artykule przedstawiono prowadzone od dwóch lat na Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim studia podyplomowe „Nowe technologie w edytorstwie” z punktu widzenia ich organizatora. Przeanalizowano program studiów, rodzaje zajęć, zaprezentowano kadrę i uczestników I edycji — ich wstępne oczekiwania oraz ocenę końcową. Omówiono także narzędzia komunikowania się ze studentami: stronę internetową studiów, platformę e-learningową, profil na Facebooku

    TLR4 ligation induces expression of APRIL molecule in human neutrophils — a preliminary study

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    In the present study we investigate the consequences of TLR4 activation by LPS for the synthesis of a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL) by human neutrophils (PMNs), and the possible role of the ERK1/2 kinases signaling pathway. In order to make a comparison, the same examinations were carried out on autologous peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). The levels of mRNA for APRIL and TLR4 were measured using the real-time PCR method. Western blot analysis was used to assay the expressions of APRIL and ERK1/2 in cell lysates. We discovered an increased expression of APRIL accompanying the increased expression of TLR4 in the LPS-stimulated PMNs and PBMCs. Furthermore, stimulation with LPS triggered similar changes in phospho-ERK1/2 proteins expression in those cells. The present study suggests that LPS plays a role in TLR4-ligation in APRIL induction through ERK1/2 pathway activation in human neutrophils and mononuclear cells of peripheral blood. The association between TLR4 activation and APRIL expression in examined leukocytes might have important implications for the  mmune response of the host exposed to TLR4 ligands such as LPS

    Leukopenia in kidney transplant patients

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    Przedstawiono przypadek bezobjawowej leukopenii i agranulocytozy u pacjenta w piątym miesiącu potransplantacji nerki. Leukopenia najprawdopodobniej spowodowana była skojarzonym leczeniem walgancyklowirem i mykofenolanem mofetylu.Asymptomatic leukopenia and agranulocytosis in renal transplant recipient, five months after kidney transplantation was reported. The most probable cause was combined therapy with valgancyclovir and myciphenolate mofetil

    Wpływ leczenia operacyjnego na zgłaszane dolegliwości i stan neurologiczny chorych z dyskopatią kręgosłupa

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    Introduction. Treatment of patients with spine discopathy is the subject of interest in numerous medical disciplines and includes non-invasive as well as invasive methods. Both therapeutic ways aim to resolve the disc-root conflict. The clinical picture and the incidence of neurological complications depend on the location of herniated nucleus pulposus.Aim. To determine the influence of surgical treatment on reported ailments and neurological status of patients with spine discopathy.Material and Methods. The study was conducted twice (before and after the surgery) among 188 patients treated surgically due to cervical or lumbosacral spine discopathy. The analysis included: clinical and intraoperative diagnosis, the level of operation, BMI, and neurological status: Laseque’s sign, muscle strength, pain, dysesthesia, sphincter disorders. The results were analyzed by means of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and Statistica 6.0, assuming a significance level of p≤ 0.05.Results. While assessing pain, in the case of L-S discopathy, the majority of patients belonged to group III (34%) and group IV (33.5%). After the operation, 37.8% of patients were classified as group II; in cervical discopathy this percentage was 12.2%. The positive Laseque’s sign before the operation was observed in 68.1% of the subjects; after the surgery in 56%.Dysesthesia in the case of the upper discopathy occurred in 72.9% of the patients, after the surgery in 30.3% (p <0.05).Conclusions. Performed surgery significantly results in reducing pain in patients. The improvement was also noticed in neurological status. (JNNN 2015;4(3):109–116)Wstęp. Leczenie pacjentów z dyskopatią kręgosłupa jest przedmiotem zainteresowania wielu dyscyplin medycznych i obejmujemetody nieinwazyjne oraz inwazyjne. Obydwa sposoby terapeutyczne zmierzają do rozładowania konfliktu dyskowo –korzeniowego. Obraz kliniczny i częstość powikłań neurologicznych zależą od lokalizacji przepukliny jądra miażdżystego.Cel. Określenie wpływu leczenia operacyjnego na zgłaszane dolegliwości i stan neurologiczny badanych z dyskopatią kręgosłupa.Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono dwukrotnie (przed zabiegiem i po operacji) wśród 188 chorych, leczonychoperacyjnie z powodu dyskopatii szyjnej lub lędźwiowo-krzyżowej kręgosłupa. W analizie uwzględniono: rozpoznaniekliniczne i śródoperacyjne, poziom operacji, wskaźnik BMI oraz stan neurologiczny: objaw Laseque´a, siłę mięśniową,ból, zaburzenia czucia, zaburzenia zwieraczy. Wyniki przeprowadzono arkuszem kalkulacyjnym Microsoft Exceli Statistica 6.0, przyjmując poziom istotności p≤ 0.05.Wyniki. Oceniając ból, w przypadku dyskopatii L-S, badani w większości kwalifikowali się do grupy III (34%) orazdo grupy IV (33.5%). Po operacji 37.8% pacjentów zaszeregowano do grupy II; w dyskopatii szyjnej odsetek ten wyniósł 12.2%. Dodatni objaw Laseque´a przed operacją miało 68.1% badanych; po operacji – 56%. Zaburzenia czucia w dyskopatii górnej występowały u 72.9% badanych, po zabiegu u 30.3% pacjentów (p<0.05).Wnioski. Przeprowadzony zabieg operacyjny w istotny sposób wpływa na zmniejszenie dolegliwości bólowych badanych. Poprawa nastąpiła także zakresie stanu neurologicznego. (PNN 2015;4(3):109–116