119 research outputs found

    EGLN1 (egl nine homolog 1 (C. elegans))

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    Review on EGLN1 (egl nine homolog 1 (C. elegans)), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    Prolyl hydroxylase PHD3 activates oxygen-dependent protein aggregation

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    The HIF prolyl hydroxylases (PHDs/EGLNs) are central regulators of the molecular responses to oxygen availability. One isoform, PHD3, is expressed in response to hypoxia and causes apoptosis in oxygenated conditions in neural cells. Here we show that PHD3 forms subcellular aggregates in an oxygen-dependent manner. The aggregation of PHD3 was seen under normoxia and was strongly reduced under hypoxia or by the inactivation of the PHD3 hydroxylase activity. The PHD3 aggregates were dependent on microtubular integrity and contained components of the 26S proteasome, chaperones, and ubiquitin, thus demonstrating features that are characteristic for aggresome-like structures. Forced expression of the active PHD3 induced the aggregation of proteasomal components and activated apoptosis under normoxia in HeLa cells. The apoptosis was seen in cells prone to PHD3 aggregation and the PHD3 aggregation preceded apoptosis. The data demonstrates the cellular oxygen sensor PHD3 as a regulator of protein aggregation in response to varying oxygen availability

    p62/SQSTM1 regulates cellular oxygen sensing by attenuating PHD3 activity through aggregate sequestration and enhanced degradation

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    The hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) prolyl hydroxylase PHD3 regulates cellular responses to hypoxia. In normoxia the expression of PHD3 is low and it occurs in cytosolic aggregates. SQSTM1/p62 (p62) recruits proteins into cytosolic aggregates, regulates metabolism and protein degradation and is downregulated by hypoxia. Here we show that p62 determines the localization, expression and activity of PHD3. In normoxia PHD3 interacted with p62 in cytosolic aggregates, and p62 was required for PHD3 aggregation that was lost upon transfer to hypoxia, allowing PHD3 to be expressed evenly throughout the cell. In line with this, p62 enhanced the normoxic degradation of PHD3. Depletion of p62 in normoxia led to elevated PHD3 levels, whereas forced p62 expression in hypoxia downregulated PHD3. The loss of p62 resulted in enhanced interaction of PHD3 with HIF-alpha and reduced HIF-alpha levels. The data demonstrate p62 is a critical regulator of the hypoxia response and PHD3 activity, by inducing PHD3 aggregation and degradation under normoxia

    HIF prolyl hydroxylase PHD3 regulates translational machinery and glucose metabolism in clear cell renal cell carcinoma

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    Background: A key feature of clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is the inactivation of the von Hippel-Lindau tumour suppressor protein (pVHL) that leads to the activation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway also in well-oxygenated conditions. Important regulator of HIF-a, prolyl hydroxylase PHD3, is expressed in high amounts in ccRCC. Although several functions and downstream targets for PHD3 in cancer have been suggested, the role of elevated PHD3 expression in ccRCC is not clear.Methods: To gain insight into the functions of high PHD3 expression in ccRCC, we used PHD3 knockdown by siRNA in 786-O cells under normoxic and hypoxic conditions and performed discovery mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) of the purified peptide samples. The LC-MS/MS results were analysed by label- free quantification of proteome data using a peptide-level expression-change averaging procedure and subsequent gene ontology enrichment analysis.Results: Our data reveals an intriguingly widespread effect of PHD3 knockdown with 91 significantly regulated proteins. Under hypoxia, the response to PHD3 silencing was wider than under normoxia illustrated by both the number of regulated proteins and by the range of protein expression levels. The main cellular functions regulated by PHD3 expression were glucose metabolism, protein translation and messenger RNA (mRNA) processing. PHD3 silencing led to downregulation of most glycolytic enzymes from glucose transport to lactate production supported by the reduction in extracellular acidification and lactate production and increase in cellular oxygen consumption rate. Moreover, upregulation of mRNA processing-related proteins and alteration in a number of ribosomal proteins was seen as a response to PHD3 silencing. Further studies on upstream effectors of the translational machinery revealed a possible role for PHD3 in regulation of mTOR pathway signalling.Conclusions: Our findings suggest crucial involvement of PHD3 in the maintenance of key cellular functions including glycolysis and protein synthesis in ccRCC

    Interactive effects of ambient fine particulate matter and ozone on daily mortality in 372 cities: two stage time series analysis

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    Objective To investigate potential interactive effects of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone (O3) on daily mortality at global level. Design Two stage time series analysis. Setting 372 cities across 19 countries and regions. Population Daily counts of deaths from all causes, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disease. Main outcome measure Daily mortality data during 1994-2020. Stratified analyses by co-pollutant exposures and synergy index (>1 denotes the combined effect of pollutants is greater than individual effects) were applied to explore the interaction between PM2.5 and O3 in association with mortality. Results During the study period across the 372 cities, 19.3 million deaths were attributable to all causes, 5.3 million to cardiovascular disease, and 1.9 million to respiratory disease. The risk of total mortality for a 10 μg/m3 increment in PM2.5 (lag 0-1 days) ranged from 0.47% (95% confidence interval 0.26% to 0.67%) to 1.25% (1.02% to 1.48%) from the lowest to highest fourths of O3 concentration; and for a 10 μg/m3 increase in O3 ranged from 0.04% (−0.09% to 0.16%) to 0.29% (0.18% to 0.39%) from the lowest to highest fourths of PM2.5 concentration, with significant differences between strata (P for interaction <0.001). A significant synergistic interaction was also identified between PM2.5 and O3 for total mortality, with a synergy index of 1.93 (95% confidence interval 1.47 to 3.34). Subgroup analyses showed that interactions between PM2.5 and O3 on all three mortality endpoints were more prominent in high latitude regions and during cold seasons. Conclusion The findings of this study suggest a synergistic effect of PM2.5 and O3 on total, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality, indicating the benefit of coordinated control strategies for both pollutants

    Fundamental movement skills are more than run, throw and catch: The role of stability skills.

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    Introduction In motor development literature fundamental movement skills are divided into three constructs: locomotive, object control and stability skills. Most fundamental movement skills research has focused on children's competency in locomotor and object control skills. The first aim of this study was to validate a test battery to assess the construct of stability skills, in children aged 6 to 10 (M age = 8.2, SD = 1.2). Secondly we assessed how the stability skills construct fitted into a model of fundamental movement skill. Method The Delphi method was used to select the stability skill battery. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to assess if the skills loaded onto the same construct and a new model of FMS was developed using structural equation modelling. Results Three postural control tasks were selected (the log roll, rock and back support) because they had good face and content validity. These skills also demonstrated good predictive validity with gymnasts scoring significantly better than children without gymnastic training and children from a high SES school performing better than those from a mid and low SES schools and the mid SES children scored better than the low SES children (all p < .05). Inter rater reliability tests were excellent for all three skills (ICC = 0.81, 0.87, 0.87) as was test retest reliability (ICC 0.87-0.95). CFA provided good construct validity, and structural equation modelling revealed stability skills to be an independent factor in an overall FMS model which included locomotor (r = .88), object control (r = .76) and stability skills (r = .81). Discussion This study provides a rationale for the inclusion of stability skills in FMS assessment. The stability skills could be used alongside other FMS assessment tools to provide a holistic assessment of children's fundamental movement skills. Copyright

    1, 9-Pyrazoloanthrones Downregulate HIF-1α and Sensitize Cancer Cells to Cetuximab-Mediated Anti-EGFR Therapy

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    Cetuximab, a monoclonal antibody that blocks the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), is currently approved for the treatment of several types of solid tumors. We previously showed that cetuximab can inhibit hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) protein synthesis by inhibiting the activation of EGFR downstream signaling pathways including Erk, Akt, and mTOR. 1, 9-pyrazoloanthrone (1, 9 PA) is an anthrapyrazolone compound best known as SP600125 that specifically inhibits c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). Here, we report 1, 9 PA can downregulate HIF-1α independently of its inhibition of JNK. This downregulatory effect was abolished when the oxygen-dependent domain (ODD) of HIF-1α (HIF-1α-ΔODD, the domain responsible for HIF-1α degradation) was experimentally deleted or when the activity of HIF-1α prolyl hydroxylase (PHD) or the 26S proteasomal complex was inhibited, indicating that the 1, 9 PA downregulates HIF-1α by promoting PHD-dependent HIF-1α degradation. We found that the combination of 1, 9 PA and cetuximab worked synergistically to induce apoptosis in cancer cells in which cetuximab or 1, 9 PA alone had no or only weak apoptotic activity. This synergistic effect was substantially decreased in cancer cells transfected with HIF-1α-ΔODD, indicating that downregulation of HIF-1α was the mechanism of this synergistic effect. More importantly, 1, 9 PA can downregulate HIF-1α in cancer cells that are insensitive to cetuximab-induced inhibition of HIF-1α expression due to overexpression of oncogenic Ras (RasG12V). Our findings suggest that 1, 9 PA is a lead compound of a novel class of drugs that may be used to enhance the response of cancer cells to cetuximab through a complementary effect on the downregulation of HIF-1α

    Exposure to animals and risk of oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a multicenter case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An inverse association between early contact with microbial compounds and respiratory allergies is well established. The protective effect of infant contact with animals was also shown for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We aimed to test the association between animal contact in infancy and oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (OA JIA).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Parents of children with OA JIA registered at the Hospital for Pediatric Rheumatology in Garmisch-Partenkirchen were asked to complete a questionnaire. Children who underwent strabismus surgery at six referral centers for ophthalmology served as controls. Children age 6 to 18 years born in Germany without malformations were included (238 cases; response 89% and 832 controls; response 86%). Data were analyzed using logistic regression models after adjusting for potential confounders.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Neither place of living (urban vs. rural area), living on a farm, nor regular farm animal (adjusted odds ratio 0.79; 95% confidence interval 0.42-1.47) or pet contact (0.79; 0.55-1.14) during infancy were clearly related to case status. Allergic rhinitis was inversely related to OA JIA (0.57; 0.34-0.95).</p> <p>Neither place of living (urban vs. rural area), living on a farm, nor regular farm animal (adjusted odds ratio 0.79; 95% confidence interval 0.42-1.47) or pet contact (0.79; 0.55-1.14) during infancy were related to case status. Allergic rhinitis was inversely related to OA JIA (0.57; 0.34-0.95).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Contact with farm environments in infancy might not be associated with OA JIA. This finding is consistent with previous findings for diabetes mellitus type 1 but contradicts results for IBD and SLE.</p

    Genetic variants in FGFR2 and FGFR4 genes and skin cancer risk in the Nurses' Health Study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The human fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and its receptor (FGFR) play an important role in tumorigenesis. Deregulation of the <it>FGFR2 </it>gene has been identified in a number of cancer sites. Overexpression of the <it>FGFR4 </it>protein has been linked to cutaneous melanoma progression. Previous studies reported associations between genetic variants in the <it>FGFR2 </it>and <it>FGFR4 </it>genes and development of various cancers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We evaluated the associations of four genetic variants in the <it>FGFR2 </it>gene highly related to breast cancer risk and the three common tag-SNPs in the <it>FGFR4 </it>gene with skin cancer risk in a nested case-control study of Caucasians within the Nurses' Health Study (NHS) among 218 melanoma cases, 285 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cases, 300 basal cell carcinoma (BCC) cases, and 870 controls.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found no evidence for associations between these seven genetic variants and the risks of melanoma and nonmelanocytic skin cancer.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Given the power of this study, we did not detect any contribution of genetic variants in the <it>FGFR2 </it>or <it>FGFR4 </it>genes to inherited predisposition to skin cancer among Caucasian women.</p

    Joint effect of heat and air pollution on mortality in 620 cities of 36 countries

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    Background The epidemiological evidence on the interaction between heat and ambient air pollution on mortality is still inconsistent. Objectives To investigate the interaction between heat and ambient air pollution on daily mortality in a large dataset of 620 cities from 36 countries. Methods We used daily data on all-cause mortality, air temperature, particulate matter ≤ 10 μm (PM10), PM ≤ 2.5 μm (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and ozone (O3) from 620 cities in 36 countries in the period 1995–2020. We restricted the analysis to the six consecutive warmest months in each city. City-specific data were analysed with over-dispersed Poisson regression models, followed by a multilevel random-effects meta-analysis. The joint association between air temperature and air pollutants was modelled with product terms between non-linear functions for air temperature and linear functions for air pollutants. Results We analyzed 22,630,598 deaths. An increase in mean temperature from the 75th to the 99th percentile of city-specific distributions was associated with an average 8.9 % (95 % confidence interval: 7.1 %, 10.7 %) mortality increment, ranging between 5.3 % (3.8 %, 6.9 %) and 12.8 % (8.7 %, 17.0 %), when daily PM10 was equal to 10 or 90 μg/m3, respectively. Corresponding estimates when daily O3 concentrations were 40 or 160 μg/m3 were 2.9 % (1.1 %, 4.7 %) and 12.5 % (6.9 %, 18.5 %), respectively. Similarly, a 10 μg/m3 increment in PM10 was associated with a 0.54 % (0.10 %, 0.98 %) and 1.21 % (0.69 %, 1.72 %) increase in mortality when daily air temperature was set to the 1st and 99th city-specific percentiles, respectively. Corresponding mortality estimate for O3 across these temperature percentiles were 0.00 % (-0.44 %, 0.44 %) and 0.53 % (0.38 %, 0.68 %). Similar effect modification results, although slightly weaker, were found for PM2.5 and NO2. Conclusions Suggestive evidence of effect modification between air temperature and air pollutants on mortality during the warm period was found in a global dataset of 620 cities.Massimo Stafoggia, Francesca K. de’ Donato, Masna Rai and Alexandra Schneider were partially supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Project Exhaustion (Grant ID: 820655). Jan Kyselý and Aleš Urban were supported by the Czech Science Foundation project (22-24920S). Joana Madureira was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) (grant SFRH/BPD/115112/2016). Masahiro Hashizume was supported by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) as part of SICORP, Grant Number JPMJSC20E4. Noah Scovronick was supported by the NIEHS-funded HERCULES Center (P30ES019776). South African Data were provided by Statistics South Africa, which did not have any role in conducting the study. Antonio Gasparrini was supported by the Medical Research Council-UK (Grants ID: MR/V034162/1 and MR/R013349/1), the Natural Environment Research Council UK (Grant ID: NE/R009384/1), and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Project Exhaustion (Grant ID: 820655)